159 research outputs found

    Novel design of an all-cryogenic RF pound circuit

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    Penaksir Dual Rasio-cum-produk untuk Rata-rata Populasi dengan Menggunakan Koefisien Korelasi

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    This article discusses three ratio-cum-product estimators for the population mean usingthe coefficient of correlation on simple random sampling i.e. ratio-cum-productestimator, dual ratio-cum-product estimator, and combination dual ratio-cum-productestimator. The three estimators are biased estimators. Then the mean square errors aredetermined. Furthermore, these mean square errors are compared to the mean squareerror of each estimator. This comparison shows that the combination dual ratio-cum-product estimator using coefficient of correlation is more efficient than other estimators

    Pengaruh Ukuran Butiran Maksimum 12,5 Mm Dan 19 Mm Terhadap Karakteristik Marshall Campuran Ac-wc

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    Kerusakan dini pada struktur perkerasan aspal merupakan masalah yang sering dijumpai pada saat ini. Hal ini di akibatkan beban muatan kendaraan yang melebihi beban perencanaan. Dengan begitu diperlukan peningkatan mutu perkerasan dengan memperhatikan agregat sebagai bahan pengisi maupun aspal sebagai bahan pengikat. Untukmendapatkan mutu perkerasan aspal maka kita perlu memperhatikan stabilitas atau kekuatan campuran beton aspal dan pemadatannya dengan cara melakukan pengujian Marshall

    Distal supports, capabilities, and growth‐focused recovery: A comparison of Housing First and the staircase continuum of care

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    Adults who have substantial histories of homelessness and complex support needs may feel ambivalent about integrating into their communities and find it difficult to do so. Being familiar to and recognized by others as a resident in a neighborhood or community are sources of “distal support” that provide individuals with feelings of belonging to their community and are important to recovery from homelessness. We hypothesized that individuals engaged with Housing First (HF) programs would report more distal support than individuals engaged with traditional homeless services (treatment as usual, TAU), and that distal support would predict more community integration, growth‐related recovery, and achieved capabilities. We analyzed data collected from homeless services users (n = 445) engaged with either HF or TAU in eight European countries. Measures included achieved capabilities, growth‐focused recovery, distal supports, and community integration. Serial mediation analyses confirmed our hypothesis that the effects of HF on growth‐related recovery and achieved capabilities are indirect, mediated by distal supports and community integration. Findings are discussed in relation to the importance of modeling the effects of HF on social and psychological outcomes as indirect and identifying important mediators that translate the effects of HF components on social and psychological outcomes. We also note the importance of case management activities that encourage clients to develop and sustain distal supports with others who live and work in their neighborhoods.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Therapeutic benefits of proning to improve pulmonary gas exchange in severe respiratory failure: Focus on fundamentals of physiology

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    NEW FINDINGS: What is the topic of this review? The use of proning for improving pulmonary gas exchange in critically ill patients. What advances does it highlight? Proning places the lung in its ‘natural’ posture, and thus optimises the ventilation‐perfusion distribution, which enables lung protective ventilation and the alleviation of potentially life‐threatening hypoxaemia in COVID‐19 and other types of critical illness with respiratory failure. ABSTRACT: The survival benefit of proning patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is well established and has recently been found to improve pulmonary gas exchange in patients with COVID‐19‐associated ARDS (CARDS). This review outlines the physiological implications of transitioning from supine to prone on alveolar ventilation‐perfusion ([Formula: see text]) relationships during spontaneous breathing and during general anaesthesia in the healthy state, as well as during invasive mechanical ventilation in patients with ARDS and CARDS. Spontaneously breathing, awake healthy individuals maintain a small vertical (ventral‐to‐dorsal) [Formula: see text] ratio gradient in the supine position, which is largely neutralised in the prone position, mainly through redistribution of perfusion. In anaesthetised and mechanically ventilated healthy individuals, a vertical [Formula: see text] ratio gradient is present in both postures, but with better [Formula: see text] matching in the prone position. In ARDS and CARDS, the vertical [Formula: see text] ratio gradient in the supine position becomes larger, with intrapulmonary shunting in gravitationally dependent lung regions due to compression atelectasis of the dorsal lung. This is counteracted by proning, mainly through a more homogeneous distribution of ventilation combined with a largely unaffected high perfusion dorsally, and a consequent substantial improvement in arterial oxygenation. The data regarding proning as a therapy in patients with CARDS is still limited and whether the associated improvement in arterial oxygenation translates to a survival benefit remains unknown. Proning is nonetheless an attractive and lung protective manoeuvre with the potential benefit of improving life‐threatening hypoxaemia in patients with ARDS and CARDS

    Working with people experiencing homelessness in Europe

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    In Europe, the widespread transition from the Traditional Staircase (TS) model to the Housing First (HF) model is transforming the way social service providers work with people experiencing homelessness. This study examined social service providers’ perspectives in both models regarding factors that facilitate or hinder their work. Data were collected through 17 photovoice projects involving 81 social service providers from eight European countries. The results show factors affecting social service providers’ work at three levels: systemic, organizational, and individual. Professionals in TS and HF identified similar topics; however, TS providers discussed more obstacles to work. Implications for practice are discussed.Comissão Européiainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Alveolar cytokines and interferon autoantibodies in COVID-19 ARDS

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    BackgroundType I interferon (IFN-I) and IFN autoantibodies play a crucial role in controlling SARS-CoV-2 infection. The levels of these mediators have only rarely been studied in the alveolar compartment in patients with COVID-19 acute respiratory distress syndrome (CARDS) but have not been compared across different ARDS etiologies, and the potential effect of dexamethasone (DXM) on these mediators is not known.MethodsWe assessed the integrity of the alveolo-capillary membrane, interleukins, type I, II, and III IFNs, and IFN autoantibodies by studying the epithelial lining fluid (ELF) volumes, alveolar concentration of protein, and ELF-corrected concentrations of cytokines in two patient subgroups and controls.ResultsA total of 16 patients with CARDS (four without and 12 with DXM treatment), eight with non-CARDS, and 15 healthy controls were included. The highest ELF volumes and protein levels were observed in CARDS. Systemic and ELF-corrected alveolar concentrations of interleukin (IL)-6 appeared to be particularly low in patients with CARDS receiving DXM, whereas alveolar levels of IL-8 were high regardless of DXM treatment. Alveolar levels of IFNs were similar between CARDS and non-CARDS patients, and IFNα and IFNω autoantibody levels were higher in patients with CARDS and non-CARDS than in healthy controls.ConclusionsPatients with CARDS exhibited greater alveolo-capillary barrier disruption with compartmentalization of IL-8, regardless of DXM treatment, whereas systemic and alveolar levels of IL-6 were lower in the DXM-treated subgroup. IFN-I autoantibodies were higher in the BALF of CARDS patients, independent of DXM, whereas IFN autoantibodies in plasma were similar to those in controls