8 research outputs found

    In vivo transposon mutagenesis of Streptomyces sp. Mg1

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    Members of the genus Streptomyces are filamentous and spore forming bacteria that live in soil and aqueous environments. Within these environments, Streptomyces as well as other bacteria play a large role in their environment through their ability to interact by producing various chemical signals. To understand what type of chemical signals bacteria produce in these environments and how their signals affects other bacteria, we have established a model system using two soil bacterium: Streptomyces sp. Mg1 (S. Mg1) and Bacillus subtilis. When wild-type S. Mg1 and B. subtilis are cultured together on an agar surface, noticeable lysis and degradation of the B. subtilis colony is observed. We propose a transposon mutagenesis to identify genes in S. Mg1 related to its ability to lyse and degrade B. subtilis colonies

    An ACE2 Triple Decoy that neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 shows enhanced affinity for virus variants

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    Abstract The SARS-CoV-2 variants replacing the first wave strain pose an increased threat by their potential ability to escape pre-existing humoral protection. An angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) decoy that competes with endogenous ACE2 for binding of the SARS-CoV-2 spike receptor binding domain (S RBD) and inhibits infection may offer a therapeutic option with sustained efficacy against variants. Here, we used Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation to predict ACE2 sequence substitutions that might increase its affinity for S RBD and screened candidate ACE2 decoys in vitro. The lead ACE2(T27Y/H34A)-IgG1FC fusion protein with enhanced S RBD affinity shows greater live SARS-CoV-2 virus neutralization capability than wild type ACE2. MD simulation was used to predict the effects of S RBD variant mutations on decoy affinity that was then confirmed by testing of an ACE2 Triple Decoy that included an additional enzyme activity-deactivating H374N substitution against mutated S RBD. The ACE2 Triple Decoy maintains high affinity for mutated S RBD, displays enhanced affinity for S RBD N501Y or L452R, and has the highest affinity for S RBD with both E484K and N501Y mutations, making it a viable therapeutic option for the prevention or treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection with a high likelihood of efficacy against variants

    Pathogenesis, miR-122 gene-regulation, and protective immune responses after acute equine hepacivirus infection

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Equine hepacivirus (EqHV) is phylogenetically the closest relative of HCV and shares genome organization, hepatotropism, transient or persistent infection outcome, and the ability to cause hepatitis. Thus, EqHV studies are important to understand equine liver disease and further as an outbred surrogate animal model for HCV pathogenesis and protective immune responses. Here, we aimed to characterize the course of EqHV infection and associated protective immune responses. APPROACH AND RESULTS: Seven horses were experimentally inoculated with EqHV, monitored for 6 months, and rechallenged with the same and, subsequently, a heterologous EqHV. Clearance was the primary outcome (6 of 7) and was associated with subclinical hepatitis characterized by lymphocytic infiltrate and individual hepatocyte necrosis. Seroconversion was delayed and antibody titers waned slowly. Clearance of primary infection conferred nonsterilizing immunity, resulting in shortened duration of viremia after rechallenge. Peripheral blood mononuclear cell responses in horses were minimal, although EqHV‐specific T cells were identified. Additionally, an interferon‐stimulated gene signature was detected in the liver during EqHV infection, similar to acute HCV in humans. EqHV, as HCV, is stimulated by direct binding of the liver‐specific microRNA (miR), miR‐122. Interestingly, we found that EqHV infection sequesters enough miR‐122 to functionally affect gene regulation in the liver. This RNA‐based mechanism thus could have consequences for pathology. CONCLUSIONS: EqHV infection in horses typically has an acute resolving course, and the protective immune response lasts for at least a year and broadly attenuates subsequent infections. This could have important implications to achieve the primary goal of an HCV vaccine; to prevent chronicity while accepting acute resolving infection after virus exposure

    Human TBK1 deficiency leads to autoinflammation driven by TNF-induced cell death

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    TANK binding kinase 1 (TBK1) regulates IFN-I, NF-κB, and TNF-induced RIPK1-dependent cell death (RCD). In mice, biallelic loss of TBK1 is embryonically lethal. We discovered four humans, ages 32, 26, 7, and 8 from three unrelated consanguineous families with homozygous loss-of-function mutations in TBK1. All four patients suffer from chronic and systemic autoinflammation, but not severe viral infections. We demonstrate that TBK1 loss results in hypomorphic but sufficient IFN-I induction via RIG-I/MDA5, while the system retains near intact IL-6 induction through NF-κB. Autoinflammation is driven by TNF-induced RCD as patient-derived fibroblasts experienced higher rates of necroptosis in vitro, and CC3 was elevated in peripheral blood ex vivo. Treatment with anti-TNF dampened the baseline circulating inflammatory profile and ameliorated the clinical condition in vivo. These findings highlight the plasticity of the IFN-I response and underscore a cardinal role for TBK1 in the regulation of RCD