16 research outputs found

    Proximal and distal spinal neurons innervating multiple synergist and antagonist motor pools

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    Motoneurons control muscle contractions, and their recruitment by premotor circuits is tuned to produce accurate motor behaviours. To understand how these circuits coordinate movement across and between joints, it is necessary to understand whether spinal neurons pre-synaptic to motor pools have divergent projections to more than one motoneuron population. Here, we used modified rabies virus tracing in mice to investigate premotor INs projecting to synergist flexor or extensor motoneurons, as well as those projecting to antagonist pairs of muscles controlling the ankle joint. We show that similar proportions of premotor neurons diverge to synergist and antagonist motor pools. Divergent premotor neurons were seen throughout the spinal cord, with decreasing numbers but increasing proportion with distance from the hindlimb enlargement. In the cervical cord, divergent long descending propriospinal neurons were found in contralateral lamina VIII, had large somata, were neither glycinergic, nor cholinergic, and projected to both lumbar and cervical motoneurons. We conclude that distributed spinal premotor neurons coordinate activity across multiple motor pools and that there are spinal neurons mediating co-contraction of antagonist muscles

    TechMiner: Extracting Technologies from Academic Publications

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    In recent years we have seen the emergence of a variety of scholarly datasets. Typically these capture ‘standard’ scholarly entities and their connections, such as authors, affiliations, venues, publications, citations, and others. However, as the repositories grow and the technology improves, researchers are adding new entities to these repositories to develop a richer model of the scholarly domain. In this paper, we introduce TechMiner, a new approach, which combines NLP, machine learning and semantic technologies, for mining technologies from research publications and generating an OWL ontology describing their relationships with other research entities. The resulting knowledge base can support a number of tasks, such as: richer semantic search, which can exploit the technology dimension to support better retrieval of publications; richer expert search; monitoring the emergence and impact of new technologies, both within and across scientific fields; studying the scholarly dynamics associated with the emergence of new technologies; and others. TechMiner was evaluated on a manually annotated gold standard and the results indicate that it significantly outperforms alternative NLP approaches and that its semantic features improve performance significantly with respect to both recall and precision

    On the distribution of spinal premotor interneurons

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    The activity of flexor and extensor motor neurons is tightly regulated by a network of interneurons in the spinal cord. The introduction of rabies retrograde monosynaptic tracing has provided a powerful method to map interneurons directly connected to motor neurons so as to visualize premotor circuits. Previous strategies have used AAV for complementing rabies glycoprotein expression in motor neurons to obtain selectivity in transsynaptic transfer to identify premotor interneurons innervating specific motor neuron pools These studies revealed differences in the location of flexor and extensor premotor interneurons. Here, we report that by using a genetic approach to complement rabies glycoprotein expression in motor neurons, we did not observe any differences in the distribution of flexor and extensor premotor interneurons. In order to identify possible causes for these paradoxical findings, we discuss advantages and caveats of the experimental designs and suggest ways forward to resolve possible ambiguities. Furthermore, to obtain a complete picture of existing approaches and results we ask for contributions from the scientific community describing the use of additional mouse models, viral constructs, and complementation methods. The aim is to generate an open, comprehensive database to understand the specific organisation of premotor circuits

    An international clinical study of ability and disability in ADHD using the WHO-ICF framework

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    This is the fourth and final study designed to develop International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, and children and youth version, ICF-CY) core sets for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). To investigate aspects of functioning and environment of individuals with ADHD as documented by the ICF-CY in clinical practice settings. An international cross-sectional multi-centre study was applied, involving nine units from eight countries: Denmark, Germany, India, Italy, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Sweden and Taiwan. Clinicians and clinical researchers rated the functioning level of 112 children, adolescents and adults with ADHD using the extended ICF-CY checklist version 2.1a. The ratings were based on a variety of information sources, such as medical records, medical history, clinical observations, clinical questionnaires, psychometric tests and structured interviews with participants and family members. In total, 113 ICF-CY categories were identified, of which 50 were related to the activities and participation, 33 to environmental factors and 30 to body functions. The clinical study also yielded strengths related to ADHD, which included temperament and personality functions and recreation and leisure. The study findings endorse the complex nature of ADHD, as evidenced by the many functional and contextual domains impacted in ADHD. ICF-CY based tools can serve as foundation for capturing various functional profiles and environmental facilitators and barriers. The international nature of the ICF-CY makes it possible to develop user-friendly tools that can be applied globally and in multiple settings, ranging from clinical services and policy-making to education and research

    Agricultural waste as a source of innovative and compostable composite biopolymers for food packaging: a scientific review

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    The recovery of agriculture waste is one of the challenges of 2030 Agenda. Food and Agriculture Organization states that 30 % of the world's agricultural land is used to produce food that is later lost or wasted, and the global carbon footprint corresponds to 7% of total greenhouse gases emissions. Alternatively, natural fibers contained in food and agricultural waste could be a valuable feedstock to reinforce composite biopolymers contributing to increase mechanical properties. In addition, the use of biopolymers matrix could contribute significantly to reduce the environmental footprint of the biobased compounds. Based on these premises, a regional project in Emilia-Romagna, aims to enhance agricultural waste to produce food packaging materials which in turn would contribute to the reduction of green raw materials used. This article reviews the state of art of composite biopolymers added with fillers extracted by food and agricultural waste, analyzing the literature published on scientific databases such as Scopus. The characteristics, advantages and drawbacks of each innovative sustainable material will be studied, trying to compare their various properties. The results of the work could guide companies in the choice of eco-sustainable packaging and lay the foundations for the development of the mentioned regional project

    Plastic or glass: a new environmental assessment with a marine litter indicator for the comparison of pasteurized milk bottles

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    Purpose: Today plastic is the most used material for food packaging, but its incorrect disposal is creating environmental issues to oceans, soil and air. Someone believes that the solution is to ban plastic and substitute it with glass packaging. Is it the right choice? This study aims at comparing the environmental impact of bottles made of PET, R-PET, non-returnable glass and returnable glass in order to understand which is the most environmental friendly packaging solution. Methods: A literature analysis on the environmental impact of glass and PET bottles is carried out, taking into account their production, transport and disposal phase. Then, an environmental assessment of PET, R-PET, glass and returnable glass bottles, used to package 1 l of pasteurized milk, has been carried out using the life cycle assessment methodology and a new indicator. Inventory data were provided by an important milk processing and packaging factory located in Italy. Results were estimated using some relevant impact categories of the ReCiPe 2016 MidPoint (H) method, then a marine litter indicator (MLI) has been proposed in order to evaluate the polluting potential of milk bottles dispersed into the Mediterranean Sea. Results and discussion: LCA results show that R-PET bottle gives the lowest contribution to global warming, stratospheric ozone depletion, terrestrial acidification, fossil resource scarcity, water consumption and human carcinogenic toxicity, followed by PET bottle, returnable glass bottle, and finally non-returnable glass bottle. Glass is the worst packaging option because of high energy demand in the bottle production and its weight and in the transport phase. Some improvements can be obtained with returnable glass, but even if we consider that a bottle could be reused eight times, results are not comparable to the PET or R-PET bottles used only once. However, according to the MLI, returnable glass bottles become the first option, because a lot of plastic bottles could potentially be dispersed into the sea. Conclusions: The substitution of plastic with glass does not help to reduce the GWP and others LCI categories, while could contribute to reduce the marine litter: overall it is important to dispose correctly packaging materials, investing in recycling and reusing. In particular, great improvements can be obtained using bottles made with recycled materials, as R-PET. In conclusion, it is necessary to disadvantage waste dispersion, giving incentives to returnable packaging and raising people awareness of environmental problems

    Microglia-neuron interaction at nodes of Ranvier depends on neuronal activity through potassium release and contributes to remyelination

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    International audienceMicroglia, the resident immune cells of the central nervous system, are key players in healthy brain homeostasis and plasticity. In neurological diseases, such as Multiple Sclerosis, activated microglia either promote tissue damage or favor neuroprotection and myelin regeneration. The mechanisms for microglia-neuron communication remain largely unkown. Here, we identify nodes of Ranvier as a direct site of interaction between microglia and axons, in both mouse and human tissues. Using dynamic imaging, we highlight the preferential interaction of microglial processes with nodes of Ranvier along myelinated fibers. We show that microglia-node interaction is modulated by neuronal activity and associated potassium release, with THIK-1 ensuring their microglial read-out. Altered axonal K + flux following demyelination impairs the switch towards a pro-regenerative microglia phenotype and decreases remyelination rate. Taken together, these findings identify the node of Ranvier as a major site for microglia-neuron interaction, that may participate in microglia-neuron communication mediating pro-remyelinating effect of microglia after myelin injury

    KEFT: Knowledge Extraction and Graph Building from Statistical Data Tables

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    International audienceData provided by statistical models are commonly represented by textual, tabular or graphical form in documents (reports, articles, posters and presentations). These documents are often available in PDF format. Even though it makes accessing a particular information more difficult, it is interesting to process the PDF documents directly. We present KEFT, a solution in the statistical domain and we describe the fully functional pipeline to constructing a knowledge graph by extracting entities and relations from statistical Data Tables. We showcase how this approach can be used to construct a knowledge graph from different statistical studies