1,606 research outputs found

    Superbubble evolution including the star-forming clouds: Is it possible to reconcile LMC observations with model predictions?

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    Here we present a possible solution to the apparent discrepancy between the observed properties of LMC bubbles and the standard, constant density bubble model. A two-dimensional model of a wind-driven bubble expanding from a flattened giant molecular cloud is examined. We conclude that the expansion velocities derived from spherically symmetric models are not always applicable to elongated young bubbles seen almost face-on due to the LMC orientation. In addition, an observational test to differentiate between spherical and elongated bubbles seen face-on is discussed.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, accepted to ApJ (September, 1999 issue

    New Results of Observations of the Only Supernova Remnant in the IC1613 Galaxy

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    The new results of a study of the kinematics of the supernova remnant S8 in the IC1613 galaxy are reported. The expansion velocity of the bright optical nebula is determined based on observations made with the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences using MPSF field spectrograph and SCORPIO focal reducer operating in the scanning Fabry--Perot interferometer mode. An analysis of 21-cm line VLA observations of the galaxy corroborates our earlier proposed model of a SN exploding inside a cavern surrounded by a dense shell and S8 colliding with the wall of the HI shell.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy Letter

    Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization: a potentially useful technique for detection of microorganisms on mortars

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    This paper discusses the possibilities of applying Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) to detect microorganisms on mortars, as this analytical technique has been used in different fields for the detection and identification of individual microbial cells in situ. FISH technique was applied for microbial detection on test and real mortars inoculated with fungal suspensions of S. cerevisae 396 and Nectria sp. A universal eukaryotic probe (EUK516) labelled with fluorescent dye (Cy3) was tested with different cell fixation procedures (4% (w / v) paraformaldehyde or 50% (v / v) ethanol in PBS). Positive results were obtained with FISH detection of Nectria on testing/artificial as well as authentic/historical mortars, which confirms successful application of FISH technique to a new on mortars

    Gravitational wave background from rotating neutron stars

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    The background of gravitational waves produced by the ensemble of rotating neutron stars (which includes pulsars, magnetars and gravitars) is investigated. A formula for \Omega(f) (commonly used to quantify the background) is derived, properly taking into account the time evolution of the systems since their formation until the present day. Moreover, the formula allows one to distinguish the different parts of the background: the unresolvable (which forms a stochastic background) and the resolvable. Several estimations of the background are obtained, for different assumptions on the parameters that characterize neutron stars and their population. In particular, different initial spin period distributions lead to very different results. For one of the models, with slow initial spins, the detection of the background can be rejected. However, other models do predict the detection of the background by the future ground-based gravitational wave detector ET. A robust upper limit for the background of rotating neutron stars is obtained; it does not exceed the detection threshold of two cross-correlated Advanced LIGO interferometers. If gravitars exist and constitute more than a few percent of the neutron star population, then they produce an unresolvable background that could be detected by ET. Under the most reasonable assumptions on the parameters characterizing a neutron star, the background is too faint. Previous papers have suggested neutron star models in which large magnetic fields (like the ones that characterize magnetars) induce big deformations in the star, which produce a stronger emission of gravitational radiation. Considering the most optimistic (in terms of the detection of gravitational waves) of these models, an upper limit for the background produced by magnetars is obtained; it could be detected by ET, but not by BBO or DECIGO.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figure

    Molecular structure and polymorphism of a cyclohexanediol: trans-1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol

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    This study aims to investigate the molecular structure and polymorphism of trans-1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol, including the bi-axial/bi-equatorial equilibrium and the nature of the intermolecular H-bond networks in condensed phases created by the hydroxyl group torsions. The full conformational space of the single molecule was explored by MP2 calculations, showing that the optimized bi-equatorial conformers have similar stability and the bi-axial ones have much higher energies. The hydroxymethyl substituents have preference for gauche/anti or gauche+/gauche− conformations. Polymorphic forms were generated by crystallization from solutions and by cooling the melt, which were characterized by a combination of techniques: DSC, PLTM and XRD. Two polymorphs were isolated and their crystal structures were solved by direct methods based on single-crystal X-ray analysis. Both were found to contain two of the most stable conformers found in the computational calculations. The influence of H-bonding in the polymorphic structures was verified by analysis of the structural differences between the geometries present in the polymorphs determined by XRD and their single molecule counterparts resulting from the theoretical calculations. The bi-axial conformations are destabilized over the bi-equatorial ones in isolated and crystalline forms of trans-1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol

    Gravitational wave astronomy with the SKA

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    On a time scale of years to decades, gravitational wave (GW) astronomy will become a reality. Low frequency (nanoHz) GWs are detectable through long-term timing observations of the most stable pulsars. Radio observatories worldwide are currently carrying out observing programmes to detect GWs, with data sets being shared through the International Pulsar Timing Array project. One of the most likely sources of low frequency GWs are supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHBs), detectable as a background due to a large number of binaries, or as continuous or burst emission from individual sources. No GW signal has yet been detected, but stringent constraints are already being placed on galaxy evolution models. The SKA will bring this research to fruition. In this chapter, we describe how timing observations using SKA1 will contribute to detecting GWs, or can confirm a detection if a first signal already has been identified when SKA1 commences observations. We describe how SKA observations will identify the source(s) of a GW signal, search for anisotropies in the background, improve models of galaxy evolution, test theories of gravity, and characterise the early inspiral phase of a SMBHB system. We describe the impact of the large number of millisecond pulsars to be discovered by the SKA; and the observing cadence, observation durations, and instrumentation required to reach the necessary sensitivity. We describe the noise processes that will influence the achievable precision with the SKA. We assume a long-term timing programme using the SKA1-MID array and consider the implications of modifications to the current design. We describe the possible benefits from observations using SKA1-LOW. Finally, we describe GW detection prospects with SKA1 and SKA2, and end with a description of the expectations of GW astronomy.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, to be published in: "Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array", Proceedings of Science, PoS(AASKA14)03

    The UTMOST pulsar timing programme I: overview and first results

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    We present an overview and the first results from a large-scale pulsar timing programme that is part of the UTMOST project at the refurbished Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Radio Telescope (MOST) near Canberra, Australia. We currently observe more than 400 mainly bright southern radio pulsars with up to daily cadences. For 205 (8 in binaries, 4 millisecond pulsars) we publish updated timing models, together with their flux densities, flux density variability, and pulse widths at 843 MHz, derived from observations spanning between 1.4 and 3 yr. In comparison with the ATNF pulsar catalogue, we improve the precision of the rotational and astrometric parameters for 123 pulsars, for 47 by at least an order of magnitude. The time spans between our measurements and those in the literature are up to 48 yr, which allows us to investigate their long-term spin-down history and to estimate proper motions for 60 pulsars, of which 24 are newly determined and most are major improvements. The results are consistent with interferometric measurements from the literature. A model with two Gaussian components centred at 139 and 463 km s−1463~\text{km} \: \text{s}^{-1} fits the transverse velocity distribution best. The pulse duty cycle distributions at 50 and 10 per cent maximum are best described by log-normal distributions with medians of 2.3 and 4.4 per cent, respectively. We discuss two pulsars that exhibit spin-down rate changes and drifting subpulses. Finally, we describe the autonomous observing system and the dynamic scheduler that has increased the observing efficiency by a factor of 2-3 in comparison with static scheduling.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The UTMOST: A hybrid digital signal processor transforms the MOST

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    The Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope (MOST) is an 18,000 square meter radio telescope situated some 40 km from the city of Canberra, Australia. Its operating band (820-850 MHz) is now partly allocated to mobile phone communications, making radio astronomy challenging. We describe how the deployment of new digital receivers (RX boxes), Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based filterbanks and server-class computers equipped with 43 GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) has transformed MOST into a versatile new instrument (the UTMOST) for studying the dynamic radio sky on millisecond timescales, ideal for work on pulsars and Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs). The filterbanks, servers and their high-speed, low-latency network form part of a hybrid solution to the observatory's signal processing requirements. The emphasis on software and commodity off-the-shelf hardware has enabled rapid deployment through the re-use of proven 'software backends' for its signal processing. The new receivers have ten times the bandwidth of the original MOST and double the sampling of the line feed, which doubles the field of view. The UTMOST can simultaneously excise interference, make maps, coherently dedisperse pulsars, and perform real-time searches of coherent fan beams for dispersed single pulses. Although system performance is still sub-optimal, a pulsar timing and FRB search programme has commenced and the first UTMOST maps have been made. The telescope operates as a robotic facility, deciding how to efficiently target pulsars and how long to stay on source, via feedback from real-time pulsar folding. The regular timing of over 300 pulsars has resulted in the discovery of 7 pulsar glitches and 3 FRBs. The UTMOST demonstrates that if sufficient signal processing can be applied to the voltage streams it is possible to perform innovative radio science in hostile radio frequency environments.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Risk Factors for Active Asthma at School Age: an 8-Year Prospective Study

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    A sibilância recorrente na infância é uma entidade clínica prevalente e heterogénea do pontode vista da história natural e do prognóstico. Efectuou-se um estudo prospectivo com 8 anos de duração, com o objectivo de relacionar a evolução clínica da sibilância recorrente nos primeiros anos de vida, com factores de prognóstico associados com a persistência da sintomatologia. Uma coorte de 308 crianças com sibilância recorrente, com idade ≤6 anos, foi incluída no estudo em 1993. Foi aplicado um questionário clínico, realizados testes cutâneos por prick e efectuado doseamento sérico de IgE total. Em 1996 procedeu-se a uma primeira reavaliação sistemática destas crianças. Em 2001 foi efectuada nova reavaliação sistemática, possível em 81% destas crianças (n=249), com repetição dos testes cutâneos e realização de avaliação funcional respiratória,em período intercrise, com espirometria com prova de broncodilatação (BD). As crianças reavaliadas apresentavam média etária de 11 anos (8-14 anos) e relação sexo M/F de 1.7/1. Permaneciam sintomáticas em 61% dos casos. A prevalência de atopia foi de 48% em 1993, 65% em 1996 e 75% em 2001. Pela realização de um modelo de regressão logística múltiplo foram identificados como factores de risco para asma activa em idade escolar: história pessoal de rinite alérgica (OR=15.8, IC95%=6.1-40.8; p<0.001), asma paterna (OR=7.2, IC95%=1.7-29.7; p=0.007), história pessoal de eczema atópico (OR=5.9, IC95%=2.2-15.7; p<0.001), asma materna (OR=5.4, IC95%=1.7-17.1; p=0.004), evidência de sensibilização alergénica (OR=3.4, IC95%=1.2-10.4;p=0.03) e início dos sintomas ≥2 anos de idade (OR=2.1, IC95%=1.1-4.8; p=0.04); a frequência de infantário antes dos 12 meses de idade foi identificada como factor protector (OR=0.4, IC95%=0.2- 0.9; p=0.04). Desenvolveram sensibilização alergénica de novo (ácaros do pó >80%) 66 das 128 crianças não atópicas em 1993 (52%). Apresentavam obstrução brônquica 36% das crianças: 47% das sintomáticas e 18% das assintomáticas (p<0.001). A prova de BD foi positiva em 35%: 47% nos sintomáticos e 13% nos assintomáticos (p<0.001). Concluindo, foram identificados como factores de mau prognóstico, antecedentes pessoais de doença alérgica, história parental de asma, presença de sensibilização alergénica e início dos sintomas na segunda infância. Os sintomas clínicos podem preceder em anos a sensibilização alergénica, realçando a importância da instituição precoce de medidas de controlo ambiental. Alterações nas provas funcionais respiratórias, mais frequentes nas asmas activas, estavam também presentes em crianças actualmente sem clínica, reforçando a necessidade de valorizar marcadores objectivos nesta cada vez mais prevalente doença respiratória crónica
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