12,063 research outputs found

    Photometric catalog of nearby globular clusters (I)

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    We present the first part of the first large and homogeneous CCD color-magnitude diagram (CMD) data base, comprising 52 nearby Galactic globular clusters (GGC) imaged in the V and I bands using only two telescopes (one for each hemisphere). The observed clusters represent 75% of the known Galactic globulars with (m-M)v<=16.15 mag, cover most of the globular cluster metallicity range (-2.2 <= [Fe/H] <= -0.4), and span Galactocentric distances from ~1.2 to ~18.5 kpc. In this paper, the CMDs for the 39 GGCs observed in the southern hemisphere are presented. The remaining 13 northern hemisphere clusters of the catalog are presented in a companion paper. For four clusters (NGC 4833, NGC 5986, NGC 6543, and NGC 6638) we present for the first time a CMD from CCD data. The typical CMD spans from the 22nd V magnitude to the tip of the red giant branch. Based on a large number of standard stars, the absolute photometric calibration is reliable to the ~0.02 mag level in both filters. This catalog, because of its homogeneity, is expected to represent a useful data base for the measurement of the main absolute and relative parameters characterizing the CMD of GGCs.Comment: 34 pages, 108 figures, Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement Series, in press. Full resolution figures can be obtained from the authors upon reques

    Generic Black-Box End-to-End Attack Against State of the Art API Call Based Malware Classifiers

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    In this paper, we present a black-box attack against API call based machine learning malware classifiers, focusing on generating adversarial sequences combining API calls and static features (e.g., printable strings) that will be misclassified by the classifier without affecting the malware functionality. We show that this attack is effective against many classifiers due to the transferability principle between RNN variants, feed forward DNNs, and traditional machine learning classifiers such as SVM. We also implement GADGET, a software framework to convert any malware binary to a binary undetected by malware classifiers, using the proposed attack, without access to the malware source code.Comment: Accepted as a conference paper at RAID 201

    Galactic Globular Cluster Relative Ages

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    Based on a new large, homogeneous photometric database of 35 Galactic globular clusters (GGCs), a set of distance and reddening independent relative age indicators has been measured. The observed D(V-I)_2.5 and D(V)(HB-TO) vs. metallicity relations have been compared with the relations predicted by two recent updated libraries of isochrones. Using these models and two independent methods, we have found that self-consistent relative ages can be estimated for our GGC sample. Based on the relative age vs. metallicity distribution, we conclude that: (a) there is no evidence of an age spread for clusters with [Fe/H]<-1.2, all the clusters of our sample in this range being old and coeval; (b) for the intermediate metallicity group (-1.2<=[Fe/H]<-0.9) there is a clear evidence of age dispersion, with clusters up to ~25% younger than the older members; and (c) the clusters within the metal rich group ([Fe/H]>=-0.9) seem to be coeval within the uncertainties (except Pal12), but younger (~17%) than the bulk of the Galactic globulars. The latter result is totally model dependent. From the distribution of the GGC ages with the Galactocentric distance, we can present a possible scenario for the Milky Way formation: The GC formation process started at the same zero age throughout the halo, at least out to ~20 kpc from the Galactic center. According to the present stellar evolution models, the metal-rich globulars are formed at a later time (~ 17% lower age). And finally, significantly younger halo GGCs are found at any R(GC)>8 kpc. For these, a possible scenario associated with mergers of dwarf galaxies to the Milky Way is suggested.Comment: 47 pages, 9 figures. To be published in the Astronomical Journal, November issu

    Seat Design for Crash Worthiness

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    A study of many crash deceleration records suggested a simplified model of a crash deceleration pulse, which incorporates the essential properties of the pulse. The model pulse is considered to be composed of a base pulse on which are superimposed one or more secondary pulses of shorter duration. The results of a mathematical analysis of the seat-passenger deceleration in response to the airplane deceleration pulse are provided. On the basis of this information, presented as working charts, the maximum deceleration loads experienced by the seat and passenger in response to the airplane deceleration pulse can be computed. This maximum seat-passenger deceleration is found to depend on the natural frequency of the seat containing the passenger, considered as a mass-spring system. A method is presented that shows how to arrive at a combination of seat strength, natural frequency, and ability to absorb energy in deformation beyond the elastic limit that will allow the seat to serve without failure during an airplane deceleration pulse taken as the design requirement

    Non-adiabatic pumping in an oscillating-piston model

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    We consider the prototypical "piston pump" operating on a ring, where a circulating current is induced by means of an AC driving. This can be regarded as a generalized Fermi-Ulam model, incorporating a finite-height moving wall (piston) and non trivial topology (ring). The amount of particles transported per cycle is determined by a layered structure of phase-space. Each layer is characterized by a different drift velocity. We discuss the differences compared with the adiabatic and Boltzmann pictures, and highlight the significance of the "diabatic" contribution that might lead to a counter-stirring effect.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, improved versio