103 research outputs found

    Revista de Saúde Pública: 50 years disseminating the knowledge in nutrition

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    Este trabalho descreve e comenta os artigos na área de Nutrição em Saúde Pública, publicados na Revista de Saúde Pública (RSP) de 1967 a 2016. Foi realizada busca na base de dados PubMed restrita ao periódico “Revista de Saúde Pública” e utilizando termos relacionados com temáticas chaves da área de Nutrição em Saúde Pública. Foram recuperados 742 artigos e, após as exclusões dos artigos repetidos e daqueles não relacionados com a temática, foram analisados 441 artigos, agrupados segundo o tema: cárie dental, anemia, hipovitaminose A, macro/micronutrientes, desnutrição, avaliação do estado nutricional, sobrepeso/obesidade, consumo de alimentos, baixo peso ao nascer, e aleitamento materno. Observou-se incremento significativo no número de artigos publicados e a diversificação dos temas tratados ao longo destes 50 anos, retratando o consistente desenvolvimento do campo científico da Nutrição no Brasil. Desde seu início, a RSP desempenhou importante papel na divulgação do conhecimento sobre os principais agravos nutricionais no Brasil.This work describes and comments on articles in the area of Public Health Nutrition published in Revista de Saúde Pública (RSP – Public Health Journal) from 1967 to 2016. We searched in the PubMed database restricted to the periodical “Revista de Saúde Pública” and using terms related to key topics in the area of Public Health Nutrition. We retrieved 742 articles and, after exclusion of duplicates and articles unrelated to the subject, we analyzed 441 articles, grouped according to subject: dental caries, anemia, hypovitaminosis A, macro/micronutrients, malnutrition, nutritional assessment, overweight/obesity, food consumption, low birthweight, and breastfeeding. We observed significant increase in the number of articles published and diversification of subjects addressed over the 50 years, representing the consistent development of the scientific field of Nutrition in Brazil. Since its inception, RSP has played an important role in the dissemination of knowledge about the main nutritional issues in Brazil

    Beverage consumption in Brazil: results from the first National Dietary Survey

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    Abstract Objective To provide an overview of beverage consumption patterns using the first nationally representative survey of dietary intake in Brazil. Design Beverage consumption data were obtained by 1 d food records in an individual dietary survey. Setting Nationwide cross-sectional survey, 2008–2009. Subjects Nationally representative sample of individuals aged ≥10 years ( n 34 003). Results Beverages contributed 17·1 % of total energy consumption. Caloric coffee beverages provided the greatest level of energy overall (464 kJ (111 kcal)/d). Individuals aged 10–18 years (243 kJ (58 kcal)/d) and 19–39 years (230 kJ (55 kcal)/d) consumed a higher proportion of energy from sugar-sweetened soft drinks than individuals over this age (142 kJ (34 kcal)/d for those aged 40–59 years and 79 kJ (19 kcal)/d for those aged ≥60 years). Conclusions Overall, the contribution of beverages, particularly sugary beverages, to total energy consumption in Brazil represents an important public health challenge and is comparable with those from other countries

    Most consumed foods in Brazil: National Dietary Survey 2008-2009

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    OBJETIVO: Caracterizar o consumo alimentar mais frequente da população brasileira. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados dados referentes ao primeiro dia de registro alimentar de 34.003 indivíduos com dez anos ou mais de idade que responderam ao Inquérito Nacional de Alimentação, composto por amostra probabilística da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares 2008-2009. O padrão de consumo foi analisado segundo sexo, grupo etário, região e faixa de renda familiar per capita. RESULTADOS: Os alimentos mais frequentemente referidos pela população brasileira foram arroz (84,0%), café (79,0%), feijão (72,8%), pão de sal (63,0%) e carne bovina (48,7%), destacando-se também o consumo de sucos e refrescos (39,8%), refrigerantes (23,0%) e menor presença de frutas (16,0%) e hortaliças (16,0%). Essa configuração apresenta pouca variação quando se consideram os estratos de sexo e faixa etária; contudo, observa-se que os adolescentes foram o único grupo etário que deixou de citar qualquer hortaliça e que incluiu doces, bebida láctea e biscoitos doces entre os itens mais consumidos. Alimentos marcadamente de consumo regional incluem a farinha de mandioca no Norte e Nordeste e o chá na região Sul. Houve discrepâncias no consumo alimentar entre os estratos de menor e maior renda: indivíduos no quarto de renda mais elevada referiram sanduíches, tomate e alface e aqueles no primeiro quarto de renda citaram os peixes e preparações à base de peixe e farinha de mandioca entre os alimentos mais referidos. CONCLUSÕES: Existe um padrão básico do consumo alimentar no Brasil que inclui entre os alimentos mais consumidos arroz, café, feijão, pão de sal e carne bovina, associado ao consumo regional de alguns poucos itens. Particularmente entre os adolescentes, alimentos ricos em gordura e açúcar são também de consumo frequente.OBJETIVO: Caracterizar el consumo alimentario más frecuente de la población brasileña. MÉTODOS: Se analizaron datos relacionados al primer día de registro alimentario de 34.003 individuos con diez años o más de edad que respondieron a la Pesquisa Nacional de Alimentación, compuesto por muestra probabilística de la Investigación de Presupuestos Familiares 2008-2009. El patrón de consumo fue analizado según sexo, grupo etario, región y rango de renta familiar per capita. RESULTADOS: Los alimentos más frecuentemente referidos por la población brasileña fueron arroz (84,0%), café (79,0%), granos (72,8%), pan de sal (63,0%) y carne bovina (48,7%), destacándose también el consumo de jugos y refrescos (39,8%), gaseosas (23,0%) y menor presencia de frutas (16,0%) y hortalizas (16,0%). Esa configuración presenta poca variación cuando se considera los estratos de sexo y grupo etario, sin embargo, se observa que los adolescentes constituyeron el único grupo etario que dejó de citar cualquier hortaliza y que incluyó dulces, bebida láctea y biscochos dulces entre los itens más consumidos. Alimentos de marcado consumo regional incluyen la harina de yuca en el Norte y Noreste y el té en la Región Sur. Hubo discrepancias en el consumo alimentario entre los estratos de menor y mayor renta: individuos en el cuarto de renta más elevada refirieron sándwiches, tomate y lechuga y aquellos en el primer cuarto de renta citaron los pescados y preparaciones a base de pescado y harina de yuca entre los alimentos más referidos. CONCLUSIONES: Existe un patrón básico de consumo alimenticio en Brasil que incluye entre los alimentos más consumidos arroz, café, granos, pan de sal y carne bovina, asociado al consumo regional de algunos pocos itens. Particularmente entre los adolescentes, alimentos ricos en grasa y azúcar son también de consumo frecuente.OBJECTIVE: To describe the most commonly consumed foods in Brazil. METHODS: This analysis is based on food intake data obtained on the first of two non-consecutive days' food records from 34,003 subjects aged 10 or over, resident in 13,569 households selected to participate in the National Dietary Survey 2008-2009 from the probabilistic sample defined for the Household Budget Survey 2008-2009. Consumption patterns were analyzed according to gender, age, regions and per capita family income. RESULTS: The most frequently recorded foods were rice (84.0%), coffee (79.0%), beans (72.8%), bread (63.0%), and red meat (48.7%). The intake of fruit juice (39.8%) and soft drinks (23.0%) is notable, as is the low intake of fruit (16.0%) and vegetables (16.0%). This scenario was similar across all age and sex groups; however, adolescents were the only age group which did not report any vegetables and included candies, sweetened dairy beverages and cookies among the most frequently recorded foods. Some foods are of markedly regional intake, such as manioc flour in the North and Northeast and tea in the South Region. Analysis according to income quartile revealed important differences between the highest and lowest income stratum. Subjects in the highest income quartile reported consuming sandwiches, tomatoes, and lettuce and those in the lowest income quartile cited manioc flour and fish and seafood among the most recorded foods. CONCLUSIONS: There is a basic food intake pattern in Brazil based on rice, beans, coffee, bread, and beef with small but consistent regional variation. The consumption of items rich in fat and sugar is also frequent, particularly among adolescents

    Possibility of Phytoxicity of Sewage Treatment Stations in the Germination of Lettuce Seed (Lactuca sativa)

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    The final treatment and disposal of sludge generated at sewage treatment plants has become a crucial step in the waste management process. The present work carried out an evaluation of the sludge toxicity after dehydration and treatment with vermicomposting, through an ecotoxicity test using Lactuca sativa as bio-indicator. The percentage of relative germination and relative growth inhibition of the primary roots was determined for 5 dilutions obtained from the sludge sample. The results of the bioassay with lactuva sativa seed showed that the treatment with vermicomposting interfered in the germination rate, increasing the same the relative growth of the roots.  This way, corroborates not to indicate the disposal of this residue directly in the soil without any type of treatment

    Dietary availability patterns of the brazilian macro-regions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Epidemiological studies have raised concerns about the role of dietary patterns on the risk of chronic diseases and also in the formulation of better informed nutrition policies.</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>The development of a dietary availability patterns according to geographic regions in Brazil.</p> <p>Methodology</p> <p>The 2002-2003 Brazilian Household Budget Survey was conducted in 48,470 households. Dietary availability patterns were identified by Principal Component Analysis using as a unit of analysis the survey's Primary Sampling Units (PSUs) and purchased amounts for 21 food groups. Each of the extracted dietary availability patterns was regressed on socioeconomics categories.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were no differences in dietary availability patterns between urban and rural areas. In all regions, a rice and beans pattern was identified. This pattern explained 15% to 28% of the variance dependent on the region of the country. In South, Southeast and Midwest regions, a mixed pattern including at least 10 food groups explaining 8% to 16% of the variance. In the North region (Amazon forest included) the first pattern was based on fish and nuts and then it was designed as regional pattern. In multiple linear regression the rice and beans pattern was associated with the presence of adolescents in the households, except for North region, whereas the presence of adolescents was associated with the Regional pattern. A mixed patterns were associated with a higher income and education (p < 0.05), except in the South region.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The rice and beans and regional dietary availability patterns, both considered healthy eating patterns are still important in the country. Brazil has taken many actions to improve nutrition as part of their public health policies, the data of the Household Budget Survey could help to recognize the different food choices in the large regions of the country.</p

    Perinatal and early life factors associated with symptoms of depression in Brazilian children

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    Background: Few studies have been conducted on the association between perinatal and early life factors with childhood depression and results are conflicting. Our aim was to estimate the prevalence and perinatal and early life factors associated with symptoms of depression in children aged 7 to 11 years from two Brazilian birth cohorts. Methods: The study was conducted on 1444 children whose data were collected at birth and at school age, in 1994 and 2004/2005 in Ribeirao Preto, where they were aged 10-11 years and in 1997/98 and 2005/06 in Sao Luis, where children were aged 7-9 years. Depressive symptoms were investigated with the Child Depression Inventory (CDI), categorized as yes (score &gt;= 20) and no (score &lt; 20). Adjusted and non-adjusted prevalence ratios (PR) were estimated by Poisson regression with robust estimation of the standard errors. Results: The prevalence of depressive symptoms was 3.9% (95% CI = 2.5-5.4) in Ribeirao Preto and 13.7% (95% CI = 11.0-16.4) in Sao Luis. In the adjusted analysis, in Ribeirao Preto, low birth weight (PR = 3.98; 95% CI = 1.72-9.23), skilled and semi-skilled manual occupation (PR = 5.30; 95% CI = 1.14-24.76) and unskilled manual occupation and unemployment (PR = 6.65; 95% CI = 1.16-38.03) of the household head were risk factors for depressive symptoms. In Sao Luis, maternal schooling of 0-4 years (PR = 2.39; 95% CI = 1.31-4.34) and of 5 to 8 years (PR = 1.80; 95% CI = 1.08-3.01), and paternal age &lt; 20 years (PR = 1.92; 95% CI = 1.02-3.61), were independent risk factors for depressive symptoms. Conclusions: The prevalence of depressive symptoms was much higher in the less developed city, Sao Luis, than in the more developed city, Ribeirao Preto, and than those reported in several international studies. Low socioeconomic level was associated with depressive symptoms in both cohorts. Low paternal age was a risk factor for depressive symptoms in the less developed city, Sao Luis, whereas low birth weight was a risk factor for depressive symptoms in the more developed city, Ribeirao Preto.CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico - Brazilian National Research Council) [523474/96-2, 520664/98-1]FAPEMA (Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa e ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico do Maranhao)FAPESP (Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo - Sao Paulo Research Foundation) [93/0525-0, 97/09517-1, 00/0908-7