36 research outputs found

    Regenerasi Tanaman Sedap Malam Melalui Organogenesis dan Embriogenesis Somatik

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    Secara konvensional perbanyakan tanaman sedap malam dilakukan melalui umbi. Semakin kecil ukuran umbi semakin lama tanaman berbunga. Penerapan teknik kultur in vitro diharapkan dapat membantu perbanyakan tanaman secara masal. Hingga saat ini, teknik kultur in vitro tanaman sedap malam belum pernah dilaporkan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh formulasi media yang efektif menginduksi organogenesis dan embriogenesis kultur in vitro tanaman sedap malam serta memacu regenerasinya. Percobaan dibagi menjadi 4 tahap, yaitu (1) induksi tunas, (2) multiplikasi tunas, (3) induksi kalus embriogenik, dan (4) regenerasi kalus embriogenik. Media induksi tunas yang diuji adalah MS+BA 0 ppm, MS+BA 3 ppm, MS+BA 5 ppm, dan MS+BA 7 ppm. Pemacuan multiplikasi tunas lanjut dilakukan pada media subkultur MS+BA 7 ppm+glutamin 100 ppm, MS+BA 7 ppm, DKW+TDZ 7 ppm, dan DKW+TDZ 7 ppm+glutamin 100 ppm. Untuk induksi kalus embriogenik, media induksi kalus yang diujikan adalah MS+2,4-D 2,5 ppm, MS +2,4-D 5 ppm, dan MS+2,4-D 10 ppm. Untuk meregenerasikan kalus embriogenik, media yang diujikan MS+BA 2 ppm+TDZ 0,2 ppm, MS+BA 3 ppm+TDZ 0,4 ppm, MS+zeatin 1ppm+kinetin 1ppm, dan MS+zeatin 0,5 ppm+kinetin 2 ppm. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa pembentukan tunas terbanyak diperoleh dari media BA 3 ppm (80%) namun inisiasi tunas tercepat dihasilkan pada media BA 0 ppm. Formula media MS+BA 7 ppm+glutamin 100 ppm menghasilkan jumlah tunas dan akar terbanyak. Penggunaan MS+2,4-D 5 ppm dapat menginduksi kalus embriogenik dengan persentase pembentukan nodul sebesar 18,75% dan jumlah nodul yang terbentuk sebanyak 3,6 dengan visual kalus yang paling baik. Setelah disubkultur, calon tunas terbanyak (17) dihasilkan dari perlakuan MS+BA 2 ppm+TDZ 0,4 ppm. Kalus embriogenik pada media MS+zeatin 0,5 ppm+kinetin 2 ppm dapat berkembang membentuk benih somatik.Regeneration of tuberose through organogenesis and embryogenesis. Tuberose is normally propagated by the tuber. The smaller size of tuber the longer time plant to flower. The application of in vitro culture technique might be used for mass propagation. Up to know, the research of in vitro culture of tuberose in Indonesia has not been reported. The objective of the study was to find out media formulation for organogenesis and embryogenesis. The experiments consisted of 4 steps of (1) shoot induction, (2) shoot multiplication, (3) induction of embryogenic callus, and (4) regeneration of embryogenic callus. The treatments for shoot induction were MS+BA 0 ppm, MS+BA 3 ppm, MS+BA 5 ppm, and MS+BA 7 ppm. The shoots were multiplied on media MS+BA 7ppm+glutamine 100ppm, MS+BA 7 ppm, DKW+TDZ 7 ppm, and DKW+TDZ 7 ppm+glutamin 100 ppm. For induction of embryogenic callus, the treatments were MS+2.4-D 2.5 ppm, MS+2,4-D 5 ppm, and MS+2.4-D 10 ppm. For regeneration of embryogenic callus, the treatments were MS+BA 2 ppm+TDZ 0.2 ppm, MS+BA 3 ppm +TDZ 0.4 ppm, MS+zeatin 1ppm+kinetin 1ppm, and MS+zeatin 0.5 ppm+kinetin 2 ppm. The results showed that the highest shoot formation was obtained from media MS+BA 3 ppm but the earliest shoot initiation was obtained from media MS+BA 0 ppm. The media formulation of MS+BA 7 ppm+glutamine 100 ppm gave the highest number of shoot and root. The application of media MS+2.4-D 5 ppm could induce embryogenic callus with high percentage of nodul formation (18.75%) and high number of nodul (3.6) with the best visual calli. After subculturing, the highest number of nodul (17) was obtained from media MS+BA 2 ppm+TDZ 0.4 ppm. The embryogenic callus from media MS+zeatin 0.5 ppm+kinetin 2 ppm could develop to form somatic seed

    Regenerasi Tanaman Sedap Malam melalui Organogenesis dan Embriogenesis Somatik

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    Secara konvensional perbanyakan tanaman sedap malam dilakukan melalui umbi. Semakin kecil ukuran umbi semakin lama tanaman berbunga. Penerapan teknik kultur in vitro diharapkan dapat membantu perbanyakan tanaman secara masal. Hingga saat ini, teknik kultur in vitro tanaman sedap malam belum pernah dilaporkan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh formulasi media yang efektif menginduksi organogenesis dan embriogenesis kultur in vitro tanaman sedap malam serta memacu regenerasinya. Percobaan dibagi menjadi 4 tahap, yaitu (1) induksi tunas, (2) multiplikasi tunas, (3) induksi kalus embriogenik, dan (4) regenerasi kalus embriogenik. Media induksi tunas yang diuji adalah MS+BA 0 ppm, MS+BA 3 ppm, MS+BA 5 ppm, dan MS+BA 7 ppm. Pemacuan multiplikasi tunas lanjut dilakukan pada media subkultur MS+BA 7 ppm+glutamin 100 ppm, MS+BA 7 ppm, DKW+TDZ 7 ppm, dan DKW+TDZ 7 ppm+glutamin 100 ppm. Untuk induksi kalus embriogenik, media induksi kalus yang diujikan adalah MS+2,4-D 2,5 ppm, MS +2,4-D 5 ppm, dan MS+2,4-D 10 ppm. Untuk meregenerasikan kalus embriogenik, media yang diujikan MS+BA 2 ppm+TDZ 0,2 ppm, MS+BA 3 ppm+TDZ 0,4 ppm, MS+zeatin 1ppm+kinetin 1ppm, dan MS+zeatin 0,5 ppm+kinetin 2 ppm. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa pembentukan tunas terbanyak diperoleh dari media BA 3 ppm (80%) namun inisiasi tunas tercepat dihasilkan pada media BA 0 ppm. Formula media MS+BA 7 ppm+glutamin 100 ppm menghasilkan jumlah tunas dan akar terbanyak. Penggunaan MS+2,4-D 5 ppm dapat menginduksi kalus embriogenik dengan persentase pembentukan nodul sebesar 18,75% dan jumlah nodul yang terbentuk sebanyak 3,6 dengan visual kalus yang paling baik. Setelah disubkultur, calon tunas terbanyak (17) dihasilkan dari perlakuan MS+BA 2 ppm+TDZ 0,4 ppm. Kalus embriogenik pada media MS+zeatin 0,5 ppm+kinetin 2 ppm dapat berkembang membentuk benih somatik.Regeneration of tuberose through organogenesis and embryogenesis. Tuberose is normally propagated by the tuber. The smaller size of tuber the longer time plant to flower. The application of in vitro culture technique might be used for mass propagation. Up to know, the research of in vitro culture of tuberose in Indonesia has not been reported. The objective of the study was to find out media formulation for organogenesis and embryogenesis. The experiments consisted of 4 steps of (1) shoot induction, (2) shoot multiplication, (3) induction of embryogenic callus, and (4) regeneration of embryogenic callus. The treatments for shoot induction were MS+BA 0 ppm, MS+BA 3 ppm, MS+BA 5 ppm, and MS+BA 7 ppm. The shoots were multiplied on media MS+BA 7ppm+glutamine 100ppm, MS+BA 7 ppm, DKW+TDZ 7 ppm, and DKW+TDZ 7 ppm+glutamin 100 ppm. For induction of embryogenic callus, the treatments were MS+2.4-D 2.5 ppm, MS+2,4-D 5 ppm, and MS+2.4-D 10 ppm. For regeneration of embryogenic callus, the treatments were MS+BA 2 ppm+TDZ 0.2 ppm, MS+BA 3 ppm +TDZ 0.4 ppm, MS+zeatin 1ppm+kinetin 1ppm, and MS+zeatin 0.5 ppm+kinetin 2 ppm. The results showed that the highest shoot formation was obtained from media MS+BA 3 ppm but the earliest shoot initiation was obtained from media MS+BA 0 ppm. The media formulation of MS+BA 7 ppm+glutamine 100 ppm gave the highest number of shoot and root. The application of media MS+2.4-D 5 ppm could induce embryogenic callus with high percentage of nodul formation (18.75%) and high number of nodul (3.6) with the best visual calli. After subculturing, the highest number of nodul (17) was obtained from media MS+BA 2 ppm+TDZ 0.4 ppm. The embryogenic callus from media MS+zeatin 0.5 ppm+kinetin 2 ppm could develop to form somatic seed


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    This research aims to look at how to improve the role of educators in the learning process, especially through Paulo Freire's problematic education concept. As it can achieve the expected goals in the learning process, the role of educators is very important. This study employs a qualitative method with a descriptive design in which it provides a careful description of certain individuals or groups about the conditions and symptoms that occur. In this study, the author uses data techniques based on analyzing the thoughts, biographies, and especially in the concept of problems with the perspective of Paulo Freire descriptively. Traditional methods are still widely used by educators today who are lacking in the learning process, which according to Paulo Freire is called the concept of bank style or the existence of oppression of students, with educators as the dominating party, and arguably are the same direction as students. In this case, the author uses the concept of Education Against Problems to streamline the learning process that can be used to achieve a goal.  The educator along with the learner is placed as an educational subject who knows himself, in order to achieve more knowledge in the form of purity and knowledge as an object. Therefore both parties are in the same position as learners, and interact in providing knowledge information in a straight line.

    Pengaruh Berbagai Imbangan Energi-protein Ransum Silase Ikan terhadap Efisiensi Pakan pada Ikan Jambal Siam (Pangasius Hypophtalmus Sauvage)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh berbagai imbanganenergi protein pada ransum yang mengandung silase ikan terhadap efisiensiprotein dan energi ikan jambal siam (Pangasius hypophtalmus SAUVAGE) stadiamuda . hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi protein pakan kontrol, yaitupellet komersial (protein 25% energi 3300 kkal) menghasikan efisiensi proteintertinggi, tetapi tidak memperlihatkan perbedaan yang nyata dengan perlakuanransum yang mengandung silase 75% (protein 36,50%; energi 2953 kkal) dansilase 50% (protein 26,17%; energi 2827 kkal). Efisiensi protein perlakuanransum yang mengandung silase 25% (protein 16,26%; energi 2700 kkal) sangatnyata lebih rendah dibanding ketiga perlakuan lainnya. Rendahnya efisiensiprotein tersebut disebabkan oleh kandungan protein yang tidak mencukupikebutuan, dan serat kasar yang melebihi batas penggunaan. Penggunaan energiyang paling efisien diperoleh pada ikan yang mendapat perlakuan silase 25%,kemudian diikuti silase 50%, pellet komersial, dan silase 75%, tetapi masingmasingperlakuan tidak memperlihatkan perbedaan yang nyata. Peningkatanefisiensi protein dan energi dari ransum yang mengandung silase ikan 25%,kemudian silase 50%, dan silase 75% tersebut seiring dengan meningkatnyapenggunaan silase ikan dan menurunnya imbangan energi-protein dari 16,6 padaransum yang mengandung silase ikan 25% menjadi 8,18 kkal/g protein padaransum yang mengandung silase ikan 75%. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwaprotein merupakan zat gizi utama pada ikan jambal siam stadia muda

    Pemberian Daun Crotalaria USAramoensis sebagai Sumber Protein Ransum Burung Puyuh Periode Grower terhadap Energi Metabolis, Retensi Nitrogen dan Efisiensi Ransum

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of leaf C.USAramoensis with different percentage rate period quail grower diet for metabolicenergy, protein retention and diet efficiency. The material used in the study werefemale quail age of three weeks with an average body weight of 49,55 g ± 2.69with the amount 100 quail. Diet composed of three materials consist of wheat leafC. USAramoensis, concentrate of Charoen Pokpand and yellow corn. Diet researchcompiled by ± 24% protein content and metabolic energy ± 3000 kcal / kg. Thedesign used was completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 5replications and 5 tail quail for each experimental unit. Treatment research is T0(diet without leaf C. USAramoensis), T1 (diet with 3% leaf C. USAramoensis), T2(diet with 6% with leaf C. USAramoensis) and T3 (diet with 9% with leaf C.USAramoensis). Parameters measured were diet consumption, body weight,metabolic energy, nitrogen retention and diet efficiency. Processing data usinganalysis of variance to determine the effect of various treatments. The resultsshowed no significant difference (P> 0.05) due to the provision of leaf C.USAramoensis on metabolic energy, nitrogen retention and diet efficiency. Basedon the results of research on the provision of leaf C. USAramoensis to 9% the sameas the diet control so that leaf C. USAramoensis can be used as an alternativesource of protein feed ingredients in the diet quail

    Tumor Necrosis Factor-α sebagai Prediktor Terjadinya Anemia pada Ibu Hamil di Wilayah Endemis Malaria

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    Ibu hamil yang berada di daerah endemis malaria sangat rentan terhadap infeksi malaria selama kehamilan. Gejala malaria pada kelompok ini sering asimptomatik atau bahkan tidak terdeteksi sama sekali karena adanya efek imunitas protektif melalui infeksi yang berulang. Adanya peningkatan kadar tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) dapat dijadikan indikator terjadinya infeksi malaria. TNF-α berperan penting dalam respons imun pada malaria akut yang menghambat terjadinya eritropoesis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kadar TNF-α dengan kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil didaerah endemik malaria vivax. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang, dilakukan pada bulan Januari - Februari 2014 di lima wilayah kerja puskesmas Kota Bengkulu. Sampel penelitian adalah ibu hamil di daerah endemis malaria vivax yang diambil secara accidental sampling. Dilakukan pengambilan darah untuk pemeriksaan mikroskopis malaria, kadar TNF-α dan kadar hemoglobin (Hb). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan seluruh ibu hamil memiliki riwayat pernah terinfeksi malaria vivax, walaupun hasil pemeriksaan slide negatif. Terjadi peningkatan kadar TNF- α dengan rerata 6,90 ± 2,48 pg/mL dan penurunan kadar Hb dengan rerata 9,75 ± 0,88 g%. Uji korelasi Spearman didapatkan korelasi negatif yang kuat (r = -0,734) dan bermakna (nilai p < 0,05) antara Kadar TNF-α dengan kadar Hb. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara kadar TNF-α dengan kejadian anemia.Tumor Necrosis Factor-α as Predictor of Anemia Occurrence among Pregnant Mothers in Malaria-Endemic AreasPregnant mothers living in malaria - endemic area are very susceptible to malaria infection during pregnancy. Malaria symptoms in this group are often asymptomatic or even not detected at all due to protective immunity effect through repeated infections. Any elevation of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) level can be used as indicator of malaria infection. TNF-α takes an important role in immune response on acute malaria that hinders occurence eritropoesis process. This study aimed to find out relations between TNF-α level and anemia occurrence among pregnant women living in malaria vivax - endemic areas. The study used cross-sectional design conducted on January to February 2014 in five working areas in Bengkulu city. Sample of study was pregnant mothers in malaria vivax - endemic areas which was taken through accidental sampling. Blood was taken for malaria-microscopic examination, TNF-α and haemoglobine (Hb) level. The results showed that all of pregnant mothers have malaria vivax - infected record, although slide examination showed negative result. Any TNF-α level elevation with average 6.90 ± 2.48 pg/mL and decrease of Hb level with average 9.75 ± 0.88 g%. Spearman correlation test showed strong negative correlation (r = -0.734) and significant (p value < 0.05) between TNF-α level and Hb level. There was significant relation between TNF-α level and anemia occurrence