15 research outputs found

    Facing changes and changing faces in adolescence: A new model for investigating adolescent-specific interactions between pubertal, brain and behavioral development

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    <p>Adolescence is a time of dramatic physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes as well as a time for the development of many social–emotional problems. These characteristics raise compelling questions about accompanying neural changes that are unique to this period of development. Here, we propose that studying adolescent-specific changes in <em>face processing</em> and its underlying neural circuitry provides an ideal model for addressing these questions. We also use this model to formulate new hypotheses. Specifically, pubertal hormones are likely to increase motivation to master new peer-oriented developmental tasks, which will in turn, instigate the <em>emergence of new social/affective components of face processing.</em> We also predict that pubertal hormones have a fundamental impact on the re-organization of neural circuitry supporting face processing and propose, in particular, that, the <em>functional connectivity,</em> or temporal synchrony, between regions of the face-processing network will change with the emergence of these new components of face processing in adolescence. Finally, we show how this approach will help reveal why adolescence may be a period of vulnerability in brain development and suggest how it could lead to prevention and intervention strategies that facilitate more adaptive functional interactions between regions within the broader social information processing network.</p

    Tanner Stage and surface area.

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    <p>A.) Main effect of Tanner Stage Δ on rate of change in surface area (mm<sup>2</sup>/yr) in the left precuneus. Plot reflects the raw data with the fit line of the main effect; dotted line reflects no change, with negative values (below line) reflecting larger decreases in surface area. B.) Tanner Stage Δ-by-sex interaction seen for rate of change in surface area (mm<sup>2</sup>/yr) in the right banks of the superior temporal sulcus. Plot reflects raw data with the fit lines of the interaction effect; blue line = boys; pink line = girls; negative values reflecting larger decreases in surface area.</p

    Estradiol and thickness in girls.

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    <p>Main effect of E<sub>2</sub> Δ on cortical rate of change in thickness (mm/year) in the left superior temporal gyrus. Plot reflects the raw data with the fit line of the main effect; dotted line reflects no change, with negative values (below line) reflecting thinning.</p

    A Longitudinal Study: Changes in Cortical Thickness and Surface Area during Pubertal Maturation

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    <div><p>Sex hormones have been shown to contribute to the organization and function of the brain during puberty and adolescence. Moreover, it has been suggested that distinct hormone changes in girls versus boys may contribute to the emergence of sex differences in internalizing and externalizing behavior during adolescence. In the current longitudinal study, the influence of <i>within-subject</i> changes in puberty (physical and hormonal) on cortical thickness and surface area was examined across a 2-year span, while controlling for age. Greater increases in Tanner Stage predicted less superior frontal thinning and decreases in precuneus surface area in both sexes. Significant Tanner Stage and sex interactions were also seen, with less right superior temporal thinning in girls but not boys, as well as greater decreases in the right bank of the superior temporal sulcus surface area in boys compared to girls. In addition, within-subject changes in testosterone over the 2-year follow-up period were found to relate to decreases in middle superior frontal surface area in boys, but increases in surface area in girls. Lastly, larger increases in estradiol in girls predicted greater middle temporal lobe thinning. These results show that <i>within-subject</i> physical and hormonal markers of puberty relate to region and sex-specific changes in cortical development across adolescence.</p></div

    Testosterone and surface area.

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    <p>T Δ-by-sex interaction seen for rate of change in surface area (mm<sup>2</sup>/yr) in the right medial superior frontal cortex. Plot reflects raw data with the fit lines of the; blue line = boys; pink line = girls; dotted line reflects no change, with positive values (above line) reflecting larger increases and negative values (below line) reflecting larger decreases in surface area.</p

    Puberty measurements in boys and girls.

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    <p>Values represent mean and standard deviation</p><p>*Denotes n = 32 for surface area</p><p>Puberty measurements in boys and girls.</p

    Table_1_Age-Related Developmental and Individual Differences in the Influence of Social and Non-social Distractors on Cognitive Performance.PDF

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    <p>This study sought to examine age-related differences in the influences of social (neutral, emotional faces) and non-social/non-emotional (shapes) distractor stimuli in children, adolescents, and adults. To assess the degree to which distractor, or task-irrelevant, stimuli of varying social and emotional salience interfere with cognitive performance, children (N = 12; 8–12y), adolescents (N = 17; 13–17y), and adults (N = 17; 18–52y) completed the Emotional Identification and Dynamic Faces (EIDF) task. This task included three types of dynamically-changing distractors: (1) neutral-social (neutral face changing into another face); (2) emotional-social (face changing from 0% emotional to 100% emotional); and (3) non-social/non-emotional (shapes changing from small to large) to index the influence of task-irrelevant social and emotional information on cognition. Results yielded no age-related differences in accuracy but showed an age-related linear reduction in correct reaction times across distractor conditions. An age-related effect in interference was observed, such that children and adults showed slower response times on correct trials with socially-salient distractors; whereas adolescents exhibited faster responses on trials with distractors that included faces rather than shapes. A secondary study goal was to explore individual differences in cognitive interference. Results suggested that regardless of age, low trait anxiety and high effortful control were associated with interference to angry faces. Implications for developmental differences in affective processing, notably the importance of considering the contexts in which purportedly irrelevant social and emotional information might impair, vs. improve cognitive control, are discussed.</p

    Tanner Stage and thickness.

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    <p>A.) Main effect of Tanner Stage Δ on average thickness (mm) in the left cuneus. Plot reflects the raw data with the fit line of the main effect. B) Main effect of Tanner Stage Δ on rate of change in thickness (mm/year) in the right superior frontal gyrus. Plot reflects the raw data with the fit line of the main effect. C.) Tanner Stage Δ-by-sex interactions seen for rate of change in thickness (mm/year) in the right superior temporal gyrus. Plot reflects raw data with the fit lines of the interaction effect; blue line = boys; pink line = girls. In B & C plots the dotted line reflects no change, with positive values (above line) reflecting growth and negative values (below line) reflecting thinning.</p

    Results from correlating TES levels with thickness, independent of age in boys and girls.

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    <p>Top of figure shows results of analysis in boys. Bottom of figure shows results of analysis in girls. Left side of figure shows results from the left hemisphere. Green circles indicate regions that survive correction for multiple comparisons using false discovery rate (FDR). Regions surviving FDR correction in boys include the right lingual gyrus. Regions surviving FDR correction in girls include the left inferior parietal lobule, calcarine sulcus, right middle temporal gyrus and lingual gyrus.</p

    Demographic characteristics of 85 normally developing adolescents, by sex.

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    <p>Demographics from 85 participating adolescent boys and girls. Demographics are tabulated for girls (TOP) and boys (MIDDLE) as data from each sex was analyzed separately in some statistical tests. Sex differences (BOTTOM) in key demographics of participating boys and girls are tabulated. A one-tailed, two-independent sample t-test was used to calculate sex differences in TS. Two-tailed, two-independent sample t-tests were used to calculate sex differences in age and circulating testosterone.</p>*<p>denotes significance (p<0.05).</p