32 research outputs found

    Sufisme Perkotaan dan Nalar Beragama Inklusif

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    Social conflicts rises frequently because of religious crisis that preceded religious truth claims over the interpretation and strength of religious exclusiveness. This spiritual crisis made uneasy by religious leaders that led to the various assemblies of dhikr or city Sufism, one panel of Jamaat Muji Prophet (Jamuro). This descriptive qualitative study was conducted using deep interviews, relevant documentations and observation This research aimed to determine (1) how the background standing, (2) public response and (3) the role played by the Assembly Jamaat Muji Prophet (Jamuro) in deradicalization efforts of religious movements. This research used qualitative as well as descriptive approaches. Data was obtained by deep interview, observation, and relevant documentations. The results of this study are: first, Jamuro founded in 2004 in Surakarta by Islamic theologians, kyai, habib, and Islamic figures from Nahdliyin to preserve the tradition of clerical predecessors in preaching . This movement aimed to continue Islamic propaganda tradition by earlier ulamas. The diversity of the radical movement in Surakarta contributed to the birth of Jamuro in hopes of reviving spirituality in town disappearing and the number of radical Islamic movements. (2) Most of communities accepted Majlis Jamuro, so that it derived others, like Jimat (Jamaah Iman Manteb Ati Tentrem) and Tomat (Tobat Maksiat). Expanding its range not only in the former residency of Surakarta and its surroundings, even Semarang. (3) Jamuro in the context of de-radicalization seen in its efforts to fortify themselves from the many familiar and radical Islamic movements through Tausyiah which will hopefully prevent jama'ahnya to commit violence in the name of religion

    Analisis Teori Pilihan Rasional Terhadap Transformasi Madrasah

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    Madrasa transformation from time to time is based on rational choice which decisioned by leaders, managers, and society. Within the perspective of RCT, that rational choice prefer to the economic concept of making profis and inhibiting loss. As the transformation of the earlier educational institution, Madrasa Nizhamiyah depicts rational choice from its historical background, implemented educational practices, qualifiation of its graduates, andsociety responses towards it. Rational choice which generally bases madrasa transformation in Indonesia is heterogeneous. It shows from non-cooperative action with the government (madrasa in the era of colonization); cooperative action with the government (madrasa in the era of the old order); cooperative action with society needs and working world (madrasa in the era of the new order) and the inclusive-predictive action with the world development (madrasa in the era of reformation and globalization)

    Indeks Kualitas Pelayanan Pernikahan di Jawa Tengah

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    This study aims to reveal how the wedding service quality index in Central Java, how the gap realities andexpectations of society towards services, and analyze the attributes of what priority the improvement inservice wedding in Central Java. The approach used in this study is quantitative. Testing the validity andreliability of the instrument showed some fall and after a further test entirely valid and reliable. Thenumber of samples involved in the study is 1000 obtained with quota purposive random samplingmethod. The study states: 1) Quality Index marriage services in Central Java at 79.08 categorized asgood; 2) All dimensions of service quality both tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance andempathy all is negative, meaning that all of society not as expected 3) gapnya biggest attribute is thattangible aspects of priority improvements on these aspects, without neglecting the other aspect

    Determinan Budaya Kerja Guru Madrasah Tsanawiyah di Kabupaten Demak

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompetensi guru dan motivasi berprestasi terhadap budaya kerja guru Madrasah Tsanawiyah Swasta di Kabupaten Demak. Populasi penelitian adalah 108 kepala MTs Swasta dengan sampel 84 yang dipilih dengan random sampling.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) kompetensi guru berkorelasi kuat (0,753) dengan budaya kerja, pengaruh kompetensi guru terhadap budaya kerja sebesar 56,7% (2) motivasi berprestasi berkorelasi kuat (0,766) dengan budaya kerja guru, pengaruh motivasi berprestasi terhadap budaya kerja guru sebesar 44,2 % dan (3) kompetensi guru dan motivasi berprestasi secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap budaya kerja guru sebesar 65,2%, persamaan regresi dengan koefisien positif Ŷ= 34,154 + 0, 154 X1 + 0,366X2

    Analisis Hasil Belajar Fisika Siswa Menggunakan Ongoing Assessment Teknik If-at

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    Assessment plays a very important role in improving student’s physics learning result. However, the less variety of assessment used by the teacher causes the low score of student’s physics learning result. One type of assessment used in the research that can increase student’s physics learning result is Ongoing Assessment IF-AT (Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique). This kind of as-sessment is not only applied when the learning is over, but also done continuously when the learning process happens, that are: at the beginning of learning, whilst learning, and at the end of the learning process. This research also supported by Problem Based Learning (PBL) model. Objective of this research are to know the influence score of Ongoing Assessment IF-AT technique toward score of student’s physics learning result through PBL model. The data score of Ongoing Assessment IF-AT technique is obtained from the average score of multiple-choice test of IF-AT technique conducted from 3 meetings, while the data score of learning result is obtained from cross-technique multiple-choice test conducted in the last meet-ing. Research results show that there is a positive linear influence score of Ongo-ing Assessment IF-AT technique toward score of student’s physics learning result through PBL model

    Pengembangan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Sains Bermuatan Nilai Ketuhanan Dan Kecintaan Terhadap Lingkungan

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    The objectives of this development research were to create science lesson plan with divinity and loving environment value contents, and to describe the effectiveness of the developed product. The development procedure used research and development methods containing of the need of analysis, the initial product development, the expert test, revision, and field test. The result product of this research study is in the form of science lesson plan with divinity and loving environment value contents that had been validated. The product had been evidented as effective based on result of students’ learning that had fulfilled KKM at the VII.8 class of SMP Negeri 2 Bandar Lampung.Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) sains bermuatan nilai ketuhanan dan kecintaan terhadap lingkungan serta mendeskripsikan efektivitas produk yang dikembangkan. Prosedur pengembangan menggunakan metode research and development, yang terdiri atas analisis kebutuhan, pengembangan produk awal, uji ahli, revisi, dan uji lapangan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah produk berupa RPP sains bermuatan nilai ketuhanan dan kecintaan terhadap lingkungan yang telah divalidasi. Produk dinyatakan efektif berdasarkan hasil belajar siswa yang memenuhi KKM pada kelas VII.8 SMP Negeri 2 Bandar Lampung

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Sains Bermuatan Nilai Ketuhanan Dan Kecintaan Terhadap Lingkungan

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    The purposes of this research were to develop learning tools in science included syllabus and lesson plans consist of divinity and love the environment value, to know how the effectiveness, and teacher’s reaction about it. The research started by identifying problems, then collecting of data for designing the first product. After that, the product would be validated with masters, then continued with limited test and got some revisions again. Before it could be the last product, it has to be tested in field. The subject of the research has been done for science teacher of VIII3 grade at Junior High School 1 Bandar Lampung. The result of testing product showed that students have completed to reach the KKM 83,87% in knowledge, 100% and 83,87% in spiritual and social attitude, and then 80,65% in skilled, it means the development of learning tools appropriate and effective used for studying.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran sains berupa silabus dan RPP bermuatan nilai ketuhanan dan kecintaan terhadap lingkungan, mengetahui keefektifannya, dan tanggapan guru mengenai produk tersebut. Penelitian diawali dengan identifikasi masalah, kemudian mengumpulkan data untuk mendesain produk awal. Setelah desain direvisi, produk divalidasi oleh ahli, dilanjutkan uji terbatas dan direvisi kembali. Sebelum dihasilkan produk akhir, terlebih dahulu produk diuji di lapangan. Subjek penelitian dilakukan kepada guru IPA SMP Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung di kelas VII3. Hasil uji produk menunjukkan siswa yang telah mencapai KKM 83,87% pada aspek pengetahuan, 100% dan 83,87% pada sikap spiritual dan sosial, serta 80,65% pada aspek keterampilan, artinya perangkat yang dikembangkan layak dan efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran