326 research outputs found

    Effect of multiple disturbances on food web vulnerability to biodiversity loss in detritus-based systems

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    Global biodiversity is affected by human pressure and climate change, and the present rate of biodiversity loss is probably higher than ever before. Community composition is also changing, and interspecific interactions are under severe pressure. The extinction of one species within a food web can result in further secondary extinctions, due to bottom-up effects that can be even more intense and less predictable than the direct effects of disturbance, undermining our capacity for ecosystem management and conservation. Here we investigated a metric for assessing the structural stability of food webs in the face of species loss, referred to as "Resistance'', based on two fundamental web properties: (1) the proportion of key species in the web, a "key'' species being one whose deletion leads to at least one secondary extinction, and (2) the mean number of secondary extinctions observed per key species deletion. We compared web Resistance with web Robustness (Dunne et al. 2002) based on 12 detritus-based riverine food webs under four species extinction scenarios on various temporal and spatial scales. We investigated the effect of multiple disturbances (extreme flood and river basin urbanization) on community vulnerability to biodiversity loss, assessing the behavior of Robustness and Resistance under the applied species extinction scenarios and testing their dependence on web topology. We estimated the contribution of the rarest and the most dominant species, and that of the most and least connected species, to web Resistance. Urbanization negatively affected community vulnerability to biodiversity loss. Only food web Resistance showed a significant flood effect and interaction between flood and urbanization. The most connected species contributed the most to food web resistance, whereas the rarest and the most abundant species had a similar, intermediate structural importance. Both food web Resistance and the role of selected key species varied across web description scales. Food web Resistance values were coherent across species extinction scenarios, demonstrating the suitability of the proposed approach for quantifying community vulnerability to species loss and the importance of considering food webs in monitoring and impact assessment programs. The approach is thus seen to be a promising research pathway supporting ecosystem management

    Effect of habitat degradation on competition, carrying capacity, and species assemblage stability

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    In human-impacted rivers, nutrient pollution has the potential to disrupt biodiversity organisation and ecosystem functioning, prompting calls for effective monitoring and management. Pollutants, together with natural variations, can modify the isotopic signature of aquatic organisms. Accordingly, we explored the potential of isotopic variations as an indicator of drainage basin influences on river food webs. We assessed stable N and C isotopes within six food webs along a river affected by multiple pollution sources. CORINE land cover maps and Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) were also applied to understand the impact on surface waters of anthropogenic pressures affecting the catchment. N isotopic signatures of taxa fell in association with ammonium inputs from agriculture, indicating that nitrogen pollution was related to synthetic fertilizers. Isotopic variations were consistent across trophic levels, highlighting site-specific communities and identifying taxa exposed to pollutants. This allowed us to locate point sources of disturbance, suggesting that food web structure plays a key role in pollutant compartmentalisation along the river. Thematic maps and DEMs helped understand how the anthropogenic impact on river biota is mediated by hydro-geomorphology. Thus, the integration of site-scale analyses of stable isotopes and land use represents a promising research pathway for explorative nutrient pollution monitoring in human-impacted rivers

    Effects of macro-detritivores density on leaf detritus processing rate: a macrocosm experiment

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    The effect of macroinvertebrate detritivore density on the mass loss rates of leaf litter of Alnus glutinosa (alder) was assessed. Experimental freshwater macrocosms, with increasing densities of four species of macroinvertebrate detritivores belonging to two functional groups (shredders and scrapers), were set up outdoors. The litter bag technique was used to assess decomposition rates of alder leaves. Indirect effects of increasing density of macroinvertebrates on phytoplankton standing crop in the water column were investigated by analysing Chlorophyll a concentration. Decomposition rate increased as animal density increased, although a continuous increase in detritivores density resulted in a discrete, step-wise increase of the decomposition rates. Animal colonisation followed an exponential pattern in low-medium density treatments versus a typical 'bell-shape' curve in high density treatments; animals started to leave the consumed patches when about 60% of the initial leaf mass was lost (35th day in high-density treatments). Diversity (Hs) of the simplified detritivore community decreased as decomposition proceeded, with a dominance of shredders during the last phase of decomposition. Faster decomposition rate of detritus in the benthic compartment lead to a higher microalgae standing crop in the water column emphasising the role of allochthonous detritus as a source of nutrients for algae primary production in coastal freshwater ecotones

    The influence of allochthonous leaf detritus on the occurrence of crustacean detritivores in the soft-bottom macrobenthos of the Po River delta area (northwestern Adriatic Sea)

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    Core samples were examined quarterly at two coastal sites (S1 and S2) and at an offshore station (S3) located in the Po River delta area (northwestern Adriatic Sea). Analyses focused on (i) occurrence of coarse detritus of allochthonous origin in the sedimentary matrix and (ii) the relative influence of macrodetritus enrichment and other environmental factors on the vagile macrofauna. Plant debris occurred in site S1 sediments only in summer and autumn, in contrast, fragments of the phanerogams Cymodocea nodosa and Zostera spp. were found in site S2 sediment throughout the sampling period. Sediments from the offshore site S3 were characterized by negligible plant material, even though in summer and autumn samples debris of continental origin was observed. Even though leaf detritus occurrence at site S2 was similar to5-fold higher compared to the other coastal site S1, it did not influence the total organic matter and its distribution among grain-size classes. Conversely, the specific organic content of dimensional fractions provided an effective assessment of detritus enrichment processes occurring at the two coastal sites. A group of brackish-originated crustaceans (i.e. the amphipods Gammarus insensibilis and G. aequicauda and the isopod Idotea baltica) was the main determinant of among-site multivariate differences in the vagile macrofauna; depositivorous ophiuroids accounted for the residual differences observed during the study period. The analysis of taxa abundance and individual body size indicated that in both site S1 and S3 macrodetritus advection to the benthic system corresponded with passive dispersal of brackish crustaceans, that provided a negligible contribution to the macrobenthic production. In contrast, in site S2 allochthonous inputs from marginal environments could have represented the key factor for the persistence of an authochthonous population of Gammarus insensibilis. The amphipod provided a considerable (19.4%) contribution to the total macrobenthic production of the site, dominated by filter-feeding bivalves and tubicolous deposit feeders. The potential effects of detritivorous crustaceans on soft-bottom macrobenthic assemblages of the northern Adriatic Sea are discussed. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    Time- and depth-wise trophic niche shifts in Antarctic benthos

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    Climate change is expected to affect resource-consumer interactions underlying stability in polar food webs. Polar benthic organisms have adapted to the marked seasonality characterising their habitats by concentrating foraging and reproductive activity in summer months, when inputs from sympagic and pelagic producers increase. While this enables the persistence of biodiverse food webs, the mechanisms underlying changes in resource use and nutrient transfer are poorly understood. Thus, our understanding of how temporal and spatial variations in the supply of resources may affect food web structure and functioning is limited. By means of C and N isotopic analyses of two key Antarctic benthic consumers (Adamussium colbecki, Bivalvia, and Sterechinus neumayeri, Echinoidea) and Bayesian mixing models, we describe changes in trophic niche and nutrient transfer across trophic levels associated with the long- and short-term diet and body size of specimens sampled in midsummer in both shallow and deep waters. Samplings occurred soon after the sea-ice broke up at Tethys Bay, an area characterised by extreme seasonality in sea-ice coverage and productivity in the Ross Sea. In the long term, the trophic niche was broader and variation between specimens was greater, with intermediate-size specimens generally consuming a higher number of resources than small and large specimens. The coupling of energy channels in the food web was consequently more direct than in the short term. Sediment and benthic algae were more frequently consumed in the long term, before the sea-ice broke up, while consumers specialised on sympagic algae and plankton in the short term. Regardless of the time scale, sympagic algae were more frequently consumed in shallow waters, while plankton was more frequently consumed in deep waters. Our results suggest a strong temporal relationship between resource availability and the trophic niche of benthic consumers in Antarctica. Potential climate-driven changes in the timing and quality of nutrient inputs may have profound implications for the structure of polar food webs and the persistence of their constituent species, which have adapted their trophic niches to a highly predictable schedule of resource inputs

    Predator and detritivore niche width helps to explain biocomplexity of experimental detritus-based food webs in four aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems

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    In the study of food webs, the existence and explanation of recurring patterns, such as the scale invariance of linkage density, predator–prey ratios and mean chain length, constitute long-standing issues. Our study focused on litter-associated food webs and explored the influence of detritivore and predator niche width (as d13C range) on web topological structure. To compare patterns within and between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and take account of intra-habitat variability, we constructed 42 macroinvertebrate patch-scale webs in four different habitats (lake, lagoon, beech forest and cornfield), using an experimental approach with litterbags. The results suggest that although web differences exist between ecosystems, patterns are more similar within than between aquatic and terrestrial web types. In accordance with optimal foraging theory, we found that the niche width of predators and prey increased with the number of predators and prey taxa as a proportion of total taxa in the community. The tendency was more marked in terrestrial ecosystems and can be explained by a lower per capita food level than in aquatic ecosystems, particularly evident for predators. In accordance with these results, the number of links increased with the number of species but with a significantly sharper regression slope for terrestrial ecosystems. As a consequence, linkage density, which was found to be directly correlated to niche width, increased with the total number of species in terrestrial webs, whereas it did not change significantly in aquatic ones, where connectance scaled negatively with the total number of species. In both types of ecosystem, web robustness to rare species removal increased with connectance and the niche width of predators. In conclusion, although limited to litter-associated macroinvertebrate assemblages, this study highlights structural differences and similarities between aquatic and terrestrial detrital webs, providing field evidence of the central role of niche width in determining the structure of detritus-based food webs and posing foraging optimisation constraints as a general mechanistic explanation of food web complexity differences within and between ecosystem types

    Sediment structural properties mediating dominant feeding types patterns in soft-bottom macrobenthos of the Northern Adriatic Sea

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    In sediments sampled in Northern Adriatic Sea invertebrate benthic macrofauna was examined in comparison with both substratum bulk parameters (average grain size, sorting, total organic matter content) and attributes of grain size classes (specific organic matter content of dimensional fractions). The aims were: 1) to determine whether variations of community overall parameters (total spatial density, number of taxa) and in numerically dominant feeding types (deposit-feeders and suspension-feeders) patterns were related to changes in sediment general properties; 2) to evaluate whether the observed patterns of abundance for deposit- and filter-feeders had more valid correlates in specific properties of substratum dimensional fractions. Number of taxa and animal spatial density resulted conventionally related to substratum bulk parameters while feeding types patterns in comparison with sediment total organic matter content exibited a reciprocal negative effect; only when both feeding types and sediment structure were resolved to their specific attributes in terms of prevalence of tubicolous taxa among deposit-feeders and organic matter richness of single dimensional fractions, the analysis emphasized patterns unequally affected by specific size fractions abundance and organic matter content: deposit feeders demonstrated to be related to the presence in the substrate of intermediate grain size classes necessary for tube-building. Those intermediate fractions proved to be more adequate descriptors than average grain size or other overall sediment parameters per se of relations actually established between feeding types and the complex nature of bottom sediments. Our results emphasize that for Northern Adriatic Sea benthic communities, sediment organic matter content may represent a factor of minor importance in comparison with other substrate attributes, for which it may be necessary a detailed analysis of sediment structure. Thus, we concluded that the complexity of soft-bottom communities may defy any simple paradigm relating macrobenthic patterns to any single sediment bulk attribute, and we propose a shift in focus towards an higher resolution of both functional groups in macrobenthic associations las already suggested in other investigations) and of substratum structural description

    Time-space dynamics of income segregation: a case study of Milan's neighbourhoods

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    Traditional approaches to urban income segregation focus on static residential patterns, often failing to capture the dynamic nature of social mixing at the neighborhood level. Leveraging high-resolution location-based data from mobile phones, we capture the interplay of three different income groups (high, medium, low) based on their daily routines. We propose a three-dimensional space to analyze social mixing, which is embedded in the temporal dynamics of urban activities. This framework offers a more detailed perspective on social interactions, closely linked to the geographical features of each neighborhood. While residential areas fail to encourage social mixing in the nighttime, the working hours foster inclusion, with the city center showing a heightened level of interaction. As evening sets in, leisure areas emerge as potential facilitators for social interactions, depending on urban features such as public transport and a variety of Points Of Interest. These characteristics significantly modulate the magnitude and type of social stratification involved in social mixing, also underscoring the significance of urban design in either bridging or widening socio-economic divides

    When climate change and overexploitation meet in volcanic lakes. The lesson from lake Bracciano, Rome’s strategic reservoir

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    Lakes worldwide have been strongly affected by several types of human-caused alteration, including changes in water level. This also affects deep lakes, including volcanic ones. Volcanic lakes in the Mediterranean area are of great importance for the local economy, but local human activities can threaten their rich biodiversity. As a European biodiversity hotspot and habitat of endemic species, the volcanic Lake Bracciano (Central Italy) is an ecosystem of primary conservation interest threatened by sharply falling water levels, particularly since 2017. It also plays a key role in human wellbeing by providing important ecosystem services including drinking water, fisheries and various recreational opportunities. Although the lake has historically been considered to enjoy good ecological status, various environmental problems, often amplified by water level changes, have arisen during the last two decades. Given this recent rapid evolution, the lake can be considered an example of a valuable ecosystem at risk as a result of increasing anthropogenic pressures. The aim of this review is to examine the changes that have affected the lake in the last 20 years, considerably reducing its capacity to provide ecosystem services, and to review existing and potential threats in order to better inform the management of such resources
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