3 research outputs found

    Binahong leaf extract (anredera cordifolia) mucoadhesive patch as an alternative therapy for recurrent aphthous stomatitis

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    Background: Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAS) is one of the most common oral diseases of all ages. There has been no study that defines the leading cause of RAS. The utilization of binahong leaves (Anredera cordifolia) can be beneficial for the treatment of RAS as it acts as an anti-inflammatory and accelerates the proliferation of fibroblasts. The combination between binahong leaves and the mucoadhesive patch will increase the effectiveness of RAS treatment.Method: Literature study through PubMed and Google Scholar databases was conducted using PRISMA flow chart looking for the efficacy of binahong leaves (Anredera cordifolia) for mucosa wound healing and mucoadhesive patches for the treatment of RAS.Result: The search results found 31 articles that met the criteria for analysis. Flavonoids and saponins in binahong leaves extract act as an anti-inflammatory and increase the proliferation of wound healing. Mucoadhesive patch formulation can increase the effectiveness of RAS treatment on the mucosa.Conclusion: Binahong leaves extract in the form of mucoadhesive patches can be used as an alternative treatment for Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis

    Binahong leaf extract (anredera cordifolia) mucoadhesive patch as an alternative therapy for recurrent aphthous stomatitis

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    Background: Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAS) is one of the most common oral diseases of all ages. There has been no study that defines the leading cause of RAS. The utilization of binahong leaves (Anredera cordifolia) can be beneficial for the treatment of RAS as it acts as an anti-inflammatory and accelerates the proliferation of fibroblasts. The combination between binahong leaves and the mucoadhesive patch will increase the effectiveness of RAS treatment.Method: Literature study through PubMed and Google Scholar databases was conducted using PRISMA flow chart looking for the efficacy of binahong leaves (Anredera cordifolia) for mucosa wound healing and mucoadhesive patches for the treatment of RAS.Result: The search results found 31 articles that met the criteria for analysis. Flavonoids and saponins in binahong leaves extract act as an anti-inflammatory and increase the proliferation of wound healing. Mucoadhesive patch formulation can increase the effectiveness of RAS treatment on the mucosa.Conclusion: Binahong leaves extract in the form of mucoadhesive patches can be used as an alternative treatment for Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis

    Uji In Silico Perbandingan Efektivitas Daun Binahong dan Triamcinolone Acetonide Terhadap IL-6

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    Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAS) adalah salah satu penyakit inflamasi berkarakteristik ulserasi rekuren yang paling sering dijumpai di mukosa rongga mulut pada berbagai kalangan usia. RAS memiliki banyak faktor predisposisi seperti trauma mekanik, malnutrisi, menstruasi, alergi, stress dan sebagainya. Ditandai dengan gejala prodromal seperti rasa terbakar, nyeri dan gatal. Respon imun pada penderita RAS salah satunya adalah peningkatan sitokin IL-6. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui perbandingan efektivitas daun binahong (Anredera Codrfifolia) dan triamcinolone acetonide terhadap mediator inflamasi IL-6 melalui uji in silico. Metode : Menggunakan metode in silico yaitu dengan Molecular docking dengan menginteraksikan beberapa ligan, yaitu Vitexin (CID 5280441), dan senyawa Saponin (CID 198016) dengan protein Interleukin-6 (ID 4J4L). Ligan pembanding yang digunakan, yakni Triamcinolone Acetonide (CID 6436). Hasil dan Pembahasan : Melalui molecular docking didapatkan hasil bahwa interaksi kompleks binahong mampu menghambat mediator Interleukin-6 ditunjukkan oleh energi ikatan yang paling rendah dibandingkan dengan ligan pembandingnya. Sedangkan melalui uji drug-likeness, kompleks daun binahong memiliki aktivitas antiinflamasi dan farmakologi yang berpotensi sebagai obat Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAS). Kesimpulan : Terdapat perbedaan dari perbandingan efektivitas daun binahong (Anredera cordifolia) dan triamcinolone acetonide terhadap mediator inflamasi IL-6 pada Reccurent Aphthous Stomatitis