8 research outputs found

    The significance of dietary and behavioral changes in patients with chronic metabolic disorders: a review

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    Eating behavior and the psycho-cultural significance of food for patients with chronic metabolic disorders have been a focus of interest due to the difficulty in ensuring the compliance of these patients in terms of changing their habits and in fostering self-care. A review of the literature was condusted using the LILACS and MEDLINE databases and the PUBMED search engine to identify qualitative studies in which the opinion of patients with respect to diet and lifestyle was analyzed. Key words used were: metabolic syndrome; eating behavior; diet; obesity; psychological factors; qualitative study; and dietary habits. Inclusion criteria consisted of: articles in English, Spanish or Portuguese, published between 2000 and 2008; studies carried out in adult populations; containing one or more of the key words in the title. Based on the 15 papers analyzed, it was concluded that compliance with a change of habit is a dynamic process that depends on various individual factors and requires greater interaction between professionals and patients in clinical practice. Promoting self-care depends on respecting the decisions and feelings resulting from personal experience.Comportamento alimentar e significados psicoculturais da alimentação para portadores de distúrbios metabólicos crônicos têm sido foco de interesse em virtude da dificuldade de adesão às mudanças de hábitos e à promoção do autocuidado. Revisão bibliográfica foi realizada a partir das bases de dados Lilacs e Medline® e no sistema de busca Pubmed, visando estudos qualitativos que analisam a visão dos pacientes sobre dieta e estilo de vida. Palavras chaves: metabolic syndrome, eating behavior, diet, obesity, psychological factors, qualitative study e dietary habits. Critérios de inclusão: idioma inglês, espanhol ou português; período 2000 a 2008; população adulta; contendo um ou mais descritores no título. A partir de 15 artigos analisados foi concluído que a adesão às mudanças de hábitos é um processo dinâmico, dependente de vários fatores individuais para seu estabelecimento e requer maior interação entre profissionais e pacientes na prática clínica. A promoção do autocuidado depende do respeito às decisões e aos sentimentos decorrentes da vivência pessoal.3161316

    [the Significance Of Dietary And Behavioral Changes In Patients With Chronic Metabolic Disorders: A Review].

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    Eating behavior and the psycho-cultural significance of food for patients with chronic metabolic disorders have been a focus of interest due to the difficulty in ensuring the compliance of these patients in terms of changing their habits and in fostering self-care. A review of the literature was condusted using the LILACS and MEDLINE databases and the PUBMED search engine to identify qualitative studies in which the opinion of patients with respect to diet and lifestyle was analyzed. Key words used were: metabolic syndrome; eating behavior; diet; obesity; psychological factors; qualitative study; and dietary habits. Inclusion criteria consisted of: articles in English, Spanish or Portuguese, published between 2000 and 2008; studies carried out in adult populations; containing one or more of the key words in the title. Based on the 15 papers analyzed, it was concluded that compliance with a change of habit is a dynamic process that depends on various individual factors and requires greater interaction between professionals and patients in clinical practice. Promoting self-care depends on respecting the decisions and feelings resulting from personal experience.163161-

    Saturação teórica em pesquisas qualitativas: contribuições psicanalíticas

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    A técnica de fechamento do número amostral por saturação teórica, comum nas pesquisas qualitativas, em particular na área clínica, dialoga com a teoria e a prática psicanalítica e delas pode se beneficiar. Embora certa imprecisão do número amostral final seja inevitável e inerente aos métodos qualitativos, ela não deveria levar a técnicas e a procedimentos que possam fragilizar ou comprometer a validade empírica e a credibilidade das análises e achados. Este ensaio aborda aspectos das dimensões cognitiva e afetiva, tanto do participante quanto do pesquisador, que se mostram presentes durante a coleta de dados por meio de entrevistas. Para isso são utilizados os conceitos freudianos de transferência e contratransferência e as noções de rêverie e de elementos beta, formuladas por Wilfred Bion. Postula-se que fenômenos dessas ordens ajudam a determinar quanto de dados advindos dos elementos amostrais é suficiente, necessário e possível para o adensamento teórico sobre o objeto estudado

    Surgical treatment of obesity: some considerations on the transformations of the eating impulse

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    This study aims at understanding the alteration of the eating impulse arising after bariatric surgery. Hunger is transformed after surgery, with satiety being quickly achieved, but not the sensation of satiation. There is an evident misunderstanding between hunger as non-satiety and as dissatisfaction, with anguish emerging as the resulting affect, which surgery does not correct. In-depth psychological treatment is crucial as the surgery creates new emotional demands for the patient