The influence of nucleotides, soy protein and individual amino acids in the starter mixture on external characteristics of calves


Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je usporediti učinak dodavanja sojinog proteina, nukleotida te pojedinačnih aminokiselina u starter smjesu za telad na eksterijerne odlike i tjelesnu masu teladi. Pokus je proveden na 20 životinja ravnomjerno raspoređenih u dvije skupine, kontrolnu (K) i pokusnu (P) pri čemu je u svakoj skupini bio ujednačen omjer muške i ženske teladi. Istraživanje je trajalo od teljenja do prosječne starosne dobi od 91 dana. Praćenje tjelesnih mjera izvršeno je u četiri navrata uz pomoć Lydtinova štapa i mjerne vrpce. Mjerenje i vaganje provedeno je 6., 24., 50. i 91. dana prosječne starosti. Određivani su sljedeći pokazatelji: tjelesna masa, dužina tijela, visina grebena, opseg trupa, opseg prsa, širina prsa, dubina prsa, visina kuka te širina kuka. Na temelju dobivenih vrijednosti tjelesnih mjera izračunati su indeks anamorfoznosti, tjelesne kompaktnosti te indeks tjelesne dužine i prsa. Telad se napajala svježim nepasteriziranim punomasnim mlijekom u dva obroka dnevno, 3 L ujutro i 3 L navečer. Čvrsta hrana u obliku peletirane starter smjese i voda ponuđeni su ad libitum od četvrtog dana starosti do prosječne starosti od 63 dana. U starter smjesu pokusne skupine dodani su nukleotidi kvasaca, sojin proteinski koncentrat te dvije limitirajuće aminokiseline – metionin i lizin. Nakon toga, telad se hranila jednom dnevno s prijelaznim obrokom kroz 3 dana. Telad iz obje skupine je do 91. dana starosti hranjena jednom dnevno obrokom u obliku TMR-a. Ukupna ponuđena količina obroka bila je 4,1 kg ST/ tele/ dan. Kod dobivenih rezultata statistički značajna razlika nije utvrđena za promatrane pokazatelje, jedino vrijednosti indeksa anamorfoznosti imaju tendenciju viših vrijednosti (P = 0,055) kod kontrolne skupine. Prema dobivenim rezultatima zaključuje se kako dodavanje sojinog proteina, nukleotida te limitirajućih aminokiselina nije značajno utjecalo na većinu promatranih pokazatelja kod teladi te su potrebna daljnja istraživanja kako bi se utvrdio njihov učinak.The aim of this research was to compare the effect of adding soy protein, nucleotides and individual amino acids to the starter mixture for calves on the external characteristics and body weight of calves. The experiment was conducted on 20 animals evenly distributed in two groups, control (K) and experimental (P), where each group had an even ratio of male and female calves. The research lasted from calving to the average age of 91 days. Monitoring of body measurements was performed on four occasions with the help of Lydtin’s stick and measuring tape. Measurements and weighing were performed at 6, 24, 50 and 91 days of average age. The following indicators were determined: body mass, body length, withers height, body barel, chest girth, chest width, chest depth, hip height and hip width. Based on the obtained values of body measurements, the index of anamorphosis, body compactness and body length-chest were calculated. Calves were fed fresh unpasteurized whole milk in two meals a day, 3 L in the morning and 3 L in the evening. Solid food in the form of pelleted starter mixture and water were offered ad libitum from the fourth day of age until the average age of 63 days. Yeast nucleotides, soy protein concentrate and two limiting amino acids, methionine and lysine, were added to the starter mixture of the experimental group. After that, the calves were fed once a day a transitional meal for 3 days. Calves from both groups were fed TMR once a day until the 91st day of age. The total amount of ration offered was 4.1 kg DM/calf/day. In the obtained results, no statistically significant difference was found for the observed indicators, only the values of the anamorphosis index tend to be higher (P = 0.055) in the control group. According to the obtained results, it can be concluded that the addition of soy protein, nucleotides and limiting amino acids did not significantly affect most of the observed indicators in calves. Further research is needed to determine their effect

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