193 research outputs found

    Nutrient inversion and hyperspectral feature extraction of sea rice at diff erent growth stages

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    Nitrogen is a large amount of essential elements for the growth and development of sea rice. Monitoring the nitrogen nutrition status of sea rice timely and accurately, and rational fertilization of sea rice is of great signifi cance for increasing yield, optimizing quality and reducing water pollution. The remote sensing diagnosis technology of sea rice nutrition has the characteristics of simple, non_x005fdestructive and rapid, and has been widely studied and applied by experts in various countries. In this experiment, the sea red rice varieties were taken as an example. Through field experiment, the leaves of sea rice in four growth stages were collected by using chlorophyll analyzer and near infrared spectrometer, and the chlorophyll value and spectral refl ectance of sea rice leaves were determined. The results showed that the spectral refl ectance of sea rice leaves in diff erent growth stages had obvious changes. The sensitive band of sea rice leaves was further found by combining the spectral curve, which laid the foundation for the future nitrogen nutrition diagnosis of sea rice

    Microwave Diagnostics of Ultracold Neutral Plasma

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    We suggest an approach for using microwave radiation in diagnostics of ultracold neutral plasma. Microwave scattering from ultracold neutral plasma is calculated . Simple formulations are get and indicate that the dipole radiation power of ultracold neutral plasma does not depend on density profile ne(r)n_e(r) and ω\omega when ωωpe0\omega\gg\omega_{pe0}, but on the total electron number NeN_e. This method provides the information of NeN_e and from which we can get the three body recombination rate of the plasma, which is extremely important in the researches of ultracold neutral plasma

    “Open space” integrated mangrove intelligent monitoring platform based on the Internet of Things

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    In order to comprehensively promote mangrove restoration, this paper developed a set of “open space” integrated mangrove intelligent monitoring platform based on the Internet of Things, in order to solve the problems of traditional mangrove monitoring technology, such as simple means and small scale. The platform built LoRa Mesh AD hoc network and NB-IoT Internet of things to collect and transmit mangrove wetland environmental data, developed the upper computer website and the lower computer control system for real_x005ftime monitoring of environmental sensor data, and carried out imaging hyperspectral load with UAV to collect mangrove plant species and distribution and perform spectral analysis. It aims to use information technology to help the construction of ecological civilization, and contribute to fully supporting Zhanjiang to build a “mangrove city”. The test results show that the data transmission is normal, the hyperspectral image picture is clear, the PC analysis is complete, the abnormal environmental data alarm is accurate and rapid, and the control system responds in time

    Advanced glycation end products accelerate ischemia/reperfusion injury through receptor of advanced end product/nitrative thioredoxin inactivation in cardiac microvascular endothelial cells.

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    The advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are associated with increased cardiac endothelial injury. However, no causative link has been established between increased AGEs and enhanced endothelial injury after ischemia/reperfusion. More importantly, the molecular mechanisms by which AGEs may increase endothelial injury remain unknown. Adult rat cardiac microvascular endothelial cells (CMECs) were isolated and incubated with AGE-modified bovine serum albumin (BSA) or BSA. After AGE-BSA or BSA preculture, CMECs were subjected to simulated ischemia (SI)/reperfusion (R). AGE-BSA increased SI/R injury as evidenced by enhanced lactate dehydrogenase release and caspase-3 activity. Moreover, AGE-BSA significantly increased SI/R-induced oxidative/nitrative stress in CMECs (as measured by increased inducible nitric oxide synthase expression, total nitric oxide production, superoxide generation, and peroxynitrite formation) and increased SI/R-induced nitrative inactivation of thioredoxin-1 (Trx-1), an essential cytoprotective molecule. Supplementation of EUK134 (peroxynitrite decomposition catalyst), human Trx-1, or soluble receptor of advanced end product (sRAGE) (a RAGE decoy) in AGE-BSA precultured cells attenuated SI/R-induced oxidative/nitrative stress, reduced SI/R-induced Trx-1 nitration, preserved Trx-1 activity, and reduced SI/R injury. Our results demonstrated that AGEs may increase SI/R-induced endothelial injury by increasing oxidative/nitrative injury and subsequent nitrative inactivation of Trx-1. Interventions blocking RAGE signaling or restoring Trx activity may be novel therapies to mitigate endothelial ischemia/reperfusion injury in the diabetic population

    Species specific exome probes reveal new insights in positively selected genes in nonhuman primates

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    Nonhuman primates (NHP) are important biomedical animal models for the study of human disease. Of these, the most widely used models in biomedical research currently are from the genus Macaca. However, evolutionary genetic divergence between human and NHP species makes human-based probes inefficient for the capture of genomic regions of NHP for sequencing and study. Here we introduce a new method to resequence the exome of NHP species by a designed capture approach specifically targeted to the NHP, and demonstrate its superior performance on four NHP species or subspecies. Detailed investigation on biomedically relevant genes demonstrated superior capture by the new approach. We identified 28 genes that appeared to be pseudogenized and inactivated in macaque. Finally, we identified 187 genes showing strong evidence for positive selection across all branches of the primate phylogeny including many novel findings

    The molecular basis of the genesis of basal tone in internal anal sphincter

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    Smooth muscle sphincters exhibit basal tone and control passage of contents through organs such as the gastrointestinal tract; loss of this tone leads to disorders such as faecal incontinence. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying this tone remain unknown. Here, we show that deletion of myosin light-chain kinases (MLCK) in the smooth muscle cells from internal anal sphincter (IAS-SMCs) abolishes basal tone, impairing defecation. Pharmacological regulation of ryanodine receptors (RyRs), L-type voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels (VDCCs) or TMEM16A Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) channels significantly changes global cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)]i) and the tone. TMEM16A deletion in IAS-SMCs abolishes the effects of modulators for TMEM16A or VDCCs on a RyR-mediated rise in global [Ca(2+)]i and impairs the tone and defecation. Hence, MLCK activation in IAS-SMCs caused by a global rise in [Ca(2+)]i via a RyR-TMEM16A-VDCC signalling module sets the basal tone. Targeting this module may lead to new treatments for diseases like faecal incontinence

    Osteoma in the upper cervical spine with spinal cord compression

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    Osteoma is a common benign tumor. It occurs dominantly at the skull bone. Outside skull osteoma is rare, and primary intra-canal osteoma is extremely rare. To the author’s knowledge, only 14 cases of osteomas of the spine had been reported, in which only seven cases were in English literature. The authors reported two rare cases of intra-canal osteoma of the upper cervical spine with cord compression. Included are pertinent history, physical examination, rontgenographic evaluation before and after operation, surgical interventions, pathological study, and outcome. The available literature is also reviewed. On systemic examination and rontgenographic study, these two cases were found to have bone tumor in the upper cervical canal. Surgical interventions were performed, one with an en bloc excision, the other with a subtotal excision. The pathological study demonstrated a diagnosis of osteoma. After a follow-up with 20 and 15 months, the clinical symptoms of both cases significantly improved