11 research outputs found

    Sludge removal enterprises in Indonesia: Factors affecting entrepreneurial success

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    © IWA Publishing 2018. Faecal sludge removal is critical for the long-term functionality of on-site sanitation facilities and sustained sanitation outcomes. Private enterprises are important players in providing sludge removal services in Indonesia and other countries where government does not do so. However, the extent to which sludge removal entrepreneurs can fulfil this role depends on the viability, or success, of their enterprises. This paper investigates factors linked to the success of sludge removal enterprises in Indonesia, including traits of the entrepreneurs, characteristics of the enterprises and contextual challenges. These factors and levels of success were examined from data collected from structured interviews with 24 sludge removal enterprises across six cities in Indonesia. This research found that higher levels of success were significantly associated with entrepreneurs that had previous work experience of any kind, made higher upfront investments and did not involve their family members in the management of the enterprise. Participants most frequently identified high costs of capital, high levels of competition and insufficient time to spend on the enterprise as challenges to success. These findings provide important evidence for how civil society organisations and governments in Indonesia and elsewhere may best provide a conducive enabling environment for enterprise roles in sludge removal


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    Entrepreneurship has been one of the biggest growth topics in the past decades. Some entrepreneurs engage in socially active activities that are strongly embedded in their entrepreneurial activities and are known as social entrepreneurship. This research maps the presence of social enterprises in Indonesia by investigating the personal and organizational contexts of the social entrepreneurs. Qualitative research was conducted by engaging in in-depth interviews with 8 social enterprises in Indonesia. The findings of this research result in a unique and interesting map of the presence of the social entrepreneurs that contributes significantly to the extant literatures of social entrepreneurship

    Understanding Social Enterprises in Indonesia:

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    Entrepreneurship has been one of the biggest growth topics in the past decades. Someentrepreneurs engage in socially active activities that are strongly embedded in their entrepreneurialactivities and are known as social entrepreneurship. This research maps the presence ofsocial enterprises in Indonesia by investigating the personal and organizational contexts of thesocial entrepreneurs. Qualitative research was conducted by engaging in in-depth interviewswith 8 social enterprises in Indonesia. The findings of this research result in a unique andinteresting map of the presence of the social entrepreneurs that contributes significantly to theextant literatures of social entrepreneurship.* We would like to thank the anonymous reviewer andparticipants in the APCBSS 2014 Conference for theinsightful discussions, comments and advice for thispaper

    Perancangan Aplikasi Akuntansi Penerimaan dan Pengeluaran Kas Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus pada STMIK Rosma)

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    Kas berperan sangat penting dalam semua kegiatan transaksi, kas adalah harta yang mudah ditukarkan, sehingga sering terjadinya penyalahgunaan dan penyelewengan. Karena sifat-sifat kas tersebut maka penerimaan dan pengeluaran kas memerlukan pengendalian sistem informasi akuntansi yang baik. STMIK Rosma dalam proses pencatatan penerimaan dan pengeluaran kas masi menggunakan aplikasi microsoft excel seperti penyusunan laporan kas gabungan, user harus menginput data satu persatu di kolom microsoft excel yang membutuhkan ketelitian agar tidak terjadi kesalahan penginputan atau penjumlahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan proses pencatatan penerimaan dan pengeluaran kas agar lebih terkomputerisasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) dengan model pendekatan air terjun (waterfall) yang dimulai dengan analisis sistem, desain sistem dan implementasi sistem yang mencakup pemrograman dan pengujian. Sistem yang dirancang menggunakan visual studio code sebagai teks editor, MySQL sebagai database dan PHP sebagai bahasa pemograman. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu rancangan aplikasi akuntansi penerimaan dan pengeluaran kas berbasis web yang diharapkan dapat memudahkan dalam melakukan pengelolaan kas agar lebih efektif dan efisien

    Supervisi Kepala Ruangan Berdasarkan Kelengkapan Pendokumentasian Asuhan Keperawatan

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    Nursing care documentation holds the accountability aspect of professional nursing practice. This quantitative-descriptive research attempted to recognize the relationship between head of nurse's communication and supervision with the completeness of nursing care documentation by staff nurse at Hospital X, Cianjur. The data was collected by using questionnaire and visitation list from 106 staff nurse that represented total population. The data was analyzed with the logistic regression of risk factor model. Univariate analysis result showed that staff nurse averagely had less positive perception toward the head of nurse's communication and supervision. It was also revealed the nursing care documentation which was lack of comprehensiveness with cut of point 80%. The result of bivariate analysis indicated the significance correlation of head of nurse's communication and supervision with the completion of nursing care documentation by staff nurse (p< 0,05). It was ultimately found that the completeness of nursing care documentation was mostly influenced by the head of nurse's supervision. Thus, it is recommended to strengthen the supervision process and ability of the head of nurse to enhance the nursing care documentation quality by both formal and non-formal continuing education

    Underlying Factors of Entrepreneurial Intentions Among Asian Students

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    Rubber (Rumah Baca Buku Cerita ) Sebagai Usaha Pembentukan Minat Membaca Anak Anak Tingkat SD Di Pijorkoling Padangsidempuan

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    Membaca Merupakan kegiatan melihat tulisan bacaan dan proses memahami isi teks dengan brersuara atau dalam hati. Membaca dapat juga di artikan dengan mengungkapkan sesuatu imanjinasi terhadap suatu pembaca yang disukai khalayak ramai dan juga di mengerti .Membaca juga merukan salah satu bagian literasi. Yang di maksud dengan literasi adalah: , Seperangkat kemampuan dan keterampilan individu dalam membaca, menulis, berbicara , menghitung , dan memcahkan masalah pada tingkat keahlian tertentu yang di perlukan dalam kehidupan sehari hari. Seperti yang kita ketahui sebagian besar bagi seorang peserta didik , terutama peserta didik yang sedang duduk di bangku sekolah dasar mereka merasakan bahwa kegiatan membaca itu adalah suatu kegitan yang membosankan. Terutama ketika bahan buku bacaan nya tersebut berbentuk bacaan semua artinya buku tersebut tidak memiliki gambar, seperti:Binatang. Seperti yang terjadi di desa pijorkoling tempat saya melakukan PkM begitu saya mengeluarkan beberapa buku bacaan mereka langsung berkata pasti kami di suruh membaca kan kak,padahal membaca adalah hal yang sangat membosankan. Dan ada juga dari salah satu mereka yang suka membaca tetapi tidak semua buku bacaan yang ia sukai, hanya beberapa saja. Reading is an activity to see what is written and the process of understanding the contents of the text aloud or silently. Reading can also be interpreted by expressing something imaginative to a reader who is liked by the general public and is also understood. Reading is also a part of literacy. Literacy is a set of individual abilities and skills in reading, writing, speaking, calculating, and solving problems at a certain level of expertise that is needed in everyday life. As we know, most of the students, especially students who are in elementary school, feel that reading is a boring activity. Especially when the reading material is in the form of reading, it means that the book does not have pictures, such as: Animals. As happened in the village of Pijorkoling where I did PkM, as soon as I took out some reading books, they immediately said that we must be told to read, Sis, even though reading is a very boring thing. And there is also one of them who likes to read but not all reading books that he likes, only a fe