446 research outputs found

    A bioética e as constituições do mundo

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    The author analyses a compared Constitutional Law, identifying 37 fundamental laws that include bioethic principles in their norms, such as the respect for human dignity in everything related to scientific investigation, genetic identity's protection, the right to investigate paternity, recognition of future generation's rights, etc.A proposition to incorporate bioethic norms in the future Constitution was made by the Peruvian Congress. Several of the principles just mentioned, and others stated there, if approved in the Fundamental Chart, will turn Peru into the pioneer in constitutional regulation of the new topics related to life's sciences.El autor realiza un análisis del Derecho Constitucional comparado, identificando 37 leyes fundamentales que consideran dentro de sus normas principios de orden bioético, tales como el respeto de la dignidad humana en todo lo relacionado con la investigación científica, la protección de la identidad genética, el derecho a investigar la paternidad, el reconocimiento de los derechos de las generaciones futuras, etc.En el Congreso peruano existe una propuesta tendiente a incorporar en la futura Constitución normas de contenido bioético. En ella se plantean varios de los principios señalados precedentemente y otros que, de ser acogidos en la Carta Fundamental, transformarán a Perú en pionero en la regulación constitucional de las nuevas materias relacionadas con las ciencias de la vida.O autor realiza análise do Direito Constitucional comparado, identificando 37 leis fundamentais que consideram em suas normas princípios bioéticos, tais como respeito à dignidade humana em pesquisa científica, proteção à identidade genética, direito a investigar a paternidade, reconhecimento dos direitos das gerações futuras, etc...Em tramitação no Congresso Peruano há uma proposta que pretende incorporar na futura Constituição, normas de conteúdo bioético. Nela estão acolhidos vários dos princípios já mencionados além de outros que deverão ser incorporadas na Carta Fundamental, o que transformará o Peru em país pioneiro na regulamentação constitucional de matérias relacionadas com as ciências da vida

    Accelerated modernity

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    This paper aims to show how current undergraduate students use social media in their daily lives, taking the first ten minutes of the day as a concentrated insight into their priorities of practice. The work draws on primary data from four focus groups of UK business students in higher education. Through the application of Rosa’s construct of social acceleration, initial findings indicate a hierarchy of priorities, shaped by economic, cultural and structural drivers in what social media is engaged with, in what sequence, and for what purpose. These choices reflect acceleration in the changes to the technology, the pace of social changes and the accelerated expectations of the pace of life. This article seeks to reimagine transmedia in the context of social media identity in an accelerated modernity. Here we have the intersection of three important rapidly changing constructs for the analysis of the use of media. These are the widespread, ubiquitous use of social media, the acceleration of late modernity and the impact of transmedia practice on how users engage with media

    Universities’ engagement with vocationalism: historical perspective

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    The aim of this article is to explore the historical context of vocationalism in universities. It is based on an analysis of the history of the university from a vocational perspective. It looks for evidence of vocational engagement in the activities of universities over time, taking a long view from the birth of the Western University in the Middle Ages to the 1980s with the emergence of current issues of vocationalism in university education. It adopts a chronological perspective initially and then a thematic one. The main findings are: (1) vocationalism in university education is as old as the Western University itself, (2) there is evidence from the start of the Western University of vocational engagement in terms of the provision of vocationally relevant subjects, vocationally relevant skills and the development of vocationally relevant attitudes, (3) whereas most graduate employers used to be concerned with the vocationally relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes students acquired on their degree courses, most are now more concerned with graduate capacity and disposition to learn within their employment after graduation and (4) subject-centred education is compatible with university education that supports the vocational aspirations of students
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