214 research outputs found

    Особенности промышленного развития монофункциональных городов Донецкой области

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    Рассмотрены особенности промышленности моноотраслевых городов Донецкой области. Предлагаются мероприятия по решению проблем их социально-экономического развития.Розглянуто особливості промисловості моногалузевих міст Донецької області. Пропонуються заходи щодо вирішення проблем їх соціально-економічного розвитку.The paper describes the features of the industry in mono-branch cities of Donetsk region. The measures are offered to solve the problems concerning their socio-economic development

    Protein versus DNA as a marker for peripheral blood mononuclear cell counting

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    Quantitative analysis of intracellular analytes requires an accurate and precise assay not only for the quantitation of the analytes, but also for the quantitation of the number of cells in which they were determined. In this technical note we compare protein and DNA as markers for the number of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) isolated from whole blood. The protein content of samples was highly influenced by red blood cell contamination and was, therefore, a less suitable marker. The DNA-based method was unaffected by red blood cell contamination and was finally validated over a range from 10 × 106 to 300 × 106 PBMCs/mL

    Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of topotecan administered daily for 5 days every 3 weeks

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    Topotecan is a novel semisynthetic derivative of the anticancer agent camptothecin and inhibits the intranuclear enzyme topoisomerase I. The lactone structure of topotecan, which is in equilibrium with the inactive ringopened hydroxy acid, is essential for this activity. The open form predominates at physiological pH. We performed a pharmacokinetic, study as part of a phase I study in patients with various types of soli

    High accumulation of nivolumab in human breast milk: A case report

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    Nivolumab is an immunotherapeutic monoclonal antibody (mAb) that is used for the treatment of several types of cancer. The evidence on its use during lactation is lacking. Here, we report on a 39-year-old woman with metastasized melanoma who was treated with 480 mg nivolumab every four weeks during lactation. Breast milk samples were collected over the course of 34 days, including two cycles of nivolumab. The highest measured concentration of nivolumab during the first cycle was 503 ng/mL at day 13. The cumulative relative infant dose (RID) over the first cycle (28 days) was 9.8 %. The highest overall measured nivolumab concentration was 519 ng/mL at day 33, five days after administration of the second nivolumab cycle. Nivolumab seems to accumulate in breast milk over two consecutive cycles, hence the RIDs of consecutive cycles are expected to be higher. To draw further conclusions regarding safety of breastfeeding during nivolumab therapy, more information about the oral bioavailability of nivolumab in newborns, the nivolumab steady-state concentrations in breast milk and its pharmacodynamic effects are needed

    Development and validation of a combined liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry assay for the quantification of aprepitant and dexamethasone in human plasma to support pharmacokinetic studies in pediatric patients

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    A pharmacokinetic study was set up to investigate the pharmacokinetics of the anti-emetic agents aprepitant and dexamethasone and the drug-drug interaction between these drugs in children. In order to quantify aprepitant and dexamethasone, a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry assay was developed and validated for the simultaneous analysis of aprepitant and dexamethasone. Protein precipitation with acetonitrile-methanol (1:1, v/v) was used to extract the analytes from plasma. The assay was based on reversed-phase chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry detection operating in the positive ion mode. The assay was validated based on the guidelines on bioanalytical methods by the US Food and Drug Administration and European Medicines Agency. The calibration model was linear and a weighting factor of 1/concentration2 was used over the range of 0.1-50 ng/mL for aprepitant and 1-500 ng/mL for dexamethasone. Intra-assay and inter-assay bias were within ±20% for all analytes at the lower limit of quantification and within ±15% at remaining concentrations. Dilution integrity tests showed that samples exceeding the upper limit of quantification can be diluted 100 times in control matrix. Stability experiments showed that the compounds are stable in the biomatrix for 25 h at room temperatures and 89 days at -20 °C. This assay is considered suitable for pharmacokinetic studies and will be used to study the drug-drug interaction between aprepitant and dexamethasone in pediatric patients

    Histoire des syndicats de fonctionnaires et du mouvement social en Seine Maritime de 1944 à 1981

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    In 1944, the National Council of Resistance decides to rebuild a welfare state, in continuation of the Popular Front, that the second World War stops it. The trade unions reunified, in CGT (except CFTC) decide to sustain this program. The trade unions of civil servants from Seine-Maritime organize themselves to take part in this rebuild that they waited for it. What are their demands ? On What do they lean themselves to put them before ? What are their values for which they fight? Do they wait all from the state ? What is their idea of this welfare state ? At least, what means do they use to fight for it and bring it to progress ? Getting the recognition of their freedom union laws, which includes right striking, they agree civil servant status which turn out very protective against their adminstration and its hierarchy. They get too the management of Health Security by their mutual insurances which lead them, in Seine-Maritme, to build a powerful departemental mutual insurance. However, the division of world in two blocks, one liberal and one communist, goes through these trade unions and leads to the break away of 1947 That does not prevent the participation to strikes of 1953 wich they are be able to save their retirement. If they sustain general De Gaulle in his decolonization policy and against seditious generals, they clash him on his institutional, économic and social policy. The strike of 1968 is the culmination of it, throuhgout adjournements. But in order to restore the welfare state that they hope, they must sustain lefts’ candidate, François Mitterrand, in their electoral compaigns of 1974 and 1981, who wins in this last year, in spite of their differences and thanks to the Will of unity of their activists.En 1944, le Conseil national de la Résistance décide de reconstruire un Etat social dans la continuité du Front populaire, avant que le second conflit ne l’interrompe. Les syndicats ouvriers réunifiés dans la CGT (sauf la CFTC) décident de soutenir ce programme. Les syndicats de fonctionnaires de Seine-Maritime s’organisent pour participer à cette reconstruction qu’ils attendaient. Quels sont leurs revendications ? Sur quoi s’appuient-ils pour les mettre en avant ? Quels sont les valeurs qu’ils défendent ? Attendent-ils tout de l’Etat social ? Quelle est leur conception de cet Etat social ? Enfin, quels moyens utilisent-ils pour le défendre et le faire progresser ? Obtenant la reconnaissance de leur liberté syndicale qui comprend le droit de grève, ils acceptent un statut qui se révèle fort protecteur vis-à-vis de l’administration et de sa hiérarchie. Ils obtiennent aussi la gestion de la Sécurité sociale par leurs mutuelles qui les entraînent, en Seine-Maritime, à construire une mutualité départementale unifiée et puissante. Toutefois, la division du monde en deux blocs, un libéral et un communiste, traverse ces syndicats et aboutit à la scission de 1947. Cela n’empêche pas la participation aux grèves de 1953 qui leur permet de sauver leur retraite. S’ils soutiennent le général de Gaulle (1890-1970) dans sa politique de décolonisation et contre les généraux factieux, ils l’affrontent sur sa politique institutionnelle, économique et sociale. La grève de 1968 en est l’aboutissement, par-delà les remises en cause. Mais pour rétablir l’Etat social qu’ils souhaitent, il leur faut soutenir les campagnes électorales de 1974 et 1981 du candidat de la gauche, François Mitterrand (1916-1996), qui l’emporte en 1981, en dépit de leurs divergences et grâce à la volonté unitaire de leurs militants

    Нейроендокринний супровід поліваріантних ефектів біоактивної води Нафтуся на рівень хронічного стресу у жінок з різним оваріальним статусом

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    Проанализированы изменения нейроэндокринных показателен, сопутствующие поливариантным эффектам биоактивной воды Нафтуся курорта Трускавец на уровень хронического стресса у женщин детородного возраста с различным овариальным статусом. Обнаружена значительная (R=0,59) каноническая корреляционная связь между динамикой нейро-гормонального индекса стресса, с одной стороны, и вегетативной реактивности, лютеинизирующего гормона, тиреотропного гормона, тироксина и прогестерона - с другой стороны.The changes in neuroendocrine parameters, concomitant multivariate effects of bioactive water Naftussya spa Truskavets to the level of chronic stress in women of childbearing age with different ovarian status. A significant (R=0,59) canonical correlation between the dynamics of the neuro-hormonal index of stress, on the one hand, and autonomic reactivity, luteinizing hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, thyroxine and progesterone - the other side

    Development and validation of an ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the quantification of the antimalarial drug pyronaridine in human whole blood

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    Malaria remains a major health concern, aggravated by emerging resistance of the parasite to existing treatments. The World Health Organization recently endorsed the use of artesunate-pyronaridine to treat uncomplicated malaria. However, there is a lack of clinical pharmacokinetic (PK) data of pyronaridine, particularly in special populations such as children and pregnant women. Existing methods for the quantification of pyronaridine in biological matrices to support PK studies exhibit several drawbacks. These include limited sensitivity, a large sample volume required, and extensive analysis time. To overcome these limitations, an ultra-performance reversed-phase liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry method to determine pyronaridine was developed and validated according to international guidelines. The method enabled fast and accurate quantification of pyronaridine in whole blood across a clinically relevant concentration range of 0.500–500 ng/mL (r2 ≥ 0.9963), with a required sample volume of 50 µL. Pyronaridine was extracted from whole blood using liquid-liquid extraction, effectively eliminating the matrix effect and preventing ion enhancement or suppression. The method achieved a satisfactory reproducible sample preparation recovery of 77%, accuracy (as bias) and precision were within ±8.2% and ≤5.3%, respectively. Stability experiments demonstrated that pyronaridine was stable for up to 315 days when stored at −70°C. Adjustments to the chromatographic system substantially reduced carry-over and improved sensitivity compared to prior methods. The method was successfully applied to quantify pyronaridine in whole blood samples from a selection of pregnant malaria patients participating in the PYRAPREG clinical trial (PACTR202011812241529) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, demonstrating its suitability to support future PK studies. Furthermore, the enhanced sensitivity allows for the determination of pyronaridine up to 42 days post-treatment initiation, enabling assessment of the terminal elimination half-life

    IHC-based Ki67 as response biomarker to tamoxifen in breast cancer window trials enrolling premenopausal women

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    Window studies are gaining traction to assess (molecular) changes in short timeframes. Decreased tumor cell positivity for the proliferation marker Ki67 is often used as a proxy for treatment response. Immunohistochemistry (IHC)-based Ki67 on tissue from neo-adjuvant trials was previously reported to be predictive for long-term response to endocrine therapy for breast cancer in postmenopausal women, but none of these trials enrolled premenopausal women. Nonetheless, the marker is being used on this subpopulation. We compared pathologist assessed IHC-based Ki67 in samples from pre- and postmenopausal women in a neo-adjuvant, endocrine therapy focused trial (NCT00738777), randomized between tamoxifen, anastrozole, or fulvestrant. These results were compared with (1) IHC-based Ki67 scoring by AI, (2) mitotic figures, (3) mRNA-based Ki67, (4) five independent gene expression signatures capturing proliferation, and (5) blood levels for tamoxifen and its metabolites as well as estradiol. Upon tamoxifen, IHC-based Ki67 levels were decreased in both pre- and postmenopausal breast cancer patients, which was confirmed using mRNA-based cell proliferation markers. The magnitude of decrease of Ki67 IHC was smaller in pre- versus postmenopausal women. We found a direct relationship between post-treatment estradiol levels and the magnitude of the Ki67 decrease in tumors. These data suggest IHC-based Ki67 may be an appropriate biomarker for tamoxifen response in premenopausal breast cancer patients, but anti-proliferative effect size depends on estradiol levels.</p