
Sufisme Perkotaan dan Nalar Beragama Inklusif


Social conflicts rises frequently because of religious crisis that preceded religious truth claims over the interpretation and strength of religious exclusiveness. This spiritual crisis made uneasy by religious leaders that led to the various assemblies of dhikr or city Sufism, one panel of Jamaat Muji Prophet (Jamuro). This descriptive qualitative study was conducted using deep interviews, relevant documentations and observation This research aimed to determine (1) how the background standing, (2) public response and (3) the role played by the Assembly Jamaat Muji Prophet (Jamuro) in deradicalization efforts of religious movements. This research used qualitative as well as descriptive approaches. Data was obtained by deep interview, observation, and relevant documentations. The results of this study are: first, Jamuro founded in 2004 in Surakarta by Islamic theologians, kyai, habib, and Islamic figures from Nahdliyin to preserve the tradition of clerical predecessors in preaching . This movement aimed to continue Islamic propaganda tradition by earlier ulamas. The diversity of the radical movement in Surakarta contributed to the birth of Jamuro in hopes of reviving spirituality in town disappearing and the number of radical Islamic movements. (2) Most of communities accepted Majlis Jamuro, so that it derived others, like Jimat (Jamaah Iman Manteb Ati Tentrem) and Tomat (Tobat Maksiat). Expanding its range not only in the former residency of Surakarta and its surroundings, even Semarang. (3) Jamuro in the context of de-radicalization seen in its efforts to fortify themselves from the many familiar and radical Islamic movements through Tausyiah which will hopefully prevent jama'ahnya to commit violence in the name of religion

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    Last time updated on 30/01/2017