54 research outputs found

    Creation of a homogeneous plasma column by means of hohlraum radiation for ion-stopping measurements

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    In this work, we present the results of two-dimensional radiation-hydrodynamics simulations of a hohlraum target whose outgoing radiation is used to produce a homogeneously ionized carbon plasma for ion-beam stopping measurements. The cylindrical hohlraum with gold walls is heated by a frequency-doubled (λl=526.5\lambda_l = 526.5 μm\mu m) 1.41.4 nsns long laser pulse with the total energy of El=180E_l = 180 JJ. At the laser spot, the peak matter and radiation temperatures of, respectively, T380T \approx 380 eVeV and Tr120T_r \approx 120 eVeV are observed. X-rays from the hohlraum heat the attached carbon foam with a mean density of ρC=2\rho_C = 2 mg/cm3mg/cm^3 to a temperature of T25T \approx 25 eVeV. The simulation shows that the carbon ionization degree (Z3.75Z \approx 3.75) and its column density stay relatively stable (within variations of about ±7%\pm7\%) long enough to conduct the ion-stopping measurements. Also, it is found that a special attention should be paid to the shock wave, emerging from the X-ray heated copper support plate, which at later times may significantly distort the carbon column density traversed by the fast ions.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Ion stopping in dense plasma target for high energy density physics

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    The basic physics of nonrelativistic and electromagnetic ion stopping in hot and ionized plasma targets is thoroughly updated. Corresponding projectile-target interactions involve enhanced projectile ionization and coupling with target free electrons leading to significantly larger energy losses in hot targets when contrasted to their cold homologues. Standard stoppping formalism is framed around the most economical extrapolation of high velocity stopping in cold matter. Further elaborations pay attention to target electron coupling and nonlinearities due to enhanced projectile charge state, as well. Scaling rules are then used to optimize the enhanced stopping of MeV/amu ions in plasmas with electron linear densities nel ~ 10 18 -10 20 cm -2 . The synchronous firing of dense and strongly ionized plasmas with the time structure of bunched and energetic multicharged ion beam then allow to probe, for the first time, the long searched enhanced plasma stopping and projectile charge at target exit. Laser ablated plasmas (SPQR1) and dense linear plasma columns (SPQR2) show up as targets of choice in providing accurate and on line measurements of plasma parameters. Corresponding stopping results are of a central significance in asserting the validity of intense ion beam scenarios for driving thermonuclear pellets. Other applications of note feature thorium induced fission, novel ion sources and specific material processing through low energy ion beams. Last but not least, the given ion beam-plasma target interaction physics is likely to pave a way to the production and diagnostics of warm dense matter (WDM)

    The target-density effect in electron-capture processes

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    The influence of the target density on the electron-capture (EC) processes in collisions of fast ions with atoms and molecules is considered. The partial EC cross sections σn on the principal quantum number n of the scattered projectile, as well as the total σtot = Σnσn values, are calculated for highly charged ions interacting with gaseous and solid targets in the energy range of E = 100 keV u-1 to 10 MeV u-1. It is shown that with the target density increasing, the populations of the excited states of the scattered projectiles, formed via the EC channel, are drastically suppressed due to projectile ionization by the target particles and, as a result, the total EC cross sections decrease by orders of magnitude at low energies, while the reduction is less prominent at high energies

    Formation of a plane layer of plasma under irradiation by a soft X-ray source

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