870 research outputs found

    Study on the job satisfaction of graduates and received training in the university

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    AbstractThe aim of this article is to present the results of a research where constract the assessment made by graduates of the training at the University with required professional competences in the labor market. So the data presented out of the view of the main users of university services, specifically, we have counted with population of 982 universities students. In this sense, to verify the information we have considered interesting to classify thirty-two competences in different categories. The information analyzed in this study has been primarily from questionnaires filled out by the graduate students

    Comparative analysis of two genomic regions among four strains of Buchnera aphidicola, primary endosymbiont of aphids.

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    Preliminary analysis of two selected genomic regions of Buchnera aphidicola BCc, the primary endosymbiont of the cedar aphid Cinara cedri, has revealed a number of interesting features when compared with the corresponding homologous regions of the three B. aphidicola genomes previously sequenced, that are associated with different aphid species. Both regions exhibit a significant reduction in length and gene number in B. aphidicola BCc, as it could be expected since it possess the smallest bacterial genome. However, the observed genome reduction is not even in both regions, as it appears to be dependent on the nature of their gene content. The region fpr-trxA, that contains mainly metabolic genes, has lost almost half of its genes (45.6%) and has reduced 52.9% its length. The reductive process in the region rrl-aroK, that contains mainly ribosomal protein genes, is less dramatic, since it has lost 9.3% of genes and has reduced 15.5% of its length. Length reduction is mainly due to the loss of protein-coding genes, not to the shortening of ORFs or intergenic regions. In both regions, G+C content is about 4% lower in BCc than in the other B. aphidicola strains. However, when only conserved genes and intergenic regions of the four B. aphidicola strains are compared, the G+C reduction is higher in the fpr-trxA region

    El uso del aprendizaje basado en problemas en la enseñanza universitaria: análisis de las competencias adquiridas y su impacto

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    El objetivo de la investigación que se presenta en este artículo es identificar las competencias adquiridas por estudiantes universitarios en relación con el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP). Asimismo, analiza el grado de impacto en el uso de esta metodología innovadora. Para ello se realizó un estudio tipo encuesta con una muestra de 1,007 estudiantes del grado en Pedagogía en la Universidad de Sevilla. Los resultados muestran una actitud generalmente positiva hacia la aplicación del ABP como metodología de enseñanza-aprendizaje que puede calificarse como de pragmática, ya que su impacto se valora con un nivel medio-alto. Se constata a la vez que, en general, los estudiantes han adquirido las competencias analizadas en este estudio. En consecuencia, se realizan algunas propuestas para potenciar el uso del ABP en la enseñanza universitaria.The objective of the research presented in this article has been to identify the com-petencies acquired by university students in relation to problem-based learning, and to analyze the degree of impact when this methodology is used. The study was based on a survey of 1,007 undergraduate pedagogy students at Universidad de Sevilla. The results indicate a generally positive attitude toward the use of problem-based learning as a method of teaching and learning; it can be classified as pragmatic since its impact is evaluated at an upper intermediate level. It is confirmed that in general, students have acquired the competencies analyzed in the study. Therefore, propo-sals are made to increase the use of problem-based learning at the university level

    Tratamiento quirúrgico de las metátasis pulmonares. Factores de supervivencia

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    La metastectomía pulmonar ha demostrado ser un tratamiento curativo en pacientes seleccionados con metástasis pulmonares, incrementando la supervivencia. La toracotomía abierta (OT) es el procedimiento quirúrgico estándar en estos pacientes. No obstante, en los últimos años, la cirugía torácica video-asistida (VATS) ha adquirido mayor relevancia, planteándose como una posible alternativa al anterior procedimiento, menos invasiva y con una mayor conservación del parénquima pulmonar. Sin embargo, su seguridad y eficacia es todavía objeto de estudio y controversia, por lo que serían necesarios ulteriores estudios randomizados para aclarar dichas cuestiones. El objetivo de esta revisión bibliográfica es analizar los resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico de las metástasis pulmonares, centrándose en tres aspectos: la supervivencia obtenida tras la metastectomía y los factores que condicionan dicha supervivencia; la comparación de las diferentes técnicas quirúrgicas utilizadas actualmente; y algunas consideraciones especiales, como la recurrencia de las metástasis y la remetastectomía, aspectos todos ellos que influyen y condicionan dicha supervivencia. Hemos concluido que VATS es una alternativa viable, con tasas de supervivencia similares a la toracotomía abierta, e incluso con ventajas en el caso de recurrencia metastásica. Son factores importantes para el resultado: la experiencia quirúrgica, y una correcta selección de pacientes que, en su caso, pueden beneficiarse al máximo de una técnica menos invasiva.OtroGrado en Medicin

    Plasmids in the aphid endosymbiont Buchnera aphidicola with the smallest genomes. A puzzling evolutionary story.

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    Buchnera aphidicola, the primary endosymbiont of aphids, has undergone important genomic and biochemical changes as an adaptation to intracellular life. The most important structural changes include a drastic genome reduction and the amplification of genes encoding key enzymes for the biosynthesis of amino acids by their translocation to plasmids. Molecular characterization through different aphid subfamilies has revealed that the genes involved in leucine and tryptophan biosynthesis show a variable fate, since they can be located on plasmids or on the chromosome in different lineages. This versatility contrasts with the genomic stasis found in three distantly related B. aphidicola strains already sequenced. We present the analysis of three B. aphidicola strains (BTg, BCt and BCc) belonging to aphids from different tribes of the subfamily Lachninae, that was estimated to harbour the bacteria with the smallest genomes. The presence of both leucine and tryptophan plasmids in BTg, a chimerical leucine-tryptophan plasmid in BCt, and only a leucine plasmid in BCc, indicates the existence of many recombination events in a recA minus bacterium. In addition, these B. aphidicola plasmids are the simplest described in this species, indicating that plasmids are also involved in the genome shrinkage process

    Comparative in silico analysis of SSRs in coding regions of high confidence predicted genes in Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda)

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    Background: Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are DNA sequences consisting of 1-6 bp tandem repeat motifs present in the genome. SSRs are considered to be one of the most powerful tools in genetic studies. We carried out a comparative study of perfect SSR loci belonging to class I (>= 20) and class II (>= 12 and < 20 bp) types located in coding regions of high confidence genes in Picea abies and Pinus taeda. SSRLocator was used to retrieve SSRs from the full length CDS of predicted genes in both species. Results: Trimers were the most abundant motifs in class I followed by hexamers in Picea abies, while trimers and hexamers were equally abundant in Pinus taeda class I SSRs. Hexamers were most frequent within class II SSRs followed by trimers, in both species. Although the frequency of genes containing SSRs was slightly higher in Pinus taeda, SSR counts per Mbp for class I was similar in both species (P-value = 0.22); while for class II SSRs, it was significantly higher in Picea abies (P-value = 0.00009). AT-rich motifs were higher in abundance than the GC-rich motifs, within class II SSRs in both the species (P-values = 10(-9) and 0). With reference to class I SSRs, AT-rich and GC-rich motifs were detected with equal frequency in Pinus taeda (P-value = 0.24); while in Picea abies, GC-rich motifs were detected with higher frequency than the AT-rich motifs (P-value = 0.0005). Conclusions: Our study gives a comparative overview of the genome SSRs composition based on high confidence genes in the two recently sequenced and economically important conifers and, also provides information on functional molecular markers that can be applied in genetic studies in Pinus and Picea species

    Clinal variation in PHY (PAS domain) and CRY (CCT domain)-Signs of local adaptation to light quality in Norway spruce

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    Detection of the genomic basis of local adaptation to environmental conditions is challenging in forest trees. Phytochromes (PHY) and cryptochromes (CRY) perceive the red (R)/far-red (FR) and blue light respectively, thus playing a fundamental role in regulating plant growth and development. PHYO and PHYP from conifers are the equivalents of PHYA/PHYC and PHYB in angiosperms, respectively. Norway spruce shows an adaptive latitudinal cline for shade (low R:FR or FR-enriched light) tolerance and requirement of FR light for its growth. We analyzed the exome capture data that included a uniquely large data set of 1654 Norway spruce trees sampled across many latitudes in Sweden to capture the natural clines for photoperiod and FR light exposure during the growth season. Statistically significant clinal variation was detected in allele and genotype frequencies of missense mutations in coding regions belonging to well-defined functional domains of PHYO (PAS-B), PHYP2 (PAS fold-2), CRY1 (CCT1) and CRY2 (CCT2) that strongly correlates with the latitudinal gradient in response to variable light quality in Norway spruce. The missense SNP in PHYO resulting in Asn835Ser, displayed the steepest cline among all other polymorphisms. We propose that these variations in the photoreceptors represent signs of local adaptation to light quality

    Analysis of the ASR and LP3 homologous gene families reveal positive selection acting on LP3-3 gene

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    Drought has long been established as a major environmental stress for plants which have in turn developed several coping strategies, ranging from physiological to molecular mechanisms. LP3 that was first discovered in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) is a homolog of the Abscisic Acid, Stress and Ripening (ASR) gene belonging to the ABA/WDS gene family that was first detected in tomato. LP3 has been shown to be present in four different paralogs in loblolly pine called LP3-0, LP3-1, LP3-2 and LP3-3. LP3 in loblolly pine has not been as extensively studied as the ASR in tomato. Similar to ASR, the different LP3 paralogs have been shown to be upregulated in response to water deficit stress and to act as transcription factors for genes likely involved in hexose transport. In the current study, we have investigated the evolutionary history of LP3 gene family, with the aim of relating it to that of ASR from a phylogenetic perspective and comparing the differences in selective pressure and codon usage. Phylogenetic trees revealed that LP3 is less divergent across species than ASR even when the trees were solely based on the different sub-sections of the gene. Phylogenetic, GC content, codon usage and selective pressure analyses suggest that LP3-3 is undergoing positive selection

    Rolling front landscape breeding

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    Forest tree breeding must undergo significant revisions to adapt to the evolving challenges posed by climate change. Addressing the shifts in environmental conditions requires a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach that includes theoretical work and practical application. Specifically, there is a need to focus on developing new breeding strategies that are theoretically sound and practically feasible, considering the economic constraints of actual tree breeding programs. We present a novel concept utilizing genetic evaluation of multiple traits in forest stands of successive ages across wide ecological ranges. Incorporating genomics allows for detailed genetic evaluation, making use of high-density SNP markers and sophisticated algorithms like GBLUP for genetic parameter estimates. High-throughput phenotyping is conducted using drone-borne lidar technology to capture tree height and survival data across various forest stands. Assisted migration is considered to strategically position genotypes across predicted environmental climatic gradients, thereby accommodating the dynamic nature of ecological shifts. Mathematical optimization acts as an essential component for logistics, guiding the spatial allocation and timely substitution of genotypes to ensure a continually adaptive breeding program. The concept replaces distinct breeding cycles with continuous evaluation and selection, enhancing the rate of genetic response over time
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