29 research outputs found


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    Active oblique to strike-slip faults were identified in southern Thrace (northeastern Greece), on the basis of field observations, geological mapping, analysis of geometrical and dynamic characteristics of recent tectonic structures as well as evaluation of their seismic potential. The seismic activity refers mainly to strong earthquakes occurring under the sea, while a minor number of seismic epicenters have been registered on land. According to the historic and recent data, most seismic destructions in this region are due to the influence of the North Anatolian Fault and North Aegean Trough system. The diachronic activity of several faults and the changes in the movement type from clearly normal to oblique-normal or strike-slip, have left clear signs on the existing polished fault planes. Among the numerous faults determined in Thrace, some of them can be characterized as active, according to their geological and morphotectonic characteristics. Taking in to account the faults length, the specific seismotectonic conditions prevailing over the Hellenic territory and the existed empirical relationships, the maximum displacement in case of seismic reactivation was estimated

    The Athens-Corinth highway and railway crossing a tectonically active area in Greece

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    Panorama of the finish of the interstate eights on the Parramatta River, Sydney, 1922 [picture] /

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    Title devised by cataloguer from acquisition documentation.; Part of collection: Enemark collection of panoramic photographs.; Also available online at: http://nla.gov.au/nla.pic-vn6157330

    Les formations néogènes lacustres de l'Attique du Nord -Béotie : stratigraphie, palynologie et tectonique

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    The stratigraphical-structural framework of Kalamos-Malakassa basin was the result of the intense vertical mouvements occured since Lower Miocene followed by an uplift of its southern part. The following series were distinguished : The Kalamos-Malakassa and Schimatari series, wich consist the lower members of the neogene basin comprised of lacustrine deposits with lignitic intercalations. The Chalkoutsi-Dilessi and Oropos series wich are the lateral transitional phases of the Schimatari and the Kalamos-Malakassa formations respectively. The above mentioned series were affected by four tectonic phases, which are the following : -an initial extentional phase -a compressional phase of NE-SW orientation -an extensional phase of pliocene age having a NE direction. -an extensional phase of quaternary age with a N-S direction.Le cadre stratigraphique et structural du bassin de Kalamos-Malakassa est le résultat d'intenses mouvements verticaux dès le Miocène inférieur suivis par un soulèvement de sa partie Sud. Nous avons pu distinguer les séries suivantes : Les séries de Kalamos-Malakassa et de Schimatari, qui sont les membres inférieurs du bassin néogène. Il s'agit des dépôts lacustres contenant des couches ligniteuses. Les séries de Chalkoutsi-Dilessi et d'Oropos, sont le passage latéral des formations de Schimatari et de Kalamos-Malakassa respectivement. Ces formations sont affectées des phases tectoniques suivantes : -une première phase extensive -une phase compressive orientée environ NE-SW -une phase distensive d'âge pliocène à direction d'extension NE-SW. -une phase distensive d ' âge quaternaire à direction d 'allongement N-S .Mettos A., Ioakim Chryssanthi, Rondoyanni Th. Les formations néogènes lacustres de l'Attique du Nord -Béotie : stratigraphie, palynologie et tectonique. In: Géologie Méditerranéenne. Tome 12-13, numéro 3-4, 1985. pp. 167-174