127 research outputs found

    One-dimensional random walks with self-blocking immigration

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    We consider a system of independent one-dimensional random walkers where new particles are added at the origin at fixed rate whenever there is no older particle present at the origin. A Poisson ansatz leads to a semi-linear lattice heat equation and predicts that starting from the empty configuration the total number of particles grows as ctlogtc \sqrt{t} \log t. We confirm this prediction and also describe the asymptotic macroscopic profile of the particle configuration.Comment: Revised version; in particular, details of the proof of the lower bound have been worked out more explicitl

    Brownian Web and Oriented Percolation: Density Bounds

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    In a recent work, we proved that under diffusive scaling, the collection of rightmost infinite open paths in a supercritical oriented percolation configuration on the space-time lattice Z^2 converges in distribution to the Brownian web. In that proof, the FKG inequality played an important role in establishing a density bound, which is a part of the convergence criterion for the Brownian web formulated by Fontes et al (2004). In this note, we illustrate how an alternative convergence criterion formulated by Newman et al (2005) can be verified in this case, which involves a dual density bound that can be established without using the FKG inequality. This alternative approach is in some sense more robust. We will also show that the spatial density of the collection of rightmost infinite open paths starting at time 0 decays asymptotically in time as c/\sqrt{t} for some c>0.Comment: 12 pages. This is a proceeding article for the RIMS workshop "Applications of Renormalization Group Methods in Mathematical Sciences", held at Kyoto University from September 12th to 14th, 2011. Submitted to the RIMS Kokyuroku serie

    Disorder relevance for the random walk pinning model in dimension 3

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    We study the continuous time version of the random walk pinning model, where conditioned on a continuous time random walk Y on Z^d with jump rate \rho>0, which plays the role of disorder, the law up to time t of a second independent random walk X with jump rate 1 is Gibbs transformed with weight e^{\beta L_t(X,Y)}, where L_t(X,Y) is the collision local time between X and Y up to time t. As the inverse temperature \beta varies, the model undergoes a localization-delocalization transition at some critical \beta_c>=0. A natural question is whether or not there is disorder relevance, namely whether or not \beta_c differs from the critical point \beta_c^{ann} for the annealed model. In Birkner and Sun [BS09], it was shown that there is disorder irrelevance in dimensions d=1 and 2, and disorder relevance in d>=4. For d>=5, disorder relevance was first proved by Birkner, Greven and den Hollander [BGdH08]. In this paper, we prove that if X and Y have the same jump probability kernel, which is irreducible and symmetric with finite second moments, then there is also disorder relevance in the critical dimension d=3, and \beta_c-\beta^{ann}_c is at least of the order e^{-C(\zeta)\rho^{-\zeta}}, C(\zeta)>0, for any \zeta>2. Our proof employs coarse graining and fractional moment techniques, which have recently been applied by Lacoin [L09] to the directed polymer model in random environment, and by Giacomin, Lacoin and Toninelli [GLT09] to establish disorder relevance for the random pinning model in the critical dimension. Along the way, we also prove a continuous time version of Doney's local limit theorem [D97] for renewal processes with infinite mean.Comment: 36 pages, revised version following referee's comments. Change of title. Added a monotonicity result (Theorem 1.3) on the critical point shift shown to us by the referee

    One-dimensional Voter Model Interface Revisited

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    We consider the voter model on Z, starting with all 1's to the left of the origin and all 0's to the right of the origin. It is known that if the associated random walk kernel p has zero mean and a finite r-th moment for any r>3, then the evolution of the boundaries of the interface region between 1's and 0's converge in distribution to a standard Brownian motion (B_t)_{t>0} under diffusive scaling of space and time. This convergence fails when p has an infinite r-th moment for any r<3, due to the loss of tightness caused by a few isolated 1's appearing deep within the regions of all 0's (and vice versa) at exceptional times. In this note, we show that as long as p has a finite second moment, the measure-valued process induced by the rescaled voter model configuration is tight, and converges weakly to the measure-valued process 1_{x0.Comment: revised versio

    A Monotonicity Result for the Range of a Perturbed Random Walk

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    We consider a discrete time simple symmetric random walk on Z^d, d>=1, where the path of the walk is perturbed by inserting deterministic jumps. We show that for any time n and any deterministic jumps that we insert, the expected number of sites visited by the perturbed random walk up to time n is always larger than or equal to that for the unperturbed walk. This intriguing problem arises from the study of a particle among a Poisson system of moving traps with sub-diffusive trap motion. In particular, our result implies a variant of the Pascal principle, which asserts that among all deterministic trajectories the particle can follow, the constant trajectory maximizes the particle's survival probability up to any time t>0.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure. To appear in Journal of Theoretical Probabilit

    Subdiffusivity of a random walk among a Poisson system of moving traps on Z{\mathbb Z}

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    We consider a random walk among a Poisson system of moving traps on Z{\mathbb Z}. In earlier work [DGRS12], the quenched and annealed survival probabilities of this random walk have been investigated. Here we study the path of the random walk conditioned on survival up to time tt in the annealed case and show that it is subdiffusive. As a by-product, we obtain an upper bound on the number of so-called thin points of a one-dimensional random walk, as well as a bound on the total volume of the holes in the random walk's range