3 research outputs found

    Assistive technologies to address capabilities of people with dementia: from research to practice

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    Assistive technologies (AT) became pervasive and virtually present in all our life domains. They can be either an enabler or an obstacle leading to social exclusion. The Fondation Médéric Alzheimer gathered international experts of dementia care, with backgrounds in biomedical, human and social sciences, to analyse how AT can address the capabilities of people with dementia, on the basis of their needs. Discussion covered the unmet needs of people with dementia, the domains of daily life activities where AT can provide help to people with dementia, the enabling and empowering impact of technology to improve their safety and wellbeing, barriers and limits of use, technology assessment, ethical and legal issues. The capability approach (possible freedom) appears particularly relevant in person-centered dementia care and technology development. The focus is not on the solution, rather on what the person can do with it: seeing dementia as disability, with technology as an enabler to promote capabilities of the person, provides a useful framework for both research and practice. This article summarizes how these concepts took momentum in professional practice and public policies in the past fifteen years (2000-2015), discusses current issues in the design, development and economic model of AT for people with dementia, and covers how these technologies are being used and assessed

    Ontwikkeling van de gedragsobservatieschaal psychomotorische therapie voor demente ouderen (GPMT-dem). Betrouwbaarheid en criteriumvaliditeit

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    This article describes the development of the Behaviour observation scale for Psychomotor Therapy for elderly people with dementia (BPMT-dem). This scale was developed in the late 1980s in order to evaluate the effect of psychomotor group therapy on the cognitive, social, and emotional functioning of elderly people with dementia within the therapy situation. The currently described research investigates inter-assessor reliability and internal consistency of the ten subscales (such as memory, orientation, contact with others, initiative, anxious behaviour, aggressive behaviour) and three domains, as well as the scale's correlation with other observation scales (concurrent validity) in two different patient groups. The first group consisted of clients receiving psychomotor therapy in a nursing home or a psychiatric hospital (N = 130). Inter-assessor reliability (Cohen's kappa) varied between 0.27 and 1.00, the internal consistency of the subscales (Cronbach's alpha) was calculated between 0.46 and 0.86, and that of the domains between 0.76 and 0.81. Based on the findings of this study 15 of the original 88 items were removed, 5 items were moved to other subscales and the text of 2 items was changed. Next, the subscale internal consistency and concurrent validity of this modified (73-item version) BPMT-dem was investigated in a group of 41 elderly participating in a support programme in meeting centres for elderly people with dementia and their caregivers. Cronbach's alpha for the subscales in this study was calculated between 0.47 and 0.86. To determine concurrent validity, the BPMT-dem was compared with (subscales of) the Assessment Scale for Elderly Patients (ASEP), Behavioural assessment for Intramural Psychogeriatrics (BIP), Brief Cognitive Rating Scale (BCRS) and the Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia. Correlations with related BPMT-dem subscales varied between 0.38 and 0.75. The inter-assessor reliability and concurrent validity of the 73-item version of the BPMT-dem are satisfactory. The internal consistency of 6 subscales is sufficient, and recommendations are proposed to improve the consistency of the remaining subscales. Further research to test the unidimensionality and scalability of the subscales of the BPMT-dem, as well as the effect of the recommended reformulation and removal of items, is recommended. Before the instrument can be used in actual practice, the psychometric qualities of the BPMT-dem73 need to be studied in a larger and in terms of severity of dementia more heterogeneous study sample, so that statements can also be made on which norms to use in various subgroups of elderly with dementia

    De mens zien bij dementie: co-creatie onderzoek naar behoefte aan ondersteuning thuis

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    Voor mensen met dementie en hun (in)formele zorgverleners is er een enorme keuze aan producten, services en diensten om zo lang mogelijk zelfstandig te blijven, dat aanbod groeit met de dag. Echter, in praktijk sluiten vraag en aanbod niet naadloos op elkaar aan. Komt dat omdat het aanbod moeilijk te vinden is? Of is de juiste oplossing er (nog) niet? En wat is precies de behoefte van de doelgroep? Deze vragen staan centraal binnen het project FIT. Inzichten eerste fase FIT Het project FIT bestaat uit verschillende fasen. In de eerste fase is zowel de dieperliggende behoeften (de vraag achter de vraag) van de doelgroep in kaart gebracht, samen met mensen die leven met dementie en hun mantelzorgers, als een theoretisch model voor het proces van vraagverheldering