9 research outputs found

    Interspecific Variation Of Functional Traits In A Cam-tree Dominated Sandy Coastal Plain

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    Question: Although the restinga vegetation lies adjacent to the species-rich Atlantic Rainforest, fewer species thrive due to low available resources of the sandy substrate. We asked whether there is a specific set of functional traits related to the ability to attain high dominance in a restinga dominated by a CAM photosynthesis tree. Location: Restinga of Jurubatiba National Park, north of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Methods: We chose traits that are commonly used in large screenings, leaf mass per area (LMA), leaf longevity (LL) and leaf nitrogen concentration (LNC). We also measured the functional traits, midday leaf water potential (Ψmin), pressure-volume curves, nitrogen isotope discrimination (δ15N) and chlorophyll fluorescence. We compared species using ANOVA and ordination analysis. Results: The two most dominant species differed from subordinate species in terms of leaf succulence (SUC) and Ψmin. However, they were also significantly different from each other in LMA, SUC, leaf thickness and LNC. Ψmin and δ15N had the strongest loadings on the third ordination axis, which, despite explaining only 18.2%of total variance, was the only axis reflecting variation in species dominance. Conclusions: Despite high interspecific variation, the most common traits of the leaf economic spectrum were not directly associated with variation in species dominance. In contrast, the bulk modulus of elasticity, Ψmin and δ15 were important not only to track the connection between plant traits and environmental factors, but also between plant traits and community structure. © 2009 International Association for Vegetation Science.2114354Ackerly, D., Self-shading, carbon gain and leaf dynamics: a test of alternative optimality models (1999) Oecologia, 119, pp. 300-310Ackerly, D., Functional strategies of chaparral shrubs in relation to seasonal water deficit and disturbance (2004) Ecological Monographs, 74, pp. 25-44Aidar, M.P.M., Schmidt, S., Moss, G., Stewart, G.R., Joly, C.A., Cell and Environment rainforest trees in threatened Atlantic forest (2003) Plant, Cell and Environment, 26, pp. 389-399Aragon, C., Escudero, A., Valladares, F., Stressinduced dynamic adjustments of reproduction differentially affect fitness components of a semi-arid plant (2008) Journal of Ecology, 96, pp. 222-229Araujo, D.S.D., (2000) Análise florística e fitogeográfica das restingas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, , PhD Dissertation, PPGE, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, BRAraujo, D.S.D., Scarano, F.R., Biogeographic features of Clusia hilariana with emphasis on South American and especially Brazilian species (2007) Clusia: A woody neotropical genus of remarkable plasticity and diversity, 194, pp. 31-54. , Lüttge, U. 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    Fine Root Biomass And Root Length Density In A Lowland And A Montane Tropical Rain Forest, Sp, Brazil [biomassa De Raízes Finas E Densidade Do Comprimento Radicular Em Uma Floresta Tropical Chuvosa De Terras Baixas E Montana, Sp, Brasil]

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    Fine roots, <2 mm in diameter, are responsible for water and nutrient uptake and therefore have a central role in carbon, nutrient and water cycling at the plant and ecosystem level. The root length density (RLD), fine root biomass (FRB) and vertical fine root distribution (VRD) in the soil profile have been used as good descriptors of resource-use efficiency and carbon storage in the soil. Along altitudinal gradients, decreases in temperature and radiation inputs (depending on the frequency of fog events) may reduce decomposition rates and nutrient availability what might stimulate plants to invest in fine roots, increasing acquisition of resources. We evaluated the seasonal variation of fine root parameters in a Lowland and Montane forest at the Atlantic Rain Forest. We hypothesized that, due to lower decomposition rates at the Montane site, the FRB and RLD at soil surface will be higher in this altitude, which can maximize the efficiency of resource absorption. FRB and RLD were higher in the Montane forest in both seasons, especially at the 0-5 layer. At the 0-5 soil layer in both sites, RLD increased from dry to wet season independently of variations in FRB. Total FRB in the top 30 cm of the soil at the Lowland site was significantly lower (334 g.m -2 in the dry season and 219 g.m -2 in the wet season) than at the Montane forest (875 and 451 g.m -2 in the dry and wet season, respectively). In conclusion, despite the relevance of FRB to describe processes related to carbon dynamics, the variation of RLD between seasons, independently of variations in FRB, indicates that RLD is a better descriptor for studies characterizing the potential of water and nutrient uptake at the Atlantic Rain Forest. The differences in RLD between altitudes within the context of resource use should be considered in studies about plant establishment, seedling growth and population dynamics at the Atlantic Rain Forest. At the ecosystem level, RLD and it seasonal variations may improve our understanding of the Atlantic rain forest functioning in terms of the biogeochemical fluxes in a possible scenario of climate change and environmental changes.113203209Alves, L.F., Vieira, S.A., Scaranello, M.A., Camargo, P.B., Santos, F.A.M., Joly, C.A., Martinelli, L.A., Forest structure and live aboveground biomass variation along an elevational gradient of tropical Atlantic moist forest (Brazil) (2010) For. Ecol. 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    Changes In Plant Functional Traits And Water Use In Atlantic Rainforest: Evidence Of Conservative Water Use In Spatio-temporal Scales

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    Key message: Relationship between sap flow and functional traits changes with altitude and changes in water availability can impose a conservative water use in woody species of tropical rainforest.Abstract: Using a trait-based approach, we have identified that tropical trees are vulnerable to decreases in water availability, especially in montane areas, where higher radiation and vapor pressure deficits lead to higher water loss from trees. Changes to functional traits are useful descriptors of the response of species to variation in resource availability and environmental conditions. However, how these trait-environment relationships change with altitude remains unclear. We investigated changes in xylem sap flow along an altitudinal variation and evaluated the contribution of morphological traits to total plant water use. We hypothesize that (1) at the Montane forest, plant species will show a more conservative water use and (2) seasonally, there will be a much greater increase in conservative water use during the dry season at the Lowland site, since the climate conditions in the Montane site impose constraints to water use throughout the year. Remarkably, although water is assumed to be a non-limiting resource for Atlantic rainforest in general, we observed ecophysiological adjustments for more conservative water use in Montane forest. Our findings demonstrate that changes to water supply and demand as determined by rainfall, VPD and soil water storage can impose restrictions to water loss which differ across spatio-temporal scales. We suggest that the next steps for research in Montane forest should focus on traits related to hydraulic failure and carbon starvation to address the question whether the higher conservative water use observed at the Montane Forest translates into a higher or lower susceptibility to intensification of drought which might arise due to climate change

    Application Of Maldi-ms Analysis Of Rainforest Chemodiversity: A Keystone For Biodiversity Conservation And Sustainable Use

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