19 research outputs found

    A shortened treatment with rosemary tea (rosmarinus officinalis) instead of glucose in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (TSD)

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    Background Rosemary leaves powder has been reported to reduce in a dose-dependent manner, glucose levels, lipid profile and lipid peroxidation in humans. However, patients should ingest high doses of powder contained in capsules. This formulation constitutes the intake of 10 capsules per day, so the active metabolite must first, be released and then absorbed (for which, rosemary leaf powder must be mixed with gastric juice). Aim Evaluate whether a shortened dose and time of treatment as well as the pharmaceutical presentation in rosemary tea (Rosmarinus officinalis) instead of powder have a therapeutic effect in the treatment of T2D. Method The complementary therapy with Rosemary tea (2g/1 litre of water per day) were evaluate on resistance to insulin, oxidative stress, biochemical parameters and anthropometric measurements in forty patients T2D under treatment with metformin and/or glibenclamide afther giving your authorization through informed consent

    Genome Damage in Rats after Transplacental Exposure to Jatropha dioica Root Extract

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    Jatropha dioica is traditionally used owing to its antiviral, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties. But, toxicological information regarding J. dioica root total extract is currently limited. The aim of this work was to evaluate in a rat model, the transplacental genotoxicity effect of J. dioica aqueous root total extract. Three different J. dioica aqueous root total extract doses (60, 100, and 300 mg/kg) were administered orally to Wistar rats during 5 days through the pregnancy term (16–21 days). Pregnant rats were sampled every 24 h during the last 6 days of gestation, and pubs were sampled at birth. Genome damage in dams and their newborn pups transplacentally exposed to J. dioica was evaluated by in vivo micronuclei assay. We evaluated the frequency of micronucleated erythrocytes (MNE), micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MNPCE), and polychromatic erythrocytes (PCE) in peripheral blood samples from pups and MNPCE and PCE in pregnant rats. No genotoxic effect was observed after oral administration of the three different doses of aqueous root total extract of J. dioica in pregnant or in their newborn pubs, after transplacental exposure. A significant decrease in PCE frequency was noted in samples from pubs of rats treated with the highest dose of J. dioica extract. The aqueous total root extract of J. dioica at the highest dose tested in our research do have cytotoxic effect in pups transplacentally exposed to this plant extract. Moreover, neither a genotoxic nor a cytotoxic effect was observed in pregnant rats. In the present work, there was no evidence of genome damage in the rat model after transplacental exposure to J. dioica aqueous root total extract

    Rhodococcus equi venous catheter infection: a case report and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p><it>Rhodococcus equi </it>is an animal pathogen that was initially isolated from horses and is being increasingly reported as a cause of infection in humans with impaired cellular immunity. However, this pathogen is underestimated as a challenging antagonist and is frequently considered to be a mere contaminant despite the potential for life-threatening infections. Most case reports have occurred in immunocompromised patients who have received organ transplants (for example kidney, heart, bone marrow) or those with human immunodeficiency virus infection. Infections often manifest as pulmonary involvement or soft tissue abscesses. Bacteremia related to <it>R. equi </it>infections of tunneled central venous catheters has rarely been described.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 63-year-old non-transplant recipient, non-HIV infected Caucasian woman with endometrial carcinoma who developed recurrent bloodstream infections and septic shock due to <it>R. equi </it>and ultimately required the removal of her port catheter, a subcutaneous implantable central venous catheter. We also review the medical literature related to human infections with <it>R. equi</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p><it>R. equi </it>should be considered a serious pathogen, not a contaminant, particularly in an immunocompromised patient who presents with a central venous catheter-related bloodstream infection. Counseling patients with central venous catheters who participate in activities involving exposure to domesticated animals is recommended.</p

    Financial analysis of three selected Dominican Sienna schools for the school year 1983-1986

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    The purpose of this study is to find out the financial viability of the three selected O.P. Siena schools located in the Visayas region, namely: Siena School, La Milagrosa Academy and St. Michael Academy. This study adopted the descriptive analytical design using trend analysis. Enrolment and financial data were examined to establish patterns of change that occurred during the school years 1983-1986, in order to make enrolment and financial projections for the school years 1987-1990. The sources of data for this study were the following: 1. Enrolment records from school year 1983-84 to 1985-86, 2. Teachers\u27 Programs: Load and Salary for school year 1985-87, 3. Audited Financial Statements from school year 1983-84 to school year 1985-86, 4. Approved budget for school year 1986-87, 5. Schedule of tuition and other fees for school year 1986-87, 6. MECS and government documents such as memoranda and circulars concerning finance and salaries of faculty and staff of the educational institutions, and 7. Interviews regarding policies for projected enrolment, projected tuition and loads of teachers. The findings, based on the analysis of data, showed that the decrease in enrolment was primarily brought about by the high drop-out and low promotion rates. Based on this trend, the expected decline in the enrolment will be averted if the strategies to check promotion rates and drop-out rates will be properly implemented. It was also found that classroom utilization rate was not yet fully maximized, therefore the school could absorb more students. The expenditures exceeded the total income during the past three years, which indicated a lack of budgeting practices. Also, the net gain from tuition fees was not enough to offset the net loss brought about by the decrease in the yearly total enrolment. Increases in enrolment and tuition and other fees would assure the respondent schools\u27 future survival and viability

    Modelo cognitivo-conductual aplicado con intervención en mindfulness a pacientes recuperados de COVID-19 en Ciudad Juárez.

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue disminuir las secuelas psicológicas, provocadas por el COVID-19 en pacientes recuperados, tales como: ansiedad, depresión, pensamientos negativos, fatalismo y aumentar la resiliencia en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, a través de una intervención con terapia cognitivo – conductual, aplicando técnicas de tercera generación utilizando la herramienta mindfulness. Diseño: Se utilizó un diseño cuasi experimental con método mixto, llevado a cabo por medio de entrevistas y análisis estadísticos, aplicando una batería de instrumentos de autoinforme para recabar información. Participantes: La muestra estuvo constituida por cuatro mujeres pertenecientes al grupo experimental y dos mujeres al grupo control, con edades que oscilan entre 18 a 55 años. Resultados: Con respecto al análisis cualitativo, se detectaron cinco categorías: comorbilidades, sintomatología, emociones, adicciones y conducta proactiva en donde se observa que en cada una se presenta una aseveración a causa del contagio por COVID-19. Por otro lado, los resultados del estudio cuantitativo, el grupo experimental arrojó resultados entre el pre test y pos test una disminución de medias en las variables de ansiedad, depresión, pensamientos negativos, fatalismo, por otro lado, se observó un aumento en cuanto a la resiliencia. Conclusiones: El taller de intervención presenta hallazgos relevantes en torno a la reducción de índices de malestar emocional y un incremento en la resiliencia; por ende, se recomienda en intervenciones posteriores incrementar el número de beneficiarios dentro del rango de la muestra estudiada que aseguren beneficios a la comunidad juarense, de preferencia en un formato sistematizado de manera presencial

    Parámetros estéticos de los valores en armonía facial y dental

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    Revista Odontológica Mexicana ORIGINAL RESEARCH www.medigraphic.org.mx In vitro microleakage of three adhesive systems with three different solvents Microfi ltración in vitro de tres sistemas adhesivos con diferentes solventes

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    ABSTRACT Micro-leakage can be described as the movement of bacteria, fl uids, molecules, ions or air between the wall of the tooth cavity and the restorative material. This elicits clinical consequences such as sensitivity, discoloration in the internal phase between tooth and restorative material, secondary caries and pulp disease. The aim of this study was to quantify micro-leakage in dentin and enamel margins in class V cavities of extracted teeth restored with composite resin, using a bonding system provided by different solvents. An experimental study was conducted in 30 molars, extracted no longer than 3 months before. These molars were free of caries and with intact crown surface. Standard class V cavities were shaped, on lingual and vestibular surfaces, with margins in the enamel. Specimens were randomly assigned to three groups, according to their corresponding bonding system. The following bonding systems were applied: Prime &amp; Bond NT, single Bond, and classic Syntec. Manufacturers instructions were closely adhered to. Cavities were restored with ceromer. After being fi nished and polished, specimens were subjected to thermo-cycling process, and later nail polish and wax were applied. After this procedure, samples were immersed in methylene blue for 24 hours. Using a diamond disk, specimens were then longitudinally sectioned. Samples were evaluated with a microscope, using a 0-4 scale. Data were analyzed using a relative frequency distribution test. The study reached the conclusion that none of the used systems was able to prevent micro-leakage. RESUMEN La microfi ltración es el movimiento de bacterias, fl uidos, moléculas, iones o aire entre la pared de la cavidad del diente y el material restaurativo, que trae consecuencias clínicas como sensibilidad, cambio de color en la interfase diente-material restaurador, caries secundaria y patología pulpar. El objetivo de este trabajo fue cuantifi car la microfi ltración en los márgenes de esmalte y dentina en cavidades clase V, en dientes extraídos, restaurados con resina compuesta usando sistemas de adhesión con diferentes solventes. Se realizó un estudio experimental en 30 molares extraídos de tiempo no mayor a 3 meses, no cariados, con superfi cie coronaria intacta. Se realizaron cavidades estandarizadas clase V en la superfi cie lingual y vestibular, con márgenes en el esmalte. Se asignaron aleatoriamente en 3 grupos, de acuerdo al sistema de adhesión. Se aplicaron los sistemas de adhesión Prime &amp; Bond NT, Single Bond y Syntac clásico, siguiendo estrictamente las instrucciones del fabricante. Las cavidades fueron restauradas con cerómero. Después del terminado y pulido fueron sometidas a termociclado y las muestras fueron cubiertas con esmalte de uñas y cera. Posteriormente fueron sumergidas en azul de metileno durante 24 horas, después seccionadas longitudinalmente a través de la preparación con un disco de diamante. Las muestras fueron evaluadas con un microscopio usando una escala de 0-4. El análisis de datos fue realizado con un diagrama de frecuencia acumulada. Se concluye que ninguno de los sistemas usados evitó la microfi ltración