321 research outputs found

    (Nearly) Ten Years of Social Media and Political Elections in Italy: Questions, Platforms, and Methods

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    In this article, we reconstruct the academic discourse surrounding social media and elections in an Italian context. We follow Neumayer and Rossi’s conceptualization of academic discourse concerning political protest and digital technology as constructed out of three components: (a) the social phenomena under investigation, (b) technological development, and (c) methods and techniques. In the context of social media and elections, these three components may be identified as (a) the research questions that researchers seek to answer, (b) the social media platforms and data used for the analysis, and (c) the methods adopted to analyze the data. While these three dimensions are deeply intertwined, we argue that, when analyzed independently, it is possible to better see both the longitudinal evolution of each dimension and their interdependencies

    Caratteristiche principali dell'emissione di galassie ellittiche

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    In seguito alla classificazione di Hubble è stato possibile racchiudere sotto la denominazione di ellittiche un insieme di galassie accomunate da alcune caratteristiche: la forma ellittica, l'aspetto omogeneo, e la totale assenza di un disco e di bracci. Le galassie ellittiche condividono anche una simile composizione di stelle e gas: si può quindi caratterizzare una emissione in ogni banda tipica di tale classe di galassie. In questo elaborato si descriverà l'emissione di tali oggetti in ognuna delle bande osservabili, e si analizzeranno i processi astrofisici che possono spiegare tale emissione. Innanzitutto, però, si provvederà ad una descrizione generale della classificazione di Hubble, definendo quali sono le caratteristiche comuni di quelle galassie che essa categorizza come ellittiche, e quali leggi empiriche descrivono piÚ accuratamente le loro proprietà osservabili

    Persone positive, decedute e guarite durante l'emergenza Covid-19: la comunicazione istituzionale dell\u2019incertezza dei dati durante la Fase 1 della pandemia in Italia

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    Introduzione. Il 31 gennaio 2020 sono stati confermati in Italia i primi due casi di COVID-19, malattia respiratoria acuta dovuta all\u2019infezione virale da Sars-Cov-2 i cui sintomi pi\uf9 comuni sono tosse, febbre, affaticamento e difficolt\ue0 respiratorie ma che si pu\uf2 manifestare in forma grave sotto forma di polmonite interstiziale, e non solo. Il virus responsabile dell\u2019epidemia, che sarebbe poi diventata una pandemia globale, era gi\ue0 stato identificato da oltre un mese in Cina, a Wuhan, capitale della provincia di Hubei. Da l\uec provenivano le prime due persone risultate positive in Italia, due turisti in vacanza a Roma, e anche la terza, un cittadino italiano rimpatriato da poco da Wuhan..

    L'utilizzo delle tecnologie del web3 nell'industria dell'audiovisivo: tra blockchain, metaverso e decentralizzazione.

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    Il seguente lavoro di tesi nasce con l’obiettivo di fornire un’attenta ricerca sulle possibilità che le tecnologie del web3 offrono all’industria dell’audiovisivo. Nell’ultimo ventennio digitalizzazione, automazione e intelligenza artificiale hanno condotto verso un totale cambiamento dell’immaginario comune, adattandosi alle esigenze dei nuovi spettatori ipertecnolocizzati. Il web3 appare come una rete decentralizzata e accessibile che offre ambientazioni 3D immersive e partecipative redendo possibile la diffusione di un nuovo mondo virtuale chiamato Metaverso. Il settore audiovisivo ha già avviato importanti esplorazioni per avvalorare tali esperienze, come per esempio la recente apertura della prima sala cinematografica italiana totalmente in Realtà virtuale (cinema effetto VR), raggiungibile attraverso speciali visori o la creazione di piattaforme di scambio crypto, che trasformano le opere in beni digitali unici e immutabili (NFT), protette dalle garanzie e dalla trasparenza offerta da sistemi distribuiti e crittografati. La possibilità di accedere a spazi interamente digitalizzati che saranno definiti “mondi virtuali” necessita specifiche tecnologie di realtà aumentata che permettono l’immersione sensoriale dell’utente trasformandolo in un avatar che ha piena libertà di azione. Una volta definiti i fondamenti, il contesto e gli strumenti si passerà all’analisi di un caso di studio, la piattaforma Ritestream che risulta essere un’applicazione pratica di tutti gli argomenti precedentemente trattati: un innovativo ecosistema di fruizione, monetizzazione e creazione di contenuti audiovisivi basato interamente sulle tecnologie del web3

    Multi-Party Media Partisanship Attention Score. Estimating Partisan Attention of News Media Sources Using Twitter Data in the Lead-up to 2018 Italian Election

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    The ongoing radical transformations in communication ecosystems have brought up concerns about the risks of partisan selective exposure and ideological polarization. Tra- ditionally, partisan selective exposure is measured by cross-tabulating survey responses to questions on vote intentions and media consumption. This process is expensive, limits the number of news outlets taken into account and is prone to the typical biases of self-reported data. Building upon previous works and with a specific focus on the online media environment, we introduce a new method to measure partisan media attention in a multi-party political system using Twitter data from 2018 Italian general election. Our first research question addresses the effectiveness of this method by measuring the extent to which our estimates correlate with partisan newspaper consumption measured by the latest Italian National Election Studies (ITANES) survey. Once established the reliability of our method, we employ these scores and measures to analyze the Italian digital media ecosystem in the lead-up to March 2018 election. The traditionally high level of political parallelism that characterizes both the Italian press and TV sectors is only partially reflected in a digital media ecosystem where partisan news sources seem to coexist with cross-partisan outlets. Results also point out that certain online partisan communities tend to rely more on exclusive news media sources

    It takes a village to manipulate the media: coordinated link sharing behavior during 2018 and 2019 Italian elections.

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    Over the last few years, a proliferation of attempts to define, understand and fight the spread of problematic information in contemporary media ecosystems emerged. Most of these attempts focus on false content and/or bad actors detection. In this paper, we argue for a wider ecological focus. Using the frame of media manipulation and a revised version of the ‘coordinated inauthentic behavior’ original definition, the paper presents a study based on an unprecedented combination of Facebook data, accessed through the CrowdTangle API, and two datasets of Italian political news stories published in the run-up to the 2018 Italian general election and 2019 European election. By focusing on actors’ collective behavior, we identified several networks of pages, groups, and verified public profiles (‘entities’), that shared the same political news articles on Facebook within a very short period of time. Some entities in our networks were openly political, while others, despite sharing political content too, deceptively presented themselves as entertainment venues. The proportion of inauthentic entities in a network affects the wideness of the range of news media sources they shared, thus pointing to different strategies and possible motivations. The paper has both theoretical and empirical implications: it frames the concept of ‘coordinated inauthentic behavior’ in existing literature, introduces a method to detect coordinated link sharing behavior and points out different strategies and methods employed by networks of actors willing to manipulate the media and public opinion

    Label-free method for anti-glucopeptide antibody detection in Multiple Sclerosis

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    Surface plasmon resonance technique is particularly interesting in immunology because it has the potential to visualize label-free antigen-antibody interactions in real-time, thus enabling antibody detection and monitoring. Herein we release the guidelines for the correct use of a method to detect specific antibodies directly in Multiple Sclerosis patients’ sera using a glucopeptide-based label-free biosensor. The protocol describes the strategy employed for the immobilization of glucopeptide antigen onto a gold sensor chip and the evaluation of the specific binding of serum antibodies to the immobilized antigen. • Label-free method for the real time screening of disease-specific antibodies within a few minutes; • The described protocol employs small quantities of glucopeptide antigen and blood serum samples saving method-cost; • Stability of the immobilized glucopeptide antigen guarantees the regeneration of the surface allowing re-use the immunosensor with high automated throughput. The antibodies detected using the described methodology can be evaluated as biomarkers of Multiple Sclerosis. The SPR detection system is able to characterize antibodies significantly different from those evaluated in the classical enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA)
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