1,038 research outputs found
Increasing Speaking Ability Using Visual Media
The present study was conducted in order to describe the implementation of visual media in teaching speaking. The researcher used Classroom Action Research design and applied it in teaching of speaking at ten grade of Madrasah Aliyah Kepahiang. The finding of this research indicated that the visual media was successful in increasing students’ speaking ability. In cycle I the score was 68.50 and in cycle II 76.33. Besides, the students have the positive response toward the implementation of visual media. Rapid development of science and technology today has demanded all parties to adjust and follow these developments. Nowadays, the use of media in language learning is very important. It will make the teaching and learning process be more attractive and effective. In learning, media is an aid which is able to help teacher in their teaching activity
Abstrak: Upacara Ala Baloe merupakan identitas Desa Bampalola dan Kabupaten Alor secara umum sebagai proses pewarisan budaya yang harus dijaga kelestariannya oleh masyarakat setempat dan merupakan tradisi yang masih bertahan di tengah-tengah kemajuan zaman seperti ini. Belum ada penulisan-penulisan tentang upacara tersebut, sehingga penulis ingin menggali secara lebih dalam tentang upacara Ala Baloe supaya terdokumentasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sejarah upacara adat Ala Baloe (Makan Baru Padi) merupakan upacara adat tradisional suku Adang, suku yang mendiami kampung adat/tradisional Bampalola. Kampung Bampalola terletak di Kabupaten Alor, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Adapun nilai-nilai yang terkadung dalam upacara Ala Baloe (Makan Baru Padi) antara lain; nilai sosil budaya, nilai religius, nilai kebersamaan, nilai ketelitian, nilai gotong royong serta nilai pendidikan.Abstract: Ala Baloe ceremony is the identity of Bampalola Village and Alor Regency in general as a process of cultural inheritance that must be maintained by the local community and is a tradition that still survives during the progress of this era. There have been no writings about the ceremony, so the author wants to dig deeper into the Baloe ceremony to be documented. The research method used is qualitative with ethnographic approach. The results showed that the history of traditional ceremonies Ala Baloe (Makan Baru Padi) is a traditional ceremony of the Adang tribe, a tribe that inhabits the traditional village of Bampalola. Kampung Bampalola is located in Alor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. The values that are protected in ala Baloe (Makan Baru Padi) ceremony include; cultural values, religious values, values of togetherness, the value of thoroughness, the value of mutual assistance and the value of education
Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui terbentuknya tradisi selamatan perahu dan proses pelaksanaan selamatan perahu di Desa Bugis Kecamatan Sape Kabupaten Bima. penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data meliputi reduksi data, penuajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian yaitu Terbentunya Tradisi Selamatan Perahu (syukuran sampa) dikenalka oleh Masyarakat Nelayan Desa Bugis Sejak sebelum masa pemrintahan Sultan Abdul Kahir (1640 M). Proses pelaksanaan acara selamatan perahu pada masyarakat pesisir di Desa Bugis melalui dua tahap yaitu: prosesi pertama ini merupakan awal tradisi selamatan dimulai, disebut dengan hanta haju (peletakan kayu), prosesi kedua dilakukan dari do‟a selamatan akan berhasilnya atau selesainya pembuatan perahu yang dikerjakan selama minimal bulan ketika perahu turun kelaut akan mengadakan selamatan karena kepercayaan masyarakat perahu akan mendapatkan rezeki dan jauh dari musibah ketika sudah melakukan selamatan.Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the formation of a tradition of boat salvation and the process of carrying out boat salvation in the Bugis Village, Sape District, Bima Regency. this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis includes data reduction, data assessment and conclusion drawing. The results of the study are the establishment of a Boat Rescue Tradition (thanksgiving until) known by the Bugis Village Fishermen Society since before the reign of Sultan Abdul Kahir (1640 AD). The process of carrying out a boat salvation event on coastal communities in Bugis Village through two stages: the first procession is the beginning of the tradition of salvation starting, called hanta haju (laying of wood), the second procession carried out from do'a salvation will succeed or completion of the boat for at least a month when the boat goes down to sea it will hold a salvation because the trust of the boat community will get sustenance and far from disaster when they have done their salvation
Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif Di Desa Melalui Sosialisasi Penataan Destinasi Desa Teniga Lombok Utara
Pengembangan ekonomi kreatif saat ini mulai berkembang melalui tataran pemerintah desa. Pengembangan ekonomi kreatif diharapkan mampu memberikan lapangan pekerjaan bagi masyarakat desa terutama pemulihan pasca covid 19 yang telah memberikan dampak terhadap penurunan pertumbuhan ekonomi serta pendapatan masyarakat. Dalam hal ini pemerintah desa harus mampu mengembangkan potensi yang ada di desa. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat desa pentingnya pengelolaan potensi desa terutama sektor pariwisata dalam pengembangan ekonomi kreatif. Mitra dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah pemerintah desa Teniga dan masyarakatnya. Metode kegiatan sosialisasi ini adalah ceramah mengenai materi tentang pariwisata dan pengembangannya dilanjutkan dengan diskusi tanya jawab peserta bersama pemateri. Kegoatan ini di harapkan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman akan pengembangan sektor pariwisata dan pengembangan sekonomi kreatif. Â
The Effectivity Of Empathic Love Therapy To Increase Subjective Well-Being And Teacher Readiness In Inclusive School
Inclusive education has been done in Indonesia since Law on the National Education System Number 20 the year 2003 is declared. Implementation evaluation of this inclusive education shows that teacher’s readiness in conducting inclusive classroom is still in a  low level, whereas the teacher is one of the four pillars in education. The teacher feels hard to facilitate special educational needs children, so influence his/her subjective wellbeing. The education ministry has organized some technical training about inclusive education. Some research shows that the training is only focused on the theory, regulation, and technical implementation, so no session facilitates the teacher’s affection domain. Empathic Love Therapy is a therapy series with a transpersonal approach to recognize self. This research aims to know the effectiveness of Empathic Love Therapy in increasing teacher subjective wellbeing and readiness in inclusive school settings. Research instrument to collecting data uses subjective wellbeing scale and teacher readiness scale. The subjects in this research are ten shadow teachers from Yogyakarta Inclusive School Forum. The result of this research shows that Empathic Love Therapy is useful in increasing teacher subjective wellbeing, but it is not sufficient to increase teacher’s readiness to conduct inclusive classrooms. The description of this result is explained in the discussion chapter.
The reception of the Istrian-Dalmatian refugees between history and memory
openThe thesis investigates the reception of the Istrian-Dalmatian refugees in post-war Italy, with a focus on the planned exodus from Pola in 1947, working both on historical sources and memory. Many accounts by the exiled people—and the wider memory politics around the Istrian-Dalmatian exodus—are confrontational with the political left. The alleged violence by communist railway workers in Bologna against a group of Pola refugees is one of the most frequently told stories. Newspapers and archival sources present a different picture; the thesis aims to investigate these inconsistencies and the reasons behind them
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