383 research outputs found

    Suggestive Annotation: A Deep Active Learning Framework for Biomedical Image Segmentation

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    Image segmentation is a fundamental problem in biomedical image analysis. Recent advances in deep learning have achieved promising results on many biomedical image segmentation benchmarks. However, due to large variations in biomedical images (different modalities, image settings, objects, noise, etc), to utilize deep learning on a new application, it usually needs a new set of training data. This can incur a great deal of annotation effort and cost, because only biomedical experts can annotate effectively, and often there are too many instances in images (e.g., cells) to annotate. In this paper, we aim to address the following question: With limited effort (e.g., time) for annotation, what instances should be annotated in order to attain the best performance? We present a deep active learning framework that combines fully convolutional network (FCN) and active learning to significantly reduce annotation effort by making judicious suggestions on the most effective annotation areas. We utilize uncertainty and similarity information provided by FCN and formulate a generalized version of the maximum set cover problem to determine the most representative and uncertain areas for annotation. Extensive experiments using the 2015 MICCAI Gland Challenge dataset and a lymph node ultrasound image segmentation dataset show that, using annotation suggestions by our method, state-of-the-art segmentation performance can be achieved by using only 50% of training data.Comment: Accepted at MICCAI 201

    Semi-Supervised Deep Learning for Fully Convolutional Networks

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    Deep learning usually requires large amounts of labeled training data, but annotating data is costly and tedious. The framework of semi-supervised learning provides the means to use both labeled data and arbitrary amounts of unlabeled data for training. Recently, semi-supervised deep learning has been intensively studied for standard CNN architectures. However, Fully Convolutional Networks (FCNs) set the state-of-the-art for many image segmentation tasks. To the best of our knowledge, there is no existing semi-supervised learning method for such FCNs yet. We lift the concept of auxiliary manifold embedding for semi-supervised learning to FCNs with the help of Random Feature Embedding. In our experiments on the challenging task of MS Lesion Segmentation, we leverage the proposed framework for the purpose of domain adaptation and report substantial improvements over the baseline model.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Intelligent Data Networking for the Earth System Science Community

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    Earth system science (ESS) research is generally very data intense. To enable detailed discovery and transparent access of the data stored in heterogeneous and organisationally separated data centres common data and metadata community interfaces are needed. This paper describes the development of a coherent data discovery and data access infrastructure for the ESS community in Germany. To comprehensively and consistently describe the characteristics of geographic data, required for their discovery (discovery metadata) and for their usage (use metadata) the ISO standard 19115 is adopted. Webservice technology is used to hide the details of heterogeneous data access mechanisms and preprocessing implementations. The commitment to international standards and the modular character of the approach facilitates the expandability of the infrastructure as well as the interoperability with international partners and other communities

    Efficient Active Learning for Image Classification and Segmentation using a Sample Selection and Conditional Generative Adversarial Network

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    Training robust deep learning (DL) systems for medical image classification or segmentation is challenging due to limited images covering different disease types and severity. We propose an active learning (AL) framework to select most informative samples and add to the training data. We use conditional generative adversarial networks (cGANs) to generate realistic chest xray images with different disease characteristics by conditioning its generation on a real image sample. Informative samples to add to the training set are identified using a Bayesian neural network. Experiments show our proposed AL framework is able to achieve state of the art performance by using about 35% of the full dataset, thus saving significant time and effort over conventional methods

    The global agricultural band-use model KLVM - a coupling tools for integrated assessment

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    A deep level set method for image segmentation

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    This paper proposes a novel image segmentation approachthat integrates fully convolutional networks (FCNs) with a level setmodel. Compared with a FCN, the integrated method can incorporatesmoothing and prior information to achieve an accurate segmentation.Furthermore, different than using the level set model as a post-processingtool, we integrate it into the training phase to fine-tune the FCN. Thisallows the use of unlabeled data during training in a semi-supervisedsetting. Using two types of medical imaging data (liver CT and left ven-tricle MRI data), we show that the integrated method achieves goodperformance even when little training data is available, outperformingthe FCN or the level set model alone

    Unsupervised Holistic Image Generation from Key Local Patches

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    We introduce a new problem of generating an image based on a small number of key local patches without any geometric prior. In this work, key local patches are defined as informative regions of the target object or scene. This is a challenging problem since it requires generating realistic images and predicting locations of parts at the same time. We construct adversarial networks to tackle this problem. A generator network generates a fake image as well as a mask based on the encoder-decoder framework. On the other hand, a discriminator network aims to detect fake images. The network is trained with three losses to consider spatial, appearance, and adversarial information. The spatial loss determines whether the locations of predicted parts are correct. Input patches are restored in the output image without much modification due to the appearance loss. The adversarial loss ensures output images are realistic. The proposed network is trained without supervisory signals since no labels of key parts are required. Experimental results on six datasets demonstrate that the proposed algorithm performs favorably on challenging objects and scenes.Comment: 16 page

    Volumetric Attention for 3D Medical Image Segmentation and Detection

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    A volumetric attention(VA) module for 3D medical image segmentation and detection is proposed. VA attention is inspired by recent advances in video processing, enables 2.5D networks to leverage context information along the z direction, and allows the use of pretrained 2D detection models when training data is limited, as is often the case for medical applications. Its integration in the Mask R-CNN is shown to enable state-of-the-art performance on the Liver Tumor Segmentation (LiTS) Challenge, outperforming the previous challenge winner by 3.9 points and achieving top performance on the LiTS leader board at the time of paper submission. Detection experiments on the DeepLesion dataset also show that the addition of VA to existing object detectors enables a 69.1 sensitivity at 0.5 false positive per image, outperforming the best published results by 6.6 points.Comment: Accepted by MICCAI 201

    Tversky loss function for image segmentation using 3D fully convolutional deep networks

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    Fully convolutional deep neural networks carry out excellent potential for fast and accurate image segmentation. One of the main challenges in training these networks is data imbalance, which is particularly problematic in medical imaging applications such as lesion segmentation where the number of lesion voxels is often much lower than the number of non-lesion voxels. Training with unbalanced data can lead to predictions that are severely biased towards high precision but low recall (sensitivity), which is undesired especially in medical applications where false negatives are much less tolerable than false positives. Several methods have been proposed to deal with this problem including balanced sampling, two step training, sample re-weighting, and similarity loss functions. In this paper, we propose a generalized loss function based on the Tversky index to address the issue of data imbalance and achieve much better trade-off between precision and recall in training 3D fully convolutional deep neural networks. Experimental results in multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation on magnetic resonance images show improved F2 score, Dice coefficient, and the area under the precision-recall curve in test data. Based on these results we suggest Tversky loss function as a generalized framework to effectively train deep neural networks