25 research outputs found

    Influence of type and structure of feed on digestive system development, production indicators and metabolic profile of calves

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj vrste i strukture krmiva na odabrane proizvodne pokazatelje, razvoj probavnog sustava te metabolički profil teladi. Istraživanje je provedeno na farmi „Orlovnjak“ na 30 teladi Holstein pasmine podijeljenih u 3 skupine prema tretmanu: a) kontrolna (K) skupina hranjena peletiranom smjesom, b) pokusna 1 (P1) skupina koja je uz peletiranu smjesu dobivala 10 % cijelog zrna kukuruza te c) pokusna 2 (P2) skupina koja je uz peletiranu smjesu dobivala 10 % sjeckanog sijena lucerne. Uzimanje tjelesnih mjera provedeno je 5., 31. i 62. dana nakon teljenja, dok je mjerenje tjelesne mase provedeno odmah nakon teljenja te 31. i 62. dana starosti. Nakon klanja uzeti su uzorci za potrebe histoloških pretraga. Uzorkovanje krvi provedeno je 31. i 66., a sakupljanje fecesa 66. dana starosti teladi. Utvrđen je pozitivan utjecaj dodavanja zrna kukuruza i sijena lucerne na koncentraciju ureje i triglicerida u serumu 66. dana starosti teladi, dok isti nije utvrđen za hematološke pokazatelje. Kod diferencijalne krvne slike također je utvrđen pozitivan utjecaj. Dodavanje zrna kukuruza i sijena lucerne pozitivno je utjecalo na morfometrijske vrijednosti dužine i širine papila buraga, debljinu keratinskog sloja, debljinu stijenke buraga, širinu i visinu crijevnih resica te dubinu i širinu kripti tankog crijeva. Dodavanje zrna kukuruza i sijena lucerne pozitivno je utjecalo na udio sirovih vlakana u buragovom sadržaju. Utvrđen je i pozitivan utjecaj na probavljivost suhe i organske tvari u fecesu. Na temelju rezultata može se zaključiti kako se dodatak zrna kukuruza i sjeckanog sijena lucerne uz peletiranu smjesu može primijeniti uz povoljan učinak na razvoj sluznice probavnih organa i probavljivost krmiva.The aim of the research was to determine the influence of the type and structure of the feed on the selected production traits, the development of the digestive system and the metabolic profile of the calves. The study was conducted on the farm "Orlovnjak" on 30 Holstein calves which were divided into three treatment groups: a) a control (K) group which was fed with a pelleted mixture, b) first experimental (P1) group which received a mixture of pellets with 10% whole grain corn and c) second experimental (P2) group which received a mixture of pellets with 10% chopped alfalfa hay. Body measurements were performed on day 5, 31 and 62 after calving, while body mass measurement was performed immediately after the 31st and 62nd day of lifetime. After sacrifice for histological research purposes, samples were taken. Blood sampling was performed 31st and 66th, and the collection of faeces 66th day of calves' lifetime. There is a positive effect of treatment on the concentrations of urea and triglycerides in the blood 66th day of calves' lifetime, while the same was not observed in haematological parameters. In differential blood was found positive effect of treatment. Treatment positively influenced the morphometric values of the length and width of the rumen papillae, keratin layer thickness, the thickness of the rumen wall, the width and height of intestinal villi and crypt depth and width of the small intestine. The positive effect of the treatment was found in influence on the proportion of raw fibers in the rumen content was found. Based on the results it can be concluded that the addition of corn grain and chopped alfalfa hay in the pelletized mixture can be applied with a favorable effect on the development of digestive mucus and digestibility

    Influence of pumpkin seed cake and extruded linseed on production traits of goat kids

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    Sjemenke uljarica i nusproizvodi proizvodnje ulja kvalitetan su izvor energije i bjelančevina u hranidbi preživača. Stoga je cilj istraživanja bio utvrditi proizvodne pokazatelje jaradi hranjene krmnim smjesama koje sadrže pogaču sjemenki bundeve ili ekstrudirani lan. Istraživanje je provedeno na 31 jaretu pasmine francuska alpina. Nakon navršenih mjesec dana jarad je postupno odbijana od majki, pri čemu se postupno smanjivala hranidba mlijekom i uključivala krmna smjesa i sijeno (djetelinsko-travna smjesa) ad libitum. Jarad je bila hranjena krmnom smjesom koja je od bjelančevinastih krmiva sadržavala sačmu soje i ekstrudiranu soju (kontrolna), zatim krmnom smjesom koja je sadržavala 16 % pogače sjemenki bundeve (PB16) uz potpunu zamjenu soje te krmnom smjesom koja je sadržavala 9 % ekstrudiranog lana (EL 9) uz djelomičnu zamjenu soje. Proizvodni pokazatelji, kao što su prosječni dnevni prirasti i eksterijerne odlike utvrđeni su u dobi jaradi od 32, 60 i 87 dana. Utvrđeni su ukupni prosječni dnevni prirasti jaradi (dobi 32.-87. dana) od 145,64 g u kontrolnoj skupini, 163,77 g u PB16 i 164,21 g u EL 9 skupini, pri čemu nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike. Utvrđeno je značajno povećanje visine grebena u PB16 i EL 9 jaradi u dobi od 60 dana te u PB16 jaradi u dobi od 87 dana u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu, pri čemu nisu bile utvrđene značajne razlike u indeksima tjelesne razvijenosti. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata vidljiva je mogućnost upotrebe pogače sjemenki bundeve i ekstrudiranog lana kao izvora bjelančevina i masti u krmnim smjesama, uz zadovoljavajuće proizvodne pokazatelje jaradi.Oilseeds and by-products of oil production are a good quality source of energy and proteins in ruminants´ nutrition. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine the production traits of goat kids fed on feed mixtures containing pumpkin seed cake and extruded linseed. The study was carried out on 31 goat kids of the French Alpine breed. After one month, the kids were gradually weaned from the mothers, by reducing suckling and including feed mixtures and hay (clover-grass mixture) ad libitum. Goat kids were fed on feed mixture containing soybean meal and extruded soybean (control) as protein feedstuffs, then a mixture containing 16% pumpkin seed cake (PB16) with complete soybean replacement, and a mixture containing 9% extruded linseeds (EL 9) with partial replacement of soybean. Production traits of goat kids, such as average weight gain and exterior characteristics, were determined at the age of 32, 60 and 87 days. The estimated total average daily weight gain of goat kids (32-87 days of age) was 145.64 g in control group, 163.77 g in PB16 and 164.21 g in EL 9 group, with no significant differences. A significant increase in withers height was found in PB16 and EL 9 goat kids aged 60 days and in PB16 goat kids aged 87 days compared to the control group, with no significant differences in physical development indices. The results of the present study viewed the possibility of using the pumpkin seed cake and extruded linseed as a source of proteins and fat in feed mixtures, with satisfactory production traits in goat kids


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    Zahtjevi potrošača za zdravijim namirnicama dobivenim iz ekološkog uzgoja jedan su od najvažnijih razloga za uvođenje novih hranidbenih strategija u stočarsku proizvodnju. Dodatni poticaj za traženje te iznalaženje novih dodataka koji će unaprijediti spomenutu proizvodnju nastao je slijedom zabrane uporabe antibiotika kao promotora rasta zbog razvoja rezistencije na antibiotike. Sukladno prethodno spomenutom, stočarska proizvodnja u većini zapadnoeuropskih zemalja danas podrazumijeva uporabu različitih prirodnih dodataka. U tom smislu posebno je učestala uporaba fitogenih aditiva kao što su: mažuran, češnjak, timijan, biljna eterična ulja, ružmarin, crni papar, artičoka, menta, korijen đumbira, origano, kim, šipak, kopriva, kamilica, maslačak i anis. Istraživanja utjecaja spomenutih fitogenih aditiva na performanse rasta i zdravlje različitih vrsta i kategorija domaćih životinja potvrdila su učinkovitost ovih spojeva kao promotora rasta koji ujedno bitno unaprjeđuju zdravlje životinja. Stručnjaci smatraju kako će pozitivna iskustva proizvođača s ovim aditivima u budućnosti dovesti do njihove još veće uporabe u suvremenoj stočarskoj proizvodnji.Consumer demand for healthier foods derived from organic farming is one of the most important reasons for the introduction of new feeding strategies in livestock production. An additional incentive for seeking and finding new additives that will improve livestock production appeared following the ban on the use of antibiotics in animal feeding as growth promoters due to the emergence of microbe resistance. In accordance with the aforementioned, animal production in most Western European countries today implies the use of various natural feed additives. Phytogenic feed additives such as marjoram, garlic, thyme, essential oils, rosemary, black pepper, artichoke, mint, ginger, oregano, caraway, rosehip, nettle, chamomile, dandelion and anise are frequently used. Studies dealing with the effect of these phytogenic feed additives on growth performance and health of different species and categories of domestic animals have confirmed the effectiveness of these compounds as growth promoters which also significantly improve animal health. Experts believe that the positive experience of manufacturers with these additives will lead to their even greater use in modern animal production in the future

    Utjecaj dobi na metabolički profil krvi i acido-bazni status istarske koze - kritično ugrožene hrvatske pasmine

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    The aim of the present research was to determine the blood metabolic profile and acid-base status of Istrian goats in a Mediterranean production system. The research was carried out on 28, non-gravid Istrian goats divided into four groups: group I - ≤ 6 month old kids; group II - ≤ 2 year old goats; group 3 - from 2 to 5 year old goats; group IV - >5 year old goats. The goats were grazing on extensive Mediterranean pastures, but when in the stall, they were fed with hay and approximately 0.2 kg corn per day, as well as water and salt. Haematological parameters were determined in whole blood. The concentrations of biochemical parameters and enzyme activities were determined in the blood serum, while indicators of acid-base balance were determined in the blood plasma. The number of erythrocytes and lymphocytes decreased, while segmented neutrophils and eosinophils increased with age in the Istrian goats. Furthermore, concentrations of Fe, albumin/globulin ratio, cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-cholesterol, VLDL- cholesterol, inorganic phosphate- and the activity of alkaline phosphatase decreased significantly. An increase was determined in concentrations of urea, total proteins and globulins, as well as the activity of aspartate aminotransferase, weak anions and cations based on total protein calculations. The data obtained on the metabolic profile and acid-base status of Istrian goats are useful for understanding this breed’s parameters, which will help in monitoring health and nutritional status, as well as for improving the management and conservation of this critically endangered breed.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi metabolički profil krvi i acido-bazni status istarskih koza u mediteranskom sustavu proizvodnje. Istraživanje je provedeno na 28 istarskih koza, podijeljenih u četiri skupine: skupina I - jarad dobi do 6 mjeseci; skupina II - koze dobi do 2 godine; skupina 3 - koze dobi od 2 do 5 godina; skupina IV - koze starije od 5 godina. Koze su napasivale ekstenzivne, mediteranske pašnjake, a nakon povratka u staju hranjene su sijenom i s približno 0,2 kg/dan kukuruza, uz vodu i sol koja im je bila na raspolaganju po volji. Hematološki pokazatelji i diferencijalna krva slika određeni su u punoj krvi koza. Koncentracija biokemijskih pokazatelja te aktivnosti enzima određene su u krvnom serumu, dok su pokazatelji acido-baznog statusa određene u plazmi. Broj eritrocita te udio limfocita bio je smanjen, dok se udio segmentiranih neutrofila i eozinofila povećao s dobi istarskih koza. Utvrđeno je znakovito smanjenje koncentracije Fe, omjera albumina i globulina, koncentracije kolesterola, triglicerida, LDL-kolesterola, VLDL-kolesterola, anorganskog fosfora te aktivnosti alkalne fosfataze. Suprotno je utvrđeno u koncentracijama ureje, ukupnih proteina i globulina, kao i aktivnosti aspartat-aminostransferaze te aniona i kationa temeljenih na izračunu iz ukupnih proteina. Dobiveni rezultati o metaboličkom profilu i acido-baznom statusu istarskih koza prve su objavljene referentne vrijednosti koje će pomoći u praćenju zdravstvenog i nutritivnog statusa te u poboljšanju upravljanja i očuvanja ove kritično ugrožene pasmine


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    Cilj rada je bio istražiti učinak djelomične zamjene sačme soje sačmom suncokreta u obrocima janjadi u ekološkom uzgoju na njihove proizvodne i eksterijerne odlike. Istraživanje je provedeno na ekološkom obiteljskom poljoprivrednom gospodarstvu u Osječko-baranjskoj županiji s 20 janjadi pasmine Merinolandrace u dobi od 90 dana. Janjad je hranjena krmnim smjesama gdje je u pokusnoj skupini djelomično smanjen udio sačme soje te je uključena sačma suncokreta (13%). Janjad je sijeno i vodu konzumirala po volji. Pokus je trajao 30 dana. Držanje i hranidba janjadi bili su prema Pravilniku o ekološkoj proizvodnji životinjskih proizvoda. Vaganje i uzimanje tjelesnih mjera te indeksa tjelesne kondicije janjadi provedeno je na početku i na kraju istraživanja. Analizom proizvodnih i eksterijernih odlika janjadi nisu utvrđene značajne razlike u tjelesnim masama i dnevnim prirastima te tjelesnim mjerama i indeksima tjelesne razvijenosti pri hranidbi gdje je sačma soje djelomično zamijenjena sačmom suncokreta. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata istraživanja može se zaključiti da je opravdana djelomična zamjena sojine sačme suncokretovom sačmom u hranidbi janjadi nakon odbića u ekološkom uzgoju. Daljnja istraživanja potrebno je proširiti i na utvrđivanje metaboličkog profila krvi te kvalitete janjećeg mesa.The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of partial replacement of soybean meal with sunflower meal in rations of lambs in organic breeding on their production and exterior characteristics. The research was conducted on the ecological family farm in Osijek-Baranya County on 20 Merinolandschaf breed lambs age a 90 days. The lambs were fed on a feed mixture in which, in the experimental group, soybean meal was partially reduced and sunflower meal (13%) was included instead. Lambs consumed hay and water ad libitum. The experiment continued for 30 days. Keeping and feeding of lambs was in accordance with the Regulation on organic production of animal products. Lambs were weighed, their body measurements and index of body condition were taken at the beginning and at the end of the research. By the analysis of production and exterior characteristics of lambs no significant differences were found in body mass and daily gain, as well as in body measurements and indices of body development in nutrition when soybean meal was partially replaced with sunflower meal. Based on the results it can be concluded that partial replacement of soybean meal with sunflower meal in feeding lambs after weaning in organic breeding is justified. It is necessary to expand research on the determination of blood metabolic profile and lamb meat quality


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    Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi mogućnost zamjene soje, kao najčešćeg izvora bjelančevina u obrocima janjadi, pogačom sjemenki bundeve, nusproizvoda u proizvodnji ulja te utvrditi njihov utjecaj na proizvodno hematološke pokazatelje janjadi. Istraživanje je provedeno na 20 Merinolandschaf janjadi u dobi od 70 dana. Janjad je ravnomjerno podijeljena prema spolu u dvije skupine: kontrolna hranjena smjesom sa sojom kao izvorom bjelančevina u krmnoj smjesi i pokusna u kojoj je soja zamijenjena sa 7% pogače sjemenki bundeve. Sijeno i vodu janjad je imala na raspolaganju ad libitum. Tjelesne mase, tjelesne mjere i uzorci krvi janjadi uzeti su 0., 15., i 30. dana istraživanja. Nakon toga izračunati su prosječni dnevni prirasti, konverzija hrane i indeksi tjelesne razvijenosti janjadi. Analizom dobivenih rezultata na kraju istraživanja nisu utvrđene značajne (P>0,05) razlike u tjelesnoj masi (29,80 : 28,98 kg), tjelesnim mjerama i indeksima tjelesne razvijenosti janjadi ovisno o skupini. Također, nisu utvrđene statistički značajne (P>0,05) razlike u prosječnom dnevnom prirastu između kontrolne i pokusne skupine janjadi (232 : 230 g). Konverzija heane je u kontrolne skupine janjadi iznosila 3,54 kg/kg, a u pokusne 3,62 kg/kg. Korištenjem pogače sjemenki bundeve kao izvora bjelančevina u obrocima janjadi nije došlo do promjene proizvodno - hematoloških pokazatelja janjadi. Upotrebom pogače sjemenki bundeve u obrocima janjadi moguća je zamjena soje upitnog genetskog podrijetla i zdravstvene ispravnosti. Zbog ekološkog načina proizvodnje bundeve, još više se može naglasiti hranidbeno-dijetetska ispravnost janjetine, a ekološki proizvođači mogli bi imati na raspolaganju odgovarajući izvor bjelančevina.The aim of the research was to determine the possibility of replacing soybeans as the most common source of protein in the diets with pumpkin seed cake by-products in oil production and to determine the influence on lamb production and their haematological indicators. The study was conducted on 20 Merinolandschaf lambs at the age of 70 days. Lambs were evenly divided by gender and then allotted to two treatment groups: control with the soybean as a source of protein in a fodder mixture and experimental in which the soybean was replaced with 7% of pumpkin seed cake. Lambs had hay and water ad libitim. Body weight and lamb blood samples were taken on day 0, 15, and 30 of the study. In addition, the average daily gain, conversion, and lambs indexes of physical development were calculated. Analysis of the obtained results at the end of the study did not reveal significant (P>0.05) differences in body weight (29.80 : 28.98 kg), body measurements and indexes of physical development of lambs fed soybean and pumpkin seed cake. In addition, there was no significant (P>0.05) differences in average daily gain between the control and experi-mental group of lambs (232 : 230 g). Conversion in the control group of lambs was 3.54 kg/kg and in the experimental group of lambs 3.62 kg/kg. By consummation of pumpkin seed cake as a source of protein in rations of lambs there was no change in production - haematological parameters of lambs. By using pumpkin seed cake in rations of lambs it is possible to substitute soybean of suspected genetic origin and health safety. With regard to ecological pumpkin production, it is possible to emphasize the nutritional and dietary quality of lamb’s meat, and the organic producers might have the adequate protein source available

    Research on influence of different non-protein nitrogen (NPN) compounds in beef cattle feeding

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the activity of slow-release non-protein nitrogen compound with the enzymatic activity (SENPN) and to compare it with the activity of slow-releasing non-protein nitrogen compound (SNPN) in beef cattle feeding. The following indicators were monitored: body weight (BW), average weight gain (AWG), feed conversion ratio (FCR), trunk weight at slaughter (TWS) and dressing percentage (DP). Beef cattle were divided into two groups of uniform body weights; control group (CG) and experimental group (EG). The feed ration of the CG contained SNPN, while the feed ration of the EG contained SENPN. During the trial, three weights were performed to measure BW. The trial consisted of two parts: (i) the 1st part of the trial refers to the period between the first and second weighing, in which the feed ration of the EG contained 4.81% less starch per kg of dry matter (DM) compared to the feed ration of the CG, and (ii) the 2nd part of the trial was conducted in the period between the second and third weighing, in which the feed ration contained equal starch levels. After the third weighing, the beef cattle were transported to the slaughterhouse, where they were sacrificed, and subsequently the values of TWS and DP were measured. There were no statistically significant differences found for each of the measured parameters. In conclusion, the usage of SENPN positively affects the utilisation of nutrients in the mixture, e.g. feed ration


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    Intenzivan uzgoj životinja s ciljem proizvodnje hrane doveo je tijekom posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća do znatnog povećanja uporabe veterinarskih lijekova u stočarstvu i to kako u liječenju tako i u sprječavanju nastanka bolesti. Usporedo s porastom uporabe veterinarskih lijekova, suvremena stočarska proizvodnja postala je također nezamisliva bez uporabe različitih promotora rasta. Kao rezultat toga, nadležne institucije širom svijeta pokrenule su brojne inicijative za ograničavanje uporabe svih spomenutih tvari u suvremenoj stočarskoj proizvodnji. Istodobno, kako bi se postigla što uspješnija te isplativija proizvodnja, u stočarstvu se danas sve više upotrebljavaju različiti prirodni dodatci hrani. Jedan od korištenih prirodnih dodataka hrani je pčelinja pelud koja sadrži većinu bitnih prehrambenih elemenata potrebnih za rast i razvoj. Pčelinja pelud sastoji se od muških spolnih stanica biljaka. U njoj je do danas otkriveno oko 250 različitih kemijskih tvari, uključujući ugljikohidrate, masti, proteine, vitamine, makro- i mikroelemente, antibiotike (inhibine), hormone, enzime, organske kiseline, esencijalna ulja, rutin i druge. Bioaktivne komponente pčelinje peludi uključuju flavonoide, fenolne kiseline i njihove derivate koji su ujedno odgovorni za baktericidne, antiviralne, antifugalne, analgetske, antiupalne, antioksidativne te imunostimulirajuće i imunomodulirajuće učinke ovih spojeva kod ljudi i životinja. Imajući na umu sve prethodno spomenute karakteristike pčelinje peludi te zahtjeve suvremene stočarske proizvodnje postalo je jasno zašto se upravo pčelinja pelud danas sve češće koristi kao dodatak hrani životinja.Intensive animal farming with the aim of producing food has over the past few decades led to a substantial increase in the use of veterinary drugs in animal husbandry both for treatment and for prevention of diseases. Along with the increase in the use of veterinary drugs, modern livestock production has also become unthinkable without the use of different growth promoters. As a result, competent authorities in the world have launched a number of initiatives to restrict the use of such substances in modern livestock production. At the same time, in order to achieve a successful and cost-effective production, in today’s animal husbandry one can see increased use of various natural food additives. One of the used natural food sup¬plements is bee pollen, which contains most of the essential nutritional elements needed for growth and development. Bee pollen consists of the male reproductive cells of plants. To date, about 250 various chemical compounds, have been determined in it, including carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, macro - and microelements, antibiotics (inhibins), hormones, enzymes, organic acids, essential oils, rutin, and others. Bioactive compounds of bee pollen include flavonoids, phenolic acids and their derivatives that are responsible for the bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunostimulating and immunomodulating effects of these substances in humans and animals. Bearing in mind all the aforementioned characteristics of bee pollen and demands of modern livestock production it has become clear why nowadays bee pollen is often used as a feed additive

    Nutritional and energy value of corn silage on dairy farms in Eastern Croatia

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi kvalitetu kukuruzne silaže kao dominantne komponente u hrani mliječnih krava u tri županije Istočne Hrvatske; Brodsko-posavske, Osječko-baranjske i Vukovarsko-srijemske. Praktični dio istraživanja obuhvatio je 25 mliječnih farmi u svakoj Županiji u kojima je uzorkovana i potom analizirana kukuruzna silaža. Praćeni nutritivni, fermentativni i fizički pokazatelji izraženi kao prosječne vrijednosti bili su dobri. Pokazatelji kemijskog sastava: suha tvar (ST)=349 g/kg, sirove bjelančevine=71 g/kg ST, sirovi pepeo=39 g/kg ST, sirova vlakna=186 g/kg ST, kisela deterdžent vlakna=212 g/kg ST, neutralna deterdžent vlakna=393 g/kg ST, kiseli deterdžent lignina=17 g/ kg ST, škrob=325 g/kg ST, energetska vrijednost izražena u neto energiji za laktaciju (NEL, MJ/kg ST)=6,78, prosječna probavljivost organske tvari=75,8% i probavljivost neutralnih deterdžent vlakana=53,7%. Pokazatelji fermentacije silaže uključili su mjerenje prosječne pH vrijednosti koja je iznosila 3,86, koncentraciju mliječne kiseline=56,37 g/kg ST i octenu kiselinu 20,68 g/kg ST. Fizički pokazatelj, određivanje distribucije veličine čestica silaže (sustav tri sita) zabilježio je; sito 1=7,1%; sito 2=56,3%; sito 3=24,8% i kutija na dnu=11,7%. S obzirom na utvrđene statističke značajnosti testiranih razlika prosječnih vrijednosti kod devet pokazatelja hranjive i energetske vrijednosti silaže kukuruza između županija, moguće je potvrditi da je kvaliteta silaže bila bolja u Osječko-baranjskoj i Brodsko-posavskoj županiji u odnosu na Vukovarsko-srijemsku. Na temelju značajnijih odstupanja u minimumu i maksimumu te utvrđivanjem većeg broja nesukladnih uzoraka kod nekih pokazatelja od prosječnih vrijednosti, navodi na zaključak o neujednačenoj kvaliteti silaže kod pojedinih proizvođača.The aim of this study was to determine the quality of corn silage as the dominant component in the diet of dairy cows in three counties of Eastern Croatia; Brod-Posavina, Osijek-Baranja, and Vukovar-Srijem. The practical part of the research included 25 dairy farms in each County in which corn silage was sampled and then analyzed. The monitored nutritional, fermentative, and physical indicators expressed as average values were satisfactory. Indicators of chemical composition: dry matter (DM) = 349 g/kg, crude protein = 71 g/kg DM, crude ash = 39 g/kg DM, crude fiber = 186 g/kg DM, acidic detergent fiber (ADF) = 212 g/kg DM, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) = 393 g/kg DM, acidic detergent lignin (ADL) = 17 g/kg DM, starch = 325 g kg DM, energy value expressed in net energy for lactation (NEL, MJ/kg DM) = 6.78, average digestibility of organic matter (dOM) = 75.8% and digestible neutral detergent fibers (dNDF)= 53.7%. Indicators of silage fermentation included the measurement of an average pH of 3.86, a concentration of lactic acid = 56.37 g/kg DM, and acetic acid of 20.68 g/kg DM. Physical indicator, determination of silage particle size distribution (three sieve system) recorded following values: sieve 1 = 7.1%; sieve 2 = 56.3%; sieve 3 = 24.8% and box at the bottom = 11.7%. Given the established statistical significance of the tested differences in average values for nine indicators of nutritional and energy value of corn silage between counties, it is possible to confirm that the quality of silage was better in OsijekBaranja and Brod-Posavina counties than in Vukovar-Srijem County. Based on significant deviations in the minimum and maximum, and by determining a larger number of non-compliant samples in some indicators than the average values, it leads to the conclusion of uneven quality of silage in some producers

    The influence of nucleotides, soy protein and individual amino acids in the starter mixture on external characteristics of calves

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je usporediti učinak dodavanja sojinog proteina, nukleotida te pojedinačnih aminokiselina u starter smjesu za telad na eksterijerne odlike i tjelesnu masu teladi. Pokus je proveden na 20 životinja ravnomjerno raspoređenih u dvije skupine, kontrolnu (K) i pokusnu (P) pri čemu je u svakoj skupini bio ujednačen omjer muške i ženske teladi. Istraživanje je trajalo od teljenja do prosječne starosne dobi od 91 dana. Praćenje tjelesnih mjera izvršeno je u četiri navrata uz pomoć Lydtinova štapa i mjerne vrpce. Mjerenje i vaganje provedeno je 6., 24., 50. i 91. dana prosječne starosti. Određivani su sljedeći pokazatelji: tjelesna masa, dužina tijela, visina grebena, opseg trupa, opseg prsa, širina prsa, dubina prsa, visina kuka te širina kuka. Na temelju dobivenih vrijednosti tjelesnih mjera izračunati su indeks anamorfoznosti, tjelesne kompaktnosti te indeks tjelesne dužine i prsa. Telad se napajala svježim nepasteriziranim punomasnim mlijekom u dva obroka dnevno, 3 L ujutro i 3 L navečer. Čvrsta hrana u obliku peletirane starter smjese i voda ponuđeni su ad libitum od četvrtog dana starosti do prosječne starosti od 63 dana. U starter smjesu pokusne skupine dodani su nukleotidi kvasaca, sojin proteinski koncentrat te dvije limitirajuće aminokiseline – metionin i lizin. Nakon toga, telad se hranila jednom dnevno s prijelaznim obrokom kroz 3 dana. Telad iz obje skupine je do 91. dana starosti hranjena jednom dnevno obrokom u obliku TMR-a. Ukupna ponuđena količina obroka bila je 4,1 kg ST/ tele/ dan. Kod dobivenih rezultata statistički značajna razlika nije utvrđena za promatrane pokazatelje, jedino vrijednosti indeksa anamorfoznosti imaju tendenciju viših vrijednosti (P = 0,055) kod kontrolne skupine. Prema dobivenim rezultatima zaključuje se kako dodavanje sojinog proteina, nukleotida te limitirajućih aminokiselina nije značajno utjecalo na većinu promatranih pokazatelja kod teladi te su potrebna daljnja istraživanja kako bi se utvrdio njihov učinak.The aim of this research was to compare the effect of adding soy protein, nucleotides and individual amino acids to the starter mixture for calves on the external characteristics and body weight of calves. The experiment was conducted on 20 animals evenly distributed in two groups, control (K) and experimental (P), where each group had an even ratio of male and female calves. The research lasted from calving to the average age of 91 days. Monitoring of body measurements was performed on four occasions with the help of Lydtin’s stick and measuring tape. Measurements and weighing were performed at 6, 24, 50 and 91 days of average age. The following indicators were determined: body mass, body length, withers height, body barel, chest girth, chest width, chest depth, hip height and hip width. Based on the obtained values of body measurements, the index of anamorphosis, body compactness and body length-chest were calculated. Calves were fed fresh unpasteurized whole milk in two meals a day, 3 L in the morning and 3 L in the evening. Solid food in the form of pelleted starter mixture and water were offered ad libitum from the fourth day of age until the average age of 63 days. Yeast nucleotides, soy protein concentrate and two limiting amino acids, methionine and lysine, were added to the starter mixture of the experimental group. After that, the calves were fed once a day a transitional meal for 3 days. Calves from both groups were fed TMR once a day until the 91st day of age. The total amount of ration offered was 4.1 kg DM/calf/day. In the obtained results, no statistically significant difference was found for the observed indicators, only the values of the anamorphosis index tend to be higher (P = 0.055) in the control group. According to the obtained results, it can be concluded that the addition of soy protein, nucleotides and limiting amino acids did not significantly affect most of the observed indicators in calves. Further research is needed to determine their effect