140 research outputs found
Incapacidades laborales : problemas en la reinserción al trabajo
En este estudio transversal se evalúan los factores asociados con la probabilidad de reincorporación al trabajo de los trabajadores incapacitados permanentes para la profesión habitual por accidente de trabajo. La muestra la forman los casos atendidos por el Centro de Rehabilitación Profesional (CRP) de Belo Horizonte, Brasil, en 1995. Se analiza el hecho del trabajador ser aceptado o no en el programa, asà como la posterior reinserción laboral mediante modelos logit. Respecto al primer, los factores más influyentes fueron la edad, la presencia de Lesiones por Esfuerzo Repetitivo (LER) y el nivel de estudios. Analizado el resultado del programa, se observa que los hombres jóvenes de alta escolarización son los que tienen mayor probabilidad de reinserción laboral (90,9%). Existe una incongruencia respecto a la admisión de los trabajadores y el resultado del programa: para su admisión, el trabajador debe cumplir un perfil exigido por el mercado en lo que se refiere a la edad y al nivel de estudios; los portadores de LER cumplen estos criterios y, sin embargo, son los que con mayor dificultad se reincorporan al trabajo. Se observa, asà mismo, una discriminación laboral clara hacia las mujeres, a pesar del hecho que las mismas presentan iguales condiciones de edad o de nivel educativo que los hombresThis cross-sectional study was conducted on permanently disabled workers assisted by the Center for Occupational Rehabilitation (CRP) in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to evaluate factors associated with their chances of readmission into the labor market. A logistic model was used to investigate workers' acceptance into the professional rehabilitation program and their return into the market. The most decisive factors for their acceptance were age, presence of repetitive strain injury (RSI), and educational level. The most favorable situation was that of workers with RSI under 40 years of age and with average schooling (75.6%). Results showed that young male workers with high educational levels were the ones with the best chances of rejoining the market (90.9%). A controversial issue relates to workers' acceptance and program results. In order to be accepted, the worker had to display a given age and educational profile. Workers with RSI had this profile, but once accepted they were the ones with the greatest difficulty in rejoining the work force. In addition, discrimination against female workers was observed, despite their characteristics being similar to those of male
Recovery of the MOSFET and circuit functionality after the dielectric breakdown of ultra-thin high-k gate stacks
The reversibility of the gate dielectric breakdown in ultra-thin high-k dielectric stacks is reported and analyzed. The electrical performance of MOSFETs after the dielectric recovery is modeled and introduced in a circuit simulator. The simulation of several digital circuits shows that their functionality can be restored after the BD recovery
MOSFET degradation dependence on input signal power in a RF power amplifier
Aging produced by RF stress is experimentally analyzed on a RF CMOS power amplifier (PA), as a function of the stress power level. The selected circuit topology allows observing individual NMOS and PMOS transistors degradations, as well as the aging effect on the circuit functionality. A direct relation between DC MOSFETs and RF PA (gain) parameters has been observed. NMOS degradation (both in mobility and Vth) is stronger than that of the PMOS. Results suggest that transistors mobility reduction is the main cause of the RF degradation in this circuit.Postprint (published version
Current-limiting and ultrafast system for the characterization of resistive random access memories
Experimental verification of memristor-based material implication NAND operation
Memristors are being considered as promising devices for highly dense memory systems as well as the potential basis of new computational paradigms. In this scenario, and in relation with data processing, one of the more specific and differential logic functions is the material implication logic also named as IMPLY logic. Many papers have been published in this framework but few of them are related with experimental works using real memristor devices. In the paper authors show the verification of the IMPLY function by using Ni/HfO2/Si manufactured devices and laboratory measurements. The proper behavior of the IMPLY structure (2 memristors) has been shown. The paper also verifies the proper operation of a two-step IMPLY-based NAND gate implementation, showing the electrical behavior of the circuit in a cycling operation. A new procedure to implement a NAND gate that requires only one step is experimentally shown as well
Beneficial role of noise in Hf-based memristors
© 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The beneficial role of noise in the performance of Hf-based memristors has been experimentally studied. The addition of an external gaussian noise to the bias circuitry positively impacts the memristors characteristics by increasing the OFF/ON resistances ratio. The known stochastic resonance effect has been observed, when changing the standard deviation of the noise. The influence of the additive noise on the memristor current-voltage characteristic and on the set and reset related parameters are also presented.This research was funded by Spanish
MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, Project PID2019-
103869RB and TEC2017-90969-EXP.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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