458 research outputs found

    Work history and the access to contributory pensions. The case of Uruguay.

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    Incomplete and highly fragmented work histories threaten to leave many contributors of the pension schemes in Latin America without the minimum pension guarantee or even without access to the ordinary pension. We propose a methodology to assess this risk, identify vulnerable groups and study potential determinants of the history of contributions using information from the work history records of the social security institutions. We apply this methodology to the largest social security institution of Uruguay, the Banco de Previsión Social, and show that the majority of contributors to this institution might not comply with the minimum number of years of contribution that is currently required to access an ordinary pension when they reach the retirement age.density of contributions, work history

    Job satisfaction and the individual educational level, re-assessing their relationship

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    We examine the factors that shape job satisfaction and in particular, the direct and indirect effects of the educational level. Our motivation is based on extending a large body of researches that is focused on private sector data by employing a larger and widely heterogeneous set of micro-data and by including non-linear effects and indirect effects of education. Our dataset includes 25 countries and it comes from the 2007 survey carried out by the International Social Survey Program. We estimate a probit model which includes country-effects in order to control for specific environmental factors. Findings indicate that job satisfaction is negatively related to being male, living in a big city, the number of worked hours per week, and not being self-employed. We also find that age registers a non-linear impact and we provide evidence that individual educational level shows a positive effect but with a decreasing growth rate and also an indirect effect through earned income.job satisfaction, cross-country research

    The level of satisfaction with life: evidence gathered among women from Greater Montevideo

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    This work constitutes a first exploration on the information about people s satisfaction levels in Uruguay. In particular, it intends to analyse the relationship between the level of satisfaction with life and other variables in a sample of women from 25 to 54 years old in Greater Montevideo. Many of the results obtained, such as the positive relationship between educational level and the variable analysed, are consistent with those found in other countries.women, happiness

    El grado de conformidad con la vida: evidencia para las mujeres del Gran Montevideo

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    This work constitutes a first exploration on the information about people’s satisfaction levels in Uruguay. In particular, it intends to analyse the relationship between the level of satisfaction with life and other variables in a sample of women from 25 to 54 years old in Greater Montevideo. Many of the results obtained, such as the positive relationship between educational level and the variable analysed, are consistent with those found in other countries.

    Distribución del ingreso en el Uruguay (1984-1992).

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    The paper studies the distribution of income during the period 1984-1992. Special attention is taken to the remuneration of civil servants during those years and the changes in the adjustment of pensions. The results shows a relative stability in the inequality in the period. The constitutional reform, refers to the change in the adjustment system of the pensions, did not alter the general distribution of income but there were changes regard to the participation of the pensions in total income and its contribution to the inequality. The reform improved retired people situation in relation with the rest of the population, affecting in an important way those people who have only the pensions as source of income. Finally, the wages of civil servants reduced their contribution to the inequality of the total income through a deterioration of the richer ones.

    Host factors and early treatments to restrict paediatric HIV infection and early disease progression

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    open6noA body of evidence indicates that a threshold level of the virus is required to establish systemic and persistent HIV infection in the host and that this level depends on virus-host interactions. Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV is the main source of paediatric HIV infection and occurs when the host's immune system is still developing. Thus, innate resistance and immunity, rather than adaptive immune response, may be the main drivers in restricting the establishment of HIV reservoirs and the long-lived persistence of HIV infection in infants. Genetic variations in HIV co-receptors and their ligands, as well as in Toll-like receptors and defensins, key elements of innate immunity, have been demonstrated to influence the risk of perinatal HIV infection and disease progression in HIV-infected infants. Early treatments with combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) restrict paediatric infection by reducing the level of the transmitted/infecting virus to below the threshold required for the onset of immune response to the virus and also significantly reduce HIV reservoirs. However, despite long periods with no signs and symptoms of HIV infection, all early cART-treated children who later discontinued cART had a rebound of HIV, except for one case in whom a period of viral remission occurred. Which parameters predict viral remission or viral rebound after cART discontinuation? Could early cART prevent rather than just reduce the establishment of viral reservoirs? And, if so, how? Answers to these questions are also important in order to optimise the use of early cART in infants at high risk of HIV infection.openGianesin, Ketty; Petrara, Raffaella; Freguja, Riccardo; Zanchetta, Marisa; Giaquinto, Carlo; DE ROSSI, AnitaGianesin, Ketty; Petrara, Raffaella; Freguja, Riccardo; Zanchetta, Marisa; Giaquinto, Carlo; DE ROSSI, Anit


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    La presente propuesta constituye el fruto del trabajo iniciado en la docencia, articulado en un proyecto de investigación, el cuál se ha tomado como insumo para la materialización de un Programa de Capacitación y Transferencia, dirigido a las Organizaciones Públicas insertas en el vasto campo de la acción social, en el Municipio de Tandil. Las pasantías institucionales como prácticas académicas curriculares de la carrera de Trabajo Social, que se vienen llevando a cabo desde 1991, han constituido el insumo de investigaciones en curso a partir de la cual es posible establecer consideraciones generales acerca de estilos de gestión social, que estarían definiendo un modo diferencial de producir servicios entre las organizaciones públicas estatales y no estatales y que, a grandes rasgos se las podrían agrupar en dos segmentos: organizaciones modernas y postmodernas. A partir de estas consideraciones, categorías como desarrollo local, organizaciones públicas estatales y organizaciones públicas no estatales, iniciativa y estilos de gestión social cobran vital importancia al momento de definir una línea estratégica de extensión y transferencia, que involucra los agentes sociales institucionales en cuyo escenario la Universidad, a través del microespacio de la carrera de Trabajo Social, objetiva el resultado de logros académicos, transfiriéndolos al sector de organizaciones de acción social locales. ...”La universidad tiene responsabilidad social con la comunidad a la que pertenece, articulando con los distintos sectores de la sociedad civil potenciando los recursos que ésta ya tiene vinculándose tecnológica y científicamente con el sector privado, con los organismos estatales y no gubernamentales de la sociedad compartiendo el esfuerzo por elevar la calidad de vida y por lograr una sociedad más justa”... (Ana Jaramillo. Universidad y construcción social. Pág. 215). El diseño del Programa de Capacitación y Transferencia se asienta en dos pilares: por un lado las nuevas políticas definidas desde el Rectorado de la Universidad Nacional del Centro de la provincia de Buenos Aire, a partir de la cual la Universidad recupera una de sus funciones vitales: la extensión y transferencia en el medio en que se inserta, políticas en las que encuentra su marco la gestión definida desde la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, donde se recupera el planteo de planificación estratégica como “proceso creativo que sienta las bases de una actuación integrada a largo plazo, establece un sistema continuo de toma de decisión que comporta riesgo, identifica cursos de acción específicos, formula indicadores de seguimiento de los resultados e involucra a los agentes sociales y económicos locales a lo largo de todo el proceso”. Los resultados que se mostrarán en el presente trabajo y que han sido tomados como diagnóstico a partir del cual generar el Programa de Transferencia, se obtienen mediante relevamiento en el que se han considerado indicadores del tipo dato e indicadores de opinión y efectuado la definición del universo de acuerdo a agrupamientos previstos por INDEC/91, división/85, para Servicios Sociales con alojamiento y sin alojamiento. Los indicadores de opinión se construyen desde las categorías planeación, evaluación, ejecución, gerencia y vínculos. A partir de este marco general, en el presente trabajo se discute en torno de los planteos relativos a las categorías señaladas, precedentemente, se muestran las tendencias generales respecto de estilos de gestión de las organizaciones de acción social presentes en el Municipio de Tandil y se define un Programa de Extensión y Transferencia en curso

    Seguridad social y género en Uruguay: un análisis de las diferencias de acceso a la jubilación

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    In Uruguay, the pension programs cover over 90% of the elderly. Men are more likely to be eligible for the contributory pensions, while women are over-represented in the assistential and survivor pension programs. This difference is linked to the fact that women tend to have longer spells out of the labour force than men. In this context, we analyze the difference in contributory pension access between men and women. First, we present the gender labor market and demographic differences. Second, we document the social security reform implemented in 1996. Lastly, we estimate the probability of complying with the requirements to access a contributory pension. Although the punctual estimations have certain limitations, they suggest that there are gender differences in access.pensions, access conditions, retirement, gender

    Transmissão intergeracional do castigo físico na infância

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    The use of moderate physical violence in raising children is a widespread and accepted practice as a disciplinary measure. However, there is evidence that these practices during childhood have negative effects on the course of adult life, which motivated the analysis of the intergenerational transmission of this behavior. The Family Situations Survey carried out in 2007, financed by the National Agency for Research and Innovation of Uruguay (anii) and the United Nations Fund for Children (unicef), was used.Statistical data analysis was performed using a probit model with dependent variables to determine the use of physical punishment as a disciplinary instrument, the frequency with which the person received punishment in childhood, and variables - binary andindependent - of gender, age and educational level. Likewise, the positive opinions and attitudes were taken into account regarding the case "hitting as a disciplinary technique" and their inference in the implementation of this action in the future.Finally, for the Uruguayan case, we found evidence that there is intergenerational transmissionof the use of physical punishment as a disciplinary technique. The use of corporal punishment by parents is related to its approval, both in men and in women, without statistically significant differences. On the other hand, when introducing the opinion onthe use of this technique, the intergenerational transmission of the use of physical punishment in the case of women is maintained, but it loses significance in the case of men.El uso de la violencia física moderada, en la crianza de niños, es una práctica extendida y aceptada como medida disciplinaria. Sin embargo, hay pruebas de que estas prácticas durante la infancia producen efectos negativos en el curso de la vida adulta. Esto motiva el análisis de la transmisión inter-generacional de esta conducta. Utilizamos la Encuesta de Situaciones Familiares realizada en 2007 estimando modelos probit.En nuestro estudio, para el caso uruguayo, encontramos evidencia de que existe transmisión intergeneracional del uso del castigo físico como técnica disciplinaria.El uso, por parte de los padres, del castigo corporal está relacionado con su aprobación, tanto en hombres como en mujeres sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Por otra parte al introducir la opinión sobre el uso de dicha técnica se mantiene la transmisión intergeneracional del uso del castigo físico en el caso de las mujeres pero pierde significación en el caso de los hombres.O uso de violência física moderada na criação dos filhos é uma prática amplamente difundida e aceita como medida disciplinar. No entanto, há evidências de que essas práticas na infância têm efeitos negativos no curso da vida adulta. Isso motiva a análise da transmissão intergeracional desse comportamento. Utilizou-se o Levantamento de Situações Familiares realizado em 2007, financiado pela Agência Nacional de Pesquisae Inovação do Uruguai (anii) e pelo Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância (unicef).A análise estatística dos dados foi realizada por meio de um modelo probit com variáveis dependentes para determinar o uso do castigo físico como instrumento disciplinar, a frequência com que a pessoa recebia castigo na infância e as variáveis - binárias e independentes - de sexo, idade e nível educacional. Da mesma forma, foram tidas em consideração as opiniões e atitudes positivas relativamente ao caso “bater como técnica disciplinar” e a sua inferência na futura implementação desta ação.Finalmente, para o caso uruguaio, encontramos evidências de que há transmissão intergeracionaldo uso do castigo físico como técnica disciplinar. O uso de castigos físicos por parte dos pais está relacionado à sua aprovação, tanto por homens quanto por mulheres, sem diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Por outro lado, ao introduzir a opinião sobre o uso dessa técnica, a transmissão intergeracional do uso do castigo físico no caso das mulheres é mantida, mas perde significância estatística no caso dos homens

    Impact of monotherapy on HIV-1 reservoir, immune activation, and co-infection with Epstein-Barr virus

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    Abstract Objectives Although monotherapy (mART) effectiveness in maintaining viral suppression and CD4 cell count has been extensively examined in HIV-1-infected patients, its impact on HIV-1 reservoir, immune activation, microbial translocation and co-infection with Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) is unclear. Methods This retrospective study involved 32 patients who switched to mART; patients were studied at baseline, 48 and 96 weeks after mART initiation. Thirty-two patients who continued combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) over the same period of time were included in the study. Markers of HIV-1 reservoir (HIV-1 DNA and intracellular HIV-1 RNA) were quantified by real-time PCR. Markers of T-(CD3(+)CD8(+)CD38(+)) and B-(CD19(+)CD80/86(+) and CD19(+)CD10-CD21(low)CD27(+)) cell activation were evaluated by flow cytometry. Plasma levels of microbial translocation markers were quantified by real-time PCR (16S ribosomal DNA and mitochondrial [mt] DNA) or by ELISA (LPS and sCD14). EBV was typed and quantified by multiplex real-time PCR. Results At baseline, no differences were found between mART and cART groups. Three (10%) mART-treated patients had a virological failure vs none in the cART group. Levels of HIV-1 DNA, intracellular HIV-1 RNA and EBV-DNA remained stable in the mART group, while decreased significantly in the cART group. Percentages of T-and B-activated cells significantly increased in the mART-treated patients, while remained at low levels in the cART-treated ones (p = 0.014 and p<0.001, respectively). Notably, levels of mtDNA remained stable in the cART group, but significantly rose in the mART one (p<0.001). Conclusions Long-term mART is associated with higher levels of T-and B-cell activation and, conversely to cART, does not reduce the size of HIV-1 reservoir and EBV co-infection