1,781 research outputs found

    Stabilizing intergovernmental transfers in Latin America : a complement to national/subnational fiscal rules?

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    The traditional theory of fiscal federalism assigns the role of macroeconomic stabilization to the federal government. In addition to this long-standing theoretical result, there is empirical observation that federal governments in developing countries typically have cheaper and more stable access to capital markets, relative to subnational governments. Drawing on the recent experience of four large federal countries in Latin America-Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico--the authors examine how intergovernmental transfers affect the division of the burden of stabilization across the levels of government, when the nation as a whole faces economic fluctuations. Imposing stabilizing rules on federal transfers that protect subnational governments from fluctuations in the business cycle can serve two purposes. During boom periods, stabilizing rules prevent subnational governments'tendency to increase inflexible expenditures. And during downturns, stabilizing rules place the burden of borrowing at the federal level-the level most appropriate for macroeconomic stabilization and often the level with superior access to credit. Despite the logic of these rules, recent experience of the four countries reveals that these rules can be risky, particularly inthe face of high GDP volatility. Protection against falling revenues in the downturn constitutes a contingent liability for the central government. Argentina's stabilizing rule contributed to fiscal and political tensions during its ongoing crisis. Colombia is beginning to implement similar rules. Meanwhile, Brazilian and Mexican transfers do not implement such rules and fiscal and economic results do not appear to have fared any worse for this absence. The authors draw on the country experience to establish that certain conditions should be in place before establishing a stabilization rule to federal-to-subnational fiscal transfers-in particular the elimination of long-term structural fiscal imbalances, either within levels of government or across levels of government.Municipal Financial Management,Public Sector Economics&Finance,Public&Municipal Finance,Banks&Banking Reform,Urban Economics,Banks&Banking Reform,National Governance,Public Sector Economics&Finance,Municipal Financial Management,Urban Economics

    Electrical Nanoprobing of Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes using an Atomic Force Microscope

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    We use an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) tip to locally probe the electronic properties of semiconducting carbon nanotube transistors. A gold-coated AFM tip serves as a voltage or current probe in three-probe measurement setup. Using the tip as a movable current probe, we investigate the scaling of the device properties with channel length. Using the tip as a voltage probe, we study the properties of the contacts. We find that Au makes an excellent contact in the p-region, with no Schottky barrier. In the n-region large contact resistances were found which dominate the transport properties.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Kinetics of Phase Transition in An Anticlinic Liquid Crystal Induced by a Uniform Temperature Field: Growth in One Dimension

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    It is experimentally demonstrated that a transition from a synclinic to an anticlinic liquid crystal phase occurs via stable domain wall propagation after quenching in a uniform temperature field. Such a one-dimensional growth may be explained in terms of a nonlinear diffusion equation. The experiment provides the first example of free, one-dimensional growth in a system subjected to a pure and uniform temperature field

    Amenable actions, free products and a fixed point property

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    We investigate the class of groups admitting an action on a set with an invariant mean. It turns out that many free products admit such an action. We give a complete characterisation of such free products in terms of a strong fixed point property.Comment: 12 page

    Syntactic discriminative language model rerankers for statistical machine translation

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    This article describes a method that successfully exploits syntactic features for n-best translation candidate reranking using perceptrons. We motivate the utility of syntax by demonstrating the superior performance of parsers over n-gram language models in differentiating between Statistical Machine Translation output and human translations. Our approach uses discriminative language modelling to rerank the n-best translations generated by a statistical machine translation system. The performance is evaluated for Arabic-to-English translation using NIST’s MT-Eval benchmarks. While deep features extracted from parse trees do not consistently help, we show how features extracted from a shallow Part-of-Speech annotation layer outperform a competitive baseline and a state-of-the-art comparative reranking approach, leading to significant BLEU improvements on three different test sets

    Better-than-chance classification for signal detection

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    The estimated accuracy of a classifier is a random quantity with variability. A common practice in supervised machine learning, is thus to test if the estimated accuracy is significantly better than chance level. This method of signal detection is particularly popular in neuroimaging and genetics. We provide evidence that using a classifier's accuracy as a test statistic can be an underpowered strategy for finding differences between populations, compared to a bona fide statistical test. It is also computationally more demanding than a statistical test. Via simulation, we compare test statistics that are based on classification accuracy, to others based on multivariate test statistics. We find that the probability of detecting differences between two distributions is lower for accuracy-based statistics. We examine several candidate causes for the low power of accuracy-tests. These causes include: the discrete nature of the accuracy-test statistic, the type of signal accuracy-tests are designed to detect, their inefficient use of the data, and their suboptimal regularization. When the purpose of the analysis is the evaluation of a particular classifier, not signal detection, we suggest several improvements to increase power. In particular, to replace V-fold cross-validation with the Leave-One-Out Bootstrap.Development and application of statistical models for medical scientific researc

    Polar Smectic Films

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    We report on a new experimental procedure for forming and studying polar smectic liquid crystal films. A free standing smectic film is put in contact with a liquid drop, so that the film has one liquid crystal/liquid interface and one liquid crystal/air interface. This polar environment results in changes in the textures observed in the film, including a boojum texture and a previously unobserved spiral texture in which the winding direction of the spiral reverses at a finite radius from its center. Some aspects of these textures are explained by the presence of a Ksb term in the bulk elastic free energy density that favors a combination of splay and bend deformations.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX, 3 figures, submitted to PR

    Electron-Phonon Scattering in Metallic Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

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    Electron scattering rates in metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes are studied using an atomic force microscope as an electrical probe. From the scaling of the resistance of the same nanotube with length in the low and high bias regimes, the mean free paths for both regimes are inferred. The observed scattering rates are consistent with calculations for acoustic phonon scattering at low biases and zone boundary/optical phonon scattering at high biases.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Photocurrent Imaging of p-n Junctions and Local Defects in Ambipolar Carbon Nanotube Transistors

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    We use scanning photocurrent microscopy (SPCM) to investigate the properties of internal p-n junctions as well as local defects in ambipolar carbon nanotube (CNT) transistors. Our SPCM images show strong signals near metal contacts whose polarity and positions change depending on the gate bias. SPCM images analyzed in conjunction with the overall conductance also indicate the existence and gate-dependent evolution of internal p-n junctions near contacts in the n-type operation regime. To determine the p-n junction position and the depletion width with a nanometer scale resolution, a Gaussian fit was used. We also measure the electric potential profile of CNT devices at different gate biases, which shows that both local defects and induced electric fields can be imaged using the SPCM technique. Our experiment clearly demonstrates that SPCM is a valuable tool for imaging and optimizing electrical and optoelectronic properties of CNT based devices.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
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