1,640 research outputs found

    Prospects of CPCP violation in Λ\Lambda decay with polarized electron beam at STCF

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    Based on 1.89×1081.89 \times 10^8 J/ψΛΛˉJ/\psi \rightarrow \Lambda \bar{\Lambda} Monte Carlo (MC) events produced from a longitudinally-polarized electron beam, the sensitivity of CPCP violation of Λ\Lambda decay is studied with fast simulation software. In addition, the J/ψΛΛˉJ/\psi \rightarrow \Lambda \bar{\Lambda} decay can also be used as a process to optimize the detector response using the interface provided by the fast simulation software. In the future, STCF is expected to obtain 3.4 trillion J/ψJ/\psi events, and the statistical sensitivity of CPCP violation of Λ\Lambda decay via J/ψΛΛˉJ/\psi \rightarrow \Lambda \bar{\Lambda} process is expected to reach O\mathcal O~(105)(10^{-5}) when the electron beam polarization is 80\%

    Poly[[hemi-μ4-oxalato-hemi-μ2-oxalato-bis­(μ3-pyrazine-2-carboxyl­ato)erbium(III)silver(I)] monohydrate]

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    The asymmetric unit of the title complex, {[AgEr(C5H3N2O2)2(C2O4)]·H2O}n, contains one ErIII atom, one AgI atom, two pyrazine-2-carboxyl­ate (pyc) ligands, two half oxalate ligands (each lying on an inversion center) and one uncoordinated water mol­ecule. The ErIII atom is coordinated by two O atoms and two N atoms from two pyc ligands, one O atom from a third pyc ligand and four O atoms from two oxalate ligands in a distorted monocapped square-anti­prismatic geometry. The AgI atom is coordinated by two N atoms from two pyc ligands, one O atom from a third pyc ligand and one O atom from one oxalate ligand. The crystal structure exhibits a three-dimensional heterometallic polymeric network. O—H⋯O hydrogen bonding between the uncoordinated water mol­ecule and carboxyl­ate O atoms is observed

    A Google Earth-based surveillance system for schistosomiasis japonica implemented in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Due to the success of the national schistosomiasis control programme in China, transmission has been sufficiently reduced in many areas to severely limit identification of areas at risk by conventional snail surveys only. In this study, we imported Google Earth technology and a Global Positioning System (GPS) into the monitoring system for schistosomiasis surveillance of the banks of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province, China.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 45 sites were selected and the risk was assessed monthly by water exposure of sentinel mice at these sites from May to September in 2009 and 2010. The results were assembled and broadcast via the Google Earth platform.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The intensity of schistosomiasis transmission showed peaks of risk in June and September of 2009, while there was only one small peak in June in 2010 as the number of detected positive transmission sites dropped dramatically that year thanks to improved mollusciciding. River ports were found to be areas of particular risk, but ferry terminals and other centres of river-related activities were also problematic.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results confirm that the surveillance system can be rapidly updated and easily maintained, which proves the Google Earth approach to be a user-friendly, inexpensive warning system for schistosomiasis risk.</p

    Tolerancija imobiliziranih stanica kvasca prema ionskim tekućinama na bazi imidazola

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    Ionic liquids (ILs) are considered as another ’green solvent’, after the supercritical carbon dioxide. They are a promising reaction medium for biocatalysis process. The tolerance of active cells in hydrophobic imidazolium-based ILs (1-R-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate, [RMim][PF6]) has been studied in this work. Calcium-alginate-entrapped baker’s yeast has been chosen as the model of living cells. The results show that this kind of ILs possess a certain degree of biocompatibility. The tolerance of yeast cells to the ILs decreases with the increase of the R chain length of these ILs. The experiment indicated that 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([BMim][PF6]) possessed excellent biocompatibility compared to the other imidazolium-based ILs. The moisture content in the ILs was the key factor that affected the tolerance. The activity retention of yeast cells pretreated with [BMim][PF6] saturated with water and aqueous [BMim][PF6] biphasic system was about 70 %, but it was only 50 % with the anhydrous [BMim][PF6]. Although the yeast cells were pretreated with [BMim][PF6] for 24 h, the activity retention was up to 45 %. The yeast cells had around 50 % activity after being pretreated 4 times with [BMim][PF6]. This shows that the water immiscible ILs possess good biocompatibility, and they are suitable for application as the reaction medium catalyzed by living cells.Ionske tekućine, a i superkritični ugljikov dioksid, smatraju se ekološki prihvatljivim otapalima. Mogu se upotrijebiti kao reagens u biokatalitičkim reakcijama. U ovom je radu ispitana tolerancija aktivnih stanica kvasca prema hidrofobnim ionskim tekućinama na bazi imidazola (1-R-3-metilimidazolijev heksafluorofosfat, [RMim][PF6]). Kao model živih stanica upotrijebljene su stanice pekarskog kvasca imobilizirane u kalcijevom alginatu. Rezultati su pokazali da ispitane ionske tekućine imaju određeni stupanj biokompatibilnosti. Tolerancija stanica kvasca prema ispitanim tekućinama smanjivala se s porastom duljine alkilnog lanca (R). Utvrđeno je da 1-butil-3-metilimidazolijev heksafluorofosfat ([BMim][PF6]), u usporedbi s drugim ionskim tekućinama na bazi imidazola, ima odličnu biokompatibilnost. Pri tome važnu ulogu ima udio vode u ionskoj tekućini. Stanice kvasca obrađene s [BMim][PF6] zasićenim vodom ili s vodenim dvofaznim sustavom [BMim][PF6] zadržale su i do 70 % svoje aktivnosti, a one tretirane s bezvodnim [BMim][PF6] imale su samo 50 %-tnu aktivnost. Stanice su kvasca čak i nakon 24-satne obrade s [BMim][PF6] zadržale do 45 % aktivnosti. Nakon 4 tretmana s [BMim][PF6] stanice su i dalje zadržale aktivnost od otprilike 50 %. To potvrđuje da ionske tekućine koje se miješaju s vodom imaju dobru biokompatibilnost i da se mogu primijeniti kao reagens u reakcijama kataliziranima s pomoću živih stanica kvasca

    Two band gap field-dependent thermal conductivity of MgB2MgB_2

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    The thermal conductivity κ(H,T)\kappa (H,T) of the new superconductor MgB2MgB_2 was studied as a function of the temperature and a magnetic field. No anomaly in the thermal conductivity κ(H,T)\kappa (H,T) is observed around the superconducting transition in absence or presence of magnetic fields up to 14 Tesla; upon that field the superconductivity of MgB2MgB_2 persisted. The thermal conductivity in zero-field shows a TT-linear increase up to 50K. The thermal conductivity is found to increase with increasing field at high fields. We interpret the findings as if there are two subsystems of quasiparticles with different field-dependent characters in a two (LL and SS)-band superconductor reacting differently with the vortex structure. The unusual enhancement of κ(H,T)\kappa (H ,T) at low temperature but higher than a (Hc2S3TH_{c2S}\simeq 3T) critical field is interpreted as a result of the overlap of the low energy states outside the vortex cores in the SS-band.Comment: 6 pages,3 figure