131 research outputs found

    Evidence for topological nonequilibrium in magnetic configurations

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    We use direct numerical simulations to study the evolution, or relaxation, of magnetic configurations to an equilibrium state. We use the full single-fluid equations of motion for a magnetized, non-resistive, but viscous fluid; and a Lagrangian approach is used to obtain exact solutions for the magnetic field. As a result, the topology of the magnetic field remains unchanged, which makes it possible to study the case of topological nonequilibrium. We find two cases for which such nonequilibrium appears, indicating that these configurations may develop singular current sheets.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Trapped Particle Stability for the Kinetic Stabilizer

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    A kinetically stabilized axially symmetric tandem mirror (KSTM) uses the momentum flux of low-energy, unconfined particles that sample only the outer end-regions of the mirror plugs, where large favorable field-line curvature exists. The window of operation is determined for achieving MHD stability with tolerable energy drain from the kinetic stabilizer. Then MHD stable systems are analyzed for stability of the trapped particle mode. This mode is characterized by the detachment of the central-cell plasma from the kinetic stabilizer region without inducing field-line bending. Stability of the trapped particle mode is sensitive to the electron connection between the stabilizer and the end plug. It is found that the stability condition for the trapped particle mode is more constraining than the stability condition for the MHD mode, and it is challenging to satisfy the required power constraint. Furthermore a severe power drain may arise from the necessary connection of low-energy electrons in the kinetic stabilizer to the central region

    Population Monte Carlo algorithms

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    We give a cross-disciplinary survey on ``population'' Monte Carlo algorithms. In these algorithms, a set of ``walkers'' or ``particles'' is used as a representation of a high-dimensional vector. The computation is carried out by a random walk and split/deletion of these objects. The algorithms are developed in various fields in physics and statistical sciences and called by lots of different terms -- ``quantum Monte Carlo'', ``transfer-matrix Monte Carlo'', ``Monte Carlo filter (particle filter)'',``sequential Monte Carlo'' and ``PERM'' etc. Here we discuss them in a coherent framework. We also touch on related algorithms -- genetic algorithms and annealed importance sampling.Comment: Title is changed (Population-based Monte Carlo -> Population Monte Carlo). A number of small but important corrections and additions. References are also added. Original Version is read at 2000 Workshop on Information-Based Induction Sciences (July 17-18, 2000, Syuzenji, Shizuoka, Japan). No figure

    Classical motion in force fields with short range correlations

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    We study the long time motion of fast particles moving through time-dependent random force fields with correlations that decay rapidly in space, but not necessarily in time. The time dependence of the averaged kinetic energy and mean-squared displacement is shown to exhibit a large degree of universality; it depends only on whether the force is, or is not, a gradient vector field. When it is, p^{2}(t) ~ t^{2/5} independently of the details of the potential and of the space dimension. Motion is then superballistic in one dimension, with q^{2}(t) ~ t^{12/5}, and ballistic in higher dimensions, with q^{2}(t) ~ t^{2}. These predictions are supported by numerical results in one and two dimensions. For force fields not obtained from a potential field, the power laws are different: p^{2}(t) ~ t^{2/3} and q^{2}(t) ~ t^{8/3} in all dimensions d\geq 1

    New empirical fits to the proton electromagnetic form factors

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    Recent measurements of the ratio of the elastic electromagnetic form factors of the proton, G_Ep/G_Mp, using the polarization transfer technique at Jefferson Lab show that this ratio decreases dramatically with increasing Q^2, in contradiction to previous measurements using the Rosenbluth separation technique. Using this new high quality data as a constraint, we have reanalyzed most of the world e-p elastic cross section data. In this paper, we present a new empirical fit to the reanalyzed data for the proton elastic magnetic form factor in the region 0 < Q^2 < 30 GeV^2. As well, we present an empirical fit to the proton electromagnetic form factor ratio, G_Ep/G_Mp, which is valid in the region 0.1 < Q^2 < 6 GeV^2

    Structure optimization in an off-lattice protein model

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    We study an off-lattice protein toy model with two species of monomers interacting through modified Lennard-Jones interactions. Low energy configurations are optimized using the pruned-enriched-Rosenbluth method (PERM), hitherto employed to native state searches only for off lattice models. For 2 dimensions we found states with lower energy than previously proposed putative ground states, for all chain lengths ≥13\ge 13. This indicates that PERM has the potential to produce native states also for more realistic protein models. For d=3d=3, where no published ground states exist, we present some putative lowest energy states for future comparison with other methods.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Directed geometrical worm algorithm applied to the quantum rotor model

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    We discuss the implementation of a directed geometrical worm algorithm for the study of quantum link-current models. In this algorithm Monte Carlo updates are made through the biased reptation of a worm through the lattice. A directed algorithm is an algorithm where, during the construction of the worm, the probability for erasing the immediately preceding part of the worm, when adding a new part,is minimal. We introduce a simple numerical procedure for minimizing this probability. The procedure only depends on appropriately defined local probabilities and should be generally applicable. Furthermore we show how correlation functions, C(r,tau) can be straightforwardly obtained from the probability of a worm to reach a site (r,tau) away from its starting point independent of whether or not a directed version of the algorithm is used. Detailed analytical proofs of the validity of the Monte Carlo algorithms are presented for both the directed and un-directed geometrical worm algorithms. Results for auto-correlation times and Green functions are presented for the quantum rotor model.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, v2 : Additional results and data calculated at an incorrect chemical potential replaced. Conclusions unchange

    A Simple Model for the DNA Denaturation Transition

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    We study pairs of interacting self-avoiding walks on the 3d simple cubic lattice. They have a common origin and are allowed to overlap only at the same monomer position along the chain. The latter overlaps are indeed favored by an energetic gain. This is inspired by a model introduced long ago by Poland and Sheraga [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 45}, 1464 (1966)] for the denaturation transition in DNA where, however, self avoidance was not fully taken into account. For both models, there exists a temperature T_m above which the entropic advantage to open up overcomes the energy gained by forming tightly bound two-stranded structures. Numerical simulations of our model indicate that the transition is of first order (the energy density is discontinuous), but the analog of the surface tension vanishes and the scaling laws near the transition point are exactly those of a second order transition with crossover exponent \phi=1. Numerical and exact analytic results show that the transition is second order in modified models where the self-avoidance is partially or completely neglected.Comment: 29 pages, LaTeX, 20 postscript figure

    Ground-state properties of tubelike flexible polymers

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    In this work we investigate structural properties of native states of a simple model for short flexible homopolymers, where the steric influence of monomeric side chains is effectively introduced by a thickness constraint. This geometric constraint is implemented through the concept of the global radius of curvature and affects the conformational topology of ground-state structures. A systematic analysis allows for a thickness-dependent classification of the dominant ground-state topologies. It turns out that helical structures, strands, rings, and coils are natural, intrinsic geometries of such tubelike objects

    Magnetic field generation through angular momentum exchange between circularly polarized radiation and charged particles

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    The interaction between circularly polarized (CP) radiation and charged particles can lead to generation of magnetic field through an inverse Faraday effect. The spin of the circularly polarized electromagnetic wave can be converted into the angular momentum of the charged particles so long as there is dissipation. We demonstrate this by considering two mechanisms of angular momentum absorption relevant for laser-plasma interactions: electron-ion collisions and ionization. The precise dissipative mechanism, however, plays a role in determining the efficiency of the magnetic field generation
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