815 research outputs found

    Theoretical studies in support of the 3M-vapor transport (PVTOS-) experiments

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    Results are reported for a preliminary theoretical study of the coupled mass-, momentum-, and heat-transfer conditions expected within small ampoules used to grow oriented organic solid (OS-) films, by physical vapor transport (PVT) in microgravity environments. It is show that previous studies made restrictive assumptions (e.g., smallness of delta T/T, equality of molecular diffusivities) not valid under PVTOS conditions, whereas the important phenomena of sidewall gas creep, Soret transport of the organic vapor, and large vapor phase supersaturations associated with the large prevailing temperature gradients were not previously considered. Rational estimates are made of the molecular transport properties relevant to copper-phthalocyanine monomeric vapor in a gas mixture containing H2(g) and Xe(g). Efficient numerical methods have been developed and are outlined/illustrated here to making steady axisymmetric gas flow calculations within such ampoules, allowing for realistic realistic delta T/T(sub)w-values, and even corrections to Navier-Stokes-Fourier 'closure' for the governing continuum differential equations. High priority follow-on studies are outlined based on these new results

    Self-Deception and Cosmic Disorder in the Book of Job

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    The book of Job fundamentally involves the confrontation (or lack thereof) with the apparent upending of the universe's entire moral order. This paper will employ the concept of self-deception as put forth in twentieth-century existential philosophy to explain the behavior of Job's three ‘friends' - Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar - in the face of this apparent moral chaos. I shall also access a number of "trauma studies" based Biblical interpretations to expand our understanding of this theme

    Measuring Strong and Weak Phases in Time-Independent B Decays

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    Flavor SU(3) symmetry implies certain relations among BB-decay amplitudes to ππ\pi\pi, πK\pi K and KKˉK {\bar K} final states, when annihilation-like diagrams are neglected. Using three triangle relations, we show how to measure the weak CKM phases α\alpha and γ\gamma using time-independent rate measurements only. In addition, one obtains all the strong final-state phases and the magnitudes of individual terms describing tree (spectator), color-suppressed and penguin diagrams. Many independent measurements of these quantities can be made with this method, which helps to eliminate possible discrete ambiguities and to estimate the size of SU(3)-breaking effects.Comment: 2 figures available from the authors upon request, 12 pages,UdeM-LPN-TH-94-19

    Model of Transcriptional Activation by MarA in Escherichia coli

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    We have developed a mathematical model of transcriptional activation by MarA in Escherichia coli, and used the model to analyze measurements of MarA-dependent activity of the marRAB, sodA, and micF promoters in mar-rob- cells. The model rationalizes an unexpected poor correlation between the mid-point of in vivo promoter activity profiles and in vitro equilibrium constants for MarA binding to promoter sequences. Analysis of the promoter activity data using the model yielded the following predictions regarding activation mechanisms: (1) MarA activation of the marRAB, sodA, and micF promoters involves a net acceleration of the kinetics of transitions after RNA polymerase binding, up to and including promoter escape and message elongation; (2) RNA polymerase binds to these promoters with nearly unit occupancy in the absence of MarA, making recruitment of polymerase an insignificant factor in activation of these promoters; and (3) instead of recruitment, activation of the micF promoter might involve a repulsion of polymerase combined with a large acceleration of the kinetics of polymerase activity. These predictions are consistent with published chromatin immunoprecipitation assays of interactions between polymerase and the E. coli chromosome. A lack of recruitment in transcriptional activation represents an exception to the textbook description of activation of bacterial sigma-70 promoters. However, use of accelerated polymerase kinetics instead of recruitment might confer a competitive advantage to E. coli by decreasing latency in gene regulation.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figure
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