31 research outputs found

    La littératie : la lecture à haute voix

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    La maîtrise de la lecture est un objet d’enseignement, mais aussi un outil d’apprentissage déterminant. Cette maîtrise est un enjeu majeur pour notre système éducatif. Or, de nos jours en France, 2,5 millions de personnes se trouvent en situation d'illettrisme. Parmi eux, 4,1% des jeunes de 17 ans dont la moitié n’a pas dépassé le niveau d’étude du collège (DEPP 2014). Longtemps, on a considéré que les causes des difficultés d’apprentissage relevaient de l’élève sans tenir compte de l’influence du milieu dans lequel les élèves apprennent. Mais lire n’est pas qu’un processus cognitif. Selon Michel Zorman (2012) il dépend, comme tout apprentissage, des représentations, des croyances, de la motivation qui peuvent interférer avec ou, au contraire, dynamiser et réguler le processus cognitif de l’apprentissage. Aussi, il semble nécessaire de faire en sorte qu’un élève apprenne à lire, à aimer lire en comprenant ce qu’il lit, ce qui implique de favoriser le développement d’une série de savoirs et savoir-faire, mais aussi de représentations concernant la lecture et, en définitive, d’un rapport positif au savoir lire. N’est-ce pas là un questionnement à engager ? Quels rapports aux savoirs entretiennent les élèves, quels sens donnent-ils aux activités scolaires ? Comment influencer ce rapport aux savoirs en tant qu’enseignant ? Après avoir présenté les notions de littératie et de lecture à haute voix, nous nous attacherons, dans un premier temps, à définir les notions et concepts qui sont venus nourrir notre réflexion et les questions de recherche qui en découlent. Puis dans un second temps, nous décrirons les modalités de notre expérimentation et les résultats que nous nous efforcerons d’analyser

    Age of diagnosis, service access, and rights of autistic individuals in Argentina: Caregivers reports of changes and similarities across time

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    Background: Many countries have developed health initiatives to protect those with disabilities and developmental concerns in the past few years. However, the needs of autistic individuals are still short of being fulfilled. Partially due to limited research expenditure, which would allow bridging the gap between evidence and practice, the long time it takes to implement passed laws, and the limited operationalization of inclusive policies. Objective: To quantitatively examine changes in the child\u27s age at the time of caregiver\u27s first developmental concerns and age of diagnosis of their autistic child across 5 years. Also, to address challenges experienced by caregivers (e.g., reported service barriers) and the work still needing to be done in Argentina based on caregivers\u27 reports of their priorities (e.g., ensuring their child receives better services). Methods: Two independent samples of caregivers of autistic individuals were surveyed by the Red Espectro Autista Latinoamerica (REAL) in 2015 (n = 763) and the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2020 (n = 422). Similar items in both surveys were compared through descriptive inferential analysis and chi-square tests for categorical variables. Results: Compared to the 2015 sample, for the 2020 sample, more caregivers reported an earlier age of first concerns and an earlier age of a professional diagnosis. In the 2020 sample, more children diagnosed before the age of three had a doctor or a teacher noticing the first developmental concern. Also, in this sample, fewer caregivers reported service barriers (e.g., limited availability, waitlist, costs, etc.) and a need for better social support and better health services. However, rates of caregivers indicating a need for more rights for autistic individuals and greater protection of existing rights increased. There was no change in the reported rate of family members who stopped working to care for the autistic individual. For both samples, there was statistically significant differences in individual (physician, teacher, caregiver) noticing first developmental concern and the age of diagnosis, with the majority having a caregiver noticing the first concern. Conclusion: The 5 years that separate both samples show an improvement in developmental concerns being noticed, a decrease in age of diagnosis, and an improvement in several service areas such as community awareness. Also, caregivers reported fewer barriers to service accessibility, thus suggesting a positive impact stemming from changes in public policies, non-profit organizations\u27 work through awareness campaigns, and advocates\u27 strives toward greater awareness. Nonetheless, a similar proportion of family members reported ceasing working to care for autistic individuals and perceived that the fundamental rights of their autistic children needed to be protected. These results imply that despite better care pathways in Argentina, there are still gaps when attempting to meet the needs of autistic individuals and their families. The present study provides a meaningful understanding of existing gaps and help exemplify the perceived improvements when non-profit agencies and advocates promote increased rights and community awareness in addition to the established laws focusing on ASD

    Profile of Service Use and Barriers to Access to Care among Brazilian Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Delayed diagnosis and a lack of adequate care for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are related to worse outcomes and quality of life. This study aimed to identify the profile of service use, barriers to access care, and factors related to those barriers in Brazilian families with children with ASD. A total of 927 families with children with ASD (3-17 years) from five Brazilian regions completed an online version of the Caregivers Needs Survey. Results showed that the most used services were behavioral interventions and pharmacotherapy, while the most used professionals were neurologists, nutritionists, speech therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and pediatricians. The main barriers included waiting lists, costs, and the absence of services or treatment. Service use varied according to age, the region of residence, type of health care system used, and the parents/caregivers\u27 education. Access to behavioral interventions was more frequent among users of the private system/health insurance and families whose caregivers had higher education. The absence of specialized services/treatments was less frequent among residents of state capitals and families whose caregivers had higher levels of education. This study highlights how families with children/adolescents with ASD in Brazil face significant barriers to access care related to sociodemographic factors

    ¡A Luján! Las Comunidades de inmigrantes y el naciente catolicismo de masas, 1910-1934

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    The objective of this work is to explain the phenomenon of the mobilizations of immigrant communities in Luján, based on a consideration of the bigger picture in which they took place, including the general context of Argentine Catholicism near the time of the Centennial. As such, it must be noted that Italians were not the only group, nor the first one, that organized processions in Luján that attracted increasingly greater numbers of participants. Our focus is on the decade of 1910, years in which Catholic processions and demonstrations were becoming every more numerous. Usually historigraphic studies tend to date the appearance of Catholicism of the masses from the decade of the 1930s, the most telling expression of which can be found in the celebration of the 1934 International Eucharistic Congress. Nevertheless, it is often forgotten that the first event of these characteristics was celebrated in Buenos Aires as early as 1916, with the first National Eucharistic Congress. This echoed the nascent wave of Catholic mass mobilizations that began at the time of the Centennial. Among others, the Italians were active in this wave.El objetivo de este trabajo es explicar el fenómeno de las movilizaciones de las comunidades de inmigrantes a Luján a partir de una consideración del cuadro general en el que se inscribían. Este cuadro ha de incluir el contexto general del catolicismo argentino hacia el Centenario, a fin de llamar la atención sobre el hecho de que los italianos no fueron los únicos ni los primeros que se movilizaron a Luján en procesiones cada vez más multitudinarias. Nos interesa focalizar, pues, la década de 1910, años en los cuales las procesiones y manifestaciones católicas se vuelven cada vez más numerosas. Usualmente, la historiografía suele ubicar la aparición del catolicismo de masas en la década de 1930, cuya expresión más elocuente se habría encontrado en la celebración del Congreso Eucarístico Internacional de 1934. Sin embargo, suele olvidarse que el primer evento de estas características se celebró en Buenos Aires en fecha tan temprana como 1916, cuando se celebró el primer Congreso Eucarístico Nacional. Éste se hizo eco de la naciente oleada de movilización católica de masas que vio la luz hacia el Centenario. De ella fueron partícipes, entre otros, los italianos

    Covid-19 y autismo: impacto en las personas con autismo y sus familias en Uruguay

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    La pandemia de covid-19 y las medidas asociadas determinaron cambios profundos en los individuos con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) y sus familias. Se busca explorar estos efectos a nivel de las emociones y comportamientos en esta población en Uruguay. Dentro de un estudio multicéntrico de ocho países de Latinoamérica, se utilizó la submuestra de Uruguay para analizar los cambios de los comportamientos exhibidos por los individuos con TEA sobre la base de género y edad. Entre los 269 cuidadores que completaron una encuesta anónima, el 43,9 % reportó mayores problemas de convivencia y el 75,4 % reportó retrocesos. El empeoramiento de los comportamientos externalizados fue mayor en el sexo masculino y de los internalizados, en los adolescentes de 13 a 18 años. Estos resultados deberían considerarse a la hora de tomar medidas que comprometen la continuidad educativa, apoyos terapéuticos y de asistencia a las familias con personas con TEA en Uruguay. - COVID-19 pandemic and its associated measures, determined profound changes in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families. Authors explore consequences regarding emotions and behaviors in this population in Uruguay. Within a multicentric study of eight Latin American countries, changes in behaviors in individuals with ASD based on gender and age were analyzed in the Uruguayan subsample. Among the 269 caregivers who completed an anonymous survey, 43.9% reported greater problems in daily life and 75.4% reported setbacks. The worsening of externalizing behaviors was greater in males. The internalizing ones were higher in adolescents aged 13 to 18 years. These results should be considered when taking measures that compromise educational continuity, therapeutic supports and assistance to families with people with ASD in Uruguay

    Estrategia de atención temprana en centros de educación especial : manual de funcionamiento

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónAnálisis del proyecto que busca ampliar la oferta de los centros educativos de Educación Especial públicos posibilitando el acceso a la educación a la población de niños de 0 a 5 años con necesidades educativas especiales asociadas a discapacidades múltiples o a trastornos del desarrollo en un espacio donde puedan recibir las orientaciones e intervenciones educativas necesarias para asegurar la máxima estimulación de las áreas de desarrollo que no se encuentren comprometidas.ES