2,458 research outputs found

    Intellectual capital and value co-creation: an empirical analysis from a marketing perspective

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    The aim of this study is to investigate intellectual capital (IC) drivers that may influence Italian consumers’ decision to participate in value co-creation (VCC) activities with firms. Given the exploratory nature of the research, after a review of the relevant literature, we conducted a survey among Italian consumers to see if IC principal sub-dimensions (i.e. Relational Capital, Human Capital and Structural Capital) played a role in triggering VCC processes. Using a Principal Component Analysis (PCA), we analyzed 270 usable questionnaires finding that, in order to decide to co-create value with firms, IC sub-dimensions actually play a critical role. Our findings showed that the motivations (i.e., IC components) that influence Italian consumers’ decision to participate in value co-creation activities with firms are quite homogeneous and similar both for those who already participated in past in these activities as well for those who never participated. The study has several managerial implications as well as limitations. In fact, the survey has been conducted only among Italian consumers and therefore the research should be extended by a geographically standpoint. Moreover, the research analyzed only the demand-side, while it would be certainly useful to know the point of view of companies also adopting other research methods (e.g., in-depth interviews). This study provides to practitioners important suggestions and warnings about the importance of the development of IC sub-dimensions to (co-)create value with external actors and consequently suggests the importance of adopting a “open” approach towards consumers to establish an effective and interactive relationship with them. The study fills a gap in the literature, since there are not so many references in literature for a deep understanding of the concrete relationship between IC and VCC. In addition, to our best knowledge this paper is the first that explore IC-related issues from a marketing perspective

    Verso lo smart retailing. Uno studio esplorativo tra domanda e offerta nel contesto italiano

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    Il lavoro indaga, adottando una prospettiva esplorativa, il tema dello smart retailing con particolare riferimento al contesto italiano. Lo smart retailing rappresenta oggi per le aziende la modalità principale con cui è possibile rendere le strutture aziendali omnicanali, ossia giungere alla creazione di un sistema di canali e di punti di contatto con i consumatori che siano tra di essi perfettamente integrati. Lo smart retailing consente alle aziende di conseguire questo nuovo obiettivo strategico attraverso lo strumento delle cosiddette in-store technologies, ossia tecnologie “smart” applicate nei canali fisici (punti vendita) delle aziende che consentono a queste ultime di poter interagire in maniera costante (seamless) e “ubiqua” (online e offline) con i propri consumatori. Data la novità del tema e la scarsa applicazione, ad oggi, delle in-store technologies nei punti vendita dei retailer italiani, il lavoro è stato volto ad esplorare le opinioni sia della domanda che dell’offerta in merito agli effetti dell’applicazione di in-store technologies nei punti vendita dei retailer italiani. Nel primo caso, i consumatori intervistati sono stati 46 giovani millennials in merito all’applicazione delle in-store technologies nei punti vendita monomarca dei retailer di fast fashion. Lo studio, volto a chiarire l’impatto di questi medium tecnologici sulla in-store experience e sulla store loyalty dei millennials, dimostra che le in-store technologies possono conferire numerosi benefici alle esperienze in store dei millennials, sia da un punto di vista utilitaristico (es. aumentando la facilità di reperire informazioni sui prodotti), che emozionale (es. aumentando il brand engagement) e sociale (es. invogliando i consumatori a recarsi con accompagnatori nel punto vendita per condividere la nuova esperienza di shopping “smart”). Le in-store technologies possono altresì rafforzare la fedeltà verso le marche preferite dai millennials, mentre non si rileva un effetto altrettanto forte nel caso in cui ad adottare queste tecnologie fossero retailer di cui i millennials non apprezzino il sistema d’offerta. Infine, con riferimento al lato dell’offerta, sono stati intervistati 13 esperti e consulenti di in-store technologies per il fashion retailing al fine di chiarire: 1) l’atteggiamento complessivo dei retailer di fast fashion italiani verso le in-store technologies; 2) le modifiche che dovrà subire il punto vendita in futuro per poter diventare “fattivamente” uno smart store; 3) quale possono essere le modalità di creazione di maggiore brand engagement nei millennials qualora un retailer decidesse di adottare queste tecnologie. I risultati mostrano una tendenziale resistenza dei retailer a valutare, oggi, come di valore strategico l’investimento in in-store technologies, che viene invece visto dal management in ottica per lo più tattica, di breve periodo e finalizzato al mero aumento del fatturato. In secondo luogo, la struttura organizzativa, assieme alla sua cultura, necessita di profondi ripensamenti a partire dal top management, il quale dovrà ripensare alcune figure manageriali (in particolare quelle legate all’IT e alla relazione con il cliente), introdurne di nuove (es. CDO) che consentano all’intera organizzazione di comprendere l’importanza dell’orientamento allo smart retailing e l’investimento in nuove competenze, in particolare nell’assunzione di data scientist. Il punto vendita “del futuro” sarà sottoposto a significativi cambiamenti che riguarderanno tanto i suoi aspetti strutturali (es. ridimensionamento della superficie calpestabile) quanto strategici (es. rendendolo il principale canale per svolgere comunicazione integrata di marketing). Infine, gli esperti convengono che le tecnologie mostrino un forte potenziale di creazione di maggiore coinvolgimento verso la marca nei millennials grazie alle nuove opportunità di intrattenimento, di personalizzazione dell’esperienza e dell’accresciuto livello di integrazione online-offline tra i canali e i customer touchpoints

    Conceptualizing Supply Chain Resilience in Exogenous Crisis Times: Toward a Holistic Definition

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    Supply chain resilience has become increasingly crucial in today’s scenario in response to major disruptions that generated huge exogenous crises. This paper investigates the current SCR-related academic literature related to SCR to develop a new holistic definition. A total amount of 214 scientific contributions the last 5 years (i.e., between 2018 and 2022) have been analyzed. Findings revealed four important issues to achieve SCR, i.e., Key resilience attributes, Technology-aided visible SC, Sustainable and measurable SCR practices, and Relationship between SC partners. Leveraging insights gleaned from these critical issues, we have meticulously crafted an updated and comprehensive definition of SCR, by considering the multi-faceted facets that contribute to its holistic understanding. In light of our emerging insights, we suggest a novel approach to fortify organizational supply chain resilience, emphasizing a more holistic perspective. Our recommendations for future research include (1) exploring the integration of emerging technologies like blockchain and artificial intelligence for real-time monitoring to enhance adaptive decision-making in post-COVID-19 supply chains, (2) investigating the strategic role of collaborative networks and information sharing among supply chain partners to enhance agility and responsiveness amidst post-pandemic uncertainties, and (3) analyzing the impact of sustainable and circular supply chain practices on resilience. Findings of the paper and the new holistic definition of SCR have several implications for both academics and managers that are listed at the end of the paper along with limitations of the study and future research avenues

    Detection and characterization of incidental vibrations from Drosophila suzukii in infested fruits

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    The spotted-wing drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura), is an invasive species native to East Asia and now widespread worldwide. Major economic damage is caused by the larvae developing within ripening soft-skin fruit. Currently, larval detection in fruit is limited to destructive methods and post-harvest control strategies heavily rely on the use of chemicals or cold to inhibit egg eclosion and larval growth. Feeding larvae are likely to induce substrate-borne vibrations in the berry that could be exploited as cues by predators or to develop a non-invasive pest detection method, an approach previously applied on leaves and wooden structures, but never on fresh fruit. We used a laser vibrometer to detect and characterize the incidental vibrations produced by D. suzukii larvae within fresh blueberries at five different pest age (48, 96, 168, 216 and 264 h). An innovative statistical analysis was performed to assess if infestation level (number of pupae) and pest age (hours after exposure) affect the spectrum and the amplitude of vibrations. The recordings of infested berries were characterized by the presence of a series of broad-band pulses (frequency range 0.1–2 kHz) without a regular temporal pattern, in an amplitude range between 12.1 and 946 μm/s. Furthermore, the analysis revealed the possibility to distinguish between different pest ages and infestation levels. By a spectral analysis of the recordings, the pest ages can be distinguished among each other, but for the age groups at 168 and 216 h after infestation. The vibration amplitude trend gradually increased up to 168–216 h after infestation, and then decreased until fly emergence. Low-infested blueberries showed a faster D. suzukii development time compared to high-infested blueberries. This was reflected into vibrational recordings, as low-infested blueberries exhibited peak amplitude at earlier stage compared to high-infested ones. Results suggest that D. suzukii larvae induce detectable vibrations by feeding within berries that are dependent on infestation level and pest age. We discuss the possible ecological role of such vibrations as cues for unintended receivers, such as predators and parasitoids, and their potential for innovative infestation detection method

    Extraction of Pion Transverse Momentum Distributions from Drell-Yan data

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    We map the distribution of unpolarized quarks inside a unpolarized pion as a function of the quark's transverse momentum, encoded in unpolarized Transverse Momentum Distributions (TMDs). We extract the pion TMDs from available data of unpolarized pion-nucleus Drell-Yan processes, where the cross section is differential in the lepton-pair transverse momentum. In the cross section, pion TMDs are convoluted with nucleon TMDs that we consistently take from our previous studies. We obtain a fairly good agreement with data. We present also predictions for pion-nucleus scattering that is being measured by the COMPASS Collaboration

    Ferromagnetic contamination of Ultra-Low-Field-NMR sample containers. Quantification of the problem and possible solutions

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    The presence of a weak remanence in Ultra-Low-Field (ULF) NMR sample containers is investigated on the basis of proton precession. The high-sensitivity magnetometer used for the NMR detection, enables simultaneously the measurement of the static field produced in the sample proximity by ferromagnetic contaminants. The presence of the latter is studied by high resolution chemical analyses of the surface, based on X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and secondary ions mass spectroscopy. Methodologies to reduce the contamination are explored and characterized. This study is of relevance in any ULF-NMR experiment, as in the ULF regime spurious ferromagnetism becomes easily a dominant cause of artefacts.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures

    Effects of irradiation on biology and mating behaviour of wild males of brown marmorated stink bug using a 6 MV medical linear accelerator

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    The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, is a pentatomid bug of Eastern Asian origin that became an economically relevant pest in the Eurasian and American continents. Management of this species is limited to use of chemical insecticides: an inefficient method due to the strong adaptability of the target pest. The sterile insect technique (SIT) is potentially a valid tactic in the search for nontoxic alternatives. In this work, we investigated the suitability of masstrapped overwintering males, collected during the aggregation phase before the winter diapause, for their release as competitive sterile males in an SIT programme. Differently from previous studies, irradiation was applied with a linear accelerator device that produced high-energy photons. Following a similar scientific protocol with newly emerged irradiated males, the effects of X-ray irradiation on physiological parameters (longevity, fecundity and fertility) were assessed. In addition, behavioural bioassays were carried out in no-choice conditions to evaluate if irradiation interferes with mating processes. The results are very encouraging; the effects of the irradiation at 32 Gy did not differ from the controls in the longevity or fecundity of the exposed overwintering adults. The hatching rate of the eggs laid by the fertile females that had mated with the irradiated males was less than 5%. The results of behavioural bioassays showed that the irradiation did not cause a significant impact on the quality of the sterile males. More research is warranted to evaluate the mating competitiveness of sterile males in semi-field and field condition

    Non-target effects of neurotoxic insecticides on Ganaspis cf. brasiliensis, a classical biological control agent of the spotted wing Drosophila

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    Background The spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii, is an invasive pest causing significant economic losses worldwide. Current pest control strategies mainly rely on insecticides, which negatively impact fruit marketability and the sustainability of integrated pest management (IPM) programs. In addition, pesticides can have dramatic consequences on non-target species when persisting in the environment at low concentrations after field applications. In this context, chemical control can strongly interfere with the releases of the G1 strain of the Asian larval parasitoid Ganaspis cf. brasiliensis, which is currently the adopted classical biological control agent to manage D. suzukii infestations worldwide. Methods Probit analysis was used to assess the baseline toxicity of acetamiprid, cyazypyr, lambda-cyhalothrin, phosmet, and spinosad on G1 G. cf. brasiliensis adults through residual contact exposure in the laboratory. Then, adult parasitoids were exposed to insecticide low Lethal Concentrations (LC5 and LC30) and their mortality was checked daily to assess the survival of treated wasps. Results Lambda-cyhalothrin showed the highest toxicity on the parasitoid with a LC50 of 1.38 × 10–3 g active ingredient (a.i.) /L, while cyazypyr seemed the safer active ingredient with an estimated LC50 of 0.20 g a.i./L without affecting parasitoids at sublethal doses. Spinosad and phosmet significantly reduced wasp survival at both LC30 and LC5, while lambda-cyhalothrin and acetamiprid affected parasitoid lifespan only at LC30. Spinosad, lambda-cyhalothrin and phosmet LC30 caused the major survival reductions, followed by acetamiprid LC30. The least significant reduction in parasitoid survival was 21.6% by spinosad LC5. Conclusions Overall, this study highlighted the importance of carefully selecting insecticides to minimize adverse effects on non-target organisms. In particular, cyazypyr was the most promising candidate to integrate inoculative biological control with chemical treatments. By contrast, the application of phosmet, spinosad and lambda-cyhalothrin should be avoided alongside parasitoid field releases. Although acetamiprid is less used against D. suzukii in the field than the other tested molecules, it should be used with caution due to its sublethal toxicity on the parasitoid. These results provide the first evidence of G. cf. brasiliensis susceptibility to insecticides in order to promote sustainable and efficient pest management strategies

    Match Load Physical Demands in U-19 Professional Soccer Players Assessed by a Wearable Inertial Sensor

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    Background: Wearable inertial sensors are poorly used in soccer to monitor external load (EL) indicators. However, these devices could be useful for improving sports performance and potentially reducing the risk of injury. The aim of this study was to investigate the EL indicators (i.e., cinematic, mechanical, and metabolic) differences between playing positions (i.e., central backs, external strikers, fullbacks, midfielders, and wide midfielder) during the first half time of four official matches (OMs). Methods: 13 young professional soccer players (Under-19; age: 18.5 ± 0.4 years; height: 177 ± 6 cm; weight: 67 ± 4.8 kg) were monitored through a wearable inertial sensor (TalentPlayers TPDev, firmware version 1.3) during the season 2021-2022. Participants' EL indicators were recorded during the first half time of four OMs. Results: significant differences were detected in all the EL indicators between playing positions except for two of them (i.e., distance traveled in the various metabolic power zones (<10 w) and the number of direction changes to the right >30° and with speed >2 m). Pairwise comparisons showed differences in EL indicators between playing positions. Conclusions: Young professional soccer players showed different loads and performances during OMs in relation to playing positions. Coaches should consider the different physical demands related to playing positions in order to design the most appropriate training program

    A multidisciplinary approach in tackling invasive species: barcoding, morphology, and metataxonomy of the leafhopper Arboridia adanae

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    The leafhopper genus Arboridia includes several species that feed on Vitis vinifera and cause leaf chlorosis. We report the first alien Arboridia infestation in Italy in 2021 in an Apulian vineyard. To confirm the taxonomic status of the species responsible for crop damage, and reconstruct its demographic history, we barcoded individuals from Apulia together with Arboridia spp. from Crete (Greece), A. adanae from Central Turkey and other specimens of the presumed sister species, A. dalmatina from Dalmatia (Croatia). Molecular phylogenies and barcoding gap analysis identified clades not associated with sampling locations. This result is incongruent with classical specimen assignment and is further supported by morphological analyses, which did not reveal significant differences among the populations. Therefore, we propose A. dalmatina as a junior synonym of A. adanae, which would become the only grapevine-related Arboridia species in the eastern Mediterranean. To further characterise A. adanae evolution, we performed a molecular clock analysis that suggested a radiation during the Pleistocene glaciations. Finally, to assess whether the Apulian individuals carried microorganisms of agricultural relevance, we sequenced their bacterial microbiota using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing identifying three phytopathogens not generally associated with Arboridia activities as well as Wolbachia in one Apulian haplogroup. We discuss the agricultural implications of this infestatio