244 research outputs found

    Memory performances and personality traits in mothers of children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

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    Background: Chronic diseases in pediatric age have been identified as stressful risk factors for parents. Studies on caregivers have documented the impact of chronic parenting stress on emotion and cognition. Aim: To investigate the differences between a group of mothers of children affected by obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) for at least 4 years and a group of mothers of typically developing children (TDC) in relation to parental stress, self-esteem, locus of control, and memory performances. Methods: A group of 86 mothers (mean age 35.6±4.9, ranged between 32 and 41 years) of children with OSAS diagnosis, and a group of 52 mothers of TDC (mean age 35.9±4.2, ranged between 32 and 41 years) participated in the study. All participants were administered stress level, global self-esteem, internal/external locus of control scales, and memory assessment. Results: Mothers of OSAS children, compared to mothers of TDC, had a significantly higher level of stress, lower self-esteem, more external locus of control and poorer memory performance. Conclusions: The child respiratory disease, with its sudden and unpredictable features, appeared as a significant source of stress for the mother. Such stress condition may have an impact on mothers’ personality traits (self-esteem, locus of control) and on their memory performances. The data have suggested a need for psychological support programs for mothers to better manage stress associated with children’s respiratory disease

    Toxicity Effects of Functionalized Quantum Dots, Gold and Polystyrene Nanoparticles on Target Aquatic Biological Models: A Review

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    Nano-based products are widespread in several sectors, including textiles,medical-products, cosmetics, paints and plastics. Nanosafety and safe-by-design are driving nanoparticle (NP) production and applications through NP functionalization (@NPs). Indeed, @NPs frequently present biological effects that differ fromthe parentmaterial. This paper reviews the impact of quantumdots (QDs), gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), and polystyrene-coredNPs (PSNPs), evidencing the role ofNP functionalization in toxicity definition. Key biological models were taken into consideration for NP evaluation: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, fresh- (F) and saltwater (S)microalgae (Raphidocelis subcapitata (F), Scenedesmus obliquus (F) and Chlorella spp. (F), and Phaeodactylum tricornutum (S)), Daphnia magna, and Xenopus laevis. QDs are quite widespread in technological devices, and they are known to induce genotoxicity and oxidative stress that can drastically change according to the coating employed. For example, AuNPs are frequently functionalized with antimicrobial peptides, which is shown to both increase their activity and decrease the relative environmental toxicity. P-NPs are frequently coated with NH2 for cationic and COOH for anionic surfaces, but when positively charged toxicity effects can be observed. Careful assessment of functionalized and non-functionalized NPs is compulsory to also understand their potential direct and indirect effects when the coating is removed or degraded

    Ultrafine Magnetite Nanopowder: Synthesis, Characterization, and Preliminary Use as Filler of Polymethylmethacrylate Nanocomposites

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    Magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles prepared by microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis have been characterized in terms of morphological and structural features. Electron micrographs collected in both scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) modes and evaluations of X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) patterns have indicated the achievement of a monodispersed crystallite structure with particles having an average size around 15–20 nm. Structural investigations by Micro-Raman spectroscopy highlighted the obtainment of magnetite nanocrystals with a partial surface oxidation to maghemite (γ-Fe3O4). Preliminary attention has been also paid to the use of these magnetite nanoparticles as filler for a commercial polymethylmethacrylate resin. Hybrid formulations containing up to 3 wt% of nanoparticles were prepared by melt blending and characterized by calorimetric and thermogravimetric tests. For sake of comparison, same formulations containing commercial Fe3O4nanoparticles are also reported. Calorimetric characterization indicates an increase of both glass transition temperature and thermal stability of the nanocomposite systems when loaded with the synthesized magnetite nanoparticles rather then loaded with the same amount of commercial Fe3O4. This first observation represents just one aspect of the promising potentiality offered by the novel magnetic nanoparticles when mixed with PMMA

    Environmental concentrations of a delorazepam-based drug impact on embryonic development of non-target Xenopus laevis

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    Benzodiazepines, psychotropics drugs used for treating sleep disorders, anxiety and epilepsy, represent a major class of emerging water pollutants. As occurs for other pharmaceutical residues, they are not efficiently degraded during sewage treatment and persist in effluent waters. Bioaccumulation is already reported in fish and small crustaceans, but the impact and consequences on other “non-target” aquatic species are still unclear and nowadays of great interest. In this study, we investigated the effects of a pharmaceutical preparation containing the benzodiazepine delorazepam on the embryogenesis of Xenopus laevis, amphibian model species, taxa at high risk of exposure to water contaminants. Environmental (1 μg/L) and two higher (5 and 10 μg/L) concentrations were tested on tadpoles up to stage 45/46. Results demonstrate that delorazepam interferes with embryo development and that the effects are prevalently dose-dependent. Delorazepam reduces vitality by decreasing heart rate and motility, induces marked cephalic and abdominal edema, as well as intestinal and retinal defects. At the molecular level, delorazepam increases ROS production, modifies the expression of some master developmental genes and pro-inflammatory cytokines. The resulting stress condition significantly affects embryos’ development and threatens their survival. Similar effects should be expected as well in embryos belonging to other aquatic species that have not been yet considered targets for these pharmaceutical residues

    Polystyrene nanoparticles internalization in human gastric adenocarcinoma cells

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    The increase in the use of nanoparticles, as a promising tool for drug delivery or as a food additive, raises questions about their interaction with biological systems, especially in terms of evoked responses. In this work, we evaluated the kinetics of uptake of 44 nm (NP44) and 100 nm (NP100) unmodified polystyrene nanoparticles (PS-NPs) in gastric adenocarcinoma (AGS) cells, as well as the endocytic mechanism involved, and the effect on cell viability and gene expression of genes involved in cell cycle regulation and inflammation processes. We showed that NP44 accumulate rapidly and more efficiently in the cytoplasm of AGS compared to NP100; both PS-NPs showed an energy dependent mechanism of internalization and a clathrin-mediated endocytosis pathway. Dose response treatments revealed a non-linear curve. PS-NPs also affected cell viability, inflammatory gene expression and cell morphology. NP44 strongly induced an up-regulation of IL-6 and IL-8 genes, two of the most important cytokines involved in gastric pathologies. Our study suggests that parameters such as time, size and concentration of NPs must be taken carefully into consideration during the development of drug delivery systems based on NPs and for the management of nanoparticles associated risk factors

    prospective teachers interpretative knowledge on early algebra

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    Abstract: Starting from the assumption that very young children exhibit some naive forms of algebraic skills, in this paper we discuss some of our work aimed at inquiry, and in the same time develop, prospective primary teachers' knowledge involved and required in recognize and interpret pupils' early forms of algebraic thinking. The research dimension is perceived intertwined with teacher education and practice and thus, the tasks we develop for such work focus on early years' prospective teachers' mathematical knowledge specifically related with the work of teaching Early Algebra. Thus, our focus of attention concerns their knowledge that would sustain the work on supporting the development of pupils' knowledge and reasoning toward more refined algebraic skills. We present promising preliminary results from an experiment conducted on 60 prospective Italian teachers', which paves the way for further research about the expected early years teachers' knowledge on Early Algebra and Algebra and even more refined didactic methods aimed at developing it.Keywords: Teachers' knowledge. Algebraic Reasoning. Interpretative knowledge. Early years.CONHECIMENTO INTERPRETATIVO DE FUTUROS PROFESSORES DA EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL E ANOS INICIAIS NO ÂMBITO DO PENSAMENTO ALGÉBRICO Resumo: Considerando que as crianças desde cedo possuem algumas capacidades, competências e conhecimentos algébricos, ainda que intuitivos, neste artigo discutimos uma parte de nosso trabalho que tem por objetivo acessar e desenvolver o conhecimento de futuros professores envolvido e requerido em reconhecer e interpretar produções de alunos no âmbito do Pensamento Algébrico. Pesquisa, formação e prática são consideradas de forma indissociada e, assim, as tarefas que conceitualizamos para desenvolver esse trabalho focam-se no conhecimento matemático de futuros professores especificamente relacionado com as tarefas de ensinar Pensamento Algébrico. Assim, o nosso foco de atenção refere-se, especificamente, ao conhecimento de futuros professores que contribua para o desenvolvimento do conhecimento e raciocínio dos alunos no sentido de refinar as suas competências algébricas. Apresentamos alguns resultados preliminares a partir da análise de uma tarefa para a formação de professores implementada em Itália a 60 futuros professores e que revelam alguns aspetos centrais do conhecimento do professor relativamente ao Pensamento Algébrico e à Álgebra e indicam necessidades de pesquisa que contribua para um desenvolvimento de tal conhecimento.Palavras-chave: Conhecimento do professor. Pensamento Algébrico. Conhecimento Interpretativo. Anos Iniciais. CONOCIMIENTO INTERPRETATIVO DE FUTUROS PROFESSORES DE INFANTIL E PRIMÁRIA EN EL CONTEXTO DEL PENSAMIENTO ALGEBRAICOResumen: Considerando que los niños desde edad temprana poseen algunas capacidades, competencias y conocimientos algebraicos, aunque intuitivos, en este artículo discutimos una parte de nuestro trabajo que tiene por objetivo acceder y desarrollar el conocimiento de futuros profesores involucrado y requerido en reconocer e interpretar producciones de alumnos en el ámbito del Pensamiento Algebraico. Investigación, formación y práctica se consideran de forma indisociada y así, las tareas que conceptualizamos para desarrollar ese trabajo se enfocan en el conocimiento matemático de futuros profesores específicamente relacionado con las tareas de enseñar Pensamiento Algebraico. Nuestro foco de atención se refiere específicamente al conocimiento de futuros profesores que contribuya al desarrollo del conocimiento y raciocinio de los alumnos en y para refinar sus competencias algebraicas. Presentamos algunos resultados preliminares a partir del análisis de una tarea para la formación de profesores implementada en Italia a 60 futuros profesores y que revelan algunos aspectos centrales del conocimiento del profesor respecto al Pensamiento Algebraico y al Álgebra e indican algunas necesidades de investigación que contribuya a un desarrollo de dicho conocimiento.Palabras claves: Conocimiento del profesor. Pensamiento Algebraico. Conocimiento Interpretativo. Educación Infantil e primari

    Competitiveness during Dual-Species Biofilm Formation of Fusarium oxysporum and Candida albicans and a Novel Treatment Strategy

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    During an infection, a single or multispecies biofilm can develop. Infections caused by non-dermatophyte molds, such as Fusarium spp. and yeasts, such as Candida spp., are particularly difficult to treat due to the formation of a mixed biofilm of the two species. Fusarium oxysporum is responsible for approximately 20% of human fusariosis, while Candida albicans is responsible for superficial mucosal and dermal infections and for disseminated bloodstream infections with a mortality rate above 40%. This study aims to investigate the interactions between C. albicans and F. oxysporum dual-species biofilm, considering variable formation conditions. Further, the ability of the WMR peptide, a modified version of myxinidin, to eradicate the mixed biofilm when used alone or in combination with fluconazole (FLC) was tested, and the efficacy of the combination of WMR and FLC at low doses was assessed, as well as its effect on the expression of some biofilm-related adhesin and hyphal regulatory genes. Finally, in order to confirm our findings in vivo and explore the synergistic effect of the two drugs, we utilized the Galleria mellonella infection model. We concluded that C. albicans negatively affects F. oxysporum growth in mixed biofilms. Combinatorial treatment by WMR and FLC significantly reduced the biomass and viability of both species in mature mixed biofilms, and these effects coincided with the reduced expression of biofilm-related genes in both fungi. Our results were confirmed in vivo since the synergistic antifungal activity of WMR and FLC increased the survival of infected larvae and reduced tissue invasion. These findings highlight the importance of drug combinations as an alternative treatment for C. albicans and F. oxysporum mixed biofilms

    Sturge-Weber syndrome: a report of 14 cases

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    Sturge-Weber-Krabe syndrome (SWS), also known as encephalotrigeminalangiomatosis and named the forthfacomatosis, recall the names of the authors who first describedit in its basic clinical, radiological andanatomopathological aspects. We report here 14 cases of Sturge-Weber disease. In 6 of these, despite what had been previously described in literature, an extension of the angioma has been noted in other parts of the body. The study of these subjects stresses not only the need for a pharmacological/neuropsychomotor intervention, but alsothe need of a psychotherapeutic approach, for the emotional and affective implications thatcould derive from this syndrome. The reported cases are similar to those presented in literature for their main features. In particular, two elements are interesting: i) the exceptional diffusion of the red nevousto the whole hemicorpo; and ii) the evaluation of the way the patients live the disease, which has not beenpreviously considered in literature. We can conclude that SWS is a multisystem disorder that requires the neurologist to be aware of the possible endocrine, psychiatric, ophthalmological, and other medical issues that can arise and impact on the neurological status of the patients. and neuropsychomotor therapies, but also a psychotherapeutic support to patients. It should be noted that the literature does not take psychotherapeutic support into consideration

    Cardiovascular profile improvement during Natalizumab treatment

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    Cardiovascular comorbidities are associated with the risk of MS progression. Thus, we aim to measure variations of cardiovascular risk factors during Natalizumab treatment and their possible clinical associations. Seventy-one relapsing-remitting MS patients treated with Natalizumab were followed-up during a 12.9 ± 6.2 months. Cardiovascular risk factors were recorded on first and last study visits: systolic blood pressure, uric acid, total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and triglycerides. EDSS progression and relapse occurrence were recorded. At multilevel mixed-effects linear regression models, the population presented with a significant reduction of total cholesterol (Coeff = -7.340; 95%CI = -13.152--1.527; p = 0.013), and of HDL cholesterol (Coeff = -3.473; 95%CI = -6.333--0.613; p = 0.017), and a non-significant reduction of LDL cholesterol (Coeff = -1.872; 95%CI = -8.481-0.736; p = 0.053), and of triglycerides (Coeff = -8.815; 95%CI = -34.011-5.380; p = 0.094). Uric acid levels increased during the study period (Coeff = 0.159; 95%CI = 0.212-0.340; p = 0.038). No significant associations were found with clinical outcomes. Serum lipids decreased and anti-oxidant uric acid increased during Natalizumab treatment. These biomarkers need to be further explored in relation to clinical outcomes on larger cohorts with longer follow-ups