183 research outputs found

    Data on the effects of low iron diet on serum lipid profile in HCV transgenic mouse model

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    Here, we presented new original data on the effects of iron depletion on the circulating lipid pro fi le in B6HCV mice, a murine model of HCV-related dyslipidemia. Male adult B6HCV mice were subjected to non-invasive iron depletion by low iron diet. Serum iron concentration was assessed for evaluating the effects of the dietary iron depletion. Concentrations of circulating triglycerides, total cholesterol, Low Density Lipoproteins (LDLs), High Density Lipoproteins (HDLs) were analyzed and reported by using stacked line charts. The present data indicated that low serum iron con- centration is associated to i) lower serum triglycerides con- centrations and ii) increased circulating LDLs. The presented ori- ginal data have not been published elsewhere

    "Acido acetil-11-cheto-beta boswellico (AKBA): fattore anti-angiogenico per il trattamento di retinopatie proliferative"

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    L’angiogenesi retinica patologica è una delle cause maggiori di una classe di malattie associate alla retina, le retinopatie proliferative. In malattie come la retinopatia del prematuro (ROP), la retinopatia diabetica (DR) o la degenerazione maculare senile (AMD), infatti, la neoangiogenesi, derivante dalla peturbazione patologica dell’equilibrio omeostatico dell’organo, porta alla formazione di grovigli di vasi aberranti la cui permeabilità risulta alterata. L’alterazione della funzionalità di questi vasi provoca piccole emorragie che in seguito evolvono in versamenti più ampi di essudato nell’ambiente extracellulare ed emorragie più estese. Mediante questo meccanismo, ancora in fase di studio, inizia la cascata di eventi di tipo infiammatorio che portano, come ultima conseguenza, al distacco della retina. È ormai ben chiaro che il fattore determinante per l’attivita neoangiogenica anomala nella retina sia la sovraespressione del vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Fino ad ora, terapie farmacologiche mirate a contenere gli effetti delle retinopatie proliferative sono state,in larga parte, mirate al blocco del segnale neoangiogenico mediante l’utilizzo di molecole anti-VEGF. Questo tipo di terapie, però ,è limitato da una serie di effetti collaterali locali e sistemici che rendono la terapia non ideale. Lo studio qui presente si propone di testare l’impiego dell’acido Acetyl-11-keto-β-boswellico (AKBA) come alternativa nella terapia antiangiogenica. Recentemente è stato dimostrato, infatti, che la produzione di VEGF è dipendente dall’attivazione di un pathway intracellulare che coinvolge STAT3, fattore di trascrizione che una volta fosforilato, in seguito a differenti stimoli come ipossia, dimerizza e, una volta entrato nel nucleo, funge da fattore di trascrizione per differenti geni tra cui lo stesso VEGF. Le potenzialità antiangiogeniche di AKBA sono state già dimostrate in studi sui tumori dove questo agisce attraverso l’attivazione di Src homology region 2 domain-containing phosphatase 1 (SHP-1), il quale determina la defosforilazione di STAT3 e quindi l’inibizione del signaling per la produzione di VEGF. La funzionalità di AKBA è stata testata, in questo studio, mediante trattamenti su modelli di retinopatia proliferativa in vivo ed in vitro. Trattamento in vivo utilizza il modello murino di Oxygen-induced Retinopathy (OIR), mentre il modello in vitro comprende la coltura di cellule endoteliali retiniche (HRMEC). L’applicazione del modello in vivo permette di testare l’azione del farmaco in un modello vivente considerando, dunque, gli effetti dello stesso a livello retinico e sistemico mediante somministrazione sottocutanea ed intravitreale di AKBA. Il modello in vitro è impiegato per testare l’effetto di AKBA su uno dei target cellulari di questo farmaco nella retina. Le analisi sui trattamenti sono condotte mediante western blot, PCR e tecniche di immunoistochimica per gli esperimenti in vivo, mentre sono operati saggi di proliferazione, migrazione e formazione di da parte delle HRMEC in vitro. I risultati dimostrano come l’azione di AKBA sia in grado di aumentare l’espressione di SHP-1 e diminuire i livelli della forma fosforilata di STAT3. In questo modo, come ipotizzato, il livello di espressione di VEGF risulta diminuito. L’analisi del plesso vascolare superficiale di espianti retinici di topi OIR trattati con AKBA dimostra, inoltre, che il blocco del signaling per la produzione di VEGF provoca una diminuzione della presenza di grovigli di vasi aberranti. Il trattamento con AKBA delle HRMEC riduce la proliferazione, la migrazione e la formazione di tubi indotta da VEGF. Il presente studio conferma e applica la capacità anti-angiogenica di AKBA considerando tale molecola come una possibile alternativa alle terapie anti-VEGF. Allo stesso modo, però, si propone, mediante l’impiego di questa molecola, di comprendere meglio i meccanismi che stanno alla base della patogenesi di questa classe di malattie


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    The article analyzes the impact of the new attractors of shopping and leisure in the suburbs of the Metropolitan Area of Naples. After an introduction on the different features of today’s suburbs, the focus shifts on the transformations in the area to the north of Naples along an important axial highway (the Circumvallazione, officially the SP1). This axial road, as well as the so-called “median axis” (Asse Mediano), are analyzed as retail and consumption spaces. This case study demonstrates the complex reality of a suburb too hastily considered as uniform and anonymous: although in this area there is chaos, decay and forms of illegality, it is also characterized by a relative centrality thanks to new retail and consumption spaces which represent key-places for their users, places where the rhythm of life is slowed down and socialisation is somewhat recovered

    The wild taxa utilized as vegetables in Sicily (Italy): A traditional component of the Mediterranean diet

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    Background: Wild vegetables in the Mediterranean Basin are still often consumed as a part of the diet and, in particular, there is a great tradition regarding their use in Sicily. In this study, an ethnobotanical field investigation was carried out to (a) identify the wild native taxa traditionally gathered and consumed as vegetables in Sicily, comparing the collected ethnobotanical data with those of other countries that have nominated the Mediterranean diet for inclusion in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity and (b) highlight new culinary uses of these plants. Methods: Interviews were carried out in 187 towns and villages in Sicily between 2005 and 2015. A total of 980 people over the age of 50 were interviewed (mainly farmers, shepherds, and experts on local traditions). Plants recorded were usually collected in collaboration with the informants to confirm the correct identification of the plants. The frequencies of citation were calculated. Results: Two hundred fifty-three taxa (specific and intraspecific) belonging to 39 families, and 128 genera were recorded (26 were cited for the first time). The most represented families were Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Apiaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Malvaceae, and Polygonaceae. Only 14 taxa were cited by 75% of the people interviewed. The aerial parts of wild plants, including leaves, tender shoots, and basal rosettes, are the main portions collected, while the subterranean parts are used to a lesser extent. For some vegetables, more parts are utilized. Most of the reported vegetables are consumed cooked. In addition to the widely known vegetables (Borago officinalis, Beta spp., Cichorium spp., Brassica spp., Carduus spp., etc.), the so-called ancient vegetables are included (Onopordum illyricum, Centaurea calcitrapa, Nasturtium officinale, Scolymus spp., Smyrnium rotundifolium), and some unique uses were described. Comparing the Sicilian findings to those from other countries, a very high number of vegetable taxa were detected, 72 of which are eaten only in Sicily, while 12 are consumed in all the Mediterranean countries examined. Conclusions: The research shows a high level of Sicilian knowledge about using wild plants as a traditional food source. Wild vegetables are healthy and authentic ingredients for local and ancient recipes, which are fundamental to the revitalization of quality food strictly connected to traditional agroecosystems

    The β3 adrenoceptor in proliferative retinopathies: "Cinderella" steps out of its family shadow

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    : In the retina, hypoxic condition leads to overgrowing leaky vessels resulting in altered metabolic supply that may cause impaired visual function. Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) is a central regulator of the retinal response to hypoxia by activating the transcription of numerous target genes, including vascular endothelium growth factor, which acts as a major player in retinal angiogenesis. In the present review, oxygen urge by the retina and its oxygen sensing systems including HIF-1 are discussed in respect to the role of the beta-adrenergic receptors (β-ARs) and their pharmacologic manipulation in the vascular response to hypoxia. In the β-AR family, β1- and β2-AR have long been attracting attention because their pharmacology is intensely used for human health, while β3-AR, the third and last cloned receptor is no longer increasingly emerging as an attractive target for drug discovery. Here, β3-AR, a main character in several organs including the heart, the adipose tissue and the urinary bladder, but so far a supporting actor in the retina, has been thoroughly examined in respect to its function in retinal response to hypoxia. In particular, its oxygen dependence has been taken as a key indicator of β3-AR involvement in HIF-1-mediated responses to oxygen. Hence, the possibility of β3-AR transcription by HIF-1 has been discussed from early circumstantial evidence to the recent demonstration that β3-AR acts as a novel HIF-1 target gene by playing like a putative intermediary between oxygen levels and retinal vessel proliferation. Thus, targeting β3-AR may implement the therapeutic armamentarium against neovascular pathologies of the eye

    VEGF as a survival factor in ex vivo models of early diabetic retinopathy

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    PURPOSE: Growing evidence indicates neuroprotection as a therapeutic target in diabetic retinopathy (DR). We tested the hypothesis that VEGF is released and acts as a survival factor in the retina in early DR. METHODS: Ex vivo mouse retinal explants were exposed to stressors similar to those characterizing DR, that is, high glucose (HG), oxidative stress (OS), or advanced glycation end-products (AGE). Neuroprotection was provided using octreotide (OCT), a somatostatin analog, and pituitary adenylate cyclase activating peptide (PACAP), two well-documented neuroprotectants. Data were obtained with real-time RT-PCR, Western blot, ELISA, and immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Apoptosis was induced in the retinal explants by HG, OS, or AGE treatments. At the same time, explants also showed increased VEGF expression and release. The data revealed that VEGF is released shortly after exposure of the explants to stressors and before the level of cell death reaches its maximum. Retinal cell apoptosis was inhibited by OCT and PACAP. At the same time, OCT and PACAP also reduced VEGF expression and release. Vascular endothelial growth factor turned out to be a protective factor for the stressed retinal explants, because inhibiting VEGF with a VEGF trap further increased cell death. CONCLUSIONS: These data show that protecting retinal neurons from diabetic stress also reduces VEGF expression and release, while inhibiting VEGF leads to exacerbation of apoptosis. These observations suggest that the retina in early DR releases VEGF as a prosurvival factor. Neuroprotective agents may decrease the need of VEGF production by the retina, therefore limiting the risk, in the long term, of pathologic angiogenesis

    Novel Insights into Beta 2 Adrenergic Receptor Function in the rd10 Model of Retinitis Pigmentosa

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    Background: In retinitis pigmentosa (RP), inherited rod death is followed by cone loss and blindness. Why cones die is still a matter of consideration. Here, we investigate the pathogenic role of the sympathetic transmission in the rd10 mouse model of RP. Methods: Retinal levels of beta adrenergic receptor (BAR) 2 and norepinephrine (NE) were measured. After administration of the BAR1/2 blocker propranolol or the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1 activator dimethyloxalylglycine (DMOG), retinal levels of HIF-1α, BAR2 or proteins involved in BAR2 desensitization were also measured. In DMOG treated mice, expression and localization of BAR2, inflammatory markers and cone arrestin were determined. Finally, rd10 mice were subjected to electroretinogram (ERG) analysis to assess rod and cone function. Results: In the rd10 retina, BAR2 overexpression and NE accumulation were found, with BAR2 immunoreactivity localized to Müller cells. BAR2 overexpression was likely due to desensitization defects. Upregulated levels of BAR2 were drastically reduced by propranolol that also restored desensitization defects. Due to the low level of HIF-1 consequent to the hyperoxic environment in the rd10 retina, we hypothesized a link between HIF-1 and BAR2. HIF-1α stabilization with DMOG resulted in i. increased HIF-1α accumulation, ii. decreased BAR2 levels, iii. restored desensitization processes, iv. reduced expression of inflammatory markers and v. increased cone survival without improved retinal function. Conclusions: Our results support a pathogenic role of the sympathetic system in RP that might help to understand why rd10 mice show a positive response to BAR blockers

    Growth curves of sorghum roots via quantile regression with P-splines

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    Plant roots are a major pool of total carbon in the planet and their dynamics are directly relevant to greenhouse gas balance. Composted wastes are increasingly used in agriculture for environmental and economic reasons and their role as a substitute for traditional fertilizers needs to be tested on all plant components. Here we propose a regression quantile approach based on P-splines to assess, quantify and compare the root growth patterns in two treatment groups respectively undergoing compost and traditional fertilization

    Morpho-functional analysis of the early changes induced in retinal ganglion cells by the onset of diabetic retinopathy: The effects of a neuroprotective strategy

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    Retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) are highly susceptible to diabetes-induced metabolic stress. This study describes the early responses of RGCs to hyperglycemia and examines the effects of the neuroprotective somatostatin analog octreotide (OCT)

    Increased efficacy of dietary supplement containing wax ester-rich marine oil and xanthophylls in a mouse model of dry macular degeneration

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is nowadays considered among the retinal diseases whose clinical management lacks established treatment approaches, mainly for its atrophic (dry) form. In this respect, the use of dietary patterns enriched in omega-3 and antioxidant xanthophylls has emerged as a promising approach to counteract dry AMD progression although the prophylactic potential of omega-3 of fish origin has been discussed. Whether enriched availability of omega-3 and xanthophylls may increase the effectiveness of diet supplementation in preventing dry AMD remains to be fully established. The present study aims at comparing the efficacy of an existing orally administered formulation based on lutein and fish oil, as a source of omega-3, with a novel formulation providing the combination of lutein and astaxanthin with Calanus oil (COil), which contains omega-3 together with their precursors policosanols. Using a mouse model of dry AMD based on subretinal injection of polyethylene glycol (PEG)-400, we assessed the comparative efficacy of both formulations on PEG-induced major hallmarks including oxidative stress, inflammation, glial reactivity and outer retinal thickness. Dietary supplementation with both mixtures has been found to exert a significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity as reflected by the overall amelioration of the PEG-induced pathological hallmarks. Noteworthy, the formulation based on COil appeared to be more protective than the one based on fish oil, presumably because of the higher bioavailability of omega-3 in COil. These results support the use of dietary supplements combining omega-3 and xanthophylls in the prevention and treatment of AMD and suggest that the source of omega-3 might contribute to treatment efficacy