20 research outputs found


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    The Higgs-Yukawa model in curved spacetime (renormalizable in the usual sense) is considered near the critical point, employing the 1/N1/N--expansion and renormalization group techniques. By making use of the equivalence of this model with the standard NJL model, the effective potential in the linear curvature approach is calculated and the dynamically generated fermionic mass is found. A numerical study of chiral symmetry breaking by curvature effects is presented.Comment: LaTeX, 9 pages, 1 uu-figur

    Scaling critical behavior of superconductors at zero magnetic field

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    We consider the scaling behavior in the critical domain of superconductors at zero external magnetic field. The first part of the paper is concerned with the Ginzburg-Landau model in the zero magnetic field Meissner phase. We discuss the scaling behavior of the superfluid density and we give an alternative proof of Josephson's relation for a charged superfluid. This proof is obtained as a consequence of an exact renormalization group equation for the photon mass. We obtain Josephson's relation directly in the form ρstν\rho_{s}\sim t^{\nu}, that is, we do not need to assume that the hyperscaling relation holds. Next, we give an interpretation of a recent experiment performed in thin films of YBa2Cu3O7δYBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{7-\delta}. We argue that the measured mean field like behavior of the penetration depth exponent ν\nu' is possibly associated with a non-trivial critical behavior and we predict the exponents ν=1\nu=1 and α=1\alpha=-1 for the correlation lenght and specific heat, respectively. In the second part of the paper we discuss the scaling behavior in the continuum dual Ginzburg-Landau model. After reviewing lattice duality in the Ginzburg-Landau model, we discuss the continuum dual version by considering a family of scalings characterized by a parameter ζ\zeta introduced such that mh,02tζm_{h,0}^2\sim t^{\zeta}, where mh,0m_{h,0} is the bare mass of the magnetic induction field. We discuss the difficulties in identifying the renormalized magnetic induction mass with the photon mass. We show that the only way to have a critical regime with ν=ν2/3\nu'=\nu\approx 2/3 is having ζ4/3\zeta\approx 4/3, that is, with mh,0m_{h,0} having the scaling behavior of the renormalized photon mass.Comment: RevTex, 15 pages, no figures; the subsection III-C has been removed due to a mistak

    QED3 theory of underdoped high temperature superconductors

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    Low-energy theory of d-wave quasiparticles coupled to fluctuating vortex loops that describes the loss of phase coherence in a two dimensional d-wave superconductor at T=0 is derived. The theory has the form of 2+1 dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED3), and is proposed as an effective description of the T=0 superconductor-insulator transition in underdoped cuprates. The coupling constant ("charge") in this theory is proportional to the dual order parameter of the XY model, which is assumed to be describing the quantum fluctuations of the phase of the superconducting order parameter. The principal result is that the destruction of phase coherence in d-wave superconductors typically, and immediately, leads to antiferromagnetism. The transition can be understood in terms of the spontaneous breaking of an approximate "chiral" SU(2) symmetry, which may be discerned at low enough energies in the standard d-wave superconductor. The mechanism of the symmetry breaking is analogous to the dynamical mass generation in the QED3, with the "mass" here being proportional to staggered magnetization. Other insulating phases that break chiral symmetry include the translationally invariant "d+ip" and "d+is" insulators, and various one dimensional charge-density and spin-density waves. The theory offers an explanation for the rounded d-wave-like dispersion seen in ARPES experiments on Ca2CuO2Cl2 (F. Ronning et. al., Science 282, 2067 (1998)).Comment: Revtex, 20 pages, 5 figures; this is a much extended follow-up to the Phys. Rev. Lett. vol.88, 047006 (2002) (cond-mat/0110188); improved presentation, many additional explanations, comments, and references added, sec. IV rewritten. Final version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Theory of Two-Dimensional Quantum Heisenberg Antiferromagnets with a Nearly Critical Ground State

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    We present the general theory of clean, two-dimensional, quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnets which are close to the zero-temperature quantum transition between ground states with and without long-range N\'{e}el order. For N\'{e}el-ordered states, `nearly-critical' means that the ground state spin-stiffness, ρs\rho_s, satisfies ρsJ\rho_s \ll J, where JJ is the nearest-neighbor exchange constant, while `nearly-critical' quantum-disordered ground states have a energy-gap, Δ\Delta, towards excitations with spin-1, which satisfies ΔJ\Delta \ll J. Under these circumstances, we show that the wavevector/frequency-dependent uniform and staggered spin susceptibilities, and the specific heat, are completely universal functions of just three thermodynamic parameters. Explicit results for the universal scaling functions are obtained by a 1/N1/N expansion on the O(N)O(N) quantum non-linear sigma model, and by Monte Carlo simulations. These calculations lead to a variety of testable predictions for neutron scattering, NMR, and magnetization measurements. Our results are in good agreement with a number of numerical simulations and experiments on undoped and lightly-doped La2δSrδCuO4La_{2-\delta} Sr_{\delta}Cu O_4.Comment: 81 pages, REVTEX 3.0, smaller updated version, YCTP-xxx

    Surgical treatment of progressive ethmoidal hematoma aided by computed tomography in a foal

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    A progressive ethmoidal hematoma (PEH) was treated successfully in a 4-week-old Belgian filly by surgical removal, using a frontonasal bone flap. The filly had respiratory stridor, epistaxis, and facial enlargement over the left paranasal sinuses, which had progressively increased in size since birth. Computed tomographic images of the head obtained with the foal under general anesthesia were useful in determining the extent and nature of the soft-tissue mass and planning surgical intervention. On the basis of the histologic appearance of the mass, a diagnosis of PEH was made. Twelve months after surgery, the facial appearance was normal and the abnormal appearance of the ethmoid region on endoscopic evaluation was less obvious, with return of the nasal septum to a normal position. Progressive ethmoidal hematoma is uncommon and, to our knowledge, has not been reported in a neonate. Clinical signs of PEH in this foal were atypical because of the rapid enlargement of the mass, extent of facial deformity, and minimal epistaxis and interoperative hemorrhage

    Características fisicoquímicas e citológicas do líquido sinovial da articulação temporomandibular em eqüinos Physical, biochemical and cytological characteristics of the equine temporomandibular joint synovial fluid

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    Foram estudadas as características fisicoquímicas e citológicas do líquido sinovial da articulação temporomandibular de dez eqüinos hígidos. Verificou-se que o líquido é viscoso, amarelo claro a citrino, límpido e livre de partículas à temperatura ambiente. Houve contaminação da amostra por sangue em três amostras que se apresentaram amarelo avermelhadas a vermelhas e de aspecto turvo. A taxa de glicose variou entre 100 e 250 e a concentração protéica não ultrapassou 3,8g/dL. O número médio de células nucleadas foi de 417 células/µL, com predominância de grandes células mononucleares e linfócitos. As mensurações das características pesquisadas no líquido sinovial da articulação temporomandibular de eqüinos são de execução simples e passíveis de implantação na rotina de atendimentos clínico-cirúrgicos.<br>Physical, biochemical and cytological characteristics of the temporomandibular joint synovial fluid were studied in ten clinically normal horses. It is a viscous, pale yellow, clear fluid and without flocculent material at room temperature. There was blood contamination in three samples, they presented red-yellow to red and cloudy. The range of glucose levels were 100 to 250 and its protein concentration was up to 3,8g/dL. Nucleated cells mean number was 417 cells/µL, with predominating large mononuclear cells and lymphocytes. Equine temporomandibular synovial fluids can be easily evaluated, being feasible in clinical and surgical routine, and the information may be useful to the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of animals with temporomandibular alterations