1,882 research outputs found

    Resilience, Acculturative Stress, and Family Norms Against Disclosure of Mental Health Problems Among Foreign-Born Filipino American Women

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    The present study explores the relationships between resilience, acculturative stress, and family norms against disclosure of mental health problems among foreign-born Filipino American women. The sample consisted of 159 foreign-born Filipino American women aged 18 years and above and residing in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. Participants completed paper-and-pencil questionnaires. Results indicated high levels of resilience and moderate levels of acculturative stress. Findings also showed a significant negative correlation between resilience and acculturative stress, and a significant predictive effect of resilience on acculturative stress. We also found a significant negative relationship between resilience and family norms against disclosure of mental health problems but no significant mediating effect of resilience on the relationship between acculturative stress and family norms. This lack of significant findings related to the mediating effect of resilience on the relationship between acculturative stress and family norms against disclosure of mental illness may be due to the absence of theoretical models and research regarding the role of resilience in the context of acculturation among Filipino American women. Our findings imply the need to further explore underlying mechanisms that explain the relationships between resilience, acculturative stress, and family norms. The findings of the study also confirm the need to develop interventions and resources that ameliorate acculturative stress and promote an increase of the disclosure and reporting of mental health problems among Filipino American women

    Bullying and Students with Disabilities: The Untold Narrative

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    The documentary Bully was released nationwide in theaters in March 2012. Originally titled The Bully Project, the filmmakers followed five families whose lives had been turned upside down by bullying. Two of the families in the movie lost their sons, Tyler and Ty, to suicide, and three of the youth in the movie,Alex, Kelby, and Ja'Meya, were bullied in school and on the school bus. The movie shows the devastating consequences of bullying and the depressingly poor response on the part of adults. What the movie does not address is the mental health history of one of the boys, who commits suicide, as well as the developmental disabilities affecting another boy in the movie, who was born prematurely (Bazelon, 2012). Understandably, this is a difficult narrative. The filmmakers did not want to delve into the complexity of mental health issues and bullying for fear of creating a story line that those who are bullied are obvious victims. However, by not addressing the issues of ADHD, bipolar disorder, Asperger syndrome, and developmental disabilities, an important narrative was missed. Bullying is a complex phenomenon, and both mental health and physical health difficulties play into involvement in bullying. While there is no narrative that those who are bullied somehow deserve such egregious treatment, we shirk our professional responsibilities if we do not shed light on the compelling evidence that youth with disabilities are at great risk for involvement in bullying-both for bullying others and for being bullied (AbilityPath.org, 2011; Rose, Monda-Amaya, & Espelage, 2011). The purpose of this article is to review the research on bullying and students with disabilities and to propose an inclusive narrative: when differences are celebrated rather than used as fuel for maltreatment, a world will be created where bullying is not tolerated. This will be a better world for everyone

    Urbanness and Its Implications for Logistics Strategy: A Revised Perspective

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    Due to rapid urbanization, logistics providers are dealing with the conundrum of misaligned strategies for urban environments. Logistics providers often see the urbanness of an activity region as a constraint, while at the same time urban actors view logistics activities within their immediate environment as disruption. These attitudes obscure the value that logistics can provide for urban areas. The current research synchronizes the notions of urban and logistics by reconceptualizing urbanness (i.e., an area’s state of being urban) from the logistics service provider’s perspective. Utilizing a conceptual abstraction technique, the concept of urbanness is revised and differentiated to redefine urban areas as value clusters looking to balance supply and demand globally while also providing access to service at the local urban level. Further, logistics service providers are seen as offering value to urban areas through network logistics and localized logistics. Identifying these differentiated value propositions suggests that transportation providers should respond to urbanness not as a constraint, but as a context where ambidextrous strategies provide the greatest return. Our conceptual revision of urbanness offers promising future avenues of research dealing with urban complexity and logistics providers value appropriation

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    Bullying and Victimization among Students in Special Education and General Education Curricula

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    International research established over a decade ago that students who are en-rolled in special education curricula are victimized and perpetrate more bullying than their general education peers. However, few empirical studies have exam-ined bullying rates among American schoolchildren who receive special education services. In the current study, a sample of middle school students (n = 1009) enrolled in general and special education programs completed the Univer-sity of Illinois bullying, fighting, and victimization scales. As hypothesized, students with disabilities reported higher rates of victimization and fighting be-haviours than students without disabilities. Conversely, students with disabilities and their general education peers reported similar rates of bully perpetration

    Pre-service Special and General Educators’ Perceptions of Bullying

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    Successful approaches for decreasing bullying among youth hinge on the competence of teachers, yet teachers’ perceptions of bullying often differ from those of students. This study used the Bullying Perceptions Scale—Revised to investigate perceptions of 221 pre-service teachers at a large university in the midwestern United States. Results suggested that pre-service teachers believe all topographies of bullying warrant intervention. Additionally, when asked to recall an episode of bullying, pre-service teachers typically recalled a scenario that involved verbal bullying (84.0%), occurred in the classroom (43.6%), in elementary (44.0%) or middle school (39.6%), when teachers were present (50.2%). The findings imply a need for increased focus on bully identification and prevention in the teacher preparation curriculum


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    In the United States, Response to Intervention (RtI) is used to promote the use of evidence-based instruction in educational institutions, with the goal of supporting general and specialized educators and enabling these professionals to work together in a comprehensive, integrated manner. In doing so, RtI provides a protocol for identifying students with specific academic deficits and who demonstrate the need for individualized forms of instruction. Specifically, professional educators utilize quantitative data accumulated from common student assessment scores, which is thought to reflect a student’s response to instruction in the general classroom, in addition to his or her response to more targeted forms of intervention. This article presents a conceptual overview of RtI and discusses key dimensions most salient to its development and implementation within the United States, while carefully reviewing the research supporting the effectiveness of this multi-tiered framework. As RtI gains prominence in other countries, this article serves to educate others on what may well become a more universal response to intervention
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