287 research outputs found

    Adrenocortical neoplasia: evolving concepts in tumorigenesis with an emphasis on adrenal cortical carcinoma variants

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    Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a rare, heterogeneous malignancy with a poor prognosis. According to WHO classification 2004, ACC variants include oncocytic ACCs, myxoid ACCs and ACCs with sarcomatous areas. Herein, we provide a comprehensive review of these rare subtypes of adrenocortical malignancy and emphasize their clinicopathological features with the aim of elucidating aspects of diagnostic categorization, differential diagnostics and biological behavior. The issue of current terminology, applied to biphasic tumors with pleomorphic, sarcomatous or sarcomatoid elements arising in adrenal cortex, is also discussed. We additionally present emerging evidence concerning the adrenal cortical tumorigenesis and the putative adenoma–carcinoma sequence as well

    Asymptomatic lipofibroadenoma in a 17-year-old male:a case report and literature review of a rare entity

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    Background: The most common thymic tumours, thymomas, are derived from thymic epithelium and are generally low-grade neoplasm. Frankly malignant tumours, thymic carcinomas are rarer still. Exceedingly rare thymic tumours contain a mesenchymal tissue component such as fibrous connective tissue and/or mature fat. Lipofibroadenoma (LFA) is a very rare mixed epithelial-mesenchymal thymic tumour, included in the category of thymic epithelial tumors. LFA in addition to a mature adipocytic component, contains variable epithelial and mesenchymal tissue components. Owing to the presence of an epithelial component in LFA, this entity, in contrast to thymolipoma, is included in the World Health Organization (WHO) category of thymic epithelial neoplasm. Currently only 12 LFA cases have been described. The 12 previously reported cases all behaved in a benign fashion, although four cases were associated with a conventional type of thymoma. We here present a new, 13th, case of LFA. Case Description: The LFA was discovered incidentally in a previously healthy 17-year-old male after investigations for suspected pneumonia. On imaging a mass was discovered in the anterior mediastinum which was subsequently surgically removed. The resected tumour was extensively investigated, including the first instance of full molecular analysis of this rare entity and all available literature on LFA was sourced to provide a comprehensive overview. The histology of this LFA was similar to previously described cases. No gene mutations or rearrangements were identified. The patient made an uneventful recovery and after 13 months of follow-up remained well. Conclusions: An additional, 13th case of LFA is presented. Based on the available literature it appears that LFA may be considered a benign composite thymic tumour, although the combination of an additional conventional thymoma component may warrant closer follow-up.</p

    Effect of oxygen on the expression of hypoxia-inducible factors in human fetal lung explants

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    Background: Fetal lung development requires proper coordination between lung epithelial and vascular morphogenesis. A major determinant in lung vascular development is vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which is regulated by hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs). VEGF is expressed in the airway epithelium, while its receptors (VEGFRs) are expressed in the pulmonary mesenchyme. The hypoxic environment in utero is beneficial for fetal organogenesis, especially vascular development. However, little is known about the expression of HIFs and VEGFR-2 in the human fetal lung in vitro. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of hypoxia on fetal lung morphology and mRNA expression of VEGF, VEGFR-2, HIF-2α, and HIF-3α. Methods: An explant culture technique was used to study the effects of normoxic and hypoxic conditions on human fetal lung. Results: The morphology remained largely unchanged in explants cultured under hypoxic or normoxic conditions. Quantitative RT-PCR showed that the mRNA expression of VEGF-A, but not VEGFR-2 is upregulated in explants cultured at 1.5% compared with 21% oxygen. We observed a nonsignificant increase in HIF-2α and HIF-3α mRNA expression in explants cultured at 1.5% oxygen. These data suggest that the mRNA expression of VEGF, and possibly HIF-2α and HIF-3α, is regulated by hypoxia in the developing human lung. Conclusion: This lung explant culture model appears to be a valuable model to unravel the molecular mechanisms of human lung development

    Renal Tumors of Childhood—A Histopathologic Pattern-Based Diagnostic Approach

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    Renal tumors comprise approximately 7% of all malignant pediatric tumors. This is a highly heterogeneous group of tumors, each with its own therapeutic management, outcome, and association with germline predispositions. Histopathology is the key in establishing the correct diagnosis, and therefore pathologists with expertise in pediatric oncology are needed for dealing with these rare tumors. While each tumor shows different histologic features, they do have considerable overlap in cell type and histologic pattern, making the diagnosis difficult to establish, if based on routine histology alone. To this end, ancillary techniques, such as immunohistochemistry and molecular analysis, can be of great importance for the correct diagnosis, resulting in appropriate treatment. To use ancillary techniques cost-effectively, we propose a pattern-based approach and provide recommendations to aid in deciding which panel of antibodies, supplemented by molecular characterization of a subset of genes, are required

    Somatic, Genetic and Epigenetic Changes in Nephrogenic Rests and Their Role in the Transformation to Wilms Tumors, a Systematic Review

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    Objective: To review somatic genetic changes in nephrogenic rests (NR), which are considered to be precursor lesions of Wilms tumors (WT). Methods: This systematic review is written according to the PRISMA statement. PubMed and EMBASE were systematically searched for articles in the English language studying somatic genetic changes in NR between 1990 and 2022. Results: Twenty-three studies were included in this review, describing 221 NR of which 119 were pairs of NR and WT. Single gene studies showed mutations in WT1 and WTX, but not CTNNB1 to occur in both NR and WT. Studies investigating chromosomal changes showed loss of heterozygosity of 11p13 and 11p15 to occur in both NR and WT, but loss of 7p and 16q occurred in WT only. Methylome-based studies found differential methylation patterns between NR, WT, and normal kidney (NK). Conclusions: Over a 30-year time frame, few studies have addressed genetic changes in NR, likely hampered by technical and practical limitations. A limited number of genes and chromosomal regions have been implicated in the early pathogenesis of WT, exemplified by their occurrence in NR, including WT1, WTX, and genes located at 11p15. Further studies of NR and corresponding WT are urgently needed

    Cancer-prone syndrome of mosaic variegated aneuploidy and total premature chromatid separation: Report of five infants

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    Five infants (two girls and three boys) from four families all had severe pre- and post-natal growth retardation, profound developmental delay, microcephaly, hypoplasia of the brain with Dandy-Walker complex or other posterior fossa malformations, and developed uncontrollable clonic seizures. Four infants developed Wilms tumors, and one showed cystic lesions in bilateral kidneys. All five infants showed variegated mosaic aneuploidy in cultured lymphocytes. In two infants whose chromosomes were prepared by us, 48.5%-83.2% lymphocytes showed total premature chromatid separation (PCS). Their parents had 3.5%-41.7% of their lymphocytes in total PCS. The remaining three infants and their parents, whose chromosomes were prepared at outside laboratories, tended to show lower frequencies of total PCS. Another five infants reported with the disorder were reviewed together with the five infants we described. Together, their clinical and cytogenetic manifestations were similar enough to suggest a syndrome. Seven of the 10 infants developed proven or probable Wilms tumors. The age at diagnosis of the tumors was younger than usual at 2-16 months. The tumors were bilateral in four infants and unilateral in three infants, and cystic changes were present in six infants. Two infants developed botryoid rhabdomyosarcoma. The carriers of the syndrome are thus liable to tumorigenesis. The possible role of mitotic checkpoint defects, proven in two infants with the syndrome (Matsuura et al. [2000: Am J Hum Genet 69:483-486]), was discussed in connection with tumor development and progression

    Refractory Stage M Ganglioneuroblastoma With Bone Metastases and a Favorable, Chronic Course of Disease:Description of a Patient Cohort

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    Refractory stage M neuroblastoma (NB) is associated with a poor prognosis and a progressive course of disease. Here, we describe a unique group of patients with a discrepant clinical course. Seven histologically confirmed ganglioneuroblastoma (GNB) (n=6) and differentiating NB (n=1) patients were identified who were diagnosed with stage M disease based on iodine-123-metaiodobenzylguanidine avid bone metastases. Six patients started on high-risk treatment, without tumor response (stable disease). Treatment was discontinued before the start of consolidation treatment because of refractory response in all patients. Unexpectedly, after cessation of treatment no progression of disease occurred. In 2 patients, the primary tumors expanded (>25%) very slowly during 1.5 and 3 years, and remained stable thereafter. Metabolically, a slow decrease of urinary homovanillic acid and vanillylmandelic acid levels and iodine-123-metaiodobenzylguanidine avidity was observed. All patients are alive with presence of metastatic disease after a median follow-up of 17 years (range: 6.7 to 27 y). Interestingly, at diagnosis, 6 patients were asymptomatic, 6 patients had GNB morphology, and 5 patients had meningeal metastases. These are all features seen in only a small minority of stage M patients. This GNB entity illustrates the clinical heterogeneity of neuroblastic tumors and can be used to further study the developmental origin of different NB subtypes

    Small Cell Carcinoma of the Ovary, Hypercalcemic Type (SCCOHT):Patient Characteristics, Treatment, and Outcome—A Systematic Review

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    Background: Small-cell carcinoma of the ovary, hypercalcemic type (SCCOHT) is a rare aggressive ovarian malignancy mainly affecting children, adolescents, and young adults. Since the discovery of mutations in the SMARCA4 gene in 2014, SCCOHT has become the subject of extensive investigation. However, international uniform treatment guidelines for SCCOHT are lacking and the outcome remains poor. The aim of this systematic review is to generate an overview of all reported patients with SCCOHT from 1990 onwards, describing the clinical presentation, genetic characteristics, treatment, and outcome. Methods: A systematic search was performed in the databases Embase, Medline, Web of Science, and Cochrane for studies that focus on SCCOHT. Patient characteristics and treatment data were extracted from the included studies. Survival was estimated using Kaplan–Meier’s methodology. To assess the difference between survival, the log-rank test was used. To quantify the effect of the FIGO stage, the Cox proportional hazard regression model was estimated. The chi-squared test was used to study the association between the FIGO stage and the surgical procedures. Results: Sixty-seven studies describing a total of 306 patients were included. The median patient age was 25 years (range 1–60 years). The patients mostly presented with non-specific symptoms such as abdominal pain and sometimes showed hypercalcemia and elevated CA-125. A great diversity in the diagnostic work-up and therapeutic approaches was reported. The chemotherapy regimens were very diverse, all containing a platinum-based (cisplatin or carboplatin) backbone. Survival was strongly associated with the FIGO stage at diagnosis. Conclusions: SCCOHT is a rare and aggressive ovarian cancer, with a poor prognosis, and information on adequate treatment for this cancer is lacking. The testing of mutations in SMARCA4 is crucial for an accurate diagnosis and may lead to new treatment options. Harmonization and international collaboration to obtain high-quality data on diagnostic investigations, treatment, and outcome are warranted to be able to develop international treatment guidelines to improve the survival chances of young women with SCCOHT.</p

    Clinical and Molecular Characteristics and Outcome of Cystic Partially Differentiated Nephroblastoma and Cystic Nephroma: A Narrative Review of the Literature

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    In children presenting with a predominantly cystic renal tumor, the most likely diagnoses include cystic partially differentiated nephroblastoma (CPDN) and cystic nephroma (CN). Both entities are rare and limited information on the clinical and molecular characteristics, treatment, and outcome is available since large cohort studies are lacking. We performed an extensive literature review, in which we identified 113 CPDN and 167 CN. The median age at presentation for CPDN and CN was 12 months (range: 3 weeks–4 years) and 16 months (prenatal diagnosis–16 years), respectively. No patients presented with metastatic disease. Bilateral disease occurred in both entities. Surgery was the main treatment for both. Two/113 CPDN patients and 26/167 CN patients had previous, concomitant, or subsequent other tumors. Unlike CPDN, CN was strongly associated with somatic (n = 27/29) and germline (n = 12/12) DICER1-mutations. Four CPDN patients and one CN patient relapsed. Death was reported in six/103 patients with CPDN and six/118 CN patients, none directly due to disease. In conclusion, children with CPDN and CN are young, do not present with metastases, and have an excellent outcome. Awareness of concomitant or subsequent tumors and genetic testing is important. International registration of cystic renal tumor cohorts is required to enable a better understanding of clinical and genetic characteristics
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