10 research outputs found

    Karakterisasi Minyak Ikan Dari Pemurnian Limbah Ikan Tuna Dengan Zeolit Secara Kromatografi Kolom

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui kandungan DHA dan EPA yang terdapat dalam minyak ikan hasil dari pemurnian limbah ikan tuna menggunakan zeolit alam dan mengidentifikasi senyawa kimia pada minyak ikan. Kajian yang dilakukan meliputi pengambilan limbah ikan secara acak dari pasar tradisional, ekstraksi minyak ikan dengan cara refluks, pemurnian minyak ikan dengan kromatografi kolom menggunakan zeolit dan karakterisasi senyawa kimia dari minyak ikan sebelum dan sesudah pemurnian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa warna dan bau dari minyak ikan sebelum pemurnian yaitu coklat kehitaman dan amat menyengat dan setelah pemurnian warna dan bau minyak ikan yaitu coklat kekuningan dan tidak menyengat. Minyak ikan tuna memiliki rendemen dan kadar air yakni sebelum pemurnian sebesar 4,73% dan 3,36% serta sesudah pemurnian 2,34% dan 1,34%. Sedangkan untuk hasil GC-MS dari minyak ikan sebelum permunian yaitu 26 puncak dan sesudah pemurnian yaitu 31 puncak.A research to find DHA and EPA content in fish oil obtained by purification of tuna fish waste using natural zeolite and to identify chemical compounds in fish oil has been done. Steps included were obtaining tuna fish waste randomly from traditional market, extraction of fish oil by reflux, purification of the oil by column chromatography using natural zeolite, and characterization of chemical compounds in the oil before and after purification. The results showed that odor of the oil before purification was very pungent and its color was blackish and, on the other hand, it was not pungent and its color turned yellowish brown after the purification. In addition, the yield and water content before purification were 4.73% and 3.36%, respectively, and were 2.34% and 1.34%, respectively, after purification. Analysis using GC-MS spectrometry showed 26 peaks in oil before purification and 31 peaks in oil after purification

    Efek Ekstrak Limbah Cair Empulur Batang Sagu Baruk (Arenga Microcarpha) Terhadap Fotoreduksi Besi(III)

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk menganalisis kandungan fenolik, flavonoid, dan tanin dari limbah cair empulur batang sagu baruk dan menguji kemampuanya dalam fotoreduksi Fe3+. Empulur batang sagu baruk diekstrak dengan pelarut akuades secara maserasi selama 2 jam. Selanjutnya ekstrak hasil maserasi dianalisis kandungan fitokimia fenolik, flavonoid dan tanin dengan menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Pengujian fotoreduksi dilakukan pada cahaya fluorescent dengan konsentrasi 1000 mg/L selama 5 jam dengan variasi pH 4, 5, 6, 7 dan 8 serta kapasitas daya 42, 62 dan 104 Watt. Analisis ekstrak limbah cair empulur batang sagu baruk menunjukkan konsentrasi fenolik 112,04 mg asam galat/L konsentrasi flavonoid 30,10 mg kuersetin/L dan konsentrasi tanin 22,02 mg katekin/L.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak limbah cair empulur batang sagu baruk pada pH 6 dengan kapasitas daya 104 Watt mempunyai kemampuan yang paling baik untuk mereduksi Fe3+ dibandingkan dengan ekstrak lainya.Research had been carried out to analyze the photochemicals phenolic, flavonoids, and tanins in liquid waste of pith trunk sago baruk and to test its ability in photoreduction. Pith trunk extracted with aquadest in maceration for two hours. The extracts resulted were then analyzed for phenolic, flavonoids and tanins phytochemicals using spectrophotometer UV-Vis. The photoreduction tests performed on fluorescent light with concentration of 1000 mg/L for five hours with variation pH 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 and on energy capacities of 42, 62 dan 104 Watt. Analysis of liquid waste of pith trunk sago baruk extract showed that phenolic concentration was 112,04 mg gallic acid/L, flavonoid concentration was 30,10 mg quersetin/L and tannin concentration was 22,02 mg chatechin/L. The results showed that extract liquid waste pith trunk sago baruk at pH 6 with energy capacities 104 Watt had best ability in photoreduction Fe3+

    Mekanisme Dan Kinetika Quenching Oksigen Singlet Dari Senyawa Fenolik Daun Cengkeh Terhadap Fotoksidasi Yang Disensitasi Oleh Eritrosin

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    The objectives of this research were to isolate phenolic compound of clove leaves and to study the mechanism and kinetic of singlet oxygen quenching. Clove leaves was extracted by steam distillation using water for 6 hours. Crude clove leaves oil was purifi ed by distillation under reduced pressure. Isolated fractions were determined its structure by infrared (IR), nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR), and mass spectrometry (MS) techniques. The effects of 0, 500, 1000 and 1500 ppm isolated compound on the photooxidation of linoleic acid (0,03M) containing 15 ppm erythrosine in ethanol were studied by measuring peroxide value of the oil. The quenching mechanism and kinetics of eugenol were studied by the steady-state kinetic method. Samples of 0; 0,06 x 10-4; 0,12 x 10-4; 0,24 x 10-4 dan 0,48x 10-4 mM eugenol prepared in water contained 0; 17,05 x10-4; 34,10 x 10-4; 68,19 x 10-4 and 136,39 x 10-4 mM of erythrosine stored under fl uorescent light (4000 lux) at room temperature for 15 hours. The result indicated that eugenol content of clove oil, F1, F2, F3 and F4 were 49.68; 54.32; 87.16 and 73.65%, respectively. The structure of F3 was identifi ed by IR spectrometry which shows strong absorption at 3448 cm-1 indicating hydroxyl group from the phenolic compound and the 1H NMR spectra showed that the number of proton ring was 3 hydrogen while the mass spectrometry showed the molecular ion peak at m/e = 164 as base peak and the absence of peak at (M-41)+ as the indicator of eugenol. The result showed that eugenol had antiphotooxidation activity on erythrosine sensitized photooxidation of oil. The mechanism of singlet oxygen quenching on erythrosine photodegradation showed that eugenol only quenched singlet oxygen. The total quenching rate constant of eugenol was 4,42 x 108/M/s

    Analisis Fitokimia dan Penentuan Nilai Lc50 Ekstrak Metanol Daun Liwas

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    Penentuan nilai LC50 dari ekstrak metanol daun liwas menggunakan metode Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) terhadap hewan indikator udang Artemia salina menunjukkan nilai LC50 dari A. salina bersifat sangat toksik.Nilai LC50 yang didapatkan sebesar 15,696 mg/L. Nilai LC50 ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode SPSS 20.0.Ekstrak metanol daun liwas mengandung kandungan senyawa metabolit sekunder seperti flavonoid, tanin dan saponin sebagai hasil uji fitokimia

    Fotoreduksi Besi Fe3+ Menggunakan Ekstrak Daun Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum Burmanii)

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    FOTOREDUKSI BESI Fe3+ MENGGUNAKAN EKSTRAK DAUN KAYU MANIS (Cinnamomum burmanii) ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan penelitian tentang fotoreduksi besi Fe3+ menggunakan ekstrak daun kayu manis (Cinnamomum burmanii) dengan bantuan cahaya fluorescent 65 watt. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli – September 2017, bertempat di Laboratorium Biokimia Jurusan Kimia; Laboratorium Penelitian Jurusan Farmasi; dan Laboratorium UPT Terpadu Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado. Serbuk daun kayu manis diekstraksi secara refluks dengan metanol: 40; 60; dan 80%. Kandungan total fenolik; flavonoid; dan tanin ditentukan dengan reagen Folin-Ciocalteu; AlCl3; dan vanilin-HCl. Untuk kandungan besi tereduksi diukur dengan pembentukan kompleks besi(II)bipiridin. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak metanol: 40; 60; dan 80% memiliki kemampuan dalam mereduksi besi. Untuk ekstrak metanol 60% mempunyai efek fotoreduksi besi yang baik dimana kandungan besi(II) yang terbentuk sebesar 63,833 mg/L dengan waktu penyinaran selama 2 jam, dibandingkan ekstrak dengan konsentrasi pelarut metanol lainnyaKata Kunci: Daun Kayu Manis, Fenolik, Flavonoid, Tanin, Fotoreduksi Besi Fe3+ IRON PHOTOREDUCTION USING CINNAMON LEAF EXTRACT (Cinnamomum burmanii) ABSTRACTA study of Fe3+iron photoreduction has been done using cinnamon leaf extract (Cinnamomum burmanii) with the aid of 65 watt fluorescent light. This research was conducted in July - September 2017, held at Biochemistry Laboratory of Chemistry Department; Research Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Department; and the Integrated UPT Laboratory of Sam Ratulangi University, Manado. The cinnamon leaf powder is extracted by reflux with methanol: 40; 60; and 80%. Total phenolic content; flavonoids; and tannins are determined by Folin-Ciocalteu reagents; AlCl3; and vanilin-HCl. For reduced iron content is measured by the formation of iron(II)bipyridine complex. The result showed that methanol extracts: 40, 60: and 80% had ability in reducing iron. Methanol extract 60% had good iron photoreduction effect in which the iron(II) content was formed at 63.833 mg/L with irradiation time for 2 hours, compared to extract with other methanol solvent concentration