480 research outputs found

    Sensory Mechanisms of Perceptual Uniformity

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Visual experience appears rich in detail despite the poor performance of the vast majority of the visual field, as a result of the integration of coarse peripheral signals with the information of the comparatively tiny fovea. We examined the mechanisms of this integration by employing the uniformity illusion, in which a pattern with different properties in fovea and periphery uniformly takes the appearance of the fovea. We developed an adaptation paradigm to investigate whether the direction of an after-effect in the visual periphery followed the local, physical stimulation or the perception that arose under the Uniformity Illusion. We employed two different perceptual dimensions (orientation and spatial density) to investigate the extent to which the uniformity illusion is associated with changes in sensory encoding. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Experiments performed on two visual domains indicate that the uniformity illusion is not associated with a change in the sensory encoding on a local basis. Specifically, in our orientation experiments, the (V1-based) tilt after-effect only ever followed the local, physically presented orientation rather than the global orientation perceived under the illusion of uniformity. This was not due to insufficient exposure to the global pattern to produce an after-effect as presentation of physical uniformity for the same durations as participant reports of the illusion did produce an after-effect to the global orientation. Results on spatial-density based experiments showed an intermediate level of adaptation between (physical) low and high density, which could be consistent with an adaptation exerted by the illusory pattern. Thus, we could not rule out that the Uniformity Illusion might directly modify more abstract dimensions (such as numerosity, akin to our formalization of spatial density). However, the time invariance of the effect makes alternative explanations more likely and therefore, suggests that the uniformity illusion arises from high-level perceptual processes

    Serial Dependence in Visual Variance

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    The recent history of perceptual experience has been shown to influence subsequent perception. Classically, this dependence on perceptual history has been examined in sensory adaptation paradigms, wherein prolonged exposure to a particular stimulus (e.g. a vertically oriented grating) produces changes in perception of subsequently presented stimuli (e.g. the tilt aftereffect). More recently, several studies have investigated the influence of shorter perceptual exposure with effects, referred to as serial dependence, being described for a variety of low and high-level perceptual dimensions. In this study, we examined serial dependence in the processing of dispersion statistics, namely variance - a key descriptor of the environment and indicative of the precision and reliability of ensemble representations. We found two opposite serial dependencies operating at different timescales, and likely originating at different processing levels: A positive, Bayesian-like bias was driven by the most recent exposures, dependent on feature-specific decision-making and appearing only when high confidence was placed in that decision; and a longer-lasting negative bias - akin to an adaptation after-effect - becoming manifest as the positive bias declined. Both effects were independent of spatial presentation location and the similarity of other close traits, such as mean direction of the visual variance stimulus. These findings suggest that visual variance processing occurs in high-level areas, but is also subject to a combination of multi-level mechanisms balancing perceptual stability and sensitivity, as with many different perceptual dimensions.</p

    High resolution analysis of proteome dynamics during <i>bacillus subtilis</i> sporulation

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    Bacillus subtilis vegetative cells switch to sporulation upon nutrient limitation. To investigate the proteome dynamics during sporulation, high-resolution time-lapse proteomics was performed in a cell population that was induced to sporulate synchronously. Here, we are the first to comprehensively investigate the changeover of sporulation regulatory proteins, coat proteins, and other proteins involved in sporulation and spore biogenesis. Protein co-expression analysis revealed four co-expressed modules (termed blue, brown, green, and yellow). Modules brown and green are upregulated during sporulation and contain proteins associated with sporulation. Module blue is negatively correlated with modules brown and green, containing ribosomal and metabolic proteins. Finally, module yellow shows co-expression with the three other modules. Notably, several proteins not belonging to any of the known transcription regulons were identified as co-expressed with modules brown and green, and might also play roles during sporulation. Finally, levels of some coat proteins, for example morphogenetic coat proteins, decreased late in sporulation

    Intentional binding as Bayesian cue combination: testing predictions with trait individual differences

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    We investigated differences in intentional binding in high and low hypnotizable groups to explore two questions relating to (a) trait differences in the availability of motor intentions to metacognitive processes and (b) a proposed cue combination model of binding. An experience of involuntariness is central to hypnotic responding and may arise from strategically being unaware of one’s intentions. Trait differences in the ability to respond to hypnotic suggestion may reflect differing levels of access to motor intentions. Intentional binding refers to the subjective compression of the time between an action and its outcome, indicated by a forward shift in the judged time of an action toward its outcome (action binding) and the backward shift of an outcome toward a causal action (outcome binding). Intentional binding is sensitive to intentional action without requiring explicit reflection upon agency. One way of explaining the sensitivity of intentional binding is to see it as a simple case of multisensory cue combination in which awareness of intentions increases knowledge of the timing of actions. Here we present results consistent with such a mechanism. In a contingent presentation of action and outcome events, low hypnotizable had more precise timing judgments of actions and also showed weaker action binding than highs. These results support the theory that trait hypnotizability is related to access to information related to motor intentions, and that intentional binding reflects the Bayesian combination of cross-modal cues
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