21 research outputs found

    Molecular characterization of enterococci harboring genotype and phenotype incongruence related to glycopeptide resistance isolated in Brazilian hospitals

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    Three Enterococcus faecalis and one Enterococcus faecium strains were characterized by plasmid profile, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and determination of antimicrobial minimal inhibitory concentrations. VanA elements were characterized by Long PCR, overlapping PCR and DNA sequencing. Enterococcal strains showed resistance to vancomycin and harbored the vanA gene, and three these were teicoplanin susceptible while one showed intermediate resistance to teicoplanin. Two E. faecalis strains showed indistinguishable PFGE profile while the third was unrelated. E. faecalis strains showed a deletion in the right terminal region of the Tn1546-like element. The E. faecium strain showed an insertion element in the vanXY intergenic region. Mutations in VanA elements were not found. Rearrangements in the VanA element could be responsible for incongruities in genotype and phenotype in these strains.FAPES

    Indução das proteínas reguladas pelo ferro durante o crescimento normal de Neisseria meningitidis em meio quimicamente definido

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    The expression of iron regulated proteins (IRPs) in vitro has been obtained in the past by adding iron chelators to the culture after bacterial growth, in the presence of an organic iron source. We have investigated aspects concerning full expression of the meningococcal IRPs during normal growth, in defined conditions using Catlin medium, Mueller Hinton and Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB). The expression of IRPs varied between different strains with respect to Ethylenediamine Di-ortho-Hidroxy-phenyl-acetic acid (EDDA) concentrations, and according to culture medium, and also between different lots of TSB. For each strain, a specific set of IRPs were expressed and higher EDDA concentrations, or addition of glucose, or use of different culture media did not resulted in a differential expression of IRPs. We were not able to grow N. meningitidis under normal growth conditions using Desferal. We looked for a good yield of outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) expressing IRPs in iron-deficient Catlin medium containing EDDA and Hemin. Culture for 32 h at 30ÂșC after growing for 16 h at 37ÂșC supported good bacterial growth. Bacterial lysis was noted after additional 24 h at 30ÂșC. Approximately 4 times more OMVs was recoverable from a culture supernatant after 24 h at 30ÂșC than from the cells after 16 h at 37ÂșC. The IRP were as well expressed in OMVs from culture supernatant obtained after 24 h at 30ÂșC as from the cells after 16 h at 37ÂșC.A expressĂŁo das proteĂ­nas reguladas pelo ferro (IRPs), in vitro, tem sido obtida pela adição de quelantes de ferro ao meio de cultura, apĂłs o crescimento bacteriano, na presença de fonte de ferro orgĂąnico. Neste estudo foram investigados aspectos da mĂĄxima expressĂŁo das IRPs de meningococo durante o crescimento normal, em condiçÔes de cultura definidas, utilizando-se o meio de Catlin e os caldos Mueller-Hinton e Tryptic Soja (TSB). Foram avaliadas as melhores condiçÔes para se obter vesĂ­culas de membrana externa (OMVs) contendo IRPs para uso em vacina de meningococo B. A expressĂŁo das IRPs variou entre as diferentes cepas com relação as diferentes concentraçÔes de Etilenediamine Di-orto-Hidroxifenil-ĂĄcido acĂ©tico (EDDA), de acordo com o meio de cultura e tambĂ©m entre os diferentes lotes de TSB. Para cada cepa, um especĂ­fico padrĂŁo de ERPs foi expresso e altas concentraçÔes de EDDA, adição de glicose ou o uso de diferentes meios de cultura nĂŁo resultou em expressĂŁo diferencial das IRPs. NĂŁo foi possĂ­vel cultivar meningococo em condiçÔes normais de crescimento utilizando-se Desferral. Foi investigado condiçÔes de crescimento para se obter bom rendimento de OMVs com expressĂŁo de IRPs em meio de Catlin deficiente em ferro, contendo EDDA e hemina. Cultura de 32 h a 30ÂșC, apĂłs incubação por 16 h a 37ÂșC, manteve bom crescimento, porĂ©m, lise da bactĂ©ria foi observada apĂłs 46 h a 30ÂșC. Aproximadamente 4 vezes mais OMVs foram recuperadas do sobrenadante de cultura apĂłs 24 h a 30ÂșC do que das cĂ©lulas apĂłs 16 h a 37ÂșC. As IRPs foram bem expressas nas OMVs obtidas do sobrenadante de cultura apĂłs 24 h a 30ÂșC como tambĂ©m nas OMVs obtidas das cĂ©lulas crescidas por 16 h a 37ÂșC

    Catalase-negative, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus as a cause of septicemia

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    A catalase-negative methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was isolated from blood, venous catheter spike and bone marrow collected from an HIV-positive man with lobar pneumonia and sepsis after ten days of hospitalization. The isolate was resistant to oxacillin (positive for penicillin-binding protein 2'), ceftriaxone, clindamycin and clarithromycin, and susceptible to vancomycin. This is the first case of septicemia due to a catalase-negative S. aureus reported in Brazil, and, to our knowledge, it is the first case of catalase-negative MRSA reported in the literature. We believe that the patient acquired the S. aureus infection within the hospital environment since it was isolated ten days after hospitalization, it was isolated in a venous catheter spike, and the antibiotic resistance profile is similar to other S. aureus isolates recovered from infections in our hospital.<br>Em um paciente HIV-positivo, com pneumonia lobar e septicemia, foi isolada, após dez dias de internação, uma cepa de Staphylococcus aureus catalase-negativa, resistente a meticilina/oxacilina (MRSA), de culturas de sangue, cateter venoso central e medula óssea. A cepa era resistente a oxacilina (PBP 2' positivo), ceftriaxona, clindamicina e claritromicina, e sensível a vancomicina. Este é o primeiro caso, reportado no Brasil, de uma septicemia por S. aureus catalase-negativo e, em nosso conhecimento, o primeiro caso de um S. aureus catalase-negativo resistente a meticilina. Nós acreditamos que o paciente tenha adquirido a infecção no ambiente hospitalar, uma vez que esta cepa foi isolada aos dez dias de internação, foi isolada em cateter venoso central e o perfil de sensibilidade aos antimicrobianos é semelhante ao dos S. aureus de infecçÔes nosocomiais que ocorrem em nosso hospital