2,295 research outputs found

    Nonclassical radiation from diamond nanocrystals

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    The quantum properties of the fluorescence light emitted by diamond nanocrystals containing a single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) colored center is investigated. We have observed photon antibunching with very low background light. This system is therefore a very good candidate for the production of single photon on demand. In addition, we have measured larger NV center lifetime in nanocrystals than in the bulk, in good agreement with a simple quantum electrodynamical model.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, revised version, to appear in PR

    Quantum homodyne tomography of a two-photon Fock state

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    We present a continuous-variable experimental analysis of a two-photon Fock state of free-propagating light. This state is obtained from a pulsed non-degenerate parametric amplifier, which produces two intensity-correlated twin beams. Counting two photons in one beam projects the other beam in the desired two-photon Fock state, which is analyzed by using a pulsed homodyne detection. The Wigner function of the measured state is clearly negative. We developed a detailed analytic model which allows a fast and efficient analysis of the experimental results.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures Revised version : corrected typo and reference

    Relevance of Negative Links in Graph Partitioning: A Case Study Using Votes From the European Parliament

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    In this paper, we want to study the informative value of negative links in signed complex networks. For this purpose, we extract and analyze a collection of signed networks representing voting sessions of the European Parliament (EP). We first process some data collected by the VoteWatch Europe Website for the whole 7 th term (2009-2014), by considering voting similarities between Members of the EP to define weighted signed links. We then apply a selection of community detection algorithms, designed to process only positive links, to these data. We also apply Parallel Iterative Local Search (Parallel ILS), an algorithm recently proposed to identify balanced partitions in signed networks. Our results show that, contrary to the conclusions of a previous study focusing on other data, the partitions detected by ignoring or considering the negative links are indeed remarkably different for these networks. The relevance of negative links for graph partitioning therefore is an open question which should be further explored.Comment: in 2nd European Network Intelligence Conference (ENIC), Sep 2015, Karlskrona, Swede

    Noiseless Linear Amplification and Quantum Channels

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    The employ of a noiseless linear amplifier (NLA) has been proven as a useful tool for mitigating imperfections in quantum channels. Its analysis is usually conducted within specific frameworks, for which the set of input states for a given protocol is fixed. Here we obtain a more general description by showing that a noisy and lossy Gaussian channel followed by a NLA has a general description in terms of effective channels. This has the advantage of offering a simpler mathematical description, best suitable for mixed states, both Gaussian and non-Gaussian. We investigate the main properties of this effective system, and illustrate its potential by applying it to loss compensation and reduction of phase uncertainty.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Increasing entanglement between Gaussian states by coherent photon subtraction

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    We experimentally demonstrate that the entanglement between Gaussian entangled states can be increased by non-Gaussian operations. Coherent subtraction of single photons from Gaussian quadrature-entangled light pulses, created by a non-degenerate parametric amplifier, produces delocalized states with negative Wigner functions and complex structures, more entangled than the initial states in terms of negativity. The experimental results are in very good agreement with the theoretical predictions

    Modulation of near-field heat transfer between two gratings

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    We present a theoretical study of near-field heat transfer between two uniaxial anisotropic planar structures. We investigate how the distance and relative orientation (with respect to their optical axes) between the objects affect the heat flux. In particular, we show that by changing the angle between the optical axes it is possible in certain cases to modulate the net heat flux up to 90% at room temperature, and discuss possible applications of such a strong effect

    AutoParallel: A Python module for automatic parallelization and distributed execution of affine loop nests

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    The last improvements in programming languages, programming models, and frameworks have focused on abstracting the users from many programming issues. Among others, recent programming frameworks include simpler syntax, automatic memory management and garbage collection, which simplifies code re-usage through library packages, and easily configurable tools for deployment. For instance, Python has risen to the top of the list of the programming languages due to the simplicity of its syntax, while still achieving a good performance even being an interpreted language. Moreover, the community has helped to develop a large number of libraries and modules, tuning them to obtain great performance. However, there is still room for improvement when preventing users from dealing directly with distributed and parallel computing issues. This paper proposes and evaluates AutoParallel, a Python module to automatically find an appropriate task-based parallelization of affine loop nests to execute them in parallel in a distributed computing infrastructure. This parallelization can also include the building of data blocks to increase task granularity in order to achieve a good execution performance. Moreover, AutoParallel is based on sequential programming and only contains a small annotation in the form of a Python decorator so that anyone with little programming skills can scale up an application to hundreds of cores.Comment: Accepted to the 8th Workshop on Python for High-Performance and Scientific Computing (PyHPC 2018

    Controlling the quantum state of a single photon emitted from a single polariton

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    We investigate in detail the optimal conditions for a high fidelity transfer from a single-polariton state to a single-photon state and subsequent homodyne detection of the single photon. We assume that, using various possible techniques, the single polariton has initially been stored as a spin-wave grating in a cloud of cold atoms inside a low-finesse cavity. This state is then transferred to a single-photon optical pulse using an auxiliary beam. We optimize the retrieval efficiency and determine the mode of the local oscillator that maximizes the homodyne efficiency of such a photon. We find that both efficiencies can have values close to one in a large region of experimental parameters.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Single photon quantum cryptography

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    We report the full implementation of a quantum cryptography protocol using a stream of single photon pulses generated by a stable and efficient source operating at room temperature. The single photon pulses are emitted on demand by a single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color center in a diamond nanocrystal. The quantum bit error rate is less that 4.6% and the secure bit rate is 9500 bits/s. The overall performances of our system reaches a domain where single photons have a measurable advantage over an equivalent system based on attenuated light pulses.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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