75 research outputs found

    Anticorpos IgG anti-metacestódeo de Taenia solium em amostras de soro de habitantes da região centro-oeste do Brasil

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    A total of 354 serum samples from inhabitants who frequent the Clinical Laboratory in Catalão, Goiás, in the central-western region of Brazil, were collected from June to August, 2002. The samples were evaluated by indirect immunofluorescence antibody tests and an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay in order to detect anti-Taenia solium metacestode IgG antibodies. Reactive and inconclusive samples were tested by Western blotting (WB). Considering WB as a confirmation, the frequency of antibodies in the serum samples of the above population was 11.3% (CI 5.09 - 17.51). The immunodominant bands most frequently recognized in WB were 64-68 kDa (97.5%) and 47-52 kDa (80%). The percentage of seropositivity to cysticercosis was significantly higher for individuals residing in areas without sewage systems (p < 0.0001). In conclusion, the results indicate a probable endemic situation of cysticercosis in this population. These results reinforce the urgent need for control and prevention measures to be taken by the local public health services.Um total de 354 amostras de soro de habitantes que freqüentaram o Laboratório Clínico em Catalão, Goiás, na região centro-oeste do Brasil, foram colhidas no período de junho a agosto de 2002. As amostras foram avaliadas pelo teste de imunofluorescência indireta e enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) com o objetivo de detectar anticorpos IgG anti-metacestódeo de Taenia solium. As amostras reativas e inconclusivas foram testadas pelo Western blotting (WB). Considerando WB como reação confirmatória, a freqüência de anticorpos nas amostras de soro da população estudada foi 11,3% (IC: 5,09 - 17,51). As bandas imunodominantes mais frequentemente reconhecidas no WB foram 64-68 kDa (97,5%) e 47-52 kDa (80%). A porcentagem de soropositividade para cisticercose foi significativamente maior nos indivíduos que residiam em áreas sem sistema de esgoto (p < 0,0001). Concluiu-se que os resultados indicam uma provável situação de endemicidade para cisticercose nesta população, reforçando a urgente necessidade de medidas de controle e prevenção que devem ser implantadas pelo serviço de saúde pública local

    Aspectos epidemiológicos da dirofilariose canina no perímetro urbano de Cuiabá, Mato Grosso: emprego do "Immunoblot" e do teste de Knott modificado

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    O presente trabalho refere-se a pesquisa dos aspectos epidemiológicos da dirofilariose canina no perímetro urbano de Cuiabá, através de exame de sangue e sorologia. Examinou-se o sangue de 822 cães: em 11,81% das amostras, detectaram-se, por meio de "Immunoblot", anticorpos contra antígenos de Dirofilaria immitis adulto, enquanto em 0,41% foram encontradas, por meio do teste de Knott modificado, microfilárias de D. immitis. A prevalência da dirofilariose canina em Cuiabá, no período de junho a novembro de 1997, e com a metodologia aplicada, foi de 120,8 casos em cada 1.000 animais. O "Immunoblot" diagnosticou como positivas 11,27% das amostras que estavam consideradas negativas pelo teste de Knott modificado. Os autores analisaram estatisticamente informações sobre raça, sexo, idade e região administrativa de origem dos cães pesquisados. Foi questionada a possibilidade de que os animais pesquisados tivessem viajado a regiões endêmicas, usado microfilaricidas, ou apresentado sintomatologia compatível, bem como estudadas as características ecológicas do local de moradia. Cães com idade variando entre um e nove anos e residentes na região Centro-Oeste apresentaram maior índice de positividade. A maioria não apresentava sintomatologia compatível com a doença, não tinha história clínica do uso de microfilaricidas e/ou preventivos contra dirofilariose canina e nunca havia saído do perímetro urbano de Cuiabá, mas residiam em bairros próximos a rios ou córregos e/ou em casas contíguas a áreas de vegetação nativa. Pela primeira vez, o "Immunoblot" foi empregado no diagnóstico de dirofilariose canina no Brasil.The present research focused on studying, through blood and sorology tests, epidemiological aspects of canine dirofilariasis in the metropolitan area of the city of Cuiabá, Brazil. Blood samples from 822 dogs were tested. The research detected, through "Immunoblot" test, antibodies against adult Dirofilaria immitis antigens in 11.81% of the samples, while 0.41% of the dogs presented, through the modified Knott test, microfilariae of D. immitis. The prevalence of canine dirofilariasis in Cuiabá, in the period between June and November 1977, reached 120.8 case per 1,000 dogs. The "Immunoblot" diagnosed as positive 11.27% of the samples previously tested negative when using the modified Knott test. The research statistically analyzed information on the dogs breed, sex, age and region of origin. It also took into account the possibility that the dogs researched might have traveled to endemic regions, might have been given microfilaricides or might be presenting a compatible symptomatology. The environmental characteristics of the dogs dwelling places were also studied. Dogs from one to nine years old, living in the Center-West region of Cuiabá, were statistically found to be the most affected. The majority of them has not been treated with microfilaricide, and has never left the Cuiabá metropolitan area. They lived, however, in neighborhoods close to streams and/or in houses adjacent to native vegetation. This research was the first time that "Immunoblot" was used for the diagnosis of canine dirofilariasis in Brazil

    Associating the Incest and Paternity Index to discriminate sexual aggression among close blood relatives

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     A violência sexual no Brasil, além de um crime hediondo, é uma questão de saúde pública. Entre as crianças, parentes destacam-se como agressores. Quando um crime de natureza sexual resulta em gravidez, o exame de paternidade consiste no meio de prova mais fidedigno. Este exame consiste em verificar o compartilhamento de alelos entre o pretenso filho e o suposto pai, de modo a atribuir termos probabilísticos à transmissão dos alelos por parte do suspeito em relação a um homem qualquer na população, não relacionado, o que se denomina índice de paternidade. Porém, em casos cujo suposto pai possui vínculo biológico com a vítima, devem-se considerar alguns parâmetros matemáticos de modo a evitar a superestimativa dos valores atribuídos aos índices de paternidade. Torna-se preciso distinguir Alelos Idênticos por Descendência daqueles Idênticos por Estado. A partir de análise comparativa de 3 casos incestuosos foram efetuados cálculos de Índice de Paternidade da maneira usual, considerando o suspeito como não relacionado à vítima e considerando o suspeito como relacionado à vítima, atribuindo a este cálculo a denominação Índice de Incesto. O Índice de Paternidade Combinado foi superior ao Índice Combinado de Incesto em até 103 vezes, mostrando que as análises usuais podem superestimar os resultados nos exames de vínculo genético. Assim, propõe-se o uso desta metodologia matemática nos cenários incestuosos a fim de evitar a emissão de laudos equivocados ou estatisticamente sobrevalorizados.Sexual violence in Brazil, as well as being a heinous crime, is a public health issue. In the majority of cases of sexually abused children, close relatives are the most common aggressors. When a crime of a sexual nature results in pregnancy, a paternity test is the most reliable form of evidence. The purpose of this test is to verify the sharing of alleles between the child and alleged father, in order to assign probabilistic terms related to the transmission of alleles from the suspect in relation to an unrelated man in population—this is called the Paternity Index. However, in cases where the alleged father has a biological relationship with the victim, some mathematical parameters should be considered, in order to avoid overestimation of the values assigned to the indices of paternity. It becomes necessary to distinguish alleles identical by descent from those identical by state. From a comparative analysis of 3 incestuous cases, calculations of the Paternity Index were performed in the usual way, both considering the suspect as being unrelated to the victim, and considering the suspect as being related to the victim, and this calculation was named the Incest Index. The Combined Paternity Index was higher than the combined ratio of Incest by up to 103 times, showing that the usual analysis may overestimate the results in the exams of genetic link. Thus, the use of this mathematical methodology is proposed for both incestuous scenarios, in order to avoid issuing overrated or erroneous statistical reports of incest

    Placentation in the anteaters Myrmecophaga tridactyla and Tamandua tetradactyla (Eutheria, Xenarthra)

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    Background: Since Xenarthra are serious candidates for being basal to Eutheria, their characteristics, e.g. the placental system, influence perceptions of evolution. However, in the subgroup containing the anteaters, data are very limited. The present study aims to elucidate the nature of the feto-maternal interface in the anteater placenta and to interpret these data within an evolutionary context. Methods: Placentas of two species were investigated with histology, immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy. Results: Remnants of the maternal vessel endothelium were absent, resulting in a fully haemochorial barrier throughout the placenta. Two structurally different parts, the villous and trabecular areas were complex and intermingled. In particular, the trabeculae which consisted of cellular, proliferative trophoblast, associated with connective tissue, were attached to the decidua. The villi contained fetal capillaries and hypertrophied mesenchymal cells that occured near the surface near the end of gestation. The surface of the villi consisted of flat, syncytial trophoblast, interspersed with proliferative trophoblast cells. Conclusions: Based on fundamental differences between anteaters and armadillos, we inferred that placental evolution was more complex than previously thought. The haemochorial pattern of anteaters was likely an ancient condition of xenarthrans. Consequently, villous placentation may be attributed, at least in part, by convergent evolution, but was also characterized by some features that were widespread among xenarthrans.This project was supported by CNPq and FAPESP