1,544 research outputs found

    Patient Safety Applications for Improving Health Care Quality

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    Patient safety is the fundamental thing that needs to be taken care of by medical staff when giving healthcare to patient especially in the Emergency Installation. PKU Muhammadiyah Public Hospital at Bantul has implemented Patient safety well in providing services for patients. Expected to be a reference for other hospitals to implement Patient safety as well as efforts to improve the quality of health services, but do not close the possibility there were still some deficiencies that could be made a suggestion for the PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul Hospital. There for researchers interested to review more detail how application of Patient safetyin Emergency Installation PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul Public Hospital in 2014. This research was qualitative observational study, using research subjects: The Head of the medical service, 1 Officer of Emergency Installation, the head of disaster management, 1 medical doctor, 1 nurse, and 4 patients that were taken with inclusion criteria: getting inpatient class III Hospitals in Yogyakarta, have inpatient more than 1 day. All the input items on the application of patient safety which include facilities, equipment, drugs, procedures, and activities of officers at Emergency Installation at PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul Hospital, as well as the application process is in compliance with the Guidelines of Observation Guidelines Patient Safety 2008 Survey and Guidelines for Accreditation of Hospital Emergency Services Specific Guidelines (revised edition 2007), ACT No. 44 Hospital in 2009, and patient safety procedures 2008. Patient perceived output includes five dimensions of quality (Tangible, Reliable, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy) all have the same perception of good and satisfying. Application on standard input, process and output is suit with Observation Guidelines for Patient Safety 2008 Survey and Guidelines for Accreditation of Hospital Emergency Services Specific Guidelines (revised edition 2007), ACT No. 44 Hospital in 2009, and patient safety procedures 2008


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    Linguistik London atau linguistik aliran Firthian merupakan salah satu aliran linguistik yang cukup berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan linguistik secara umum. Aliran linguistik London pada awalnya menitik beratkan bidang fonetik dan fonologi. Dalam perkembangannya, konteks situasi, fonologi prosodi, dan kolokasi juga menjadi kajiannya. Pengaruh aliran Firthian terhadap Germanistik tampak pada tataran morfologi dan fonologi prosodi. Pada mulanya, pembahasan morfologi dalam Germanistik pada zaman itu dititikberatkan pada korespondensi sistematis antara bentuk dan makna, tetapi kemudian seiring perkembangan linguistik juga dibahas secara fonologis dan secara khusus pada aspek prosodi. Kiranya, dapat dicermati juga pengaruh-pengaruh lainnya untuk melengkapi informasi sebelumnya oleh para Germanisten atau pemerhati Germanistik


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    The goal of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) means a situation in which all individuals and communities have access to health services, whenever and wherever they need them, without financial barriers to obtaining them. UHC covers a wide range of essential health services, from promotion, prevention, treatment, care, rehabilitation, and palliative care for patients with chronic diseases. On the other hand, the COVID-19 Pandemic is devastating national health systems in countries that have strived to provide UHC, hampering their efforts to fulfill the ethos of universal health coverage, which is to "leave no one behind." As mentioned in the World Economic Forum 2021, this issue is interesting because an estimated 400 million people worldwide lack access to essential health services. Approximately 100 million people fall into poverty each year due to not paying their health costs. This number has increased with COVID-19 and will continue to up as people lose their jobs, health insurance, and health spending rise due to COVID-19-related spending on testing, treatment, and vaccines

    Analysis of Patient Satisfaction at Outpatient Installation in the Hospitals: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Background: A hospital is a public facility that offers services to improve individual health status. One of the services offered by the hospital is an outpatient installation. As healthcare institutions, hospitals need to optimize their quality to ensure patient satisfaction with outpatient services. Method: This research is a systematic literature review that contains reviews of several studies using the PRISMA method. Related articles carry out by https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/journals/index/page. Inclusion criteria are the research articles must be published between the years 2018-2023, journals indexed by SINTA 1 or 2, and research subjects who were undergoing outpatient care at hospitals in Indonesia. There were 6 research articles that were close to the inclusion criteria and were determined to be the study material in this study. Results: The results of studies found that the quality of hospital services significantly influences the level of patient satisfaction. The dimensions of satisfaction including tangible, reliability, assurance, responsiveness, and empathy have a significant influence on patient satisfaction, so hospital management should be able to fulfill the five dimensions of satisfaction. Efforts can be made to improve quality by identifying indicators of patient expectations and needs regarding comfort when accessing outpatient services at hospitals Conclusion: Assessment of patient needs can be evaluated by satisfaction surveys or by providing compliant services centers. Thus, the patient's expectations can be used as an improvisational study in optimizing available facilities, the reliability, and responsiveness of officers, as well as the attitude shown by officers toward outpatients at the hospital


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    Messier adalah nama lain dari sebutan galaksi, yang memiliki arti kumpulan ribuan juta bintang. Tujuan penelitian adalah sebagai berikut: 1) untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan printing dengan motif galaxy 2), mengetahui proses penerapan aplikasi printing motif galaxy pada busana pesta malam, 3) hasil jadi penerapan teknik printing motif galaxy pada busana pesta malam. Metode rekayasa meliputi sumber ide, rencana bahan, dan pembuatan desain. Proses pembuatan motif galaxy dengan teknik printing diawali dengan pemilihan desain inspirasi gambar galaksi bima sakti dan suasana langit pada malam hari. Proses penerapan aplikasi printing pada busana pesta meliputi membentuk kain yang telah diprinting menjadi lingkara dan menempelkannya pada rok dibawah pinggang. Selanjutnya menambah hiasan manik-manik pada permukaan printing mengikuti motif galaxy dengan warna yang bergradasi sehingga membentuk animasi galaksi bima sakti seperti 3D. Hasil jadi busana pesta malam messier dengan menerapkan Teknik digital printing jenis sublime menghasilkan busana pesta yang elegan dan terlihat nyata sesuai dengan desain serta ciri-ciri pada sumber ide. Messier is another name for the galaxy, which means a collection of thousands of millions of stars. The research objectives are as follows: 1) to find out the process of making printing with galaxy motifs 2), knowing the application process of applying galaxy motif printing on eveningwear, 3) the results of the application of galaxy motif printing techniques on eveningwear design. The method includes a source of ideas, material plans, and design making. The process of making galaxy motifs with printing techniques begins with the selection of inspirational designs of the Milky Way galaxy and the atmosphere of the sky at night. Applying the printing to eveningwear involves forming fabric that has been printed into a circle and attaching it to a skirt under the waist. Furthermore, adding decorative beads on the printing surface follows the galaxy motif with gradations of color in the shape of the Milky Way galaxy like 3D. The results become messier evening party fashion by applying the sublime digital printing technique to produce an elegant party dress that looks real according to the design and characteristics of the source of ideas

    Cross-Cultural Aspects of Family Theme in Learning German as a Foreign Language for Grade XI Senior High School

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    This research aims to describe the cross-cultural aspects of the Familie theme in learning German and its implementation in learning German for XI grade of Senior High School. This research method used literature review: German curriculum for high school, syllabus, lesson plans, German language textbooks for A1 level high school, books, research results, and articles related to the use of intercultural learning methods. Then, all research data are grouped in tabular form, summarized and narrated. The results showed that the cross-cultural aspects studied in learning German for  XI gradecontained in Familie theme consisted of the sub-themes Familienaktivitäten, Familienstammbaum, Familienalbum, and Familienname. Cross-cultural aspects could be implemented in learning German in  XI grade Senior High School with three methods, they are discussion method, the comparing and commenting method, and the Stationenlernen method. Among the three methods, comparing and commenting methods are recommended to be implemented in learning German in XI grade of Senior High School


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    This article investigates Al-Irsyad contribution with transnational approach especially in tracing social cultural community of Indonesia in the context of Tegal. In this article, authors focus on Al-Irsyad established in 1914 by Ahmad Surkati (1876-1943) who had an important role in the Islamic reformation movement in the early twentieth century in Indonesia. His intellectual views and religion-politics stressing the equality of all Muslims. Protesting against the privileged position of the sayyids in Indonesia, he founded the new organization Jam’iyyat al-Irsyad which was to become a leading modernist organization. Al-Irsyad contribution in social and education aspects in Tegal becomes the discussion in this article. The authors used qualitative method by doing interview and observation. Deliar Noer said that social movement of Al-Irsyad is counted as an Islamic modern movement. The result of this research shows that Al-Irsyad movement gives positive contribution towards the society in social and education aspects in Tegal

    Errors in the Formation of Präteritum for Regular and Irregular Verbs in Student's Essays in Aufsatz II Course State University of Malang

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    This study aims to describe the errors in the formation of Präteritum for regular and irregular verbs in student essays in Aufsatz II course and the factors that cause them. The data were collected using documentation and questionnaire techniques, then the data were analyzed using a qualitative descriptive approach. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that there were still many Offering A students class 2017 who had difficulties and made mistakes in forming Präteritum for regular verbs (regelmäβiges Verb) and irregular verbs (unregelmäβiges Verb) when writing essays. Factors causing students to make errors in the formation of Präteritum in essays in the Aufsatz II course include: (1) lack of understanding of the use of Präteritum for regular and irregular verbs, (2) lack of understanding of the formation of Präteritum for regular and irregular verbs, and (3 ) forgot the rules for forming Präteritum, especially for irregular verbs
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