2 research outputs found

    Types of expository writing on the headline news of aljazeera.com

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    ABSTRACT Expository writing is one of writing types that give explanation about something in detail. This research uses Smalley, Rueten, and Kozyrev’s theory of expository writing in analyzing the data founded. Smalley, Rueten, and Kozyrev have classified the types of expository into five classifications: example essay, comparison and contrast, classification, process analysis, and cause-and-effect. This research has two research problems; those are what are the types of expository writing used in the headlines news of Aljazeera.com, and how are the expository writings presented in the headlines news of Aljazeera.com. Then, the objective of this research is to identify the types of expository writing used in Aljazeera.com and to describe how the expository writings are presented in the headlines news of Aljazeera.com. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method. Using descriptive method in this research because this data is in the form of articles and when discussing it the researcher uses words. This researcher uses qualitative because this research is conducted to understand a phenomenon, exactly the phenomenon of the using of expository writing in the headlines news of Aljazeera.com. In finding the researcher has founded several types of expository writing such as example essay, classification, process analysis, and cause and effect. The researcher has not found the data belongs to comparison and contrast types of expository. Besides, the researcher has understood how the expository writings are presented by the writer of the headlines news of Aljazeera.com. Most of data have been well written. Whereas, there are several of data that are unwell structured, such as there is no concluding paragraph in a datum. The researcher realizes that the data are not academic writing; therefore sometimes the writing is unwell structured. Generally, the expository writing written by the writer of the headlines news of Aljazeera.com has been successful in conveying the idea

    Hubungan Antara Rasio Platelet-Limfosit dengan Derajat Keparahan berdasarkan Status Gizi, Gambaran Radiologi, dan Manifestasi Ekstraparu pada Tuberkulosis Anak

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    Tuberkulosis (TB) merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan global yang menjadi perhatian. terbukti dengan tingginya angka kejadian, mortalitas, dan biaya kesehatan yang dibutuhkan untuk menangani pasien Tuberkulosis. Platelet Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR) adalah penanda prognostik baru yang mengintegrasikan prediksi risiko dua parameter, yaitu trombosit dan limfosit, dan umumnya digunakan sebagai penanda jalur agregasi dan inflamasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara PLR dengan derajat keparahan pada pasien TB anak berdasarkan status gizi, gambaran radiologi, dan manifestasi ekstraparu. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional yang diambil menggunakan teknik consecutive sampling. Didapatkan 38 pasien Tuberkulosis anak yang berobat di Rumah Sakit dr. Saiful Anwar pada bulan Juli-Desember 2020. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara PLR dengan status gizi(p=0.819), gambaran radiologi(p=0.366), dan manifestasi ekstraparu (p=0.118). Akan tetapi didapatkan kecenderungan peningkatan platelet dan limfosit pada pasien TB dengan status gizi buruk, dan gambaran radiologi berat. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah tidak ada hubungan antara nilai PLR dengan derajat keparahan berdasarkan status gizi, gambaran radiologis, dan manifestasi ekstraparu pada pasien Tuberkulosis ana