135 research outputs found

    Complejizar la mirada Cineduca: una propuesta reflexiva y crítica del discurso y la narrativa audiovisual

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    En la actualidad predomina la hipervisualidad y las obras consideradas como las Bellas Artes han perdido significativamente su áurea, siendo sustituidas por artefactos que seducen en la cotidianeidad de las personas4 . Por ello, proponemos desde un aprendizaje dialógico que el estudiante adquiera las estrategias y competencias (teóricas, conceptuales, procedimentales y emocionales) necesarias para desarrollar un acceso crítico y comprensivo “[...] a las claves eruditas que constituyen el código de poder” ya que el contenido de la forma y las técnicas no son neutrales ni naturales

    Mikroskopska građa mišićnih vlakana nakon izlaganja bisfenolu-A te mogućnost njihova oporavka primjenom plazme obogaćene trombocitima.

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    Bisphenol-A (BPA) is one of the chemical products most produced in large volumes world-wide. Among other items, it forms part of plastics and food containers, from which there is a migration of BPA into food, thus it enters our organism via the digestive tract, which in fact is one of the main sources of exposure in humans. In this study, BPA action has been investigated: at a muscular level with continuous exposure; after its withdrawal in order to evaluate the possible recovery of the muscle; and the potential effect of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on a muscle previously modified by the action of BPA. For this purpose, and as a fundamental tool, histopathology was used, from which it was observed that muscle modifications were produced. These were compatible with the action of hormones administered exogenously to animals to fatten them up. It was also noted that, after the withdrawal of BPA, there was some muscle structure recovery, and, after treatment with PRP, this was practically total. Further research should investigate the mechanisms through which BPA affects muscle tissue and PRP succeeds in restoring this type of muscular lesion.Bisfenol-A (BPA) je kemijska tvar koja se u velikim količinama proizvodi širom svijeta. Između ostaloga, bisfenol-A je sastavni dio plastike i ambalaže za prehrambene proizvode, odakle se otpušta u hranu te tako dospijeva u probavni sustav čovjeka pa hrana time postaje jedan od glavnih izvora izloženosti ljudi toj supstanciji. U ovom istraživanju učinci BPA promatrani su u mišićju nakon trajne izloženosti, u mišićju nakon prestanka davanja BPA kako bi se procijenio njihov mogući oporavak, te u mišićju s primijenjenom plazmom obogaćenom trombocitima (PRP) kako bi se utvrdio njezin utjecaj na BPA uzrokovana oštećenja. Opažene patohistološke promjene u mišićima bile se slične onima kod djelovanja hormona rabljenih za bolji prirast tovnih životinja. Nakon prestanka davanja BPA uočen je određeni oporavak mišićne građe, a nakon primjene PRP oporavak je bio potpun. Daljnjim istraživanjima treba utvrditi kojim mehanizmima BPA utječe na mišićno tkivo i kako PRP uspijeva oporaviti nastala mišićna oštećenja

    Učinkovitost liječenja mišićnih vlakana minisvinja monocitima iz koštane srži nakon izloženosti bisfenolu A

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    Bisphenol-A (BPA) has been described as an endocrine disruptor that impairs human and animal health. As BPA is present in food and drink, due to leaching from polycarbonate containers or aluminum cans, humans are constantly exposed to it. Due to the importance for public health of unconscious exposure to BPA, we conducted a study of its rapid action on muscle tissue and its possible treatment with bone marrow monocytes. For this purpose, 16 minipigs were randomly distributed (n = 4) to one of the following experimental groups: the control group treated with BPA (for 4 months), the BPA-withdrawal group (treated for 2 months with BPA and two months without), and the bone marrow monocytes (MN) group (treated for 2 months with BPA, after which it was withdrawn and MN treatment began lasting 2 months). At the end of the treatments, biopsy of the longissimus lumbaris (LL) was carried out. The samples were analysed by optical and electron microscopy. In our study, it was observed that after continuous exposure to BPA some alterations appeared both in the muscle fibres and in the collagen fibres of their sheaths. The group from which BPA was withdrawn for two months exhibited a reversible degenerative action, with a partial recovery of both the muscle and the collagen fibres. In the last study group, we evaluated the action of the bone marrow monocytes on the modified muscle tissue, and observed that they presented a notable recovery action since practically all the muscle and collagen fibre alterations which had appeared were reversed.Bisfenol A (BPA) uzrokuje endokrine poremećaje koji narušavaju zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Kako se BPA, uz svoju prisutnost u polikarbonatnim posudama i aluminijskim limenkama, nalazi i u hrani i piću, ljudi su mu stalno izloženi. Zbog važnosti u javnome zdravstvu i nepostojanja svijesti o izloženosti BPA-u, istražilismo njegovo brzo djelovanje na mišićna tkiva i mogućnosti liječenja monocitima iz koštane srži. U tu je svrhu 16 minisvinja nasumično raspoređeno u četiri skupine (n = 4): 1. kontrolnu skupinu, 2. skupinu koja je bila izložena BPA-u četiri mjeseca, 3. skupinu koja je dva mjeseca bila izložena BPA-u, a zatim joj je uskraćen, 4. skupinu koja je dva mjeseca bila izložena BPA-u, a zatim je dva mjeseca liječena monocitima iz koštane srži. Na kraju liječenja učinjena je biopsija longissimus lumborum (LL). Uzorci su analizirani optičkom i elektronskom mikroskopijom. Istraživanje je pokazalo da nakon kontinuirane izloženosti BPA-u postoje promjene i u mišićnim i u kolagenskim vlaknima. Skupina kojoj je BPA uskraćen nakon dva mjeseca pokazala je reverzibilni degenerativni učinak, s djelomičnim oporavkom i mišićnih i kolagenskih vlakana. U posljednjoj ispitivanoj skupini procijenili smo učinak monocita iz koštane srži na promijenjena mišićna tkiva i promatrali ima li znatnijeg oporavka s obzirom na to da su se gotovo sva promijenjena mišićna i kolagenska vlakna regenerirala

    Procjena utjecaja disruptora bisfenola A na ionske regulacije kod Danio rerio kroz ispitivanje njihovih kloridnih i prolaktinskih stanica

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) is one of the chemicals produced in the largest volume in the world. It is commonly used as a component of plastics and food containers and can act as a xenoestrogen in humans. In view of the risk of exposure to it from the environment and diet, and basically as a water pollutant, the objective of our study was to assess possible effects on ionic regulation after exposure to BPA by means of a histopathological and morphometric study of the chloride and prolactin cells in zebrafish (Danio rerio) as an experimental model. Twenty-five male 16-week old zebrafish (Danio rerio) were allocated randomly into 5 study groups (n=5/group); a control group, and four groups, exposed for 2 weeks to a concentration of (1, 10, 100 and 1000 μg/L) of BPA, respectively. After 2 weeks, the animals were sacrificed and samples of their gills and pituitary gland were immediately taken for their subsequent histopathological analysis. Our results showed how, in the first study groups, lesions appeared in chloride cells, generating compensatory modifications in the prolactin cells, which were enough to maintain stability in the ionic exchange. As the exposure concentration increased, more serious histological modifications occurred. In the groups with the highest concentration (100 and 1000 μg/L), the lesions were so severe that the prolactin cells underwent some degenerative processes, which probably prevented the compensatory action at gill level.Bisfenol A je jedan od kemijskih spojeva koji se najviše proizvodi u svijetu. Najčešće se koristi za dobivanje plastike i posuda za hranu i može djelovati kao ksenoestrogen kod ljudi. S obzirom na rizik izloženosti bisfenolu A iz okoline i prehrane, i u osnovi kao zagađivaču vode. Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti moguće učinke na ionsku regulaciju nakon izlaganja bisfenolu A pomoću histopatološke i morfometrijske studije kloridnih i prolaktinskih stanica u Danio rerio kao eksperimentalnog modela. Dvadesetpet muških jedinki 16 tjedana starih Danio rerio bili su nasumično raspoređeni u pet ispitivanih skupina (n=5/skupina). Kontrolna skupina i četiri skupine bile su dva tjedna izložene koncentracijama od 1, 10, 100 odnosno 1000 μg/L bisfenola A. Nakon ta dva tjedna uzorci njihovih škrga i hipofize su odmah izuzeti za naknadnu patohistološku analizu. Rezultati su pokazali kako su se, kod prvih ispitivanih skupina, lezije pojavile u kloridnim stanicama, stvarajući kompenzacijske promjene na prolaktinskim stanicama koje su bile dovoljne za održavanje stabilnosti u izmjeni iona. Kako se povećavala koncentracija izloženosti, ozbiljnije histološke modifikacije su se dogodile. Kod skupina s višom koncentracijom (100 i 1000 μg/L) lezije su bile tako jake da su prolaktinske stanice prošle kroz određene degenerativne procese, što je vjerojatno spriječilo kompenzacijsko djelovanje na škrgama

    Procjene strukture i ultrastrukture ovarija vrste Danio rerionakon izlaganja 2, 3, 7, 8 – tetraklorodibenzo-p-dioksinu (TCDD)

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    The morphological consequences of long-term exposure to low doses of 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlo rodibenzo-p-dioxin in the ovaries were nvestigated in 50 adult female zebrafish at structural and ultrastructural levels. Animals were exposed to graded concentrations of 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodiben zo-p-dioxin (10, 40, 100 and 270 ppb) for 21 days, then zebrafish were sacrificed by an overdose of anaesthetic solution tricaine methanesulfonate, and immediately samples were taken for morphological evaluation. At lower concentrations of exposure there was no evidence of morphological modifications, while at higher concentrations (100 and 270 ppb) we frequently observed degeneration and inflammation. Significant increases in follicular atresia were observed among all groups (p<0.05). These results indicate that long-term exposure to low doses of 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin are able to induce morphological damage on the ovaries, which could then produce adverse effects on fish reproductive health.Morfološke konsekvence ovarija po dugotrajnijem izlaganju niskim dozama 2, 3, 7, 8-tetra klorodibenzo-p-dioksina su utvrđene na 50 odraslih jedinki vrste Danio rerio i to na strukturnoj i ultrastrukturnoj razini. Jedinke su bile izložene stupnjevanim koncentracijama 2, 3, 7, 8-tetraklorodi benzo-p-dioksina (10, 40, 100 i 270 ppb) tijekom 21 dana, i tada su jedinke bile žrtvovane uporabom letalne doze anestetske solucije tricain metansulfonata, i odmah su jedinke uzete za morfološku procjenu. Utvrđeno je da pri nižim koncentracijama izloženosti nema morfoloških modifikacija, dok su pri višim koncentracijama (100 i 270 ppb) utvrđene učestale degeneracije i upale. Značajan porast folikularne atrezije je utvrđen unutar svih grupa (p0.05). Ovi rezultati ukazuju na to se da po dugom izlaganju ovarija niskim dozama 2, 3, 7, 8-tetraklorodibenzo-p-dioksina mogu inducirati morfološkepromjene ovarija, koje tada mogu imati negativni utjecaj na normalnu reprodukciju vrste

    Procjene strukture i ultrastrukture ovarija vrste Danio rerionakon izlaganja 2, 3, 7, 8 – tetraklorodibenzo-p-dioksinu (TCDD)

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    The morphological consequences of long-term exposure to low doses of 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlo rodibenzo-p-dioxin in the ovaries were nvestigated in 50 adult female zebrafish at structural and ultrastructural levels. Animals were exposed to graded concentrations of 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodiben zo-p-dioxin (10, 40, 100 and 270 ppb) for 21 days, then zebrafish were sacrificed by an overdose of anaesthetic solution tricaine methanesulfonate, and immediately samples were taken for morphological evaluation. At lower concentrations of exposure there was no evidence of morphological modifications, while at higher concentrations (100 and 270 ppb) we frequently observed degeneration and inflammation. Significant increases in follicular atresia were observed among all groups (p<0.05). These results indicate that long-term exposure to low doses of 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin are able to induce morphological damage on the ovaries, which could then produce adverse effects on fish reproductive health.Morfološke konsekvence ovarija po dugotrajnijem izlaganju niskim dozama 2, 3, 7, 8-tetra klorodibenzo-p-dioksina su utvrđene na 50 odraslih jedinki vrste Danio rerio i to na strukturnoj i ultrastrukturnoj razini. Jedinke su bile izložene stupnjevanim koncentracijama 2, 3, 7, 8-tetraklorodi benzo-p-dioksina (10, 40, 100 i 270 ppb) tijekom 21 dana, i tada su jedinke bile žrtvovane uporabom letalne doze anestetske solucije tricain metansulfonata, i odmah su jedinke uzete za morfološku procjenu. Utvrđeno je da pri nižim koncentracijama izloženosti nema morfoloških modifikacija, dok su pri višim koncentracijama (100 i 270 ppb) utvrđene učestale degeneracije i upale. Značajan porast folikularne atrezije je utvrđen unutar svih grupa (p0.05). Ovi rezultati ukazuju na to se da po dugom izlaganju ovarija niskim dozama 2, 3, 7, 8-tetraklorodibenzo-p-dioksina mogu inducirati morfološkepromjene ovarija, koje tada mogu imati negativni utjecaj na normalnu reprodukciju vrste

    Attention: The grounds of self-regulated cognition

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    National Research Agency of Spain, Grant/Award Number: PSI2017-82670-PEveryone knows what paying attention is, yet not everybody knows what this means in cognitive and brain function terms. The attentive state can be defined as a state of optimal activation that allows selecting the sources of information and courses of action in order to optimize our interaction with the environment in accordance with either the saliency of the stimulation or internal goals and intentions. In this article we argue that paying attention consists in tuning the mind with the environment in a conscious and controlled mode in order to enable the strategic and flexible adaptation of responses in accordance with internal motivations and goals. We discuss the anatomy and neural mechanisms involved in attention functions and present a brief overview of the neurocognitive development of this seminal cognitive function on the grounds of self-regulated behavior. This article is categorized under: • Psychology > Attention (BEAB) • Brain Function and Dysfunction (BEAC) • Cognitive Development (BAAD)National Research Agency of Spain PSI2017-82670-


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    A 30 años de la implementación de las pruebas estandarizadas de evaluación de aprendizajes en Argentina y en la región, el debate sobre el sentido de las políticas de evaluación, lo que ellas producen, fundamentan, legitiman y justifican, sigue vigente. La cuestión de la evaluación en la educación adquirió centralidad en los años 90 en Argentina como uno de los ejes estructurantes de las políticas neoliberales, en tanto herramienta de “medición” de la calidad educativa desde una racionalidad económica y productivista. Con posterioridad, a pesar de los avances que se han logrado en materia educativa y social por parte de los gobiernos de signo contrapuesto a la ideología neoliberal, y aunque se haya abrazado la lógica de la calidad vinculada con el derecho a la educación y la justicia social, las concepciones y prácticas sobre la evaluación educativa poco se han alterado (Sverdlick, 2020). En este artículo expondremos un enfoque crítico en relación con las evaluaciones estandarizadas de desempeños de estudiantes con el interés de desandar algunas fórmulas tecnocráticas que se han constituido casi como verdades absolutas e incuestionables interpelando el trabajo docente de enseñar. Asimismo, analizaremos una propuesta de evaluación vigente en la provincia de Buenos Aires, en el marco de la política de enseñanza de la gestión 2020-2023, que contribuye a formas alternativas y más democráticas de construcción de conocimiento sobre los procesos educativos

    Potential Oestrogenic Effects (Following the OECD Test Guideline 440) and Thyroid Dysfunction Induced by Pure Cyanotoxins (Microcystin-LR, Cylindrospermopsin) in Rats

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    Potential endocrine-disrupting properties of cyanotoxins, such as microcystin-LR (MC-LR) and cylindrospermopsin (CYN) are of concern due to their increasing occurrence, the scarcity of reports on the topic (particularly for CYN) and the impact of human's health at different levels. Thus, this work performed for the first time the uterotrophic bioassay in rats, following the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Test Guideline 440, to explore the oestrogenic properties of CYN and MC-LR (75, 150, 300 μg/kg b.w./day) in ovariectomized (OVX) rats. Results revealed neither changes in the wet and blotted uterus weights nor in the morphometric study of uteri. Moreover, among the steroid hormones analysed in serum, the most remarkable effect was the dose-dependent increase in progesterone (P) levels in rats exposed to MC-LR. Additionally, a histopathology study of thyroids and serum levels of thyroids hormones were determined. Tissue affectation (follicular hypertrophy, exfoliated epithelium, hyperplasia) was observed, as well as increased T3 and T4 levels in rats exposed to both toxins. Taken together, these results point out that CYN and MC-LR are not oestrogenic compounds at the conditions tested in the uterotrophic assay in OVX rats, but, however, thyroid disruption effects cannot be discarded.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PRE 2020-094412Junta de Andalucía P18-RTJ-195

    DietaryL-Carnitine Prevents HistopathologicalChanges in Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus)Exposed to Cylindrospermopsin

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    Cylindrospermopsin (CYN) is a cytotoxin highly water-soluble, which is easily taken up by several aquatic organisms. CYN acts as a potent protein and glutathione synthesis inhibitor, as well as inducing genotoxicity, oxidative stress, and histopathological alterations. This is the first study reporting the protective effect of a l-carnitine (LC) pretreatment (400 or 880 mg LC/kg bw fish/day, for 21 days) on the histopathological alterations induced by pure CYN or Aphanizomenon ovalisporum lyophilized cells (400 µg CYN/kg bw fish) in liver, kidney, heart, intestines, and gills of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) acutely exposed to the toxin by oral route. The main histopathological changes induced by CYN were disorganized parenchyma with presence of glycogen and lipids in the cytoplasm (liver), glomerulonephritis, glomerular atrophy, and dilatation of Bowman's capsule (kidney), myofibrolysis, loss of myofibrils, with edema and hemorrhage (heart), intestinal villi with necrotic enterocytes and partial loss of microvilli (gastrointestinal tract), and hyperemia and hemorrhage (gills). LC pretreatment was able to totally prevent those CYN-induced alterations from 400 mg LC/kg bw fish/day in almost all organs, except in the heart, where 880 mg LC/kg bw fish/day were needed. In addition, the morphometric study indicated that LC managed to recover totally the affectation in the cross sections of the proximal and distal convoluted tubules in CYN-exposed fish